George Washington Memorial Parkway Headquarters 700 George Washington Memorial Parkway McLean, VA 22101 Directions to Parkway Headquarters From the south, take the George Washington Memorial Parkway north. Just past the CIA exit turn right into the parking lot for the US Park Police and parkway headquarters. Go through the chain link fence and take an immediate right. Follow the road down to a stop sign and turn right into the parking lot for the headquarters building. Summers on the parkway are generally hot and humid, with daytime highs frequently above 90 degrees Fahrenheit and scattered afternoon thunderstorms. Please carry water while participating in physical activity and be prepared to take shelter from lightning. Winters on the parkway are generally cold, with nighttime lows frequently near freezing and occasional snowfall. Please be alert for snowplows and icy spots on roadways. Weather during spring and fall is generally moderate, but can change quickly. Entrance Fee-free This site is fee-free year-round. No entrance fee or pass is required. Public WiFi is not available.
There is cellular access along the George Washington Memorial Parkway. Visitor Center Pets At all times, pets must be restrained on a leash no more than six feet long. Leashes protect pets from becoming lost and from other hazards, such as sick, injured, or rabid animals. Leashes also help protect park resources, including wildlife and vegetation. Pet owners are responsible for disposing of pet waste in a trash can. Pets should not be left unattended. Summer sunshine poses a threat to pets left in vehicles. On a bright, sunny day, even in temperatures as low as 60° F, temperatures inside a vehicle can reach dangerous levels. On an 85-degree day, the temperature inside a car—even with the windows cracked—can reach over 100 degrees within 10 minutes. |
Last updated: October 31, 2024