Park Planning

a group of park employees sit while a man writes on poster paper
Park staff at Wrangell St-Elias NP&P participate in a wilderness character workshop. At the workshop the staff articulated what is special about the Wrangell St-Elias designated wilderness. NPS Photo

Planning Documents by Park

Planning and compliance documents can be found in two places: The National Park Service Planning, Environment and Public Comment (PEPC) website, and under "Park Planning" on the respective park website.

The Park Portfolio of Management Plans are available online for each park. These plans, reports, and compilations help explain what issues the park faces and how management plans to address them.

Planning for Our Parks

The National Park Service prepares a variety of planning and environmental documents to help guide management of park resources. Planning provides methods and tools for resolving issues in ways that minimize conflicts and promotes mutually beneficial solutions - solutions that articulate how public enjoyment of the parks can be part of a strategy for ensuring that resources are protected unimpaired for future generations.


NPS Park Planning guides informed and insightful decisions that provide relevant and timely direction to park management, and informs future decision-making for each National Park System unit in accord with its stated mission.

Portfolio of Management Plans

Park managers are guided by a variety of plans and studies, covering many topics. The totality of a park’s plans is referred to as the Portfolio of Management Plans (portfolio). The portfolio is a dynamic compilation of planning guidance in which certain planning elements are removed and updated, or new elements added as needed.

Planning Portfolio Documents

Foundation Statement - The foundation is grounded in the unit’s legislation and from knowledge acquired since the unit was originally established. The Foundation Statement provides a shared understanding of what is most important about the unit. The Foundation Statement describes the unit’s purpose, significance, fundamental resources and values, primary interpretive themes, and special mandates.

Land Protection Plans - Land Protection Plans (LPP) are required by agencies with nonfederal lands or interests in land within the authorized boundary, and the LPP serves as a strategy for the acquisition and/or interests of those lands.

Park Atlas - The park atlas is a collection of maps and geospatial data indicating areas of particular importance as to wilderness, natural, historical, wildlife, cultural, archaeological, paleontological, geological, recreational, and similar resources.

Wild and Scenic River Value Statements - Every designated river must have a Values Statement. The Wild and Scenic River Values Statement identifies and articulates those resources and values that were critical to a river’s designation and inclusion in the national wild & scenic river system. The Outstandingly Remarkable Values (ORVs) are the unique and/or exemplary resources contained in the river’s corridor than must be protected and enhanced in order for a river to be in compliance with the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act.

General Management Plan - Comprehensive park plan that guides the long-term management of resources, visitor use, and general development at the park. Every park has a General Management Plan (GMP).

Implementation Plans - More detailed plans for specific areas or programs that implement decisions made in the General Management Plan.

Fire Management Plan - Provides direction for wildland fire management.

Long-Range Interpretive Plan - Provide a vision for the future (5-10 years) of interpretation, education, and visitor experience opportunities. They identify and analyze interpretation, education, and visitor experience goals and issues. They recommend the most effective, efficient, and practical ways to address those goals and issues.

Transportation Plan - Assesses and monitors transportation related issues, performance and maintenance.

Documents Open for Public Review

Other Plans and Projects

Additional projects may be listed on the following pages:

Planning Highlights

  • a NPS employee speaks to a group of community members in a large room
    Planning, Environment and Public Comment

    Visit the National Park Service Planning, Environment and Public Comment site.

  • A women in waders prepares a cut of salmon

    The Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1980 created most of the national parks in Alaska.

  • a close up of a hand filling out a registration form
    Current Regional Planning Projects

    This is a list of current planning and environmental compliance projects in Alaska being conducted at the regional level.

  • a plane docked on a beach in Lake Clark National Park
    Planning Links

    Provides sources of additional information about planning, resources and the environmental impact analysis process.

Last updated: August 18, 2017