Picnic ReservationsAll picnic areas along the George Washington Memorial Parkway are available on a first-come, first-serve basis EXCEPT Fort Hunt Park. A fee is required to reserve picnic areas A, B, C-1, C-2, C-3, and D at Fort Hunt Park from mid-April through October. ALL RESERVATIONS ARE MADE ONLINE. Please visit Recreation.gov to check availbilty, make a reservation and for descriptions. If you have any additonal questions or concerns, please call (703) 235-1530 or (202) 439-7325. PermitsThe mission of the National Park Service is to preserve park resources "unimpaired" for the enjoyment of future generations. Therefore, any activities that would cause degradation of or detract from the values and purposes for which a park has been established cannot be permitted. In order to coordinate special park use events it is necessary to require permits for certain activities. The Special Use Permit (SUP) program authorizes activities that provide benefit to an individual, group or organization, rather than the public at large; and that require written authorization and some degree of management control in order to protect park resources and the public interest. These activities include, but are not limited to:
Applying for a PermitThe permit systems helps assure that the large amount of events that may be taking place on any given day will not conflict with each other and with general visitor activities. All applications, unless determined to be a First Amendment activity, must be accompanied by a payment for initial processing.
First Amendment, Filming/Photography and Public Events Permits Permits for first amendment rights demonstrations, public events, and/or filming and photography that take place along the George Washington Memorial Parkway are required by C.F.R., Title 36, Chapter 1, Section 7.96 to be processed through the National Capital Region (NCR) Park Programs Division. To obtain a Regional Office Permits application and additional information, contact the NCR Park Programs Division office at (202) 245-4715 or visit the Regional Office website. To determine if your event will be processed by the park or region, please contact the Special Park Use Coordinator at (703) 289-2513.
Commercial Use Authorizations (Permits for Commercial Uses) Commercial Vehicle Use and Parking All operators of commercial vehicles must have a special use permit to drive on park roads. Commercial vehicles are defined in 36 C.F.R. 5.6 as vehicles "used in transporting movable property for a fee or profit, either as a direct charge to another person, or otherwise, or used as an incident to providing services to another person, or used in connection with any business." Right of way permits are required for commercial purposes for which people must pass over, under, or through park property. Examples of activities that require a right of way permit include use of the parkway by commercial vehicles, construction over or adjacent to park property, and work on utilities that pass through park property. Contractors requesting to perform work on lands administered by the George Washington Memorial Parkway to include the Clara Barton Parkway and Spout Run Parkway are required to obtain a permit prior to starting work.
Insurance Requirements The George Washington Memorial Parkway requires all permittees to obtain a certificate of insurance for general liability. The National Park Service must be listed as an additional insured in the certificate of insurance. Please contact the Permit Office at (703) 289-2513 for amounts of insurance coverage required for your permit.Permit Fees & Cost Recovery Federal Law authorizes the National Park Service to recover costs associated with special use permits. Cost recovery for permit issuance is done in accordance with 54 USC 103104 and National Park Service policies for special park uses. As directed by Congress, the National Park Service collects a fee to recover the cost of administering permits. Recoverable fees are charged for permits as described in 16 U.S.C. 3a, 31 U.S.C. 9701, and National Park Service Guidelines for Special Park Uses.
Last updated: February 27, 2025