Ranger-led Programs

A group of six people walk among rocks and tide-pools with a park ranger on a ranger-led program.
Tidepool Walk: Find volcano-shaped limpets, orange and purple ochre sea stars, and the "flower of the sea"—a giant green anemone!

NPS Collection

Be part of a national and state parks tradition! Park rangers and park guides lead a variety of seasonally available programs and activities throughout the parks that are free, informative, and fun for all ages and backgrounds.

General Program Information

  • Programs & Activities Schedule
    • Daily programs and activities are generally available from mid-May to mid-September. A schedule of when programs and activities are taking place are posted at visitor centers, and on campground bulletin boards.

  • Forest Walks (45 minutes to 1 hour)
    • Immerse yourself in the forest, shore, or prairielands. Join a park ranger for a down-to-earth exploration of the natural communities that contribute to one of the most diverse ecosystems on Earth. Come prepared: dress for the weather; bring drinking water and a snack; wear sturdy hiking shoes or boots.
  • Campfire Programs (1 hour)
    • As darkness descends on the North Coast, the Jedediah Smith, Mill Creek and Elk Prairie Campgrounds are ideal settings for an informative and inspiring night cap. Programs may include narrated slide shows, storytelling, and/or games. Campfire circles and outdoor amphitheaters are wheelchair accessible. Dress for cool summer evenings.
  • Guided Kayak Tours
    • For a limited time in summer, Redwood National and State Parks conducts kayak tours of the Smith River—a crown jewel of the National Wild & Scenic River System and the largest free-flowing river system in California. Led by experienced park rangers, visitors will explore a variety of topics, including the unique geology of the Smith River watershed and how it contributes to the growth of the world’s tallest trees, all while paddling pristine waters and enjoying unparalleled scenery. Learn more about kayak tours
  • Tidepool Walks (1-2 hours, as tides permit)
    • Get your hands (and feet!) wet while discovering delicate tidepool creatures. A park ranger will lead this investigation into the hidden world beneath the waves. Come prepared: dress for the weather; bring drinking water and a snack; wear sturdy hiking shoes or boots (no sandals!) with non-slip soles-they will get wet!
  • Junior Ranger Programs (1 hour)


Last updated: July 26, 2024

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Crescent City, CA 95531


707 464-6101

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