Special Use Permits

If you are planning a short-term event or activity in the park that is beyond the scope of a standard visit, then you may need a permit.

Special Park Use Permits are authorizations from the National Park Service that are required prior to short-term activities:

  • that take place in the park
  • provide a benefit to an individual, group or organization, rather than the public at large
  • require some degree of management control from the NPS (in order to protect park resources and the public interest
  • are not prohibited by law or regulation

Examples of activities that would require a written authorization from the park in the form of a special park use permit apply to individuals and groups depending on the impact of the event on the resource and staff. These might include (but are not limited to) weddings, First Amendment activities, a cross-country race, commercial photography, and group activities.

If you'd like to apply for a permit or have any questions, please contact the Chief Ranger at (620) 285-6911 or e-mail e-mail us.


Application for Special Use Permit (Short) - Form 10-930 (Short)
Application for Special Use Permit (Long) - Form 10-930 (Long)
Application for Commercial Filming and Still Photography Special Use Permit (Short) - Form 10-930s (Short)
Application for Commerical Filming and Still Photography Special Use Permit (Long) - Form 10-930s (Long)
Special Park Uses Permit (Blank) - Form 10-114

You can e-mail us your application or send it by regular mail to:

Fort Larned National Historic Site
1767 KS Hwy 156
Larned, KS 67550

Last updated: February 5, 2021

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Mailing Address:

1767 KS Hwy 156
Larned, KS 67550


This phone is answered during regular business hours. After hours calls will be answered the next day. Please select a mailbox or leave a message on the main extension when the fort is closed.

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