Bradley, Tim, Jennifer Gibson, and Windy Bunn. 2006. Fire Severity and Intensity in Natural and Manipulated Fuels During Spring Burning in Mixed Shrub Woodlands. Oral presentation at the International Association of Wildland Fire 1st Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference. March 28-30, 2006. Portland, OR. (abstract)
Bradley, Tim, Jennifer Gibson, and Windy Bunn. 2006. Fuels Management and Non-native Plant Species: an Evaluation of Fire and Fire Surrogate Treatments in a Chaparral Plant Community. Final Report to the Joint Fire Science Program. (1.85MB pdf file)
Bradley, Tim, Jennifer Gibson, and Windy Bunn. 2003. Fire Severity and Intensity in Natural and Manipulated Fuels During Spring Burning in Mixed Shrub Woodlands. Poster presentation at the Second International Wildland Fire Ecology and Fire Management Congress. November 16-20, 2003. Orlando, FL. (1.16MB pdf file) |
Last updated: March 1, 2015