Battlefield Land Acquisition Grants (BLAG) enable State and local governments to permanently protection historic battlefield lands through fee simple acquisition or through the purchase of an interest in the land through a preservation covenant. ABPP administers Battlefield Land Acquisition Grants using funds appropriated from the Land and Water Conservation Fund.
BLAG applications are accepted on a rolling basis. The Notice of Funding Opportunity and application materials are available on

NPS Photo
- State and local government entities can apply. Nonprofit organizations often support the applicant in this effort.
- The land must be at least 50% within the boundary of a Revolutionary War, War of 1812 or Civil War battlefield identified in the reports below.
- Lands must be outside the boundaries of any National Park Service legislative boundary.
- The grants require a dollar-for-dollar non-Federal match.
Please contact the BLAG team if you have questions or need additional information about eligibility.
BLAGs are authorized by 54 U.S.C. §308103 and 54 U.S.C. §200305
Battlefield Land Acquisition Grant
Grant HighlightsBattlefield Land Acquistion Grants
Easement ResourcesResources
Click here to access the
NPS ABPP Battlefield Boundaries Map-
Revolutionary War & War of 1812 Report
Find eligible Rev. War and War 1812 battlefields
Nation's Civil War Battlefields Report
Find eligible Civil War battlefields
Battlefield Geospatial Data
Download geospatial data to access eligible battlefield boundaries
National Park Service Geospatial Data
Download geospatial data to access National Park Service legislative boundaries
Learn more about how to apply to BLAGs
Last updated: May 1, 2024