
The National Park Service cares for over 400 parks, historic sites, seashores, trails, and more. It also preserves and protects powerful places - the physical memory of our nation's civil right's history. Other important places include those listed in the National Register of Historic Places and designated as National Historic Landmarks.

Many places on the National Register are affiliated with the history of the Civil Rights Movement. This travel itinerary offers information about how to explore – digitally or in person – places of civil rights.

Civil Rights Places

Showing results 1-10 of 388

  • Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site

    Paul Laurence Dunbar High School

    • Locations: Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site
    Paul Laurence Dunbar High School (now Middle School) in Little Rock

    When it was built in 1929, Paul Laurence Dunbar High School in Little Rock was the most modern and complete high school constructed for African Americans in the state. It became known as "The Finest High School for Negro Boys and Girls in Arkansas."

  • Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site

    Philander Smith College and the 1957 Crisis

    • Locations: Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site
    President Clinton and members of the Little Rock Nine at a Philander Smith commemorative service.

    In 1957, Little Rock’s Philander Smith College, an historically black college, opened its doors to the “Little Rock Nine” to help them prepare for their first days as students at Central High School. Barred from entering the all-white high school by order of the governor, the students struggled to keep from falling behind in their coursework, aided by Philander Smith College faculty members.

    • Locations: Boston National Historical Park, Boston African American National Historic Site
    freestanding 3-story residence with yellow siding

    When Thomas Aves's daughter came from New Orleans to visit him at his residence at 21 Pinckney Street, she brought an enslaved girl named Med. Med became the center of a 1836 court case that ruled in favor of freeing enslaved people brought to a free state.

  • Boston National Historical Park

    Site of MAOFESW Office

    • Locations: Boston National Historical Park
    1895 atlas map of Boston: Boston proper and Roxbury.

    Established in 1895, the Massachusetts Association Opposed to the Further Extension of Suffrage to Women (MAOFESW) served as one of the most influential anti-suffrage organizations in the country.

  • Boston African American National Historic Site

    Boston African American National Historic Site

    • Locations: Boston African American National Historic Site
    bronze relief of a soldier on horseback with other soldiers marching

    Boston African American National Historic Site works with the Museum of African American History to preserve and interpret the inspiring history of the free black community in antebellum Boston.

  • Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site

    Home of Daisy and L.C. Bates

    • Locations: Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site
    The home of civil rights leaders, Daisy and L.C. Bates

    The Daisy and L.C. Bates Home is nationally significant for its role as the de facto command post during the Central High School desegregation crisis in Little Rock, Arkansas.

  • Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site

    Little Rock Central High School

    • Locations: Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site
    Little Rock Central High School

    Little Rock Central High School, a functioning 9th - 12th grade facility, is a combined Collegiate Gothic and Art Deco style building that covers much of two city blocks and contains over 150,000 square feet. The school is closed to the public.

    • Locations: Brown v. Board of Education National Historical Park, Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site
    Little Rock Central High School

    At Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site in Arkansas, exhibits tell the story of those times, and interactive oral history stations give you a chance to hear the people who were there tell the story in their own words.

  • Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site

    Elizabeth Eckford Bus Bench

    • Locations: Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site
    The Elizabeth Eckford Bus Bench, an outdoor contemplative exhibit by Central High School

    The Elizabeth Eckford Bus Bench, located on the northeast corner of S. Park Street and 16th Street, is a replica from the 1957 desegregation crisis and a place for contemplative reflection.

    • Locations: Boston National Historical Park, Boston African American National Historic Site
    Charles Street brick townhouse with historical plaque and large window storefront.

    Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin's 103 Charles Street home served as the center for the Woman's Era Club of Boston. A primarily Black women's club, the Woman’s Era Club focused on both the intellectual engagement of its members as well as the social needs of its community.

Last updated: February 20, 2025


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