Monitoring Rivers and Streams

The Yukon River winds through the uplands.
The Yukon River winds through the uplands of Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve.

Streams and rivers are fundamental components of nearly every mountain park, and their ecology is both intimately linked to and reflective of the watersheds they drain. A defining feature of streams and rivers is their dependence on the landscape for inputs of energy and nutrients; streams integrate all systems within a landscape.

Streams also support a broad spectrum of ecological services, including wildlife habitat, nutrient processing, hydrologic cycling, and multiple socioeconomic functions for humans (e.g., water sources, fisheries, recreation). Since streams are typically sensitive to stressors at both local and landscape scales, they are one of the most useful types of ecosystems for long-term ecological monitoring.

Learn more about mountain streams

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Last updated: January 11, 2022