
Portraits of Acadia: Sue Violette

Bus driver smiles through windshield
Sue Violette has driven an Island Explorer bus for 20 years, the longest among all active drivers. August 14, 2018

Yehyun Kim, Friends of Acadia

I have so many memorable experiences with passengers. One of my favorites was a honeymoon couple here in the park. He is a rugged, tough football player. And she's a tiny little thing, but she's in shape. They were riding with me and there was this bet that she couldn't wear him out.

So I dropped them at the Cadillac North Ridge Trail early in the morning. I didn't see them all day. And then late in the afternoon, like four or five, I'm driving the bus by Thunder Hole, I see them. They have just come down off Gorham Mountain, and they're standing at the entrance by the road.

I had told them, "When you see the buses and if you want to ride, wave. The drivers will stop and pick you up."

So he's waving. And she's slapping is his hand. She's telling me, "Go on, go on." I started to go by, and all of a sudden, he just gets in the middle of the driving lane, on his knees, puts his hands to get in a prayer form, "Please, pick me up!"

I stopped the bus. He gets on. She won.

I'll never forget him. It was so funny.

– Sue Violette, Island Explorer bus driver

Riders board a bus
Riders board an Island Explorer bus at Village Green on August 14, 2018.

Yehyun Kim, Friends of Acadia

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Acadia National Park

Last updated: September 28, 2021