Wilderness Backpacking Permits are required for all overnight hikes, year-round. For the most up to date information on how to obtain a permit, visit our Wilderness Trip Planner page.
Note about human waste resource impacts: In the last few years there has been a rise in human feces left unburied within the park and wilderness. In order to keep this a pristine and enjoyable resource into the future:
Always use toilets when available
When beyond 1/4 mile of a privy - walk at least 70 steps (200 feet) away from water, trails, and campsites, & dig a hole 8 inches deep in soil (not sand) to bury your human waste. Pack out your toilet paper.
These conditions are updated as reported from visitors and staff and may not reflect the what you find in the field. Conditions can change quickly in this wilderness park.
Coastal Trail Conditions
Cannonball Island (Tskawahyah Island) is part of the Ozette Indian Reservation and is always closed to the public. Please respect this closure.
All food, garbage and scented items must be stored in park approved Bear Canisters at all times along the entire Olympic National Park Wilderness Coast.
Cryptosporidium and giardia exist in coastal streams and rivers. Always filter or boil water as Iodine and other chemical treatments are not an effective water treatment. Some streams may contain saltwater at high tide.
Coastal routes and stream crossings can be extremely difficult or impossible to traverse during high surf or heavy rain events. Always check weather and tides before attempting a coastal hike. Plan your trip in advance with a tide chart and topographic map with tidal markings.
Ropes on overland trails are not installed or maintained by the National Park Service. Use at your own risk.
Storms can bring high wind and surf, storm surges, and beach and trail erosion. Always check tides, weather & road conditions. Stock, wheeled devices, & pets are not allowed on coastal routes.
Headland routes are often muddy, brushy & slick. Headland markers/targets are sometimes missing or obscured by vegetation
At Shi Shi, the north toilet is located at the south end of the wooded campsites at the park boundary, the center toilet is located behind the large Petroleum Creek campsite & the south toilet is in the forest north of Willoughby Creek
The Ozette River must be forded. The crossing may be impossible in winter and can be hazardous year round at high tide and/or after heavy rain. It is recommended to ford at low tide
Loop including Ozette Ranger Station, Cape Alava & Sand Point
9 miles
No recent reports
Trail is in good condition overall. Some sections of the boardwalk are weak and extremely slippery if wet or frosted
Wedding Rocks camp area does not have a reliable water source. The closest water source is the creek near Cape Alava
The headland route just north of Sand Point, which must be used at high tides, is steep and treacherous and not advised. Ropes may be in place, but are not maintained by NPS and have been reported to be in poor condition.
Sand Point camp area south to Rialto Beach Parking Lot
17.3 miles
No recent reports
The headland routes, which must be used at high tides, are steep and treacherous. Ropes may be in place, but are not maintained by NPS and should be tested prior to use. The overland just south of Cedar Creek is has been reported as not advised since it is 60+ degree slope with high exposure.
Note that there are many tidal restrictions along this section of the coast that require advanced planning with a tide chart
All food, garbage and scented items must be stored in park approved Bear Canisters at all times along the entire Olympic National Park Wilderness Coast.
Cryptosporidium and giardia exist in coastal streams and rivers. Always filter or boil water as Iodine and other chemical treatments are not an effective water treatment. Some streams may contain saltwater at high tide.
Coastal routes and stream crossings can be extremely difficult or impossible to traverse during high surf or heavy rain events. Always check weather and tides before attempting a coastal hike. Plan your trip in advance with a tide chart and topographic map with tidal markings.
Ropes on overland trails are not installed or maintained by the National Park Service. Use at your own risk.
Storms can bring high wind and surf, storm surges, and beach and trail erosion. Always check tides, weather & road conditions. Stock, wheeled devices, & pets are not allowed on coastal routes.
Many trees down on the overland trail between Hoh Head and Mosquito Creek, some of which require scrambling over or crawling under. Budget more time for this section due to the number of trees you will encounter
The headland routes, which must be used at high tides, are steep and treacherous. Ropes may be in place, but are not maintained by NPS and should be tested prior to use
Goodman Creek, Falls Creek and Mosquito Creek must be forded. The crossings can be difficult or impossible at high tide or during periods of heavy rain
Note that there are many tidal restrictions along this section of the coast that require advanced planning with a tide chart
Northside Trail Conditions
The Elwha River Trail has reopened. Visitors are reminded that they are traveling through burned areas of the trail at their own risk and to be alert for falling trees/branches, trail damage, loose rocks, and windblown dust/ash. The Skyline Trail between Low Divide and Lake Beauty remains CLOSED
Due to a road washout, the Elwha area is closed to vehicle access beyond the Madison Falls parking area. This adds an additional 6.5 miles of hiking to the Whiskey Bend Trailhead and ~8 miles to the Boulder Creek Trailhead.
The Elwha River and its tributaries are closed to fishing
Trail has reopened between Hayes River and Chicago Camp. Visitors are reminded that they are entering fire damaged areas of the trail at their own risk and to be alert for the following hazards: falling trees and branches, trail damage, loose rocks, and windblown dust and ash
Expect to encounter several trees down on this trail, especially in the area between Hayes River and Chicago camp that was affected by fire in 2023
Creek crossings may be difficult or impossible, particularly in the winter through the early summer or during periods of high rainfall
~0.5 miles south of Hayes River jct. a 20' section of trail is being undercut by a landslide - proceed with caution
The Canyon Camp bear Wire is down. Be prepared to use a park-approved bear canister or hang your food 12 ft. high and 10 ft. out from the tree trunk.
Most established sites at Bogachiel Camp have eroded into the river. At low river levels, there is camp space on the river bar.
Trail is washed out between Flapjack and 15 Mile camp, navigation around the washout can be difficult
Creek & river crossings can become hazardous at any time due to heavy precipitation & seasonal snow melt
South Snider-Jackson Trail
Jct. Bogachiel River South Bank Trail to Hoh Road
10.0 miles
560' to 3200'
No recent report
The Bogachiel River must be forded. The ford regularly runs deep and can become hazardous at any time due to heavy precipitation and/or seasonal snow melt
Trail is not currently stock passable
The only water source on this trail is Tumwata Creek at the north terminus
Hoh River Trailhead is currently inaccessible due to a road washout, outside of the park boundary in Jefferson County, near mile marker 9. No vehicle or pedestrian traffic is allowed beyond this road closure until further notice.
No recent trail reports. Expect snow at higher elevations. Travel above Elk Lake in the winter typically requires an ice axe, crampons, and route finding skills.
Trail is muddy with standing water in sections, particularly near the start of the trail and around Mt. Tom Creek.
There are two challenging stream crossings just before the Olympus Guard Station campsites. The flow of these crossings can vary drastically from day to day and be highly influenced by rainfall. These have been reported to be impassible by visitors during periods of moderate-heavy rainfall. Check the local forecast before heading out, which can be found on our Weather Seasons & Forecast page.
Space on bear wires is limited during the busy summer season at the non-quota campsites and may not be available. Bringing bear canisters is recommended for these locations.
The stock hitching post at 5 Mile Island has washed away. Trail is closed to stock (except llamas) beyond Elk Lake
Campfires are not permitted at or above Elk Lake
Martin Creek, Elk Lake, & Glacier Meadows are in a quota area. Early reservations are recommended
Hoh River Trailhead is currently inaccessible due to a road washout, outside of the park boundary in Jefferson County, near mile marker 9. No vehicle or pedestrian traffic is allowed beyond this road closure until further notice.
No recent reports
This is a technical mountaineering climb & requires technical gear and skills
There is no blue bag deposit on the lateral moraine - climbers must bring a WAG bag or pick one up from the Port Angeles Wilderness Center to pack out human waste
Hoh River Trailhead is currently inaccessible due to a road washout, outside of the park boundary in Jefferson County, near mile marker 9. No vehicle or pedestrian traffic is allowed beyond this road closure until further notice.
No recent report. Expect snow at higher elevations
35+ down trees
Steep, exposed grade (no canopy) through the 1978 burn. No water sources along this trail until C.B. Flats
Trail is typically overgrown and can be difficult to follow below Cameron Basin
Trees in Upper Cameron Basin are inadequate for food-hanging; bear canisters are required when food cannot be hung at least 12' high and 10' out from the nearest tree trunk
Trail not recommended for stock due to the steep grade
Cameron-Lost Pass Primitive Trail
Cameron Pass to Lost Pass
1.9 miles
6200' to 6450'
No recent report
This is a primative/unmaintained route, expect steep trail sections with some sections of loose rock
Trail can be difficult to follow along creek beds and meadow areas
Stock user reports dangerous location for stock 0.5 miles past first foot-log. Slide prevents stock users from moving forward on trail and backward on trail if already at the slide
Jct. Barnes Creek Trail to end of trail (mile 1.7)
1.7 miles
700' to 2700'
Be prepared for possible snow and icy conditions in the upper reaches of the trail during the winter months
Caution: note the "End of Maintained Trail" sign. Beyond this is exposed & steep with loose rock.
Visitors may put up ropes in this location - these are not installed or maintained by the NPS & may be unsafe
Closed to stock
Fires are prohibited along this trail
Barnes Creek Trail
Jct. Marymere Falls Trail to jct. Upper Barnes Creek Primitive Trail
3.3 miles
800' to 2000'
No recent report
Minor trail washout at 2.5 miles
Upper Barnes Creek Primitive Trail
Barnes Creek Trail to Hughes Creek/Barnes Creek Divide
5.3 miles
2000' to 3600'
No recent reports
Expect snow and winter conditions at higher elevations
Trail may be difficult to follow near the end. Lizard Head Creek can be difficult to cross
Closed to stock
Aurora Divide Trail
Barnes Creek Trail to jct. Aurora Ridge Trail
3.6 miles
500' to 2000'
No recent reports
Expect snow and winter conditions at higher elevations
Aurora Creek Trail
Trailhead (HWY 101) to jct. Aurora Ridge Trail
3.4 miles
500' to 4200'
No recent reports
Expect snow and winter conditions at higher elevations
Closed to stock
Aurora Ridge Trail
Sol Duc Road to jct. Happy Lake Ridge Trail
16.9 miles
1200' to 5000'
No recent reports. Expect snow and winter conditions at higher elevations
Moderate to difficult route finding in open meadows from Aurora Springs to Barnes Creek trail jct.
No water after the first mile of trail (excluding Eagle Lakes) to the bottom of the switchbacks east of Sourdough Mountain
Eagle Lakes Trail is closed to stock
Pyramid Peak Trail
Trailhead (Camp David Junior Road) to summit of Pyramid Peak
3.5 miles
650' to 3000'
No recent report
Expect snow, ice and winter conditions near the summit
The trail through the slide area may not be passable for some groups; this section has trail tread less than 1 ft. wide and is difficult when wet
The trail is currently not passable to stock due to slide section being steep and loose
Spruce Railroad Trail
Dead end of East Beach Road to dead end of Camp David Jr. Road
4.0 miles
This is a mostly paved, multi-use trail that is passable to bicycles
The Sol Duc Road is closed to vehicle traffic in the winter months due to winter road conditions.
All food, garbage, beverages & scented items must be stored in park-approved bear canisters in the Sol Duc/High Divide Loop/Mink Lake area. This also includes Cat Basin & all areas within the Main Fork Sol Duc River Drainage.
No recent report, expect lake area to be snow covered in the winter months
This trail passes through an old burn area; expect to encounter several downed trees and be prepared to route find as this steep trail can become difficult to follow in some areas.
Reliable water sources on this trail are the creek at the half way point and the lake
Fires are prohibited at Lake Constance
Vault toilet on the south side of the lake is closed; north composting toilet in rock field is operational
This trail will typically have snow in the higher elevation portions of the trail during the winter. Also, be mindful of heavy periods of rainfall making creek crossings deeper and more swift in the winter months.
Several trees down on trail, the largest of which is 2' in diameter
This trail will typically have snow in the higher elevation portions of the trail during the winter. Also, be mindful of heavy periods of rainfall making creek crossings deeper and more swift in the winter months.
Deception Creek bear wire is down. Be prepared to use a park-approved bear canister or hang your food 12 ft. high and 10 ft. out
Expect snow and winter conditions along this route during the winter and into early summer on a typical year.
Expect slow and exposed hiking (no canopy) for a large section of trail with many blowdowns left from 2016 Hayes Fire
Caution: The Queets River ford can be hazardous at any time of the year. For river levels, visit Queets Stream Flow. The river is more likely to be fordable when the flow (measured at Hwy 101) is below 800 CFS. The crossing can still be waist deep or deeper even at this level.
Trail cleared, brushed, and stock accessible up to Tshletshy Creek, reported on 10/29/2024. Expect it to be brushy, with downed trees beyond this point (not stock accessible).
Fording the Queets River can be dangerous. For river levels, visit Queets Stream Flow. The river is more likely to be fordable when the flow (measured at Hwy 101) is below 800 CFS. The crossing can still be waist deep or deeper even at this level.
The river is generally not fordable during late fall, winter & spring.
Avoid fording the Queets River if the weather forecast calls for rain. River flow can become unfordable within a few hours of heavy rain causing hikers to be caught on the upriver side.
There is a washout 0.3 miles west of Bob Creek, about 200 yards long with a bypass by the river.
Trail past Bob Creek is difficult to follow due to the 2015 Paradise Fire and numerous downed trees. Route finding/navigational skills recommended. Camping past Bob Creek is not recommended due to standing dead trees
Lower Crossing Route
Queets River Trail at Spruce Bottom to Smith Place
2.1 miles
400' to 500'
No recent reports
Sam's River Loop
Loop Trail from Queets Trailhead to Ranger Station
2.8 miles
No recent reports
Upper Crossing Route
Queets River Trail to Smith Place
0.3 miles
No elevation gain
No recent reports
The Graves Creek Trailhead is not accessible to vehicle or pedestrian traffic at this time due to a road washout on the South Shore Road of the Quinault.
The temporary bridge at milemarker 14, between the North Shore Road and South Shore Road, was removed on 10/23/24, making the loop road around Lake Quinault not passable. The North Fork and Irely Trailheads will still be accessible but only from the North Shore Road - updated on 01/22/2025.
The Quinault Wilderness Information Center, located at 913 North Shore Road, is CLOSED for the 2024 season and will reopen Spring of 2025. See our Wilderness Center Page for more information.
Enchanted Valley - Bear canisters are required for all overnight camping above Pyrites Creek and below the O'Neil Pass Junction.
Trail Name
Mileage & Elevation
Last Updated
Irely Lake Trail
Trailhead (North Fork Quinault River Rd.) to Irely Lake
1.1 miles
500' to 600'
No recent reports
Trail clear of down trees as of 10/2024 but is brushy and can be muddy
The bridge over the creek leading to Irely Lake has been fixed and is now usable as of 10/2024
Closed to stock
Big Creek Trail
Irely Lake to Three Lakes
5.9 miles
600' to 3200'
Expect snow and winter conditions on the upper stretches of this trail during the Fall, Winter, Spring, and even early summer in typical year
There is a section of damaged trail on the Three Lakes side of the Big Creek crossing that involves scrambling up and over multiple trees and climbing up some rocks. Hikers can expect difficulties getting up the bank and accessing the trail immediately after crossing Big Creek
Expect to encounter several trees down on this trail and very brushy sections of trail as you get closer to Three Lakes
There is no bridge over Big Creek. In winter and spring, the creek can be difficult or impossible to ford
Closed to stock
Three Lakes to Skyline Trail Jct.
Three Lakes to jct. Elip Creek Connector Trail
2.9 miles
3200' to 4000'
No recent reports
Expect snow and winter conditions along this route during the winter and into early summer on a typical year.
There are typically brushy sections along the trail, especially through the meadows.
Elip Creek Trail via Kimta Peak to North Fork Quinault Trail
20.1 miles
3350' to 5400'
The section of trail between Lake Beauty and Low Divide of the Skyline Trail will remain CLOSED until further notice due to a wildfire that occured late in the 2023 summer season.
No recent condition reports. Expect snow and winter conditions along this route during the winter and into early summer on a typical year.
Due to the primitive/unmaintained nature of this trail, expect to encounter downed trees and several brushy sections of trail.
Expert route finding/navigational skills recommended. This route is strenuous with frequent elevation gain & loss.
No water sources between Kimta Peak and Three Prune
Bear canisters are necessary along this route due to a lack of taller trees in order to meet the food hanging requirements (12 ft. up and 10 ft. out from the trunk of the tree). This area also has a large bear population. Three Lakes Campsite is the only site along this route that has an established bear wire.
Closed to stock
Elip Creek Connector Trail
Jct. North Fork Quinault River Trail to jct. Skyline Trail
4.6 miles
1000' to 3350'
Expect this trail to be very overgrown with many downed trees across the trail.
No recent reports. Expect snow and winter conditions on the upper stretches of this trail during the Fall, Winter, Spring, and even into early Summer in a typical year.
The privy at Elip Creek Campsite is across the creek from the campsites, on the south side of Elip Creek.
Closed to stock
There are no longer any established bear wires along the North Fork of the Quinault route until Low Divide camp. Bear canisters are recommended for this drainage.
Bear canisters are necessary along the Skyline route due to a lack of taller trees in order to meet the food hanging requirements (12 ft. up and 10 ft. out from the trunk of the tree). This area also has a large bear population. Three Lakes camp is the only site along the Skyline route that has an established bear wire.
Martins Park/Lakes Primitive Trail
Jct. Elwha River to Martins Lakes
2.4 miles
3600' to 4500'
No recent reports.
Trail has reopened. Visitors enter fire damaged areas at their own risk and should be alert for falling trees/branches, trail damage, loose rocks, and windblown dust/ash.
Expect snow and winter conditions along this route during the winter and into early summer on a typical year.
Lower sections of this trail are quite wet/marshy
Several trees down across the trail, the largest of which is 3 feet in diameter and can be challenging to get over/around.
The fords at Wild Rose Creek, Elip Creek & the Quinault River south of Sixteen Mile camp may become impassable during heavy precipitation & snowmelt
A tree fell onto the Stalding Creek bridge and resulted in structural damage to the bridge and some of the planks. The bridge is considered closed at this time. Visitors can see if the creek below is fordable as a possible alternative to cross, though, it may be too swift to cross in the winter months and into the early summer, or during periods of heavy rain/snowmelt.
Expect snowy conditions along the higher elevation sections along this route.
There are no longer bear wires along this route leading up to the Low Divide campsites; bear canisters recommended
Trail has reopened North of Chicago Camp to Hayes River. Visitors enter fire damaged areas at their own risk and should be alert for falling trees/branches, trail damage, loose rocks, and windblown dust/ash
Trail brushed and cleared of trees up to 11 mile, updated as of 10/2024
The Graves Creek Trailhead/East Fork Quinault River Trail is not accessible to vehicle or pedestrian traffic at this time due to a road washout on the South Shore Road of the Quinault.
Expect to encounter very muddy sections of trail and areas of standing water during the Spring
There are several trees down between the trailhead and O'Neil Creek, some of which require significan amounts of scrambling or routefinding to get around
Between O'Neil and Pyrites Creek, several trees down, some of which require scrambling to get over/around
Patchy snow in Enchanted Valley
White Creek, below the O'Neil Pass Jct., must be forded, and can be swift/deep during periods of heavy rainfall or times of heavy snow-melt in the high country. These conditions typically occur through the fall/winter and continue into the early summer. Expect the possibility of not being able to ford if traveling during these times.
All food and scented items must be stored in bear canisters in the Enchanted Valley area (this includes the area after Pyrites Creek campsites through to the O'Neil Pass Trail Jct.)
Enchanted Valley has a large population of bears; stay a minimum of 50 yards away from park wildlife.
**The Hart Lake and Lacrosse Lake Cutoff Routes may appear on some GPS devices/maps, but these are not trails. Hikers attempting these routes should expect cross-country conditions with steep/brushy slopes, loose rocks and no signage**
Expect to encounter snow and challenging route finding conditions along this route during the winter and into early summer on a typical year. Ice axe recommended due to the number of steep, exposed slopes traversed on route, especially near Lake Sundown/Sundown Pass
This route is primitive and unmaintained with very brushy and rocky trail sections, particularly between Success Creek - Lake Sundown. Between Six Ridge Pass - Belview has repeated gains and losses of elevation and route finding challenges.
The Staircase area is closed to vehicle traffic during the winter. Visitors can park in road pull outs prior to the park boundary and hike along the road to access trailheads. The park boundary/gate is located about a mile prior to Staircase.
Bear canisters are required for camping at Enchanted Valley from above Pyrites Creek until the O'Neil Pass Jct
Expect to encounter snow and challenging route finding conditions between Nine Stream and First Divide during the Fall, Wiinter, Spring, and early Summer
Trail is brushy between Two Bear and First Divide
9 Stream Ford can be deep and swift especially during times of high snow melt or heavy rains
Expect the Lake to be snow covered during the winter months
The Lena Creek ford, about a half mile prior to Upper Lena Lake, can become hazardous at any time due to heavy precipitation and seasonal snow melt.
No camping within 0.25 mile of Scout Lake
Camp only in the marked designated campsites, the peninsula going into the lake is a day-use area only.
Upper Lena Lake is a quota area
Closed to stock
Gladys Divide Primitive Trail
Flapjack Lakes to Gladys Divide
1.4 miles
3900' to 5050'
No recent reports, expect snow in the higher elevations of these routes during winter months.
Closed to stock
Bear canisters recommended above Flapjack Lakes; hanging food properly is difficult in this area
Black & White Lakes Primitive Trail
Jct. North Fork Skokomish River Trail at Big Log to Black & White Lakes, Smith Lake Jct.
2.5 miles
1500' to 4400'
No recent reports, expect snow in the higher elevations of these routes during winter months.
Expect brushy, unmaintained conditions
There are no water sources on this steep trail
Closed to stock
Trees in this area are inadequate for food-hanging; bear canisters required when food cannot be hung at least 12' high and 10' out from the nearest tree truck
Black & White, Smith Lake Trail
Jct. Flapjack Lakes Trail, through Black & White Lakes, including Smith Lake
2.2 miles
3500' to 4400' to 3950'
No recent reports. Expect snow along this route during the winter months.
Trail is brushy and narrow in places with several streams that require rock hopping or getting your feet wet
Steep and rocky trail from Black & White Lakes to Smith Lake
Jct. Sundown Lake Trail to North Fork Skokomish River Trail
10.6 miles
4650' to 1500'
No recent reports
Expect to encounter snow and challenging route finding conditions along this route during the winter and into early summer on a typical year. Ice axe recommended due to the number of steep, exposed slopes traversed on route, especially near Lake Sundown/Sundown Pass.
Trail is difficult to follow through several meadows between Six Ridge Pass and the Lake Success/Mt. Olson Trail junction, with confusing game trails and way trails. Route-finding skills are necessary. GPS and location beacon/communciation device are recommended
No water sources between Belview and Seven Stream
Putvin Primitive Trail (Lake of the Angels)
Park boundary to Lake of the Angels
0.6 miles; 3 additional outside park boundary
1580' to 4900'
No recent report
Expect snow and winter conditions along this route during the winter and into early summer on a typical year.
Four trees down from trailhead to lake. Trail is muddy, wet, brushy & steep, reported as of 10/2024
One section of the trail, known as the "headwall", is a scramble and requires the use of hands and feet.
Trees in this area are inadequate for food-hanging; bear canisters are required when food cannot be hung at least 12' high and 10' out from the nearest tree trunk
Park boundary to Jct. of Home Sweet Home & O'Neil Pass Trails
10.3 miles
1245' to 2707'
The Upper Duckabush ford, just north of Upper Duckabush Campsite, can be hazardous and/or impassible during the winter months and into the early summer. It can also can become impassible during periods of heavy precipitation and/or during early season snow melt.
At last report 06/2024, there were more than 50 down trees from the trailhead to the Upper Duckabush ford
Trail brushy and overgrown in multiple areas
While the Hart Lake Cutoff and Lacrosse Lake Cutoff Routes may appear on some GPS devices and maps, these are not trails. Hikers attempting to complete these routes should expect cross-country hiking conditions
There is no longer a privy at Ten-Mile camp and the bear wire is down. Be prepared to use a park-approved bear canister or hang your food 12 ft. high and 10 ft. out.
Marmot Lake bear wires are down. Bear canisters are required since the trees in this area are inadequate for food hanging.
Expect snow and winter conditions along the higher elevation portions of this route during the winter and into early summer on a typical year.
Route is not stock passable, updated report as of 06/2024. Stock highlines are also down.