Multimodal Transportation

A photo of a shuttle bus in Yosemite Valley, with tall trees in the foreground, high granite cliffs in the background, and blue sky above.
A shuttle bus at Yosemite National Park


Multimodal transportation includes walking, biking, transit, rail, cars and trucks.

Multimodal transportation systems connect communities to parks, help manage congestion and ease parking shortages for areas at or nearing capacity. Multimodal transportation can also contribute to improving air quality, soundscapes and reduce wildlife/auto collisions. The National Park Service (NPS) aims to be a leader in using multimodal transportation to reduce fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

In addition to multimodal transportation, the NPS is exploring how technology can enhance all forms of transportation in parks. Over the past decade, the NPS has increasingly explored the use of intelligent transportation systems (ITS) to address access, congestion, and environmental problems which risk tarnishing the visitor experience and damaging environmental resources.

National Park Service National Transit Inventory and Performance Report

Annually, the NPS conducts a transit inventory and measure performance to:
  1. Identify NPS transit systems nationwide;
  2. Track the operational performance of each system; and
  3. Inventory NPS and non-NPS owned transit vehicles and collect detailed vehicle information.
The 2023 National Transit Inventory Report is the latest available report. Past reports can be found in the Transportation Resource Library.
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    Last updated: June 11, 2024