Beginning Tuesday, April 9, 2024, construction will close the Colonial Parkway to all travel in either direction between Yorktown and VA Route 199. Follow all detour signs. See additional closure information in the link below. More
Colonial National Historical Park will implement a temporary closure of the Jamestown Island Loop Drive beginning on Monday December 2, to safely rehabilitate three wooden bridges on the drive.
Yesterday, National Park Service Director Chuck Sams joined a celebration in Colonial National Historical Park marking the completion of a $24 million shoreline restoration project supported by the Great American Outdoors Act (GAOA) Legacy Restoration Fund.
Public meeting to review the next phase of the rehabilitation of the Colonial Parkway. Meeting will be held in James City County Government Center on October 24, 2024 beginning at 6:30 pm.
Colonial National Historical Park will host a living history event along Yorktown’s Historic Main Street and Redoubts 9 and 10 on Saturday, September 7 and Sunday, September 8, 2024.
Park rangers and living history volunteers will give a glimpse into daily lives of town residents and British troops in weeks leading up to the Battle of Yorktown in 1781.
Locations:Colonial National Historical Park, Historic Jamestowne Part of Colonial National Historical Park
Date Released:2024-06-08
Colonial National Historical Park will implement a partial opening schedule for the Island Loop Drive on Jamestown Island starting the week of June 7. The drive had been closed since Monday, March 18 to protect turtles during periods of increased activity and conduct a turtle activity study.
The Island Loop Drive on Jamestown Island at Colonial National Historical Park will be closed fully to vehicular traffic beginning Monday, March 18 to protect turtles during periods of increased activity and conduct a turtle activity study.
Due to Parkway closures and current detours as a result of the Colonial Parkway Rehabilitation project, the remaining Parkway Recreation Days (Rec Days) at Colonial National Historical Park have been cancelled. They were originally scheduled for September 30, October 1 and November 18-19, 2023.