What We Do

the state of Alaska superimposed on a map of the continental US to show its vast size
Alaska is 1/5 of the size of the contiguous United States, or 2.5 times the state of Texas. NPS Map
A national park the size of Massachusetts and North America‘s tallest mountain. Human history stretching back 14,000 years. A mix of vast landscapes and small settlements rich in America‘s history, the magnitude and breadth of Alaska and her national parks can be difficult to comprehend but richly rewarding to explore. From managing this land for the benefit of all and preserving its culture and history, to working in communities and conducting research, the Park Service has many roles to play.

If you are interested in information on providing commercial services in a park, learn more about Doing Business With Us. Want to volunteer, work with us, or donate? Check out What You Can Do.

a group of trail crew volunteers pose for a photo
Community Assistance

Our work doesn't stop at park boundaries- find out how the Park Service works with Alaskan Communities!

a group of indigenous members play instruments to celebrate a totem pole raising in Glacier Bay NP
Working With Indigenous Communities

NPS works with federally recognized tribes and Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act corporations on issues from subsistence to preservation.

an NPS ranger speaks to a group of community members

Regulations, compendiums, planning, and more- all aspects of how we manage Alaska's parks.

a map of beringia, the area of land that once connected Alaska and Russia

Alaska and Russia were joined by the Bering Land Bridge. We continue to foster cultural exchange in Beringia.

two NPS employees carry an inflatable raft along a beach in the rain
About Our Scientists

Meet our talented staff of scientists and learn more about their work.

Last updated: October 12, 2017