A new National Park Service report shows that 505,194 visitors to Mesa Verde National Park in 2023 spent $59.5 million in communities near the park. That spending supported 776 jobs in the local area and had a cumulative benefit to the local economy of $75.6 million.
Mesa Verde National Park hosts four, free, beginner Astrophotography workshops in August. Join astrophotographer Don Riddle to learn how to take photos of the Milky Way.
Interagency firefighters work to contain the North Face Fire, which was discovered in Mesa Verde National Park on the afternoon of Friday, July 26. Firefighters determined that the fire was started by a lightning strike on Wednesday that smoldered until conditions became right for the fire to grow on Friday. On Saturday it was 22 acres in size, which includes NPS and BLM-Tres Rios Field Office lands.
MESA VERDE, CO – The National Park Service (NPS) has released an environmental assessment (EA) evaluating the impacts of the Proposed Fire Management Plan (FMP) at Mesa Verde National Park (MVNP) and Yucca House National Monument (YHNM) (collectively, “the parks”). The FMP EA considers wildland fire management practices, techniques, and tools including ground and aviation operations, suppression, and fire fuels management such as manual, mechanical, and prescribed fire treatments.
The Mesa Top Loop Road within Mesa Verde National Park will be temporarily closed beginning April 10 and is expected to reopen before Memorial Day weekend.
The Wetherill Mesa area of Mesa Verde National Park will be closed for the 2023 season to accommodate the demolition and construction of a new visitor contact station in the Wetherill area.
The National Park Service (NPS) is seeking public comment on an environmental assessment to evaluate the impacts of the proposal to stabilize the sandstone arch at the front of the Spruce Tree House (STH) cliff alcove at Mesa Verde National Park (MVNP).
U.S. Park Rangers at Mesa Verde National Park are seeking those responsible for the theft of a white utility trailer taken near the entrance to the park.
Mesa Verde National Park successfully gathered a band of 16 feral/trespass horses for removal. The captured livestock will be available for future adoption through the National Mustang Association Colorado Chapter (NMACO). The operation occurred on Saturday, September 24. The entire band was gathered using low-stress capture and handling methods.