The Scotts Bluff Summit Road will be closed to all use on Tuesday, April 1st so that engineers can complete a condition assessment of the road and pavement surface.
What is there to do at Scotts Bluff?
Scotts Bluff National Monument preserves 3,000 acres of unusual land formations and wildlife. For a look at some of the things you can do here, please visit our Things to Do page.
Is there RV parking at Scotts Bluff National Monument?
Yes. RV's and other oversize vehicles may park in the oversize vehicle parking area which is located at the east end of the visitor center parking lot. RV's and trailers are not permitted on the Scotts Bluff Summit Road.
Why is it called "Scotts Bluff"?
Scotts Bluff is named for fur trader Hiram Scott, whose body was found at the base of the bluff that now bears his name. Geographically, a "bluff" is a landform that is a steep slope or cliff overlooking a body of water or a plain.
Where are the wagon ruts?
Technically, we don't have wagon ruts due to erosion. To the southwest of the visitor center, however, you can see the wagon roadbed through Mitchell Pass and hike about 1/2 mile of the actual road on our Oregon Trail Pathway.
Where's Mitchell Pass?
First used in 1851, it's about three miles west of Gering and about 300 yards from the visitor center, situated between Eagle Rock and Sentinel Rock.
What are the names of the Five Rocks?
Crown Rock, Dome Rock, Eagle Rock, Saddle Rock, and Sentinel Rock.
How far can you see from the summit?
On a clear day, one can see approximately one hundred miles west to Laramie Peak.
What is the elevation at the summit?
4,659 feet (1,420 meters). About 800 feet (244 meters) above the North Platte River.
When did the Summit Road open to the public?
Construction of the Scotts Bluff Summit Road was completed by the Civilian Conservation Corps, a Depression-era New Deal Program, in 1937. The road opened to public use on September 19, 1937.
May I collect rocks, antlers, plants or other natural objects or historic artifacts at the monument?
No. Collection of any natural or historic objects at Scotts Bluff National Monument is prohibited. Please follow Leave No Trace Outdoor Ethics and leave all natural and historic objects for others to enjoy. If you find fossils in the monument, please report your finding to park rangers. More information can be found in the Code of Federal Regulations.
I found an injured animal near Scotts Bluff National Monument. Can I bring the animal to the park rangers for rehabilitation?
No. Scotts Bluff National Monument is not a wildlife rehabilitation facility and there is not a veterinarian on staff. For more information about wildlife rehabilitation in Nebraska, contact Nebraska Wildlife Rehab. If you find an injured animal on monument grounds, report your finding to a park ranger. Do not attempt to move the animal.