
A white butterfly on a purple flower with a yellow center
We're happy to see ample insects enjoying our native plant gardens on the Arch grounds.

NPS - Barb Michel

It's easy to overlook insects, but they play a crucial role in ecology. Over 75% of Earth's flowering plants rely on insects to reproduce. Learn more about pollinators at this National Park Service subject site. Insects are also an essential part of most food webs. Without insects, it would be very difficult for humans to survive!

One of the best ways to help insects is to grow native plants. During the CityArchRiver Project grounds renovations, new native plant gardens were planted throughout the park, including in the North Gateway and Luther Ely Smith Square. Learn more about sustainability measures at Gateway Arch National Park. If you visit these gardens during the growing season, you will most likely see insects buzzing.

Emerald Ash Borer

This invasive beetle has ravaged much of the eastern United States and has caused great change here at the park. Learn how the Emerald Ash Borer led to the removal and replacement of hundreds of trees.


Learn More About Monarchs and Emerald Ash Borers

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    Last updated: September 6, 2024

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