IntroductionThe Superintendent’s Compendium is a compilation of Designations, Closures, Requests, Requirements, and other Restrictions imposed under the discretionary authority of the Superintendent. The following regulatory provisions are established for the proper management, protection, government, and public use of Reconstruction Era National Historical Park under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service. These are in accordance with regulations and the delegated authority provided in Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 1, Parts 1 through 7, authorized by Title 16, United States Code, Section 3. Unless otherwise stated, these regulatory provisions apply in addition to the requirements contained in 36 CFR, Chapter 1. Click on the link to visit 36 CFR, Chapter 1: eCFR :: 36 CFR Chapter I -- National Park Service, Department of the Interior Written determinations, which explain the reasoning behind the Superintendent’s use of discretionary authority, are required by Section 1.5(c) and appear in this document in italicized print. Supplemental RegulationsPart 1 — General Provisions
36 CFR § 1.5(I) -Closures and Public Use Limits1. During emergency conditions, the park or affected park areas may be closed temporarily by the superintendent or his/her designee without prior public notice. This includes any closure required for emergency or other park operations that could impact visitor safety. 2. Hours of Operation: a) The Visitor Center (706 Craven Street Beaufort, SC) is open Sunday through Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The Visitor Center is closed Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day. 3. Administrative and maintenance areas are closed to the public. 4. Launching, landing, or operating an unmanned aircraft from or on lands or waters administered by the National Park Service within the boundaries of Reconstruction Era National Historical Park is prohibited except as approved in writing by the Superintendent. Definition of the term “unmanned aircraft”: a device that is used or intended to be used for flight in the air without the possibility of direct human intervention from within or on the device, and the associated operational elements and components that are required for pilot or system operator in command to operate or control the device (such as cameras, sensors, communication links). This term includes all types of devices that meet this definition (e.g., model airplanes, quadcopters, drones) that are used for any purpose, including for recreation or commerce. This closure is necessary to maintain public safety, protect the park’s wildlife, and to preserve the cultural resources of the park. Due to the significant historical events which took place on the historical landscape, any less restrictive measures would interfere with visitor’s opportunity to understand the significance of the park and would be inconsistent with the purpose for which the park was established and is being managed. 5. Recreational activities such as kite-flying, ball-playing, sunbathing, rocket-flying, frisbee, golfing, use of golf carts off designated roadways, and similar activities are prohibited in all areas of Reconstruction Era National Historical Park. Those recreational uses not permitted conflict with the legislated purpose of the park, detract from the historic scene, and contribute to the destruction of the historic fabric of the park. 6. Picnicking is authorized at the picnic tables adjacent to the parking lot at Darrah Hall and designated picnic areas. Fire-pits and grills are not allowed. Due to the historic nature of these areas and in accordance with NPS Management Policies, it has been determined that picnicking activities in any other locations than designated areas would be inconsistent with the purpose for which these areas were established and are to be managed. Use of fire-pits and grills present an unnecessary fire risk to natural and cultural resources. 7. Food and beverages are prohibited in all public areas of buildings. It has been determined that damage from spilled food or beverages pose an unacceptable risk to the historic fabric of the structures, the historic objects on display, and visitor satisfaction with the facilities. 8. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited from public consumption, display, or possession, including beer and wine, except where specifically authorized by the National Park Service. Alcohol-use at Reconstruction Era National Historical Park is inconsistent with the purpose for which the area was established. This restriction is consistent with that of South Carolina State Parks. 9. Camping and overnight sleeping is prohibited in all areas, except in conjunction with an organized and approved activity, Living History presentations, or an approved service group completing a park- related project. Reconstruction Era National Historical Park does not contain any facilities appropriate for recreational camping. Camping would create unnecessary risk to the cultural and natural resources of the park. 10. Idling is prohibited in parking lots of developed areas. The noise and fumes caused by these engines severely impacts the natural and historic experiences sought by many visitors. 11. Geocaching and similar recreational activities (e.g., letterboxing) are not authorized in the park. Geocaching and similar recreational activities (e.g., letterboxing) are treasure hunt activities that involve hiding a container and then navigating to that container using a GPS device. The container is typically filled with trinkets or other small items of value that the treasure hunter swaps out for a trinket of his/her own. Geocaching is in violation of the abandoned property regulations found in 36 CFR §2.22. Additionally, geocaches are typically involve hidden and activities such as digging or camouflaging with natural materials. 36 CFR § 1.6 — PermitsThe following activities require a permit from the Superintendent:
§5.5 Commercial filming, still photography, and audio recording: a) Commercial filming and still photography activities are subject to the provisions of 43 CFR Part 5. All commercial filming requires a permit. Still photography does not require a permit unless:
b) Audio recording does not require a permit unless:
Justification: An application for a permit should be submitted to the Superintendent or his/her designee during normal business hours and within a time frame that is sufficient for an informed decision to be made. Permits that are not submitted within a sufficient time frame will be denied. Certain activities require permits issued by the Superintendent to ensure such activities are conducted in compliance with applicable regulations. Permits will be considered for authorization when the activity is determined is determined to be appropriate for the purpose for which the park was established and can be sustained without the causing unacceptable impacts. Permits are required when the agency would incur costs for providing on-site management and oversight to protect agency resources or minimize visitor use conflict. Part 2 - Resource Protection, Public Use and RecreationThe Superintendent may designate certain fruits, berries, nuts, or unoccupied seashells that may be collected. The Superintendent may limit the size and the quantity of the natural product to be collected; the location where the natural products may be gathered; and restrict the possession or consumption of the natural products to the park area. The following fruits, nuts, or berries may be gathered by hand for personal use or consumption (Ref. 36 CFR §2.1(c)(1)):
Limitations imposed are required to balance the visitor experience and the natural ecosystem. 36 CFR § 2.2 - Wildlife Protection1. Hunting and trapping are prohibited at Reconstruction Era National Historical Park. 2. Use of artificial light for wildlife viewing is not allowed at Reconstruction Era National Historical Park. Park-sponsored programming is exempt from this regulation as is permitted scientific research. 36 CFR § 2.4 - Weapons, Traps and Net
36 CFR § 2.15(a)(1) – Pets
NOTE: “Pet” means dogs, cats, or any animal that has been domesticated. [36 CFR§1.4] This restriction of possessing a pet in park structures is necessary for the protection of cultural resources, minimization of visitor conflicts, visitor safety and the implementation of management responsibilities. 36 CFR § 2.20 – Skating, Skateboards and Similar DevicesUse of roller skates/inline skates, skateboards, roller skis, coasting vehicles or similar devices are prohibited in the park. The use of these devices creates a safety-hazard for both vehicle and pedestrians. Their use would also detract from the historical integrity of the park. 36 CFR § 2.21 – SmokingSmoking is prohibited in all areas of the park except for inside personal vehicles or within five feet of personal vehicles when parked in a paved or gravel parking lot. NOTE: Smoking is prohibited in all government owned or leased vehicles and vessels, including heavy equipment. Smoking, by definition, includes the carrying of lighted cigarettes, cigars or pipes, or the intentional and direct inhalation of smoke from these objects. This definition has been expanded to include electronic cigarettes and similar devices. On June 29, 2009, NPS Director’s Order #50D, Smoking Policy, was updated to bring NPS into compliance with Executive Order 13058. Park regulations have been updated to reflect the updated policy. Electronic cigarettes and similar devices are newer technology that is not specifically addressed by Executive Order 13058 or Director’s Order #50D. Until such time that service wide policy addresses this technology, electronic cigarettes and similar devices will be included as part of smoking regulations. This regulation protects employees and the public from environmental tobacco exposure. 36 CFR § 2.51 – DemonstrationsPermits and the small group permit exemption:
Freedom of speech, press, religion, and assembly are constitutional rights; however, the courts have recognized that activities associated with these rights may be reasonably regulated to protect legitimate government interests such as park resources. Therefore, to protect these resources, the NPS may regulate certain aspects of First Amendment activities including the time, place, and manner in which they are conducted. It is the conduct associated with the exercise of these rights that is regulated and not the content of the message. 36 CFR § 2.62 – MemorializationThe scattering of human ashes from cremation requires a permit which will be issued pursuant to the following conditions:
The disposal of human remains, and the associated remains are governed by state law due to legal, health and safety considerations and must be managed accordingly. Part 3 – Vehicles and Traffic Safety36 CFR § 4.21 – Speed Limits1. The Superintendent has established speed limit on unpaved park roads at Penn Center National Historic Landmark District. These speed limits have been established to maintain safety considerations for the visiting public and park staff. The maximum speed limit is five (5) miles per hour on all unpaved park roads at Penn Center National Historic Landmark District. 2. Parking is allowed only in designated parking areas at all park locations. Park roads are also used as walkways and speed limit/parking regulations support visitor and employee safety. 36 CFR § 4.21 – BicyclesThe Superintendent has determined that bicycle use is approved only on designated roads in the park. This approval extends to e-bikes. Definition of E-bikes: An e-bike is a two- or three-wheeled cycle with fully operable pedals and an electric motor of less than 750 watts (1 h.p.) that provides propulsion assistance. A Federal definition of “low speed electric bicycle” is included in the Consumer Product Safety Act. 1. Many States have adopted policies for regulating e-bikes consistent with this Federal definition, including in some cases a labeling requirement identifying an e-bike’s compliance with the following classifications:
Bicycles and e-bikes are not allowed in off road areas to protect the integrity of historic structures, cultural landscape, and natural resources. Designated First Amendment Gathering Area Map(See Part 2, Heading 36 CFR § 2.51 – Demonstrations) |
Last updated: January 7, 2025