Plan Your Visit

Ranger standing under the Arch at sunset
Basic Information

Start here for essential park information.

National Park Service sign, Gateway Arch National Park and the NPS arrowhead logo .

Info on getting to the park.

Color image of the Welcome to the Musuem at the museum enterance.
Things To Do

Explore the Museum, take a Ride to the Top, watch Monument to the Dream shop in the Museum Store and much more.

Planner open to show the months January and February and Save the Date ciircled in red.rcled

See what programs and events are happening on certain days and dates.

A red car (SUV) parked on pavement. Green grass and trees in the background.

Snag the best spots in the city.

Dugout canoe in the museum that can accommodate a wheelchair within the canoe

The National Park Service welcomes all visitors and makes every effort to accommodate people with disabilities at the park.



Last updated: June 26, 2022

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

11 North 4th Street
St. Louis, MO 63102


314 655-1600

Contact Us