Do you want to take your love of national parks to the next level and work with us?
The National Park Service has many professional, volunteer, and trade opportunities across the country. From parks to regional offices, the NPS employs over 20,000 individuals in permanent and temporary positions.
In Alaska alone, the NPS serves over 2.5 million visitors to the Alaska parks each year, and employs up to 1,000 employees at the peak period (summer), actually doubling in size. The Park Service employs people in natural resources, wildlife, law enforcement, park rangers, recreation, visitor guides, information science, engineering, communications, finance, human resources, and much, much more.
Equal opportunity in all areas of employment has always been a top priority for the Alaska Region and, just as important, a workforce that is reflective of the citizens we serve. Our initiatives are aligned with the Interior’s plans which include national and local recruitment efforts conducted to increase public awareness and diversity in our workforce.
America's diversity, history, and natural beauty have given this country its unique strength, resilience, and richness. Join the team who’s committed to preserving unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the national park system for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations!
Current Job Opportunities
Last updated: June 6, 2017