Plants and animals found within San Antonio Missions.
Photo by Artists-in-Residence Jenny & James Tarpley of JT FineArt. NPS Photo.
San Antonio Missions National Historical Park was established to preserve and interpret the chain of Spanish missions that were built along the San Antonio River in the 18th century. This river contains a vital natural resource element - water. The existence of water dictated where a mission was established. Water from the river was diverted into eighteenth century acequias (irrigation ditches, still in operation) to serve the mission communities.
NPS Photo.
Today, just south of downtown San Antonio (where most of the park is located), is a wide, straight river channel built where the once serpentine, flood-prone waters of the San Antonio River had run. A comprehensive, multi-year project by the City of San Antonio, Bexar County, San Antonio River Authority (SARA), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the San Antonio River Foundation was completed in 2013 that restored and enhanced 10 miles of the San Antonio River south of in flood control, amenities, ecosystem restoration and recreational improvements. Remnants of the old river channel still remain. Now, as then, water plays an important role in the park and community. It flows in the acequias and is used in a historic grist mill at Mission San José to grind grain and to water croplands at the San Juan Demonstration Farm. It is also vital to park natural resources. The park is partnering with local agencies that manage water in the San Antonio River in an effort to improve water quality.
TXCC Interns relocate native aquatic plants to the San Antonio River.
NPS Photo.
The park is very active in managing and protecting these natural resources. Current projects include:
Research. Inventories of existing vegetation and wildlife in the park have been completed. In addition, we are monitoring the condition of natural resources to look for changes. The park started monitoring reptiles and amphibians in 2009 and birds in 2010. This data will provide useful information for examining trends. Most of this work is being done through the Gulf Coast Inventory and Monitoring Network and you can see inventory and monitoring reports through their site. You can also learn more at NPS: Explore Nature.
Invasive Species. Controlling non-native vegetation and restoring native plant communities. Non-native vegetation is a big problem when it invades native plant communities. This displaces native plants and seriously degrades wildlife habitat. The park has been working to eliminate invasive, non-native plants since 2000 and has greatly reduced their amount and extent. Areas are monitored to assess results and determine future work.
Trash. Removal of trash and contaminated soil. The park partners with local organizations to clean up trash from streams, park property, and adjacent areas. Three sites that have contaminated soil from past land use practices were inherited. Removal of this soil is being actively pursued.
Come visit San Antonio Missions National Historical Park and experience the natural, as well as the cultural, history of this park!
Learn more about nature at San Antonio Missions National Historical Park
Locations:San Antonio Missions National Historical Park
Offices:Geologic Resources Division
Each park-specific page in the NPS Geodiversity Atlas provides basic information on the significant geologic features and processes occurring in the park.
Locations:San Antonio Missions National Historical Park
San Antonio Missions NHP is along the monarch migration path. As monarchs emerge in the South Texas sky, certain Mexican cultural traditions also emerge. For many local people celebrating Dia de los Muertos, monarchs represent deceased loved ones returning as monarch butterflies to visit their families through the migration each year.
Locations:San Antonio Missions National Historical Park
Cultural Landscape Apprentices work alongside National Park Service staff to learn important job skills and address deferred maintenance projects such as grounds and acequia preservation, irrigation system management, landscape bed rehabilitation, and associated tasks during their time at San Antonio Missions National Historical Park.
Locations:San Antonio Missions National Historical Park
Offices:Communications and Partnerships, Cultural Resources, Cultural Resources, Partnerships, and Science Directorate, Partnerships and Civic Engagement Directorate, Partnerships, Interpretation, and Visitor Educationmore »
The Texas Conservation Corps and the San Antonio River Authority worked together at San Antonio Missions National Historical Park to relocate Sagittaria plants from the Espada acequia to the San Antonio River. Sagittaria is a native plant species, also known as the Arrowhead plant. This project not only supports the cultural resource of the acequias by removing plants that obstruct the water flow, but it also benefits natural park resources by preserving native plant species.