Field Trips

A Ranger leading a group of students through a meadow.

What do we offer?

Ranger-led field trips:

science curriculum-based, two-hour programs for groups of up to 75 students (some program sizes are smaller). Typically offered late-April through early-June and mid-September though early-November.

Summer field trips:

are ranger-guided programs for summer groups (camps, clubs, etc.) coming to experience Shenandoah National Park in the summer. This serves summer groups up to 60 students. Public programs are available seperately through the visitor center ranger staff daily in the summer.

Self-guided field trips:

are pre-established curriculum-based programs that are generally focused on science or social studies. Prior registration is only required if you need materials from the Education Office.

Create Your Own Experience

Shenandoah National Park can provide local school groups and academic institutions with an academic fee waiver for visits that are for educational or scientific purpose. This fee waiver allows full access to the park. This option allows the largest breadth of experiences for your students. If you need any assistance in planning the experience, please contact the education office.


Contact Us

Contact the Education Office to schedule a program or for more assistance on planning a program.
Email: (email us)
Phone: (540) 999-3500 ext. 3489

Directions to Shenandoah National Park

Last updated: June 4, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

Shenandoah National Park
3655 U.S. Highway 211 East

Luray, VA 22835


540 999-3500
Emergency Phone: 1-800-732-0911

Contact Us