All Boston Harbor Islands Partnership Meetings are open to the public. To attend a meeting, check the park calendar or send us an email and we'll add you to our mailing list. After each meeting all presentations, discussions, and public comments are documented and shared online. Click on the drop-down menus below to access meeting notes.
Boston Harbor Now
2025 Meeting Notes
Meeting Minutes
Locations: Virtual
Date: January 21, 2025
Time: 3 - 4:30PM
Fred Laskey- Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA)
Katherine Ronan- Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA)
Michael Creasey- National Park Service (NPS)
Marc Albert- National Park Service (NPS)
Katherine Abbott- Boston Harbor Now (BHN)
Brian Arrigo- MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR)
Priscilla Geigis- MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR)
Andrew Hargens- MassPort
Brian Sweat- City of Boston
Joe Bagley- City of Boston
Ted Schwartzberg- Boston Planning Department
Sylvia Watts McKinney- Cathleen Stone Island Outward Bound School
Cliff Krauss- Cathleen Stone Island Outward Bound School
Commander JJ Schock- US Coast Guard
Advisory Council
Rob Moir
Elizabeth Solomon
Maureen Cavanaugh
Call to Order and Introductions
Approval of Meeting Minutes – (November 19, 2024)
Fred Lasky seeks motion for approval of November 2024 minutes
Motioned by: Kathy Abbott
Seconded by: Marc Albert
Administrative Updates
No administrative updates, general meeting rules presented by PhuongDuy Tran from BHN.
Presentation Title
Boston Harbor Cleanup 2024- Marc Albert (NPS), Jorge Ayub (DCR), Belle Procaccini (DCR), Laura Ludwig (Center for Coastal Studies), Alan Narang (BHN) (3:08)
Challenge: debris has been deposited, many heavy and large items on multiple islands, complex logistics
Fall 2022 parallel conversations were happening between DCR/Center for Costal Studies, and US Fish & Wildlife Service (USWS)/MA Dept. Of Environmental Protection (DEP)/NPS
Throughout 2023 and 2024, assembled planning team, met 37 times, and secured compliances
3 GIS surveys done by NPS and DCR to identify, map, and categorize debris
Identified 6 islands as highest priority (Lovells, Calf, Great Brewster, Middle Brewster, Outer Brewster, and Peddocks)
Winter 2023 through Fall 2024 cleared and removed debris
3 public volunteer events (121 volunteers!), donated over 2,000 hours (more than $75,000 value)
MA State and National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) funding
DCR secured local contractor to bring industrial equipment to the islands (Acushnet Marine)
“Net Your Problem” provided super sacks - a reusable resource that allows for more sustainable cleanups
DCR provided four boats to transport staff and volunteers, helped coordinate and recruit volunteers (local, corporate, CCS volunteers, etc.), camping yurts
CCS provided expertise in managing large-scale volunteer cleanups, including “trash camp!”
Big shout-out to the Goliath
Although weather got bad, volunteers and staff kept at it
Removed over a ton of styrofoam, over 40,000 pounds of trash total
Over a dozen artists participated and used the materials for their work
BHN supported with visual storytelling (photographer Charlie Nutting)
Big thank you and looking forward to expanded partnership in the future! Including shout-out to the boat captains for their enthusiasm and expertise
Next cleanup?
Debris data collection to capture images and identify future areas
Seeking additional funding
Plan for annual cleanups of smaller debris
Monitoring common eider breeding (2024 - 2026)
Partnership Collaboration Updates: Brian Arrigo (DCR), Michael Creasey (NPS) and Kathy Abbott (BHN) (3:45)
In 2021 during 25/50th anniversary, used time to think more about collective impact
BHN/DCR/NPS continuing to think about priorities, capacities, and resources
Needed data for visitor trends, climate impacts, infrastructure, etc. Undertook various studies focused on these different issues
Expressed continued need for collaboration, no one can do it alone
DCR: We know that state resources are stretched fairly thin, so working to ensure those capital asks align with the values of partners
BHN: Looking to reach a new level of collaboration and partnership, focusing in on visitor experience and stewarding resources, and operations; including Capital and Operating plan that is shared among the three organizations
Questions/Comments (4:04)
Elizabeth Solomon - Given that this is a large partnership, why has this concentrated specifically/solely on BHN, NPS, and DCR? There is a lot of strategic planning happening without the partners and the general public. The public has not been part of the data collection. This would’ve been the role of the advisory council, which no longer exists. It seems problematic to have the heads of three organizations doing this strategic planning without the input of the public. This is a huge concern of the public and the tribal community which is the traditional landholder of the land.
Kathy Abbott: there is a need to move quickly, each organization was making plans for the next year independently, so came together to try and expedite the process. There will be an opportunity down the road for others to be involved.
Michael Creasey: Staff and funding capacity are serious issues, and the partners are trying to navigate island infrastructure which have serious issues (failing docks and piers, waterlines, etc.). Visitation has flattened or even declined over the years. The partners felt that we needed to better understand baseline numbers and why they are declining. The partners convened our staff to follow up on the recommendations of the 2021 Partnership Anniversary Plan that was approved by the Partnership.
Realized there needed to be a conversation on the public accessible islands to share knowledge of what’s happening, identify issues with staffing the islands and project funding.
This was our attempt to try and look at the issues together as a starting point, need to look at how the collaborative can grow.
Various studies have been presented to the Partnership in the past (Blue Infrastructure Report (docks and piers conditions)), Data Project (Users of the waterfront and islands), Climate Resilience Reports, etc.) have been presented over the past two years - the DCR/BHN/NPS convened to discuss how to apply what these studies revealed and recommendations.
Brian Arrigo: willing and able to think through how to get greater public feedback and communication about the work being done
There is a need to be ready for the 2025 season, time was of the essence.
Fred Laskey: will there be a rollout plan for this planning?
Michael Creasey: typically done on the programming side, will be provided on a case-by-case basis. A lot of this is based on how the ferry schedule rolls out.
Elizabeth Solomon - Wondering if BHN knows what percentage of Innovation Islands grantees were from underrepresented communities.
BHN: 10/12 grantees in 2024 were from underrepresented communities (35 groups total over 3 years)
Roundtable Report
04:15 Agency Report
Sylvia Watts McKinney - CSIOBS
Been working with Elizabeth Solomon in reshaping the campus of CSIOBS
If anyone wants to join to observe the planning process, welcome to join
Commander Schock- USCG
Continuing transfer of lighthouse to NPS
Kathy Abbott- BHN
SLL conference April 16-18, call for abstracts closes Friday
Thank you for sold-out Winter Wildlife Cruise
February 15 Winter Wander
Innovation Islands grants portal is open through February
Revolutionary Harbor series kicks off this week
Finalizing ferry schedule with BHCC
Working with DCR on the Georges Island pavilion
RFP out to activate welcome center and identify food vendor (shout out PhuongDuy!)
Brian Arrigo - DCR
Thanking partners at City of Boston and BHN, new pavilion on Spectacle has been installed
Final set of new solar panel batteries being delivered to Georges Island next week, will improve efficiency and lifespan
Two capital improvement projects on Georges moving through - replace existing waterline and restore/design/permit/repair the seawall
Peddocks - shingles were blown off the roof
Spectacle - going through procurement process for new floating gangway system
Elizabeth Solomon
Advisory Council is not active. Given need for public input, hoping the partnership thinks about reactivating the council, finding other mechanisms for additional public input.
Rob Moir
Ready and able to engage more of the public in what the partnership is doing. Sen Pat Gelan filing a bill for grants for retaining stormwater, etc. Sen Bruce Tarr filing carbon offset fund for property owners to not log
Michael Creasey - NPS
Reported over 1,200 hours contributed in 2024 from volunteers
Rachel Vincent has left the park’s Resource Stewardship team and took a new position with Minute Man National Historical Park
Planning for the second year of Stewardship Corps
Public Comment
4:27PM Suzanne Gall Marsh
There are two park websites - one is, the other is Boston Harbor Islands. Need to find a way to share out accomplishments that are being done in this park. We know that public input is sorely lacking. National Volunteer week, Earth Day, National Park week are all coming up in April. Why not use this as an opportunity to get involved. Would like to see these meetings up on the website (other organizations that record and post these meetings). Who could do this?
Boston Conservation Commission, Massport, Boston Planning Commission, DCR Stewardship meeting
All post recordings, Powerpoints, minutes, etc.
On New Years Day, FBHI had their annual trip to CSI, it was successful
4:31 David Wert
Is there a timeline on when the Spectacle Island marina will be accessible to the public?
Brian Arrigo - don’t know off top of the head, can get the partnership a timeline
4:32 Megan McKenna
Still no inter-island ferry - keep being told “no,” “next time.” We need more public access. Constantly being asked by the public why they aren’t getting access. Folks pay $25 to access one island, not multiple islands. Haven’t seen different results after many years of discussion.
Fred Laskey - don’t want to give the impression folks are sitting on their hands. Haven’t reached a point where it can be supported anymore financially. Many staff are working on this.
4:35 – Motion to adjourn
Michael Creasey
Sylvia Watts McKinney
2024 Meeting Notes
Meeting Minutes
Locations: Virtual via Zoom
Date: Tuesday, November 19th, 2024
Time: 3:00-4:40 PM
Marc Albert, National Park Service
Kathy Abbott, Boston Harbor Now
Cathy Stone, Boston Harbor Now
Theodore Schwartzberg, Boston Planning Department
Priscilla Geigis, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Brian Arrigo, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Susan Hamilton, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Clifford Krauss, Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center
Sylvia Watts McKinney, Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center
Joe Bagley, City of Boston
Andrew Hargens, Massachusetts Port Authority
Fred Laskey, Massachusetts Water Resource Authority
Brad Peifer, United States Coast Guard
Captain Jamie Frederick, United States Coast Guard
Call to Order and Introductions
Approval of Meeting Minutes – July 17, 2024
Fred Laskey seeking motion for approval of July 17 minutes
Motioned by: Priscilla Geigis
Seconded by: Marc Albert
Administrative Updates
3:10 – Marc Albert
January meeting:
Will focus on a 2024 partnership year in review and strategic planning. Anticipating that all partners will contribute to that, and more updates are to come from Marc, Michael and Brianne.
Will also share out and report about the great Boston Harbor Island Clean up.
March meeting:
Will focus on the theme of making personal connections to nature and history. Elizabeth Solomon, Massachusett Tribal member and longtime member of Boston Harbor Islands Partnership Advisory Council, will share her perspective.
Elizabeth and Joe Bagley will talk about progress on the Boston Harbor Islands archaeological climate action plan.
No updates on nominations at this moment
Presentation #1: Boston Harbor Islands Park Visitation Data
03:15 – Christian Merfeld, Boston Harbor Now
Project Overview:
The project aimed to analyze public waterfront utilization over several years to better understand and serve our communities. This effort included geospatial analysis and community engagement through surveys.
Data Collection:
Analyzed over 170 billion records of anonymized mobile data alongside a survey of 1,500 park visitors to gather insights on park usage and motivations.
Supplemented data with additional sources such as the US Census and SafeGraph.
Project Governance:
Collaborated with public and private agencies, academic stakeholders, and community partners to ensure comprehensive oversight and support.
Key Findings:
Annual Visitation: Over 367,000 visits to 34 islands and peninsulas, with peninsula parks (Deer, Webb, World’s End, Nut, and Moon) leading in attendance.
Demographics: Predominantly white visitors (approximately 74%), with most visitors earning less than $100,000 annually. In-state visitors comprised 64.4% of total visits.
Age Distribution: Visitors aged 45-64 made up 41% of visits, while those aged 18-24 accounted for only 8.91%.
Peddocks Island: 34,800 total visits, predominantly white (83.5%), with a median income of $96,900.
Georges Island: 18,400 total visits, with demographics showing 74.89% white; median income of $81,100.
Spectacle Island: 44,000 total visits, 78.43% white; median income of $99,600.
Key Takeaways:
Visitation lacks racial diversity despite a variety of audiences.
Peddocks Island has a loyal visitor base, reflected in high repeat visitation numbers.
The median household income of island visitors exceeds that of Massachusetts.
Peak visiting days: Sundays and Fridays rank highest.
Next Steps:
Develop outreach plans based on the findings to increase visitation and stewarding of the parks.
Collaborate with the Boston Harbor Islands Partnership to establish an annual visitation measurement system.
Release the project report and create an open-source data portal.
Presentation #2: Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area Ferry Service and Operations Study
03:45 – David Koch, U.S. Department of Transportation Volpe Center
Project Overview:
The study, led by Volpe National Transportation Center in partnership with the National Park Service (NPS) and Boston Harbor Now (BHN), seeks to evaluate the current ferry system serving the Boston Harbor Islands, improve the visitor experience, and identify operational recommendations to optimize services, increase visitation, and ensure equitable public access.
Goals of the Project:
Evaluate current conditions of ferry operations.
Explore opportunities for enhancing the visitor experience.
Identify recommendations for:
Optimizing the ferry system.
Increasing visitor numbers.
Supporting equitable access to the Boston Harbor Islands (BOHA).
Project Necessity:
Observed decline in ridership.
Reduction in service options.
Increasing ticket prices.
Guiding Principles:
Recognize BOHA as a national treasure with abundant resources.
Ensure accessibility and inclusivity for all visitors.
Promote exemplary programs and amenities at Spectacle and Georges Islands.
Integrate water transportation with gateway centers for enhanced waterfront activity.
Foster connections to Boston's broader tourism ecosystem.
Treat ferry rides as both a mode of transport and an engaging educational experience.
Scope of Work:
Assess current operations and identify needs.
Propose operational modifications for future planning.
Improve equitable access through:
Fair pricing.
Updated operational schedules.
Marketing and partnership opportunities.
Evaluate potential acquisition of environmentally friendly ferries.
Current Conditions:
Traditionally, seven islands were accessible via ferry.
Services to Boston-Peddocks and inter-island routes ceased in 2019; currently, only Spectacle, Georges, and Peddocks are accessible by ferry.
The ferry operates from May to October under contract with Boston Harbor City Cruises.
Stakeholder Engagement:
Stakeholders from federal, state, municipal, nonprofit, and private sectors have been involved, including:
NPS, Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), Boston Harbor City Cruises (BHCC), and various nonprofits focused on harbor preservation and education.
Feedback Received:
The need for expanded marketing and partnerships.
Different visitor demographics have unique needs.
Recommendations to improve access and wayfinding at gateways.
Suggestions for enhancing the ferry experience and island offerings.
Acknowledgment of costs as a barrier to access.
Evaluation Criteria:
Alignment of ferry operations with visitor preferences and capacity.
Improved island experiences through transportation options.
Affordable fares ensuring equitable access.
Financial sustainability of operations.
Enhanced visitor experience focusing on reliability and safety.
Support for diverse tourism experiences.
Alternative Analysis:
Develop and evaluate baseline recommendations.
Propose three alternatives related to:
Service frequency and destinations.
Gateway connections and island attractions.
Fare structures.
Next Steps:
Confirm the preferred service and operations plan.
Recommend trip numbers and vessel sizes.
Determine ownership and acquisition for new vessels.
Develop design specifications and cost estimates for future vessels.
Create a funding strategy leveraging multiple agencies.
Consider opportunities for capital funding, packaging docks, and federally significant projects
Roundtable Report
04:17 – Agency Report
Sylvia Watts McKinney, Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center
The Outward Bound School has successfully served 1,700 students this past year, engaging them in leadership and character development activities that equip them with essential skills for becoming successful adults.
Recently, we initiated a design process involving five agencies aimed at enhancing the island's climate resilience. Our first meeting took place last week, where we emphasized the importance of incorporating indigenous community narratives into our discussions. A landscape practitioner visited the island to share insights on the concept of "sponge islands," focusing on innovative ecological strategies.
Additionally, we are exploring various options to increase visitor access to the island from Memorial Day to Columbus Day, ensuring a vibrant and inclusive experience for all.
Joe Christo, Stone Living Lab/BHN
We are thrilled to announce the completion of the Living Sea Walls project for the Stone Living Lab this month, made possible through the collaborative efforts of all our partners. The installations are located at the Condor Street Urban Wild in East Boston and Fan Pier Park in the Seaport.
In addition, Rebecca Shoer has been actively hosting "Wicked High Tide" events along with various educational programming initiatives that engage and enlighten the community.
Mark your calendars for the upcoming Stone Living Lab Conference, scheduled for April 16-18. We look forward to seeing you there!
Brian Arrigo, Department of Conservation and Recreation
The Boston Harbor Islands Outer Island Cleanup was a tremendous success, resulting from two years of dedicated planning and collaboration. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all participants, including DCR, the Center for Coastal Studies, NOAA, USFWS, NPS, BHN, and several hundred volunteers. Together, we removed an impressive 8,000 pounds of wire lobster traps, 3,000 pounds of foam, and 471 pounds of plastic bottles and jugs from the islands.
We also want to recognize the exceptional visitor service staff at the Boston Harbor Islands, who recently received a team award from DCR's Interpretive Services Program. As the face of the islands, these interpretive staff members play a vital role in navigating the complexities of our park. Their collaboration with NPS, BHN, and various stakeholders showcases their resilience and adaptability in overcoming logistical challenges.
Additionally, we are excited about the capital upgrade to the Georges Island Partner Pavilion. In partnership with the City of Boston and BHN, a new pavilion is currently under construction on the south side of Georges Island. The concrete foundation is being poured this week, with plans for a grand opening in Spring 2025.
Captain Jamie Frederick, U.S. Coast Guard
Assumed command of Sector Boston in July, marking this as his first meeting in this pivotal role as both Sector Commander and Captain of the harbor.
We are committed to supporting the divestiture efforts for Little Brewster Island, facilitating its transfer and stewardship to the National Park Service (NPS). We are collaborating with NPS and contractors on the design process for a new pier and other island considerations. A special thanks to NPS and BHN for their continued support of this important project.
Theodore Schwartzberg, Boston Planning and Development Agency
No updates
Andrew Hargens, Massachusetts Port Authority
Celebratory event at the Boston cruise port on Friday at 10, where we will recognize an exceptional cruise season for Boston Harbor, welcoming approximately 480,000 passengers. The new CEO, Rich Davis, will be speaking.
We also reflect on the inaugural season of the Fish and Farm Market at Boston Fish Pier, which aims to promote the Boston seafood industry and the South Boston community. This first experimental year has been enlightening, teaching us valuable lessons about the challenges of starting an initiative from scratch. The turnout throughout the summer was impressive, and seafood vendors greatly benefited. We look forward to bringing this event back next year with some enhancements and are eager to collaborate with partners to ensure its success.
Additionally, we are focused on promoting port and maritime industrial usage. Our staff is conducting outreach and research across the Commonwealth and the nation to identify how Massport can leverage its leadership to grow and fill gaps in Boston Harbor's blue economy. We have received an overwhelming positive response from the community. Our aim is not to compete with existing successful initiatives in Boston Harbor, but to identify where gaps exist and where we can provide expertise to foster maritime industrial jobs and economic development. If you have ideas or wish to contribute to this initiative, please reach out to Conner or Andrew.
Marc Albert, National Park Service
From October 12-14, we welcomed over 2,000 ferry riders during our special fall event, which featured reduced-price tickets and offered an excellent opportunity for exploration.
Looking ahead, we are excited to announce the Autumn Adventure on Peddocks Island, a collaborative effort with the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR).
Additionally, we recently hosted the USS Nantucket, which was commissioned on November 16 and spent ten days at the Navy Yard before departing on November 18.
Suzanne Gall Marsh- Friends of BHI
Thank you to Fred for attending the 24th annual meeting for the Friends of Boston Harbor Islands (BHI).
During a stakeholder meeting with the Volpe Center, Suzanne and Walter Hope, the chairman of the Friends, actively participated. They are currently drafting a follow-up letter to Michael Creasey and Fred Laskey to address comments and concerns. A significant point of discussion revolved around the term "stakeholders." Initially, it was perceived to refer to visitors, but it was clarified that it pertains to nonprofit groups. Suzanne inquired whether there would be a survey to gather visitor preferences regarding ferry services. The Volpe team explained that this was not included in the current project’s scope, but they may consider it for future explorations. The Friends group emphasized the importance of public input on which islands, beyond the three currently accessible, visitors would like to see included. To aid this discussion, Suzanne provided the Volpe team with copies of the previous inter-island ferry schedule to illustrate how many islands were once accessible.
Inquiring about the status of the Peddocks Island Vision Plan, which is now five years old, the group believes that Peddocks is crucial for increasing visitation. Since 2019, access has declined, and while they understand the reasons, they assert that Peddocks is key due to its size and the substantial investment made to enhance public accessibility. Currently, it takes around two hours to travel from Boston to Hingham by public transportation and another two hours for the return trip.
On Wednesday night, the Boston Conservation Commission will discuss a request for an amendment to the original order of conditions filed by the DEP on behalf of DCR. This is encouraging news; back in May, Priscilla Geigis spoke to the partnership about the agencies' plans for the remediation of Gallops Island, which directly impacts future ferry access. The community is urged to keep Gallops Island on the radar for future ferry service.
Lastly, we encourage everyone to help spread the word that the Friends of the Boston Harbor Islands are sponsoring their annual trip to Cathleen Stone Island, an event that has been cherished since 1980.
Joe Bagley, City of Boston
We are excited to announce the establishment of a dedicated Office of Climate Resilience, now staffed and led by Chris Osgood. This office will focus on proactive measures to address sea level rise and heat risks affecting our shorelines. They are currently developing the Harbor Islands Climate Action Plan, particularly important as the upcoming coastal storm risk management feasibility study—set to be released in 2028—will encompass 47 miles of shoreline but will not include the islands.
In other news, we have welcomed a new Commissioner of the Environment, Oliver Sellers Garcia. Additionally, Ryan Woods has stepped down as Parks Commissioner, with Liza Mayer assuming the role in an acting capacity. The City of Boston has also appointed a new Director of Historic Preservation, Kathy Kottaridis. Kathy's expertise will be invaluable in ongoing discussions regarding Long Island, which houses numerous buildings. There are 11 buildings encompassing approximately 350,000 square feet of interior space currently in mothball status, and significant work will be required to reactivate these structures in the future.
Looking ahead, we anticipate an important interagency discussion next month focused on Rainsford Island. This meeting will cover existing conditions, piping plover habitats, and cultural resources, with the ultimate goal of developing an island policy by 2025. We will provide updates at our next meeting.
Kathy Abbott, Boston Harbor Now
Fireside chat with Lorraine Downey is tonight at 6:00 PM where she will be discussing the origins or the Harborwalk
Additionally, our Onboards Awards Breakfast is scheduled for December 12th. If you haven't received your invitation yet, expect it soon! This event will celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Harborwalk and honor the contributions of Vivian Lee and Ann and Chuck Lagasse, all while looking forward to the future.
Public Comment
04:39 – None
04:40 – Motion to adjourn
Meeting Minutes
Location: Island Experience- Grape Island
Date: Tuesday, 7/16/2024
Time: 12:30-4:30 pm
Partnership Members
Kathy Abbott, Boston Harbor Now
Marc Albert, National Park Service
Michael Creasey, National Park Service
Susan Hamilton, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Fred Laskey, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (chair)
Peter Marotta, The Trustees of Reservations
Sylvia McKinney, Cathleen Stone Island Outward Bound School
Rob Moir, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
Katie Ronan, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Ted Schwartzberg, Boston Planning and Development Agency
Special Guest
Laura Daniel-Davis, Acting Deputy Secretary of the Interior
Meeting Notes Recorded by: Brianne Cassetta, National Park Service
Call to Order and Introductions
Michael Creasey introduced goal of meeting and on-island experience and introduced special guest, Acting Deputy Secretary of the Interior Laura Daniel-Davis.
Chair Fred Laskey called meeting to order at 12:37 pm.
Fred acknowledged that the Boston Harbor Islands are the ancestral territory of the Massachusett Tribe, that has lived on and cared for this land and water for thousands of years and continue to live here and care for this place today.
Approval of Meeting Minutes May 21, 2024
Approval of minutes. Fred Laskey moved that minutes from the May 21, 2024 meeting be approved as written. Michael Creasey made a motion to accept the minutes. Sylvia McKinney seconded the motion. Partnership voted unanimously to approve amended meetings minutes.
Roundtable Report
Due to the nature of the experiential nature of the meeting, Fred Laskey opened the floor for partner updates of which there were none offered.
Public Comment
Fred Laskey offered a moment for public comment. There were none.
Fred makes motion to adjourn at 12:42, seconded by Rob Moir, all in favor.
Field Visit
Meeting members continued on Columbia Point to Grape Island for island introduction, an introduction to the Climate Conservation Corps and short walking tours. Marc Albert, Scott Bockus, Rachel Vincent, and Belle Praccini presented the walking tours.
Upon the boat ride back, Peter Marotta spoke about World’s End, Michael Creasey spoke about Boston Light, Joe Christo spoke about Stone Living Lab, and Dep. Sec. Offered her reflections on the day.
Meeting Minutes
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Date: Tuesday, 5/21/2024
Time: 3:00-4:30 pm
Michael Creasey, National Park Service
Marc Albert, National Park Service
Kailie Benson, United States Coast Guard
Priscilla Geigis, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Joe Bagley, City of Boston
Rob Moir, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council
Fred Laskey, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Andrew Hargens, Massport
Conor LeBlanc, Massport
Kathy Abbott, Boston Harbor Now
Cathy Stone, Boston Harbor Now
Elizabeth Solomon, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council
Ted Schwartzberg, Boston Planning and Development Agency
Meeting Notes Recorded by: Samantha Cirillo, National Park Service/National Parks of Boston
Call to Order and Introductions
Approval of Meeting Minutes – March 19, 2024
3:05 – Fred Lasky seeking a motion for approval of the March 19th minutes
Motioned and seconded
Administrative Updates
3:06 – Michael Creasey
Mariama White-Hammond is no longer the City’s Chief of Energy, Environment and Open Space. The new Chief Climate Officer. Brian Swett, is filling that role while nomination packages are developed.
Anniversary report is being used to define how we organize our meeting agenda sessions This session will be discussing “Gateways” including Long Wharf and Charlestown
The next meeting on 7/16/24 will be in-person and a harbor tour and island field visit. May look at a lesser known island – NPS and DCR coordinating plans. Possibly visiting Quincy bay/ Hingham harbor
Looking to have a future meeting around indigenous connections
More to come from Joe Bagley
Elizabeth Solomon is willing to work on ideas/plans
Last session of the year 11/19 will focus on having a season end partnership review
Charlestown Navy Yard Gateway Center, Blue Infrastructure and Gateway Connector Project
3:11 – Michael Creasey, Liza Sterns, Anne Grimes Rand– Charlestown Gateway “A Vision for the Future”
Project overview at the Charlestown Navy Yard (gateway center, USS constitution museum)
Creating a world class visitor experience
Memorable moments and lasting learning that engage our senses and minds
Experiences relevant to all
Space that is universally accessible and accommodating to groups w different backgrounds and abilities
Encourage conversation and shared curiosity
Blaze new trails to “freedom” – connecting history, community, the waterfront, and the islands
Address deferred maintenance
Reduce NPS footprint
Enhance public/private partnerships
Generate additional revenues
CNY to serve as a “connector” to the city and the harbor
Hoosac Storehouse site plan
Demo - July to Oct
Site improvements – Oct to Dec
Project close-out – Jan/Feb
Hoosac Storehouse site will be used to create the new gateway center including the new USS Constitution Museum (2nd floor)
NPS main exhibit space on the 3rd floor
The space is built around place, lots of glass, balconies, open views
3D maps available
Rooftop viewing right out into the harbor, to the bunker hill monument, and to the Navy Yard itself
This site is where the freedom trail and harbor walk meet
A long-term vision for a ferry dock in this space
New pedestrian plaza next to the Constitution
3:28 – Michael Creasey
Blue infrastructure assessment and design
Modernizing aging infrastructure
Improve safety and resilience
Address critical deferred maintenance repairs to docks and piers
Condition assessments
Immediate safety or structural concerns
Operational constraints
Public safety and access needs at each island
Impact of SLR mitigation strategies
Recommendations for repairs
Project goals
Protect $900M in historic transport assets and approx. $85M in investments currently under development in the NP area
Create a system of elevated public spaces and walkways
Incr. elevation of the Harbor walk
Reduce the risk of coastal flooding
Protect national historic landmark resources
Internal workshops
Stakeholder interviews
Summary report
Integrating plans
Phased design and implementation based on tiers of focus
Consider waterfront as a whole with focus on addressing near term flood risk
Consider how to achieve independent effectiveness in each phase of implementation
Prioritize anticipated phases of work – City of Boston planning effort kicking off at the same time as NPS
Design considerations
Resilience effectiveness
Major port/shipping operations
Visitor experience
Historic resources
Cost/benefit and constructability
3:40 – Questions/Comments
When will the gateway center be completed?
There is no schedule at this time. Best case for construction is 2029/30
Schematic design has been completed
Currently in fundraising phase
Chelsea water street site could help with SLR interp (ancient native site that had previously been submerged)
Unearthed during the Big Dig
Will building be LEED certified?
Equivalent to LEED certification, goal is to be a net zero building via various means
Roundtable Report
3:51 – Agency report
Free ferry days this past weekend
6 sold out boats over 2 days (~2500 people)
Got great press
Channel 7
Boston Globe
Social Media
Access initiatives
$10 discount for MA residents on Tuesdays and Wednesdays
50% library pass program
Island Pass program for schools and nonprofits
WIC and EBT program
Community cruises
Public programs
Innovation mini grants
Spectacle island lobster clambakes
Spectacle summer nights
Live music
After Dark in the Park on Peddocks
Robust ranger programs
Haunted Fort Warren
Leveraging diverse strategies
MBTA ads
CTM rack cards
Seasonal program calendar
Public calendar listings
Influencer marketing
Islands digital newsletter
Monthly delivery
Earned and paid media
New representative for The Trustees at World’s End – Peter Marotta
Carriage road renovation work being funded through an NPS grant
Nearly done with all admin work
Salt marsh restoration
in the discovery phase of this project
Visitor engagement
Guided walks on afternoons, weekends, and evenings
Summer solstice event
Summer camp
Summer send off
Introducing more accessibility from the Nantasket junction MBTA lot
A shuttle is now being offered along with a guided walk upon arrival to the park
“Freedom Chair” – a bike option for those with physical disabilities with very few limitations to access
Andrew Hargens
ICA opens the watershed and the Boston Harbor shipyard for the season tomorrow
Saturday Fish market is now open from 11- 3 in the Seaport in partnership with the MA farmers market
Tall Ships 2026 – more info to come
Closed in 2000 due to asbestos contaminated soils
Design and permitting for restoration to be completed by end of FY25
Cost estimate is $6.5M with no funding sources yet identified
Restoration could be completed by 2027 potentially
Repairs also needed for docks, piers, ladders
Full project finalized maybe by 2029
Yurt camping reservations nearly full
Roof repairs for the chapel
22 seasonals
Still looking for some labor and supervisory positions to be filled
REI is putting on Kayak tours at the end of June
New South Region aquatics manager
Coast Guard
Tomorrow is the celebration for the legacy of the Boston Lighthouse keeper
Sally Snowman will be recognized at the Hull Life Saving Station Museum in Hull from 10-1PM – all invited!
CAPT Kailie Benson mentioned that this will be her last Partnership meeting before her retirement in late July.
City of Boston
Joe Bagley plans to make a presentation at the upcoming meeting in September on the Boston Harbor Islands Archeological Climate Action Plan that will address the need for climate resilience and preservation for our Harbor Islands' archaeological sites
Fred Laskey mentioned that security considerations for popular pedestrian spots in the summer are in play
Public programming
Weekly offerings throughout the core season including climate Wednesdays and science Fridays
Educational programming based out on Georges to host ~300 students
In collaboration w DCR, NPS will host Blue Star families via outdoor explorers for all
The Climate Conservation Corps will be renewed for a second year!
Working on saltmarsh science and adaptation
Energy assessments at park facilities
Climate appropriate tree planting lists
In conjunction w DCR, a request has been put in for pit toilet replacements on Grape and Lovells islands
The Partnership Science and Stewardship Committee is in the process of being put together
Advisory Council (suspended)
Elizabeth Solomon mentioned that she will be retiring from her position at Harvard and hopes to be more active in the upcoming months
Cathleen Stone Island Outward Bound School
Name change of the organization is official
Early stages of a Strategic Plan is looking at the major assets on the island
Also investigating erosion and climate change issues
Launching an expanded Green Ambassadors program
Public Comment
Friends of the Boston Harbor Islands, Suzanne Marsh
DCR is asking for park ambassadors during some of their public camping events
4:21 – Motion to adjourn
Meeting Minutes
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Date: Tuesday, 3/19/2024
Time: 3:00-4:30 pm
Partnership Members
Kathy Abbott, Boston Harbor Now
Marc Albert, National Park Service
Brian Arrigo, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation*
Joe Bagley, City of Boston*
Kailie Benson, United States Coast Guard
Michael Creasey, National Park Service
Priscilla Geigis, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Andrew Hargens, Massport
Fred Laskey, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (chair)
Conor LeBlanc, Massport
Delaney Morris, Boston Planning and Development Agency*
Ted Shwartzberg, Boston Planning and Development Agency*
Cathy Stone, Boston Harbor Now*
Elisabeth Solomon, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
Rob Moir, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
Guest Presenters
Joe Christo, Managing Director Stone Living Lab
Dr. Paul Kirshen, Research Director of the Stone Living Lab
Professor of Climate Adaptation, UMass Boston School for the Environment
Katie McDowell, Coastal Research Scientist, Program for the Study of Developed Shorelines Western Carolina University
Dr. Zoe Hughes. Research Assistant Professor of Earth & Environment, UMass Boston
Meeting Notes Recorded by: Liza Stearns
Call to Order and Introductions
Chair Fred Laskey called meeting to order at 3:06pm.
Fred acknowledged that the Boston Harbor Islands are the ancestral territory of the Massachusett Tribe, that has lived on and cared for this land and water for thousands of years and continue to live here and care for this place today.
Fred then introduced Brittany Knotts from Boston Harbor Now to go over Zoom meeting logistics.
Approval of Meeting Minutes – January 16, 2924
Approval of minutes. Fred Laskey moved that minutes from the January 16, 2024 meeting be approved as written. Michael Creasey made a motion to edit the minutes to reflect that Kathy Abbott (rather than Suzanne Gall Marsh) seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting. Priscillla Geigis seconded the motion. Partnership voted unanimously to approve amended meetings minutes.
Motion to proceed, 3:07pm
Partnership Administration Updates
Partnership Meeting Dates & Details
Michael Creasey
Seeking an opportunity for members of the congressional delegation to join for one of the upcoming BHI Partnership meetings. Rep Stephen Lynch’s office has expressed interest. Stay tuned for details
Upcoming meeting dates and request for feature topics and speakers.
May 21 (virtual). Featured topic: Connections of Nature to History.
Several people have recommended a feature presentation on Indigenous People and the Islands.
Please reach out to Michael with recommendations for speakers and format.
July 16 (on island). Featured topic and island TBD
Proposal is to meet on an island; checking to see if this works for partners and, if so, which Island is preferred/recommended.
Reach out to Michael with recommendations for speakers and format.
Nomination Updates
Michael Creasey
Work is underway to submit and secure approvals for partner nominations in the face of staffing changes across partner organizations.
Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR):
Brian Arrigo’s nomination in process for submittal to Sec of Interior Office for review/approval/appointment
Seeking second DCR nomination to replace Susan Kane
City of Boston
Joe Bagley, awaiting letter from the Mayor’s/Chief’s Office to forward nomination to Secretary of Interior’s Office for review/approval/appointment
With Chief Mariama White-Hammond’s pending departure in April, the City has been asked to prepare a City nominee.
Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA)
Working on getting nominations submitted and approved in the face of recent retirements. Fred Laskey working on a nomination package for Katie Ronan to serve as his alternate for MWRA.
Boston Planning and Development Agency (BPDA)
Appointment letters have been sent for Ted Shwartzberg and Delaney Morris to the Secretary’s Office.
US Coast Guard (USCG)
With Captain Benson’s departure in July, the USCG will be asked to nominate a replacement member.
New Committee Proposal
Marc Albert
The National Park Service proposes to establish a new Science and Stewardship Committee. Establishing a new committee requires the Partnership to vote and approve such an action.
Purpose of proposed committee:
Provide strategic guidance for the study and management of the landscapes and of the park individually and as a system within the broader context of the harbor ecosystem.
The committee would seek to support park management planning and public engagement by facilitating gathering and sharing the best available science, scholarship, and indigenous traditional ecological knowledge about past, present, predicted future park landscapes, cultural systems, ecosystems, and biodiversity.
Committee formation will affirm and systematize the work that is currently happening without structure
Q: A clearinghouse or a board? How would it function within the whole of the BHI Partnership
A. Up to those who come into the circle to plan and define.
As noted in the bylaws, the Chair can establish a committee for any purpose, but they will need a voting member or alternate member to chair the committee. Marc has offered to serve as inaugural Chair
Fred L: Motion to establish a Science and Stewardship Committee.
Cathy Stone. So moved
Kathy Abbott. Second
Committee: Aye (unanimous)
Rob Moir expressed interest in serving as Vice Chair
Vote for committee chair and vice chair
Fred L: Motion for Marc Albert to serve as Chair and Rob Moir to serve as Vice Chair of the committee; motion seconded and passed.
Cathy Stone and Elizabeth Solomon expressed interested in serving on the committee (to be established at a later date through a call from Chair and Vice Chair)
Advancing the Partnership Spotlight –
Planning for Coastal Change on the Islands: Recent and Ongoing Science
Marc Albert, facilitating
Presentations featuring the work of three different researchers studying issues associated with coastal change due to climate impact. Findings will help public land managers assess current conservation methods and determine how we might adapt methods to steward parks into the future.
Presentation #1: Stone Living Lab: Partnerships and Nature-based Solutions
Joe Christo, Managing Director of Stone Living Lab (SLL) & Dr. Paul Kirshen, Director of School of the Environment, UMass Boston and founding research director of SLL
Joe C: Mission and work of Stone Living Lab
Mission: Innovate and implement nature-based solutions/approaches to protect vulnerable coastal regions through a collaborative, equitable, and Applied Science approach.
Vision: Create a future where people work with nature to make coastal regions resilient and adaptive to climate change while enhancing natural and built environments.
Partnership-based: Boston Harbor Now (BHN), UMass Boston (UMB), National Park Service (NPS), City of Boston, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), Massachusetts Executive office of Energy and Environmental Affairs
Approach: Nature based approaches: people working with nature to incorporate strategies that mimic nature to address
Research and monitoring
Education and engagement
Policy innovation
Social resilience
Paul K: Core Research and Monitoring Projects:
Using what we can learn from nature and using those principles to protect our shorelines from sea level rise and make our shoreline infrastructure more friendly to wildlife using a variety of techniques.
Living Sea Walls: hard walls that create habitats for sea creatures/life. Fallon Pier and
Cobble Berms: how these absorb energy and impacts on nearby ecosystems
Real time monitoring: measure wave heights, water level gauge, temperature and water quality. Multiple collection sites. Info gathered comes in real time.
Enables real time sense of what is happening in the harbor. Can report on what is happening and after the event look at the data as a system to understand what is happening during a storm harbor-wide. These data will help us better understand the impacts of future storms.
Camp Harborview Collaboration/Long Island
Instrumenting the perimeter to understand the island sides/sections that are eroding
Data gathering (e.g., onshore drone surveys, sonar, etc) to understand baseline conditions ad how they change over time and with specific impacts.
Katie McDowell Peak, Program for the Study of Developed Shorelines, Western Carolina University
Project Overview –
Purpose: To inventory the vulnerability of NPS buildings and transportation assets agency-wide to coastal hazards and sea level rise so park managers can identify vulnerable assets and make decisions to help reduce exposure and/or sensitivity to infrastructure as a result of sea level rise. Assets in the study are all identified in the NPS asset database (FMSS/Facility Management Software System).
Large multi-park study that started almost ten years ago. Studies at 50 of the 120 participating parks are complete.
Vulnerability: For the purposes of this study protocol, vulnerability is a combination of Exposure to hazards and Sensitivity (how the asset will fare if asset is exposed)
Exposure has to do with location, whether an asset or infrastructure is located in an area that has that particular hazard.
Calculate exposure by looking at past flooding and flooding potential, shoreline change, 100-year FEMA flood zone, sea level rise, major events.
Sensitivity is how the asset will fare when it is exposed, how much damage it could have with a particular stressor.
Assess sensitivity by looking at asset location, flood damage potential, storm resistance and condition, historical damage, protective engineering
Data collected through surveys and then mapped and analyzed, maps, mapping of condition change over time
Results tracked on spreadsheets for both Exposure and Sensitivity and then tracked for overall vulnerability assessment.
45% of assets are vulnerable; data and tables available
Document describing the methodology used is available
Marc will share the final report and the forthcoming Science and Stewardship Committee will ensure that research findings and studies like this are widely available
Presentation #3: Modeling Coastal Exposure Risk of Nine Boston Harbor Islands
(Slides not available as of 5/13/24)
Dr. Zoe Hughes, Research Assistant Professor of Earth & Environment, UMass Boston
Project Overview –
Purpose of the study is to help park managers make decisions about protecting nationally significant cultural and natural resources and visitor facilities by modelling exposure to climate risks at specific locations in the park using site-specific data. Park managers can use this information to identify areas most likely to be damaged by climate change impacts and make decisions about managing these areas in advance of adverse climate impacts.
Focus on the exposure of resources to potentially destructive coastal erosion and deposition of sediments on nine islands including Lovells, Georges, Thompson, Spectacle, Peddocks, Long, Great Brewster and Gallops
Exposure is the focus of this study – exposure of cultural resources (historical and pre-historical arch sites), natural resources and features (bird nesting habitats, salt marsh, rare nesting areas, endangered plants), and infrastructure (built features)
Looked at the factors affecting bluff retreat. Measuring the variables affecting bluff retreat will increase our ability to model where bluff retreat will occur.
Geomorphology modeling
Ariel Photo and data gathered in the field in alignment = confidence in results gathering and suggesting we can use aerial photos in place of field data for faster data collection over a large area.
Bluff Erosion measurements
Bluff stability analysis
Collected Bathymetry data to study underwater terrain and water depth for information about currents and wave behavior.
Sediment data tells us how susceptible the substrate is to erosion or how stable it is.
Uses previous work on sea level rise scenarios and models of future storm events with models on site features within the Boston Harbor Islands.
Combination of sea level rise, storm surge flooding, bluff erosion and wave energy; combined all of the different data sites to determine which areas are most likely to be impacted by changing and more extreme coastal processes as a result of climate change.
Study results will show effects to focal cultural and natural resources and infrastrucutre – Draft is available online: Boston Harbor Islands (
Findings ultimately will be available via searchable tools to land owners, etc. And will be a resource for them as they make decisions about how to manage infrastructure as well as natural and cultural resources.
Roundtable Report
Boston Harbor Now (Kathy Abbott)
Free Ferry Weekend, May 18-19; hoping for press/media event to announce free and reduced ferry options
GEI Engineering for CNY pier one and Little Brewster docks
Spectacle on Spectacle June 12 planning
Working with TDC on new strategic plan
Job postings: Chief Impact Officer, Park Operations Manager, Executive Assistant; help spread the word looking for candidates
Innovation Islands mini grant review in process; 20% increase in applicants and many new applicants
Collaborating with BHCC to provide new and expanded options to advance equitable access goals through free and reduced ferries. Opening weekend free ferries (May 18-19), $5 tickets over closing weekend, expanded WIC and EBT (subsidized about 40% of ridership last year with DCR and NPS)
Invite Matt Murphy, BHCC to share their programming menu (technical difficulties, will come back to BHCC)
Massport (Andrew Hargen and Conor LeBlanc)
Looking ahead to start of cruise season, 150 ship calls and ½ million visitors; working with maritime department to expand to outreach to organizations that have content and experiences; please connect with Cruise Planning folks in maritime planning dept
Seafood Market/Boxes Installation – will be engaging MA Farmers Market to integrate fresh produce into fish operation to serve the neighborhood with diversified set of goods
Senior at Tufts working on interpretive signage at water transport shelter MassDOT controls near the airport at our offices and at the Hyatt hotel near Logan; increased signage and educational material to highlight the islands, etc; hoping to have interpretive signs up in the next few months
Working with BHN (Liz and Christian); will reach out to NPS for input, too
MA DCR (Brian Arrigo)
Passing of Jessican Renehan; valuable and deeply loved team member, will be sorely missed.
Issued work orders to Peddocks Island chapel roof; work beginning this spring,
Improvements to Spectacle to be prepared for the Gala.
Hosted pre-bid meeting for install of new pavilion on Georges; construction to begin in May
Contractors mobilized this week to clean the water pipes at Georges, work will continue through June
DCR currently hiring; 14 long term and 18 short term positions; interviewing for full time ranger for the islands. Gearing up for summer. Send candidates our way.
Excited for camping reservations to be open April 22-24.
Advisory Council (Elizabeth Solomon)
Past advisory council members interested in moving some things forward; she said that she will be retiring in June so will be able to spend more time on BHI issues for reestablishing the advisory group.
US Coast Guard (Captain Benson)
Sally Snowman send-off. May 22 Hull Lifesaving Museum. Hull Lifesaving, NPS helping with this Late morning. Open House style with program in the middle.
Live action cameras on Little Brewster mounted from Boston Light refresh every 20 seconds – image taking shows the bluff erosion
Captain Jamie Frederick coming on board as Captain Sector Boston in July. Captain Benson retiring
City of Boston (Joe Bagley)
Chief White Hammond retiring the end of April. Aiming for overlap between Chief Hammond and replacement
BHI Archeological Action Plan moving along smoothly; will present to BHI Partnership in the future
Thompson Island Master plan, working with contractors on archeologically sensitive issues
National Park Service (Michael Creasey)
This Saturday, Revelry and Revolution boat cruise exploring revolutionary history of the harbor. March 23, 1pm
America’s Field Trip July 25 and August 8: NPB/BHI one of the field experiences for student winners of a contest asking students in grades 3-11 to speak to what the nation means to them via photos, art and essays; the Boston field experience includes a clambake on Spectacle Island
Curriculum-based programming for Boston Public School students in May/early June. Programming will be on Georges. Theme: How Does Boston Speak up for Change?
Harbor Discovery Camps over seven weeks in the summer; serve Boston YMCA programs with young people 8-12; Discovery Camps supported by 15-18 year old teen leaders hired by NPS through Youth Conservation Corps
National Science Teachers Association annual conference is Denver, March 20-23. NPS, BPS, BHN, SLL will be presenting of participatory and place-based science learning
NPS is also hiring: All kinds of opportunities for people to find employment, either seasonally or otherwise. So check out our websites.
BHCC (Matt Murphy – audio)
Hiring – staffing is key and hard at work on this. Retained a number of staff through the winter so we don't start from scratch every spring. Recruitment is a full-time effort - outreach, job fairs, and in-house training.
Training - In house training programs allow someone to enter as a deckhand, then move to senior deckhand and ultimately to Captain. Captain Training Program done in cooperation with USCG (BHCC pays tuition) that provides for career pathways so a person can start in a front-line crew position @ minimum wage and then step up to captain through in house career development pathway. Seven graduates of Captain Training Program to date.
Seeking to secure as many cross-trained captains as possible to operate full fleet of Harbor Islands vessels to enable passage to Georges, Spectacle, Peddocks and occasional trips to Thompson.
Vessels: Fleet is ready to go. Fort Independence (in good shape), Brandt Point (ready to go), Frederick Nolan, Rita, Rookie
MWRA (Fred Laskey)
Finishing up upgrades to Nutt Island facility; multi-year, multimillion dollar project drawing to a conclusion and trails will soon be up and open and ready for use
Deer Island – gearing up for peak season; Free Fishing Festivals coming up
BPDA (Delaney Morris)
She and Ted are happy to be serving the partnership after the tenures of Rich and Chris.
Long Wharf mitigation study (resilience team) has developed several alternatives for the design of Long Wharf, near term to long-term. Ongoing public engagement to inform resilience design, planning, treatment.
BPDA resilience team just released the RPF for Charlestown Navy Yard and the little mystic channel, coastal area just north of the National Park Service site. Replies due April 2nd.
Bringing on a consultant team to conduct flood mitigation feasibility and design study for that area of the Charlestown neighborhood. Be on the lookout for all of those studies coming online.
Looking forward to working with the partnership.
Public Comment
Liz Kay, Save Our Space Hull. Former teacher at Thompson Island. Interested in ways to educate people about the islands. Paused development of the last open parcel of harbor land. Community engagement calling for a halt on development. Value of land for resilience. As part of 2024 and 25 plan – elevate and raise more awareness about the vulnerable beach and inner and outer islands. Scheduling eight programs for members and public. Goal is to help public make better and more informed decisions when they go to vote on the future of the land.
NPS will meet with Liz Kay to learn more. Liz to send email to Michael
Suzanne Gall Marsh. Friends of the Boston Harbor Islands.
Peddocks Island – looking forward to camping and day visits. Request to extend the full camping season (through the middle of October).
Looking at the Partnerships 25th anniversary plan. Mentions the Peddocks Island Vision Plan. At next meeting can we have a presentation on the vision plan. Maybe July trip out to Peddocks.
Shaping Strategic Alliances: reimagine the role of the advisory council. Michael – status of the NPS partnership position. Might we work with this position in the future? NPS: yes. As soon as the NPS Partnership Specialist position is on board.
Tomorrow evening Revolutionary Harbor: program about the Great Brewster Journal of 1891. FOBH
Fred makes motion to adjourn at 4:51, seconded, all in favor.
Meeting Minutes
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Date: Tuesday, 1/16/2024
Time: 3:00-4:30 pm
Michael Creasey, National Park Service
Marc Albert, National Park Service
Capt. Kailie Benson, United States Coast Guard
Bradley Peifer, United States Coast Guard
Priscilla Geigis, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Anne Smith White, Trustees of Reservations
Joe Bagley, City of Boston
Rob Moir, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council
Fred Laskey, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Conor LeBlanc, Massport
Kathy Abbott, Boston Harbor Now
Sylvia Watts McKinney, Thompson Island Outward Bound Center
Susan Hamilton, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Cathy Stone, Boston Harbor Now
Maureen Cavanaugh, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council
Meeting Notes Recorded by: Julieanne Fontana, National Park Service
Call to Order and Introductions
Fred Laskey called the meeting to order at 3:03 pm.
Fred Laskey acknowledged that the Boston Harbor Islands are the ancestral territory of the Massachusetts Tribe, who have lived on and cared for this land and water for thousands of years and continue to live here and care for this place today.
Fred Laskey then introduced Rebecca Smerling from Boston Harbor Now to review Zoom meeting logistics. If you are presenting, you will be upgraded later in the meeting so that you can speak. Chat is available for questions.
Approval of Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2023
Approval of minutes from November 19, 2023. Fred Laskey moved to approve the minutes and Michael Creasey seconded. Partnership voted unanimously. Meeting minutes were approved and distributed.
Administrative Updates
Partnership Administration Updates
Michael Creasey, National Park Service
Partnership meeting schedule for 2024 & proposed presentation topics (in graph below)
Proposed topics below coming out of Partnership report.
Meeting Dates
Partnership Proposed “Spotlight” Topics from the Anniversary Report “Advancing the Partnership Agenda”
January 16, 2024
Landscape Scale Conservation #1
March 19, 2024
Landscape Scale Conservation #2
Congressional Members and Staff Invited
May 21, 2024
Making Connections to Nature & History
July 16, 2024
Harbor & Island Tour/Meeting
Sept. 17, 2024
Nov. 19, 2024
Partnership Year in Review
Advancing the Partnership Spotlight: “Landscape Scale Conservation: Conserving Biodiversity on the Islands – Studies of Breeding Birds and Intertidal Communities”
Marc Albert, NPS Program Director of Science & Stewardship Partnerships
Two main reasons we study the Boston Harbor Islands:
We need the best available information to make decisions about how to conserve and protect the park biodiversity and landscape
We learn interesting things – and provide visitor enjoyment.
Two presentations today, presentation notes below.
Intertidal Biodiversity on Islands Facing Rapid Climate Change: Dr. Michelle Staudinger, University of Maine
Boston Harbor Islands have a long history of human impacts, transforming from high pollution to area of recreation
Many sea level rise impacts already – and expected to experience much more by the end of the century
Priority on inner islands : Georges, Peddocks, Lovells, Thompson, Gallops
High risk with sea level rise
Mixed coarse substrate habitats, which are not currently routinely monitored
Outer islands of bedrock routinely monitoring by National Park Service
Typical intertidal zone consists of high, mid, and low intertidal zones on bedrock.
Zonation patterns a bit different than typical on the Boston Harbor Islands
Researchers developed a novel monitoring framework
5 islands, 10 sites including cultural or erosional sites, biodiversity hotspots, and control sites.
Species detected in BHI has increased over time (1861 – 2020)
Includes increase in non-native invasive species. Some have been here a long time, some newer
Novel protocol was highly effective at detecting biodiversity
Crab detection varied significantly based on method
Environmental DNA provides unique species information
Good at detecting really big and really small things. Not a replacement for transects
Baseline Data Results
Total species detected varies by island
Species detected varied among sites on the same islands. Biodiversity hotspot islands most often had more species.
Intertidal habitats of inner Boston Harbor Island are surprisingly biodiverse
Species diversity varies across and within islands, but non-native species are moving in
Why intertidal invertebrates and algae matter:
Provide important foundational habitat.
Food for higher-trophic levels
Carbon Sequestration
Are you interested in assessing intertidal biodiversity? Begin by contacting Marc Albert, NPS
Conservation Science to Protect Coastal Bird Nesting on the Boston Harbor Islands: Carol Trocki, NPS Monitoring Lead, & Lyra Brennan, MassAudubon Coastal Waterbird Program
NPS Coastal Breeding Bird Monitoring Program – a partnership of multiple organizations and volunteers
Boston Harbor Islands Waterbird Program Goals:
Quantify annual variation in high priority species (Least Terns, Common Terns, American Oystercatchers)
Conduct annual surveillance for use by endangered species
Determine long term trends in priority species
Provide information to improve our understanding of birds, habitats, and management habitats
Outer islands monitored by NPS, inner harbor islands monitored by MassAudubon
Including: American Oystercatcher surveys, Ground-based Tern surveys, Ground-based nest surveying (Eider, Gulls, Cormorants, Wading birds colony counts, & more
Mass Audubon’s Coastal Waterbird Program
Protect rare coastal birds and their habitats
Conserve MAs’ coastal ecosystems through science-based management
Protect 12-14 sites within the harbor
Protection Strategies: Signage and symbolic fencing, habitat management, outreach and education, conservation science and data, and advocacy
Partnerships in Action: Snake Island
Monitored by Mass Audubon, owned by town of Winthrop
Limited habitat availability for American Oystercatcher due to vegetation encroachment. Nesting was being unsuccessful.
Able to pilot a vegetation management plan with partnership that was incredibly successful from 2018 - 2023
Lovells Island
Critical nesting site for state-listed Least Terns and American Oystercatcher owned by DCR and monitored/ protected by Mass Audubon
Controlled vegetation burn to allow spaces for species to thrive
Wading Birds in Boston Harbor
Support from NPS & Boston Harbor Now
Determine breeding productivity, limiting factors and management recommendations
Evidence of continued decline for Black-crowned Night Herons and Snowy Egrets
Evidence of stabilization for Great Egrets in Boston Harbor
What can we do to protect wading bird, where nesting currently or historically? Outreach and education for visitors, partners, and more.
Such a unique coastal ecosystem and critical place for coastal avian wildlife. It takes a village of partners.
One reason birds are attracted to the islands is the lack of mammalian predators. More predators on mainland sites (foxes, skunks, etc.)
People as predators? Mostly unintentional disturbance. Signage, fencing can help with education for passing visitors.
Roundtable Report
Special Announcements
Fred Laskey: Dr. Sally Snowman recently retired after 17 years as lighthouse keeper with the Coast Guard. Partnership recognized Sally for all that she has done to preserve one of America’s oldest lighthouses.
Captain Benson: Planning a public thank you program for Sally Snowman in May at the Hull Lifesaving Museum
Sylvia Watts McKinney: Changing name of the organization from TIOBEC to “Cathleen Stone Island Outward Bound Education Center.” Thank you to Jim & Cathy Stone, who is on the call today.
Cathy Stone: Very proud that resources can be used to educate the next generation of environmentalists
Rob Moir, BHI Advisory Council:
Elizabeth Solomon taking a step back from the advisory council. Maureen Cavanaugh & Rob Moir connecting on options.
Kathy Abbott, BHN:
Alice Brown has moved back to position at the City of Boston. BHN will be advertising for a new Policy & Planning role soon.
BHN Kicked off a new strategic plan.
BHN – NPS – DCR in-person planning meetings have started (1st time since pandemic)
Innovation Islands applications open & due March 8
Island Pass program is opening in early March this year
Free Ferry Weekend scheduled May 18th
Winter events: Winter Wildlife Cruise is sold out; 2/24 Winter Wander tickets on sale
Priscilla Geigis, DCR:
Susan Kane, South Regional Director, retired after 17 years of service. Took her passion from the Islands to all the south region sites.
Many storms recently & storm damage to islands
Fleet of ships in for the winter and wait
Georges Island waterline broken and working on repairs
DCR in the midst of a lot of hiring. Please help share positions.
Michael Creasey, NPS:
NPS hiring, including seasonal positions and internships.
Program: Sally Snowman as 1st keynote speaker in Revolutionary Harbor series, 1/17
NPS continues to work with Coast Guard on possibility of Little Brewster transfer. On-island last Friday, 1/12
Program: Evacuation Day Cruise on March 23, tickets posted on soon
Capital projects – funds to continue working with DCR on Fort Warren’s preservation; funds for Climate Conservation Corps through AmeriCorps; funding for large-scale marine clean-up in fall 2024
Joe Bagley, City of Boston:
No updates on Long Island meeting.
About to start on archeological heritage guide on the island geared towards managers
100,000 items in Islands collection that is in process of being digitized
Fred Laskey, MWRA:
Severe weather and damage – the new norm.
Hats off to MWRA staff who worked nonstop through 3-4 days through tough conditions
Andrew Hargens, Massport:
New space opened with park
Good first season of Thursdays at the Fish Pier, where fisherman sold fish at the pier. Looking to expand to a farmer’s market this year
Cruise season extended into December – nearly 400,000 visitors. Continued bounce-pack for the port.
Captain Benson, USCG:
Boston Harbor Lighthouse webcam: 4000 unique logins
Work continues on Little Brewster. Aids to Navigation team continues to care for Boston Light. Working on a plan for landscaping and groundskeeping in the spring.
Coast Guard cutter Marvin Belle homeported in Boston Harbor. Will be commissioned in CT – a New England asset with homeport in Boston Harbor.
Can be used for protection of natural resources (fishing), search & rescue, law enforcement
6th and final fast response cutter
Captain Benson will have change of command in July 2024 & will retire. Captain Jamie Fredrick will step in. He already works in Boston & had worked in many New England positions previously.
Public Comment
Suzanne Gall Marsh: New Year’s Day event on Thompson Island
Shout-out to Norman, Thompson Island, who met the group and provided a tour of the groups.
Looking for a landing craft vessel for more programming
Fred Laskey made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Suzanne Gall Marsh. Motion passed unanimously, and the meeting adjourned at 4:17 pm.
2023 Meeting Notes
Meeting Minutes
Location: Virtual via Zoom Date: November 21, 2023
Time: 3:00-4:30 pm
Carolyn Fiore, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Michael Creasey, National Park Service
Marc Albert, National Park Service
Kailie Benson, United States Coast Guard
Bradley Peifer, United States Coast Guard
Clifford Krauss, Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center
Priscilla Geigis, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Susan Kane, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Anne Smith White, Trustees of Reservations
Joe Bagley, City of Boston
Rob Moir, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council
Fred Laskey, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Conor LeBlanc, Massport
Kathy Abbott, Boston Harbor Now
Call to Order and Introductions
Fred Laskey called the meeting to order at 3:03 pm.
Fred Laskey acknowledged that the Boston Harbor Islands are the ancestral territory of the Massachusetts Tribe, who have lived on and cared for this land and water for thousands of years and continue to live here and care for this place today.
Fred Laskey then introduced Rebecca Smerling from Boston Harbor Now to review Zoom meeting logistics. If you are presenting, you will be upgraded later in the meeting so that you can speak. Chat is available for questions.
Approval of Meeting Minutes – September 19, 2023
Approval of minutes from September 19, 2023. Fred Laskey moved to approve the minutes and Michael Creasey seconded. Partnership voted unanimously. Meeting minutes were approved with one edit and distributed.
Administrative Updates
Partnership Administration Updates
Michael Creasey, National Park Service
Process of getting nominations to Secretary of the Interior for approval is underway.
Conor LeBlanc from Massport and Silvia McKinney from Thompson have had formal letters of approval from Secretary of Interior.
Joe Bagley and Brian Arrigo: working to get nomination packages together.
Rich McGuiness and Chris Bush from BPDA have moved on and NPS will approach BPDA Chief for nominations
Partnership should be aware that the NPS has suggested making some “technical corrections” to the current legislation. Corrections would include:
Would put people’s names in the correct areas.
Will bring that forward for a conversation with the partnership.
Anniversary Report
Been using content as agenda items to discuss key themes that came out.
Spotlight: Harbor Islands Seasonal Highlights and Q & A
Julieanne Fontana, NPS, introduced presentation and facilitated.
Slides are divided between different organizations so each can cover the areas they contributed in.
Extremely wet season – 20 inches of rain, rained on 17 out of 20 weekends from May – October.
Roughly 30% of programming canceled or rescheduled.
Regular programming and specialty programs available throughout season.
Reel Fun Fishing Day Series returned for a second season with 3 successful fishing festivals at Deer Island, Nut Island, and Castle Island. Currently working to establish 2024 dates.
Lots of engagement and joy through learning to fish.
Castle Island was tricky because of ocean Looking to shift to Head Island next summer.
Rebecca Smerling, BHN:
Programming this year was focused on inviting new audiences in and learning from the anniversary.
Ways to activate, build access, and engage with the space.
Live music series, wellness options, evening programs, clambakes, kayaking, new historic interpretations, community cruises.
Nearly 5000 people engaged through 7 free community cruises.
Featured program: Innovation Island Mini-Grant program.
Awarded 12 mini-grants to community leaders/organizers for them to plan and host events for their constituents on islands.
Engaged with youth groups, first time campers, hip hop celebrations, etc.
Attracted nearly 2,000 visitors through Innovation Island mini-grant program.
Hosted two free ferry days in spring and three days of $5 ferry days in fall that engaged about 5,000 visitors.
Jack Murray, BHN:
BHN manages ferry contract.
High water mark for ferry ridership was 2014 and numbers have been gradually declining since.
Slight uptick in 18 – 19, covid drastically reduced ridership
Anticipation was that this year numbers would be back up to 2019 levels.
BHI ferry numbers down by 7%
Ferry ridership numbers are not representative of total visitation to park areas (reached by land) which are significantly higher.
BHN total project management cost of FY23 – 24 = $854,000
BHN total project management cost of FY24 – 25 = $462,000
Elisabeth Colby, NPS:
EYVE team returned to full, in-person, in park experiences.
Hosted 6 weeks of discovery camp programs with YMCAs in Boston which included a week on Georges and a week on Peddocks engaging a total of 450 campers.
Camp programs are meant to be in depth programs that build recreational experiences and confidence in an effort to build the next generation of park stewards.
Each camper who participates receives 4 ferry tickets to bring their family out to the islands.
Marc Albert, NPS:
Representing work of Science and Stewardships Partnerships team.
25 volunteer programs, 166 volunteers, over 2,100 hours of service.
Volunteers work with coordinated staff teams at Grape Island, World’s End, and Thompson Island.
Four separate views from cameras that update once a minute.
Sally Snowman will retire from Coast Guard Civil Service at the end of December.
USCG planning celebration in May for Sally, move information to come.
Roundtable Report
Rob Moir: Advisory Council
No key updates at this time
Clifford Strauss, Thompson Island:
Over 6,000 hours of work by volunteers on island, built new dock, doing improvements on island dock facilities.
Kathy Abbott, BHN:
Stone Living Lab has living seawalls project being installed at two different sites this winter, Camp Harborview project, upcoming Teacher Institute, next monthly seminar is December 21st.
Year-round access is underway and next program is Sculpture Stroll on New Year’s Day.
About to launch new strategic planning effort.
First Night fireworks will draw lots of peoples to waterfront.
Conor LeBlanc, Massport:
Cruise ship season ended about a week ago and marks another successful cruise year.
Terminal E extension with red roof opened at Logan Airport in August.
Lisa Wheelan, CEO, departed Massport earlier this month.
Shoutout to everyone who presented and pulled together the presentation!
Susan Kane, DCR:
Crew on islands working hard taking boats out of water and winterizing.
Hired new boat operator.
Developing O&M plan for all of the docking facilities.
Michael Creasey, NPS:
Bob Wilbur, Deputy Superintendent, is retiring end of November.
PLACE fellowship now accepting applications for next year.
Next partnership meeting is virtual on January 16, 2024.
Joe Bagley, City of Boston:
Discussing outreach and engagement plans with Indigenous partners in effort to do things in the correct order.
BHI Archaeological Climate Action Plan progressing well and in partnership with many organizations.
Fred Laskey, MWRA:
Rebuild of Nut Island Headworks for last couple of years has maintained public access.
In process of planting and will look much greener is spring.
Public Comment
Suzanne Gall Marsh, FBHI:
New Year’s Day public trip to Thompson Island
Tradition that began in 1980
Hoping there is a way stakeholders can be involved with ferry planning for next year, especially pertaining to camping in fall season.
Numbers are down in part because ticket prices have gone up and number of islands open have gone down.
Fred Laskey made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Suzanne Gall Marsh. Motion passed unanimously, and the meeting adjourned at 4:17 pm.
Happy Thanksgiving All!
Meeting Minutes
Location: Thompson Island Date: September 19, 2023
Time: 1:00 -3:00PM - Tour of Thompson Islands
3:00 – 4:30PM – Partnership Meeting
Partnership Members:
Fred Laskey, Chairman, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Kathy Abbott, Boston Harbor Now
Maureen Cavanaugh, Federal Advisory Committee Member
Rob Moir, Federal Advisory Committee Member
Brian Arrigo, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Michael Creasey, National Park Service
Kailie Benson, US Coast Guard
Priscilla Geigis, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Sylvia Watts McKinney, Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center
Recorder of Minutes: Amelia Benstead, National Park Service
Public Participants:
Emma Soucy, Boston Harbor Now
Bob Wilbur, National Park Service
Alankrita Narang, Boston Harbor Now
Suzanne Gall Marsh, FBHI
Brittany Knotts, Boston Harbor Now
Janine Daily, Boston Harbor Now
Amelia Benstead, National Park Service
Belle Procaccini, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Kristen Barry, Save the Harbor Save the Bay
Chris Mancini. Save the Harbor Save the Bay
Rebecca Shoer, Boston Harbor Now
Liz Cook, Boston Harbor Now
Alice Brown, Boston Harbor Now
John Curwen, National Park Service
Celena Illuzzi, National Park Service
Bradley Peifer, US Coast Guard
Joel Carse, US Coast Guard
Jack Murray, Boston Harbor Now
Thompson Island Tour
1:00PM – 3:00PM
Partnership members and public participants boarded the boat from the EDIC dock to Thompson Island. Sylvia McKinney, CEO of Thompson Island Outward Bound and Education Center (TIOBEC) welcomed the Partnership to the Island and TIOBEC staff lead including, Matt Hardy, Emma Levy, Alec Heilmann & Caitlin Deardorff the Partnership on a tour of the island describing their mission, various programs and programs.
Call to Order and Introductions
3:00PM – 4:30PM; Louis Conference Room
Fred Laskey, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 3:08 pm.
Fred Laskey provided a land acknowledgment that the Boston Harbor Islands are the ancestral territory of the Massachusetts Tribe, who have lived on and cared for this land and water for thousands of years and continue to live here and care for this place today.
Fred Laskey welcomed to Sylvia Watts McKinney as the new CEO of Thompson Island Outward Bound and the new MA Commissioner for the Department of Conservation and Recreation, Brian Arrigo.
Remembering Alex Hall (Park Ranger for MA Department of Conservation and Recreation)
Opening remarks by Commissioner Arrigo and Partnership representatives reflecting on the recent loss of Alex Hall.
Spoken remarks from Belle Procaccini, MA DCR.
Written remarks, read by Belle, from Susan Kane, MA DCR.
Moment of reflection.
Approval of Meeting Minutes – May 16, 2023
Approval of minutes from May 16, 2023. Fred Laskey moved to approve the minutes with one edit to add Andrew Hargens to the attendance listed. Priscilla Geigis seconded. Partnership voted unanimously. Meeting minutes were approved with one edit and distributed.
Administrative Updates
MA DCR Operations staff are in the process of assessing the main barge at Spectacle Island for repairs.
The roof of the Peddocks Island Chapel was recently repaired.
Copies of the newly published book Boston Harbor Islands Adventure; The Great Brewster Journal of 1891 was provided to Partnership members. A summary of the work and book was provided by Suzanne Gall Marsh. Many thanks to the volunteers who worked on this book!
National Park Magazine had a recently released article about Boston Harbor Islands.
Spectacle on Spectacle Gala was a huge success! Many thanks and congratulations to all who worked on it!
Partnership Administration Updates
Michael Creasey, NPS:
NPS received funding to begin a Climate Conservation Corps. Hands-on activity with young people focused on engaging with climate science and preservation in Boston area parks. Current funding is for one year. Program coordinator Rachel Muller is on board. 3 Corps members begin on Monday.
Little Brewster Transfer – dynamic and positive conversation recently had regarding how the transfer will take shape/place. Thank you to those who are supporting this process.
BHN Gala was a huge success, more diverse participants than previously, thank you to BHN staff.
Maureen Cavanaugh and Rob Moir, BHI Advisory Council:
Internal discussions about engaging with NPS and refining mission as they move forwards.
Thompson Island:
thank you everyone for joining today!
Kathy Abbott, Boston Harbor Now:
Brief remarks about the loss of Alex Hall.
Spectacle on Spectacle was a huge success. Over 1 million dollars raised, over 600 registrants, about 550 people attended. Next Spectacle on Spectacle is June 12, 2024.
Ferries to Georges Island will be $5 Saturday, Sunday, and Monday of Indigenous Peoples Weekend.
Innovation Islands Program phenomenally successful this year – able to put funding in hands of community organizations to craft experiences for their constituents.
Kailie Benson, USCG:
Installation of cameras on Boston Light have encountered some challenges but are very close to going live! URL coming soon for anyone who would like to log in and have a view from Boston Light.
Sally Snowman, current lighthouse keeper at Boston Light has announced her intent to retire from federal service at end of 2023. Sally will be back in May 2023 for a celebration of her career. USCG looking at a plan for what the next generation of lighthouse keeper will look like.
Fred Laskey, MWRA:
Lots of intensely rainy weather as of late.
Carolyn Fiore retired from MWRA earlier this summer and was presented with photograph of Boston Light from BHI Partnership.
Brian Arrigo, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation:
Operations staff transitioning to fall operations and beginning to prepare islands, infrastructure and boats for winter operations
Completed a great season of camping on Peddocks Island where the new shower facilities were appreciated and heavily used
Public Comment
Suzanne Gall Marsh, FBHI:
Remember to return to Thompson Island for First Day Hike on January 1, 2024.
Inter-islands ferry is no longer in operating, but private boaters are able to access the islands whenever they want. For all the money that was spent on Peddocks by the Commonwealth, when can public service from Boston to Peddocks resume? Service solely from Hingham to Peddocks is not sufficient for public visitation.
The park needs a beach landing vessel that the public can use. FBHI has historically chartered beach landing vessels in the past and is now unable to do so due to insurance shifts with only beach landing crafts available to charter. Please find a way that there can be a beach landing vessel that we can bring the public to islands that do not have docks. FBHI would be happy to charter this vessel.
Chris Mancini, STHSTB:
What is this next phase for STH/STB? Boating landscape has changed dramatically and is negatively impact ability to get public out to islands. Looking forward to this next face of engagement and visitation to islands.
Rebecca Smerling, BHN:
Autumn Adventure on Peddocks Island is Saturday. Plenty of tickets still available! Final fishing festival on Nut Island on Saturday, 9/30.
Jack Murray, BHN:
$5 weekend for ferries is in partnership with BHCC and NPS. October 7, 8, and 9, 2023. Brief remarks on the loss of Alex Hall. His final tour was in April for NPS Director Sams.
Fred Laskey made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Michael Creasey. Motion passed unanimously, and the meeting adjourned at 3:44 pm.
Partnership and public boarded the Thompson Island vessel and sailed to EDIC dock to complete the meeting and tour.
May 16, 2023
Meeting Minutes
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Date: May 16, 2023
Time: 3:00-4:30 pm
Carolyn Fiore, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Michael Creasey, National Park Service
Marc Albert, National Park Service
Kailie Benson, United States Coast Guard
Clifford Krauss, Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center
Priscilla Geigis, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Anne Smith White, Trustees of Reservations
Cathy Stone, Boston Harbor Now
Andrew Hargens, Massachusetts Port Authority
Joe Bagley, City of Boston
Elizabeth Soloman, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council
Rob Moir, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council
Call to Order and Introductions
Michael Creasey called the meeting to order at 3:06 pm.
Michael Creasey acknowledged that the Boston Harbor Islands are the ancestral territory of the Massachusetts Tribe, who have lived on and cared for this land and water for thousands of years and continue to live here and care for this place today.
Michael Creasey then introduced Brittany Knotts from Boston Harbor Now to review Zoom meeting logistics.
Approval of Meeting Minutes – March 21, 2023
Approval of minutes from March 21, 2023. Cathy Stone moved to approve the minutes with one edit to add Andrew Hargens to the attendance listed. Priscilla Geigis seconded. Partnership voted unanimously. Meeting minutes were approved with one edit and distributed.
Administrative Updates
Michael Creasey noted that the long-term representative, Stewart Dalzell, has retired. Conor LeBlanc will be the new representative. He welcomed Conor and thanked him. Michael Creasey welcomed Sylvia Watts McKinney, who was taking over Arthur's position. Michael Creasey stated that Brian Arrigo is the new DCR commissioner.
Partnership Administration Updates
Angela Allison, National Park Service
The spending data for 2022 was shared. There is a requirement to have a 3-to-1 match of non-federal to federal dollars. This ratio was well exceeded, at approximately a 7-to-1 ratio.
The total was nearly $18 million for 2022.
The expenditures by category were nearly equal between non-capital and labor, with a small about for capital expenses.
Federal dollars have decreased since 2020, and private-sector funding increased.
Spotlight: Answering the Call to Welcome All People and Provide Equitable Access
Boston Harbor Islands Access Programming Snapshot
Rebecca Smerling
Island Pass involves recreational field trips for schools, camps, and non-profits. Last year, there were 6,000 children from Boston Harbor City Cruises and 6,500 through BHN.
Free Ferry Days offer free rides for everyone.
Library Pass was established in 2013 and provided BOGO tickets to over 100 libraries. In 2022, 3,782 people were served in the program.
Curriculum-based Learning was in four Boston public schools, with seven visits across the National Parks of Boston. There were 225 students served in 2022.
The Recreation-Based Engagement: Hill to Harbor involves work with four YMCAs. There were 300 campers served in 2022.
The voucher program offers free vouchers to individuals and community groups to experience the Islands for free. There have been 28,840 vouchers sent since 2020.
The WIC and EBT programs were based on surveys and community feedback to bring WIC and EBT cardholders to the park for $4. Nearly 6,000 people have been served since 2021.
Innovation Islands was a pilot program where the Partnership awards mini-grants to 12 community organizations. The program has engaged 2,400 individuals.
The Community Cruise Series offers evening and day cruises for communities and neighborhoods to enjoy the Harbor, Islands, and Waterfront. There have been 5,929 individuals served so far in 2023.
Of the Ferry Ridership, 56.8% paid for their ticket in full, 10.5% were subsidized, and 32.7% were free.
The other partners included Save the Harbor, Save the Bay and Camp Harborview
Accessibility on the South Shore
Increasing Access on the South Shore: Sensory-Friendly Programming
Anne Smith-White, Director of the South Shore Portfolio
Weir River Farm became an Autism Friendly Business.
Through the Autism Alliance, staff training was completed.
There may be hesitancy to attend new programs for families who have a child with an autism spectrum disorder.
An autism-welcoming and sensory-responsive business takes extra steps to make impactful accommodations and allow for increased quality.
The Autism Alliance provided education, recommendations, training, and promotion of events on their websites and social media.
The annual Weir River Farm Spring Festival involved a sensory-friendly hour, involving reduced guests, low-volume music, sensory-friendly kits, the line passes, tip cards to vendors and volunteers, and identification stickers.
The current South Shore Partnerships are with the Autism Alliance of MA, Cardinal Cushing Center, Raising Harts, Work Inc., Waypoint Adventure, and Cordwainer Memory Care.
Equitable Access: Q&A
Marc Albert asked about boat rides and accessibility. Anne Smith-White stated that more could always be done. Information such as a social story about the event on the website could be provided so individuals know what to expect.
Andrew Hargens stated there was a program at the airport for individuals with autism as well.
Michael Creasey asked where the greatest opportunity to expand public access was. Rebecca Smerling stated that the Harbor and the Harbor Walk needed expanded access, and expanding knowledge of the programs would be helpful.
Cathy Stone asked if articles could be published for the public to see. Michael Creasey stated that could be worked on.
Michael Creasey noted that the next meeting would be on July 18th, and the topic was landscape-scale conservation.
Joe Bagley said his team was ready to present information on July 18th. Jack Murray stated he was also interested.
Roundtable Report
Cliff Krauss reported that there have been 600 kids from the Boston public school system in for an overnight experience; over the summer and fall, there will be 1,600 kids total. He reported that a float system was being replaced on the Island in the coming week.
Elizabeth Solomon stated they were slowly moving forward with planning around an advisory council. Rob Moir reported that communications were being worked on.
Anne Smith-White stated that the design and permitting process was ongoing, and there were two significant events at Worlds End, including a wellness retreat on June 10th and a Solstice Concert on June 24th.
Andrew Hargens reported an event a couple of weeks ago; there was a record number of ship calls, and a complete rebound to pre-COVID numbers was expected. He stated that the ICA Watershed was opening soon. He reported a container installation at the port, harbor, and pier.
Carolyn Fiore reported that they would be out of the Charlestown Office by the end of the month, and the headquarters was moving to Deer Island.
Captain Kailie Benson reported that they were working on installing cameras at Boston Light so there would be a level of public access to the cameras via a channel. She reported that the light functioning was old, and the lights frequently went out. It will also allow boaters to see the area. She expected the project to be complete within 30 days. Kailie Benson stated that this weekend was the kickoff for National Safe Boating Week, and there will be an event on Saturday from 10:30 to 12:30.
Joe Bagley reported that the Harbor Islands Climate Action Plan and ongoing work at Long Island were the biggest things happening. He will give an update on the Harbor Islands Climate Action Plan at the next meeting.
Priscilla Geigis reported that DCR and the Metropolitan Beaches Commission shared the same equity and inclusion goals. The governor and lieutenant governor at DCR knows the importance of equity and inclusion. She reported that there were 80 partners with the Summer Nights Program. She stated that the commissioner also wanted to emphasize that there was room for improvement.
Marc Albert stated that the Boston Public School Class visits would be happening again soon, and the students from the four schools would be participating in a year-long exploration. Free Ferry Day begins on the upcoming Saturday. He noted morning festivities near the Ferry Center with arts, music, and kid's activities. He reported that the Thompson Island Public Access season would begin with tickets at $5 to go to Thompson Island this Saturday.
Jack Murray reported that they were collaborating with DCR on a series of improvements on the islands, including signage, improvements to the gallery, improvements to the welcome center, and work on docks and piers. The final draft of the summary is currently under review.
Public Comment
Joe Christo thanked everyone and stated he appreciated everyone.
Cathy Stone made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Elizabeth Solomon. Motion passed unanimously, and the meeting adjourned at 4:31 pm.
March 21, 2023
Meeting Minutes
Virtual via Zoom
Time: 3:00-4:00 pm
Fred Laskey, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Carolyn Fiore, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Michael Creasey, National Park Service
Kathy Abbott, Boston Harbor Now
Marc Albert, National Park Service
CAPT Kailie Benson, United States Coast Guard
Susan Kane, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Clifford Krauss, Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center
Maureen Cavanaugh, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
Priscilla Geigis, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Nick Black, The Trustees of Reservations
Andrew Hargens, Massachusetts Port Authority
*Representing individual opinions only during period of advisory council suspension.
Call to Order and Introductions
Chair Fred Laskey called meeting to order at 3:03pm.
Fred acknowledged that the Boston Harbor Islands are the ancestral territory of the Massachusett Tribe, who have lived on and cared for this land and water for thousands of years and who continue to live here and care for this place today.
Fred then introduced Brittany Knotts from Boston Harbor Now to go over Zoom meeting logistics.
Approval of minutes from January 17, 2023. Fred Laskey moved that minutes be approved as written. Michael Creasey seconded. Partnership voted unanimously. Meetings minutes were approved as written and distributed.
Partnership Administration Updates, Angela Allison, National Park Service
Reminder that annual financial reporting is due by April 15. Email notice went out to all partnership members last week, including the full Standard Operating Procedure for how to report. Reports are due via the Microsoft Form provided. Match data will be shared in the May meeting.
We have put together a meeting plan for the remainder of the year based on the thematic framework of the anniversary futures report. We will be sending it out to each of you and asking that you sign up to present topics related to each theme at a future meeting. We are also looking to hold one field trip/ meeting in September.
Fred shared that this meeting’s theme will be Boston’s Working Harbor.
Spotlight: Boston's Working Harbor, Andrew Hargens, Massachusetts Port Authority
Generate new and sustainable revenue sources to support Massport’s maritime operations.
Stimulate economic development.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.
Included as a selection criterion for developers.
Collaborative urban planning.
Installing BOXES, a flexible space to host programming to promote and educate the public about the seafood industry, the working port and Boston Harbor.
Collaborative space for anyone to set up pop-up retail, education.
Boston one of four nationwide seafood hub.
Transportation network is critical.
Large contribution to economy.
Cruises bring hundreds of thousands of visitors to Boston each year.
Goal: Net zero emissions by 2031 (Massport’s 75 anniversary).
Massport has the ability to purchase property.
Opportunities to collaborate on engagement, content.
Partnership Updates
Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center
Sylvia Watts McKinney coming on board as new Executive Director. Starts April 24.
National Geographic doing a piece on canoeing, and they’ll come out to Boston Harbor Islands
Boston Harbor Now
Grant program received lots of great applications
DCR/NPS/BHN working Mystic Scenic contract to replace waysides and signs on Spectacle
Wrapping up engineering designs on piers and docks
Cruise ticketing has begun
No updates
Department of Conservation & Recreation
Prepping islands for opening and hiring seasonals
Launching boat Lady in Black
Restoring 7 days/week camping on Peddocks
Indoor showers being installed at Peddocks
Belle – new program coordinator
Park Service Day-April 22. Largest volunteer day. Events around the state.
U.S. Coast Guard
Installing a camera system on Boston Lighthouse (facing lighthouse and facing out). Gear has been ordered. In collaboration with NPS. This will help ensure the team can monitor if/when the light goes out so it can be fixed, boaters will be able to see conditions, etc. Goal is to get it up this spring.
On Thursday USCG is hosting a training exercise to ensure readiness for pollution control in the event of a pollution event by Plymouth, Salisbury. Practicing communication and coordination. There will be additional functional exercises in the future.
National Park Service
Introducing Maria DeLaundreau (new Supervisory Biologist and Julianne Fontana (new Supervisory Park Ranger).
BHN, in partnership with NPS and DCR commissioned GEI Consultants Inc. to undertake the evaluation of docks, piers, and other marine infrastructure at several of the Boston Harbor Islands and the Charlestown Navy Yard Pier 1. This information is being compiled into the “Boston Harbor Blue Infrastructure” proposal for NPS Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding.
A couple season’s worth of Island trash cleanups are being planned to benefit coastal bird habitats and the scenery / visitor experience.
For 2023 BHN, DCR, and NPS are making plans for volunteer group cleanup days on Peddocks.
We were contacted by USFWS about mitigation funding to support Common Eider habitat improvements - NPS and DCR ecology team have begun discussions for a possible Fall 2024 effort across multiple outer islands, with the thought that we would include both staff/contractor work and build in public participation and communications opportunities to celebrate the effort.
With partners, we are in full planning mode for summer programming. This year, we are thrilled to be moving forward with a second year of two signature programs from the Anniversary Year:
First is Innovation Islands, the successful mini grant program that last year provided 12 community groups with funding, free ferry tickets, and logistics support that enabled them to activate the islands in new ways designed to meet the needs and interests of their community. Partners this year include Thompson Island Outward Bound, DCR, BHN and NPS. The call for proposals closed last Friday (34 proposals!) and we expect to award 9-12 grants this year. Stay tuned for details on award recipients and the experiences they’ll be bringing to life on islands this summer.
The second 2022 signature program finding new and exciting life in 2023 is the family-friendly Reel Fun Fishing Day championed last year by MWRA and offered at both Deer and Nut Islands with a robust slate of partners, including BHN, NPS, Save the Harbor Save the Bay, Mass Wildlife, MA Dept Fish and Game, and MA Department of Marine Fisheries. This year DCR is stepping on board and the day of fishing clinics, family friendly fish dishes, and hands-on activities will be offered three times (Deer Island, Nut Island, Castle Island) with generous support from National Park Foundation.
Priscilla Geigis made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Kathy Abbott. Motion passed unanimously and meeting adjourned at 4:27 pm.
January 17, 2023
Meeting Minutes
Time: 3:00-4:00 pm
Fred Laskey, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Carolyn Fiore, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Michael Creasey, National Park Service
Kathy Abbott, Boston Harbor Now
Marc Albert, National Park Service
CAPT Kailie Benson, United States Coast Guard
Joseph Bagley, City of Boston
Susan Kane, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Clifford Krauss, Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center
Maureen Cavanaugh, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
Priscilla Geigis, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Rich McGuinness, Boston Planning and Development Agency
Elizabeth Solomon, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
Nick Black, The Trustees of Reservations
*Representing individual opinions only during period of advisory council suspension.
Call to Order and Introductions
Chair Fred Laskey called meeting to order at 3:03pm.
Fred acknowledged that the Boston Harbor Islands are the ancestral territory of the Massachusett Tribe, who have lived on and cared for this land and water for thousands of years and who continue to live here and care for this place today.
Fred then introduced Brittany Knotts from Boston Harbor Now to go over Zoom meeting logistics.
Approval of minutes from September 20, 2022. Michael Creasey moved it and Priscilla Geigis seconded. Partnership voted unanimously. Meetings minutes were approved as written and distributed.
Partnership Administration Updates, Angela Allison, National Park Service
We have a number of members that have officially been appointed by the Secretary of the Interior, Deb Haaland
Michael Creasey and Carolyn Fiore have been reappointed.
Marc Albert, Nick Black, Cliff Kraus, and Anne Smith White are newly appointed.
Facilitated Conversation, BHI Partnership Steering Committee, represented by Michael Creasey and Priscilla Geigis
Anniversary Report Review
As we approached the NPS 25th and DCR 50th anniversary year, Chairman Laskey established an Anniversary Committee that would have 3 subcommittees: Communications & Marketing, Programming, and Engagement.
The committee hired the Red Bridge Group to assist in facilitating and coordinating the committee work. Over the course of the year, we utilized the Partnership meetings to engage the Partnership and the participating public in “looking back” (what was accomplished), “looking inward” (how the Partnership does its work), and “looking toward the future”.
The Anniversary Report was intended to be an internal working document that could also be shared with various organizations, elected officials, and potential financial contributors. However, its primary purpose was to identify topics and issues that the Partnership can work on over the next five years.
The committee has taken the various comments that we received after the report was presented to the Partnership at the September meeting and incorporated feedback into the final report that was sent out with today’s agenda. We wanted to ask if anyone has any comments on the final version?
Agreement from multiple Committee chairs (Laskey, Stearns, Abbott), that this project was a great team effort with good collaborative efforts.
Looking Toward the Future, Michael Creasey, National Park Service
In the last section of the Report is a section entitled “Advancing the Partnership Agenda”. It calls out 7 key focus areas:
Confronting Climate Change Through Collaboration and Innovation
Connecting People to Nature and History
Welcoming All People and Providing Equitable Access
Landscape Scale Conservation
Developing Island Destinations
Boston’s “Working” Harbor
Shaping Strategic Alliances
Brittany was tasked with dividing participants into breakout rooms for a facilitated discussion. There are 5 facilitators, each with their own questions based on one of the seven topics above. The groups will at random go to 3/5 breakout rooms to discuss each question for 8 minutes. Report outs from each group below, with complete notes from each discussion at the end of the meeting minutes:
Question 1, facilitated by Angela Allison, NPS: The report calls for the Partnership to explore hiring a coordinator position. How Might We… define what the greatest needs that this position could assist the Partnership with?
Each group raised important questions that still need to be addressed (full time? Who pays salary? Are they more executive position or secretary-like? Which organization hires and oversees position/how would that position remain neutral if one organization supervises?)
This position could be more of an ambassador to reach communities that don’t have a voice at the moment.
Would allow us to do more than what we currently can, not necessarily take on more but complete what we can’t.
Question 2, facilitated by Liza Stearns, NPS: We had great success with the community cruises, free ferry days, and a mini-grant program whereby organizations applied for funding to create their own experiences to the islands; How Might We… learn from these programs to continue to engage even more diverse audiences?
The mini-grants stood out as a great idea to allow people to define for themselves how the Islands meet their needs. Encouraged to keep that program.
Recommendation to invest deeply in the evaluation of mini-grant types of programs to learn from them so we can improve environment for community programs.
How are programs advertised? Highlighting the faces of the people in that neighborhood that’s being advertised to.
Effort to look at additional funding and grants. E.g. work with Boston public schools to open the islands to new, young, audiences.
Really think about who our inactive audience is so we can send someone into that community to activate that audience.
Question 3, facilitated by Marc Albert, NPS: Climate Change is the greatest existential threat to the park and our coastal communities. How might We… utilize the Islands to engage scientists and everyday people in hands-on learning of climate change impacts and researching innovative solutions for ongoing management?
The islands are a warning system for the region.
Have markers on the Islands showing average high tide in 2030, 2040, etc.
Webcams on the Islands, specifically to see the Islands during high tides/storms
More visitor activities on the Islands in regard to climate change
Parks give a good opportunity to provide education programs around climate change because you can physically see the effects of climate change. There’s a way of talking about it so people can interact with reality.
There’s a tremendous opportunity on the Islands to engage young people
Question 4, facilitated by Priscilla Geigis, DCR: There was recognition this year that the Park and the Partnership would benefit from more outreach and engagement from Harbor communities, diverse interests and cultures. How Might We…find ways to be more inclusive and provide opportunities for people to see themselves as active users and stewards of their public lands? Identify who is missing?
Transportation – hard to get there (cost, hard to navigate if unfamiliar with Boston). NPS has put in for electric ferries, but it will be a while before that will be available.
Island experience – how to expand experience so you don’t have to be on the island.
Community – encouraging new groups to come, and to bring a friend.
Multilanguage welcome sign that invites people and assures them that everyone is welcome. Also diverse staff to reflect the community and speak with visitors in their own language.
Ask the communities what they want to build their experiences.
Marketing – social media to invite your friends. Get partnership staff out to the islands.
Difficult to determine which group we’re not reaching, so hard to figure out how to reach them.
Question 5, facilitated by Jack Murray, BHN: The Anniversary year explored new ways of collaborating among the different organizations, the Report reflected this work in a broad, but focused, Agenda for the future. How Might We… best work to advance the Agenda through the Partnership and are there creative and more collaborative ways that the Partnership could be working to create a greater collective impact?
Communication was a recurring theme.
How to achieve greater collective impact and build upon successes in 2022?
Many Partner organizations took on extra duty – how can we go back to them to see if they are still willing to participate?
Approach each year as an anniversary year to garner enthusiasm and maintain energy and focus on importance of Partnership and park.
There’s a balance to maintaining the hyper focus within organizations without being a burden.
Every two years there’s an election, new people new roles. Important to reach out to new players.
Focus on the Partnership priority and agenda setting. Go back to each partner to identify what their priorities and vision is.
Identify 1-3 of issues that many work on independently to work collaboratively to focus energy/resources/impact.
Reimagine advisory council in representing all interest groups.
Next step – use the discussions from today to identify how we activate the “Looking Forward” agenda. The Anniversary Committee will regroup to determine what/how to advance some of the ideas brought forward.
Partnership Updates
Boston Harbor Now, Kathy Abbott
Entered in contract for interpretive features on the Greenway, will be completed this spring
Comprehensive conditions assessment of Charlestown Pier 1, Little Brewster
DCR/BHN on visitor enhancements on Spectacle Island for new exhibits, waysides, and tents
Winter Wildlife Cruise is sold out! Winter Wander is nearly sold out on February 25.
Revolutionary Harbor Hybrid Lecture series starts next month on Zoom. This year’s topic is Revolutionary Harbor, Justice, and Harbor Islands
Applications for library and harbor pass
Funding for 2023 mini grant program applications open the first week in February
Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center, Clifford Krauss
Open for public school overnight programs. Significant upgrades to dock in South Boston and on the island. Combined about $2million, still looking for additional funding.
Advisory Council, Elizabeth Solomon
No updates
No updates
Department of Conservation & Recreation, Susan Kane
Ongoing projects with BHN and NPS.
Crews busy on Spectacle with deep cleaning and repairs and boat maintenance, pier maintenance, responding to storm damage, etc.
Pushing hard on spring recruitment to support all the ongoing projects.
Ongoing rehab of Building 45
U.S. Coast Guard, Captain Benson
No updates
National Park Service, Marc Albert
We are currently conducting interviews to fill multiple positions
(1) key Supervisory Park Ranger position to provide collaborative leadership for public programming and operations, and
(2) Supervisory Biologist to coordinate planning and implementation of landscape and ecosystem work. We hope to be able to introduce selected candidates at the next partnership meeting.
Key seasonal positions, including bilingual Cantonese/English and Spanish/ English Park Ranger positions. Hoping for a mix of returning and new staff eager to work within this dynamic partnership environment.
Anticipate most team members coming on mid-April with round two in early June.
Jose Salas has been hired to serve as the 2023 Community Volunteer Ambassador, joining the Education, Youth and Volunteer Engagement team on February 6th. He will be supporting partnership volunteer opportunities including participatory science projects.
In collaboration with partners, looking to build from new programming launched during the anniversary year, including Community Curated programming (mini grants), Family-friendly fishing, and interagency support of partner programming like Summer Solstice and Stewardship programming and events at Worlds End
Programs on the horizon through early spring (if not covered by BHN or DCR) include:
Stewardship Saturdays volunteer programs continue, focusing for this time of year at Worlds End, and looking to get back to islands in early Spring.
April Veterans Day Cruise and Program on Georges Island offered in collaboration with DCR, BHN and Homebase (reschedule of November program cancelled per weather). Details at the next meeting
Find info or register for programming on links provided, or just check the details in the latest Boston Harbor Now Newsletter
Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, Carolyn Fiore
Updating lights on digesters on Deer Island with more ecofriendly lights and that can change color.
Updating bus turnaround on Deer Island for handicap accessible buses. MBTA announced they are stopping that route to Deer Island and will stop at Winter Public Landing. Submitted comments to not stop the route.
Public Comment
Suzanne Gall Marsh, Friends of the Boston Harbor Islands
On New Years Day Friends hosted annual boat trip to Thompson Island. This year had 126 participants, mostly new visitors and not already members. This is the 44th year of service of the Friends of BHI.
Closing Remarks
Fred shared quote from Governor Healey’s inauguration speech:
“Massachusetts is my home. Its natural gifts take my breath away, and its people fill me with inspiration in return. The majesty of Mount Greylock and the hairpin turn at North Adams on the Mohawk Trail. The light at Cape Ann and the cranberry bogs of Plymouth. The port of New Bedford and the sparkling waters of the Quabbin. Long Point Peninsula and the Boston Harbor Islands guiding us on a flight home.” Thank you all for all your hard work and dedication!
Fred Laskey made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Priscilla Geigis. Motion passed unanimously and meeting adjourned at 4:27 pm.
2022 Meeting Notes
September 20, 2022
Meeting Minutes
Time: 3:00-4:00 pm
Jack Murray, Boston Harbor Now
Cathy Stone, Boston Harbor Now
Michael Creasey, National Park Service
Marc Albert, National Park Service
Doug Rice, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Susan Kane, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Fred Laskey, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Carolyn Fiore, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Nick Black, The Trustees of Reservations
Joe Bagley, City of Boston
Chris Busch, Boston Planning and Development Agency
Andrew Hargens, Massachusetts Port Authority
CAPT Kailie Benson, United States Coast Guard
Joel Carse, United States Coast Guard
Maureen Cavanaugh, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
Liz Sullivan, Boston Parks and Recreation Department
*Representing individual opinions only during period of advisory council suspension.
Call to Order and Introductions
Chair Fred Laskey called meeting to order at 3:02 pm.
Fred acknowledged that the Boston Harbor Islands are the ancestral territory of the Massachusett Tribe, who have lived on and cared for this land and water for thousands of years and who continue to live here and care for this place today.
Fred then introduced Brittany Knotts from Boston Harbor Now to go over Zoom meeting logistics.
Fred offered thanks for presentations offered during lunch hour.
Approval of minutes from May 17th, Fred Laskey moved it and Jack Murray seconded. Partnership voted unanimously. Meetings minutes were approved as written and distributed.
Anniversary Year Goals, Cathie Barner, Red Bridge Group
Fred Laskey introduced Cathie Barner.
She offered a little history of where the Partnership has been over the last 1.5 years as they tried something different from what the Partnership has usually done in the past.
She said originally when exploring whether the Harbor Islands should be a national park area people came together as they knew they needed to have all of the voices together in the same place. While there was lots of support, there were lots of questions, and even some dissent. She concluded that this Partnership was formed out of a need to see everyone at the table and that this anniversary year it is a great time to think about the future of the Boston Harbor Islands.
She said for the anniversary year, instead of hiring a PR firm to promote that there is an anniversary, the Partnership decided to look at the Partnership itself and see how it could be the planner/producer of the anniversary year. The approach was to create a series of several teams and organizations that would facilitate cooperative work. The theory that we could accomplish more working in cooperatively proved true and looking to continue that type of collaborating in the future.
The Anniversary Year organizational structure
Community engagement piece rested well in both communications and programming teams
Focus on reaching new audiences and engaging new long-term audiences
Partnership focused on;
Looking back
Looking inward
Envisioning the future
Increase awareness of islands
Enhance community engagement with all aspects of the park
Define a strategic framework for next 25 years
Anniversary Planning
Partnership defined as the leader
Community partners working in tandem with partnership
3 separate teams
Community engagement
New way of organizing and thinking within the three teams and as a whole.
Built teams based on everyone’s strengths.
Collective Impact
Many different skills, talents, institutional expertise that partners can bring to this
Power of Partnerships
$264.7 million in spending leveraged to implement partnership projects and programs
Looking to the Future, Michael Creasey, National Park Service
So much diversity built into how we approach our goals
Power of Partnerships
Ability to collectively leverage significant investments in the islands through educational programs, restored lands, preservation of historic properties, enhanced visitor experiences, scientific research, new and upgraded infrastructure improvements.
Focus will be on
Keep Eyes on the Prize
Bold and innovative ways of thinking about Park for the next 25 years supporting vital public purposes, places for learning and civic dialogue, as well as for outdoor recreation and respite.
What are the things that we really need to focus on?
Idea of public purpose
How do we begin to learn from the layers of history in this place?
How do we open it up to everyone?
Leverage the Partnership organization and coastal landscapes as a learning lab for developing solution to Boston’s climate resiliency goals
Stone Living Lab
Working to prepare for climate change. 25 years ago when partnership was formed climate change wasn’t really in the vocabulary, now it is front and center
Intentionally support an equitable and inclusive BHINSP.
Model “collective impact” – an intentional way of working together and sharing information for the purpose of solving complex problems and accomplishing common goals.
Begin to think about ways we can better work together
Advancing the Partnership Agenda
Confronting climate change through collaboration and innovation
Making personal connections to nature and history
Islands have experienced many challenging times
Bringing back landscapes and biodiversity along with recognizing histories is important
Answering the call to welcome all people and provide equitable access
Kudos to programming and communications committees for revealing some of the strategies uses
How do we begin to look at equitable access in a market-based transportation system?
Roughly 50% of visitor ship was at a reduced or free cost
Landscape scale conservation and developing islands destinations
Important to look at islands from landscape perspective
How do we build adaptable plans?
More information available today on developing adaptable plans that what was available 25 years ago
Costly and challenging to build places people can come to experience the islands
Look at the natural and historic elements of the landscape in a cohesive approach
Boston’s “working” harbor
Economics of the harbor and harbor islands
#2 industry in Boston and Commonwealth
Working harbor is changing and we need to embrace that
The Partnership’s Commitment
How do we look at ourselves for the future?
Identified common alignment for goals we would like to see in future
The anniversary year allowed the Partnership to deliberate on strategic alignment around common goals:
Maximize the Partnership’s greatest assets – its size and diversity. Collectively, the eleven organizations make up a dynamic and extremely experience staff that provide great opportunities for collective impact.
Explore the need for a Partnership coordinator that could facilitate and exponentially increase outreach and stewardship.
Reimagine the role and membership of the BHI Advisory Council.
Advisory Council was suspended, which gave the council time to reflect on what has been done and how it contributes to the partnership.
What is the role now of the advisory council?
Engage with the community to better understand the factors that contribute to visitation barriers
Ensure the Partnership has productive relations with indigenous peoples in the region
Working to improve relationship with Massachusett tribe
Remembering that we are on their land and integrating that into how we work
Intentionally integrate an Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access (IDEA) lens into all aspects of Partnership’s work
Anniversary Report Feedback
A tremendous collaborative effort went into the Anniversary year. Several Partnership and committee meetings focused on: “looking back” – “looking inward” –“looking toward the future”.
As we look toward the future, does the Anniversary Report capture what the Partnership should focus on in its future work?
Are there other considerations that should be included?
Have we missed anything that you feel is critical to be supported or addressed for the Partnership or park?
Facilitated Conversation, Alicia Leuba, National Park Foundation
Discussion of Futures Report
Framing of Conversation:
Thanks to everyone who gave time to Partnership and BHI over the past 1.5 years
When this group first sat down, focus was to increase collaboration and impact. Partnerships, friendships, collegial formed during process
Conversation on First draft of Futures Report
Virtual participants invited to participate by dropping comments in the chat.
Comments from Partners
Need to consider existential threat of climate change to park and acknowledge that we probably can’t save every place in islands in current state for future. Perhaps advise landowners what should be prioritized for adapting to rising water levels and more (severe) storms.
What should we prioritize putting investments into?
Impressed by internal carrying out of anniversary year but to accomplish many of things in Futures report a full-time BHI coordinator would be helpful
Could convene people regularly, focus on public engagement
Use model of what we have done with anniversary and implement in more permanent way
Who is the audience for this document?
Steering Committee spent lot of time thinking through this. Primary audience is the Partnership meant to be a recordation of the year of the anniversary
Are we going to use externally?
Attempted to experiment with bringing Partnership together in teams that could have a greater impact
Written in a way for people to better understand what park and Partnership are and raise awareness of it.
Tremendous amount of information, which could be overwhelming for individuals completely unfamiliar with our efforts.
More of a summary format could be helpful
Existential threats to islands
Climate change
Need to work diligently to let folks know that islands are out there and a great resource
Low visitation has negative consequences
Asset as a recreational area could ultimately become at risk
Long Island
Missing from report, perhaps because future is up in the air?
Important to include since it is the second largest harbor island.
Future partnership could be a possibility
Comments from Public
Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council
Why are you saying 11-member partnership?
It’s critical that Advisory Council does not get dropped
There are 11 voting members on the partnership and Advisory Council has two voting seats
Why drop 13 to call it 11-member partnership?
Matter of clarifying what is appropriate for today
General advocacy for continuation of Advisory Council
Would be powerful to highlight increasing staff capacity
This year we had much lower staff level than usual with much higher programming capacity
If we want to continue at this level, we need more people and more funds
Facilitator: Are we missing any priorities?
Should increasing visitation to islands be a priority
Affordable public access
Resource protection
Islands as destinations but not every island should have a lot of people on it
Balancing resource protection and island development
Priority should be developing strategic plans that integrate resource protection strategies with island visitation
Landscape scale plans need to address this balance
Visitor experience and resource protection study performed 25 years ago
Should look at that as guiding tool
Separate bullet point 4 into two categories, a) Landscape Scale Conservation and b) Developing Island Destinations
Feedback will return to Steering Committee to be reviewed
If you have additional thoughts/feedback, please send to by 10/14/22
Dave Santucci covering these emails
Can also contact Michael Creasey or Angela Allison directly
Shout out to Red Bridge Group
Larger and longer process than initially anticipated!
Led us through it all!
Public Comment
Suzanne Gall Marsh, Friends of the Boston Harbor Islands
We have an island park, and the most important park is getting people there
It’s about creating more frequent access opportunities
The agency needs more staff
Spectacle is only open 4 days a week and there is service only from Hingham to Georges on the weekend
Please, next year, have Peddocks Island, accessible in the fall from Boston. The weather is more enjoyable at that time, and makes perfect camping season.
Wonderful that we have free access and it shows what a need there is
Value and importance of raising awareness of BHI system to public life and resilience
About general awareness that island system is not removed from Boston residents in addition to access
Thank you all for all your hard work and dedication!
Fred Laskey made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Michael Creasey. Motion passed unanimously and meeting adjourned at 4:02 pm.
May 17, 2022
Meeting Minutes
Time: 3:00-4:30 pm
Jack Murray, Boston Harbor Now
Cathy Stone, Boston Harbor Now
Michael Creasey, National Park Service
Marc Albert, National Park Service
Priscilla Geigis, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Fred Laskey, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Nick Black, The Trustees of Reservations
Joe Bagley, City of Boston
Richard McGuinness, Boston Planning and Development Agency
Conor LeBlanc, Massachusetts Port Authority
CAPT Kailie Benson, United States Coast Guard
Rob Moir, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
Elizabeth Solomon, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
*Representing individual opinions only during period of advisory council suspension.
Call to Order and Introductions
Chair Fred Laskey called meeting to order at 3:03 pm.
Fred acknowledged that the Boston Harbor Islands are the ancestral territory of the Massachusett Tribe, who have lived on and cared for this land and water for thousands of years and who continue to live here and care for this place today.
Fred then introduced Brittany Knotts from Boston Harbor Now to go over Zoom meeting logistics.
Fred introduced and welcomed Joe Bagley, City of Boston archaeologist who will be representing the City of Boston in Partnership meetings as a voting alternate. He also said that Jack Murray will be filling in for Kathy Abbott from BHN during today’s meeting.
Approval of minutes from March 15th, Michael Creasey moved it and Jack Murray seconded. Partnership voted unanimously. Meetings minutes were approved as written and distributed.
Annual Partnership Spending, Sarah Waterworth, National Park Service
Fred Laskey introduced Sarah Waterworth.
Sarah shared the Partnership investments in the Park.
The Partnership is required to have a 3-to-1 leverage match, but in the recent years it has been 5-to-1 to 6-to-1 match.
Went from $14.93 million spending last year to $15.77 million this most recent year. She did not know if the increase spending was because of inflation or not, but noted we have spent more on leveraging partnerships to get youth, underserved communities, and native peoples out to the Islands.
Michael Creasey thanked everyone who provided inputs to Sarah and Angela Allison. He said it was helpful for fundraising purposes too. He went on to welcome Sarah back and said she started her career at the Boston Harbor Islands and after 8-years she is back as the Director of Business Services and Administration.
Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council Discussion
Fred said at the last meeting the Partnership heard from Elizabeth, Maureen, & Rob. He thanked them for their presentation and for getting the Partnership to think more about the role an advisory council can play in aiding the Partnership.
Fred said the Partnership has learned, from the information provided by the National Park Service, that for the advisory council to be reinstated, the Partnership must submit a request showing the council will provide value to us. The Partnership also heard that they need to clarify some of the roles and responsibilities of the council and Partnership so that everyone understands what it would mean to have an advisory council again.
He said he thinks the Partnership is all in agreement that, if the Partnership supports an advisory council, it needs to be fully representative of the perspectives of the different communities the Partnership serves. Elizabeth has started to explore that and has requested help from the National Park Service in facilitating that process further.
Fred ended by saying that this is a very positive step, but recognized that there is a lot of groundwork that is yet to be done to set the stage to have this work the way it was envisioned to work. He then turned it over to Michael Creasey.
Michael Creasey thanked Elizabeth, Rob, and Maureen for their presentation at the last Partnership meeting. He said the takeaway from the last meeting was that the Partnership felt that the advisory council does play a valuable role. But in order to address some of the questions the Department of Interior has the Partnership needs to formulate responses to their questions. Eventually the Partnership needs to formulate a roster of potential FACA members as there are several active advisory council members, but many are not. He said the National Park Service would work with the Partnership and the council members to develop a scope of work for a plan to identify things like roles and responsibilities, representatives of organizations and individuals that would best represent the diversity of the community, as well as include the various interests reported in the legislation. He also said, the Partnership should look at best practices of what an effective council looks like by reaching out to other advisory councils. He said he has reached out to Cape Cod and Acadia and they are more than happy to talk with the Partnership. Best practices for that relationship and being an effective council to the Partnership is really important.
He said at the last Partnership meeting there was discussion about bringing on a consultant who can help the Partnership think through this approach, but before the advisory council is formalized the Partnership needs to request a reinstatement from the Department of Interior. Michael mentioned that he talked with Fred Laskey and Angela Allison about activating a governance committee to work through the process of reinstatement and then report back to the Partnership. The governance committee has been activated before to talk through legislation and the anniversaries. This committee could work through the reinstatement requirements from the Department of Interior, draft scope of work for a facilitator to guide the Partnership through a strategic plan, and then report back at the next Partnership meeting to keep the full Partnership engaged. Michael recommended that Fred activate the governance committee to look at the requirements to reinstate the federal advisory council and draft a scope of work for the NPS to engage with the advisory council members to hire a facilitator to bring them through a planning process.
Fred Laskey agreed with Michael. And suggested that those on the Partnership interested in joining a governance committee, please email David Santucci with the NPS who will collect names.
Questions and Answers
(Q) Rob Moir: Mentioned that this Advisory Council was unique as it was created by Congress. He suggested to find best practices that the Partnership reconnect with Sarah Peskin with the NPS who helped designed the whole program and Mark Forest who worked in Rep Gerry Studds office when the representative put this legislation forward.
(A) Michael: He said he was familiar with Sarah and that they can certainly reach out to Congressman’s Studds former staff.
(Q) Elizabeth Solomon: She recommended that whatever committee is formed around this that there is representation from the current Advisory Council members.
(A) Fred: He agreed with Elizabeth as the current active members have put in a lot of effort over the years.
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) Funding Discussion, Michael Creasey, National Park Service
Michael shared a PowerPoint which gave an overview of Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) which was recently passed and talked about potential projects which could support the Boston Harbor Islands Partnership.
BIL authorizes $542.1 Billion for surface transportation programs for five years (FY 2022-26).
What’s in the BIL?
375+ unique programs at over a dozen federal agencies.
125+ new programs across 9 federal agencies representing >25% of total spending.
90%+ of these investments will be delivered by non-federal partners.
Close to 60% flowing through formula programs.
Close to 38% of funding contains provisions that allow for expanded federal cost sharing arrangements – particularly for rural and disadvantaged communities.
At a glance: The BIL Additional Funding (in billions):
Roads, bridge, major projects - $110.0
Rail - $66.0
Airports - $25.0
Ports - $17.0
Public Transit - $39.0
Safety - $11.0
Electric Vehicles - $7.5
Electric Buses – $5.3
Other - $3.5
Energy, Environment, Climate:
Water Infrastructure - $55.0
Resilience - $50.0
Power Infrastructure - $65.0
Environmental Remediation - $21.0
Broadband - $65.0
Relevant Programs to the Partnership:
Authorized Programs – Direct Federal: Funding Direct to Federal Agencies
Federal Lands Transportation Program – NPS and Other Federal Agencies
Discretionary/Competitive Grant Programs: Federal, State, Local and Partners (501(c)3) Eligible Applicants
Electric or Low-Emitting Ferry Program
Urbanized Area Passenger Ferry Program
Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program
Local and Regional Project Assistance Grants (RAISE)
Safe Streets and Roads for All
Formula Grant Programs: Allocated to States, Transit Agencies, Federally Eligible Tribes
Federal Lands Access Program
Construction of Ferry Boats and Ferry Terminal Facilities
State of Good Repair
Storm Risk Management, Hurricane, and Storm Damage Reduction Projects:
Direct Federal to Army Corps of Engineers: $2,550,000,000
Description: Army Corps will use this funding to construct authorized federal storm damage reduction projects.
Eligible Uses: Eligible federal projects to reduce the risk of flood and storm damage along the Nation’s coast.
Applications: Army Corps will be issuing multiple contract awards during Fiscal Year 2022.
Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost Saving Transportation (PROTECT):
Formula program to states: $7,299,999,998
Competitive Grant: $1,400,000
Description: Supports planning, resilience improvements, community resilience and evacuation routes, and at-risk coastal infrastructure.
Eligible Uses: conduct resilience planning, strengthen and protect evacuation routes, increase resilience planning, increase the resilience of surface transportation infrastructure from the impacts of sea level rise, flooding, etc. Highway, transit, and certain port projects are eligible.
Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program:
Competitive Grant Program Managed Under Federal Highway Administration - $1,000,000,000
Description: Projects to restore community connectivity by removing, retrofitting, or mitigating highways or other transportation facilities that create barriers to community connectivity, including to mobility, access, or economic development.
Eligible Uses: Grants (>$5 million) for capital construction projects, including the removal and replacement of eligible facilities. Planning Grants (<$2 million).
Carbon Reduction Program:
Formula Grant $6,420,000,000
Description: Provides formula grants to States to reduce transportation emissions or the development of carbon reduction strategies.
Eligible Uses: Construction, planning, and design of trail facilities for pedestrians, bicyclists, and other non-motorized forms of transportation; public transportation projects; and congestion management technologies.
Applications: First round of funds apportioned in December 2021.
Federal Lands Transportation Program (FLTP):
$2.2 billion (FY 22-26); NPS will receive $1.73 billion or approx. 80%
Description: Funding is provided from U.S. DOT to the NPS – there is not a competitive application process.
Eligible Uses: FLTP supports projects that improve the transportation infrastructure owned and maintained by Federal Land Management Agencies; more opportunities to conduct planning and collect/analyze more data to support the multi-year program.
Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects:
Formula Grant: $6,420,000,000
Description: Provides funding for the construction, reconstruction, and rehabilitation of nationally significant Federal lands transportation projects and Tribal transportation projects.
Eligible Uses: improves the condition of critical transportation facilities, including multimodal transportation facilities; uses new technologies and innovations to increase project efficiency.; serves land owned by multi–Federal Agencies; spans two or more states.
Project Match: There is a 10% match requirement.
Potential Projects:
Project: “Boston Harbor Blue Infrastructure” – Improving Safety, Resilience and Equitable Access to Nationally Significant Federal Land Areas in Boston Harbor.
Description: Modernize aging infrastructure and improve safety and resilience at Boston Harbor Island National and State Park to address critical deferred maintenance repairs to docks and piers at (7) harbor islands and (3) Gateway sites along the Boston Harbor and will provide expanded equitable access, improve operational efficiencies, and provide for climate resilience and long-term sustainability of the park’s transportation infrastructure. The project will also include the purchase of (2) clean energy ferry boats to ensure economically affordable, safe, and equitable access to the islands from main Gateway sites, enhancing transit connections between the islands and National Park gateway sites.
Funding Program: Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects
Green Ferries (2)
Gateway Dock and Pier Improvements @ Long Wharf, Charlestown Navy Yard, EDIC Pier, Squantum Pier
Boston Harbor Island Public Docks and Piers @ Georges, Spectacle, Peddocks, Grape, Bumpkin, Lovells, Gallops
Project: “Nature-Based Solutions and Historic Seawalls to Protect Boston Harbor Islands”
Description: Partnership to plan and implement nature-based solutions for coastal ecosystem restoration and archeological site protection in several eroding coastal sites with degrading historic seawalls. Working through the established Stone Living Lab partnership (SLL), work with university scientists, city and state management partners, and non-profit legislated partners to design, permit, install, and monitor nature-based solutions for coastal climate adaptation and ecological restoration on Georges, Gallops, Peddocks, Rainsford, and/or Long Island. Each of these islands has historic seawalls that are owned by USACE.
Funding Program: Coastal Storm Risk Management, Hurricane, and Storm Damage Reduction Projects (Army Corp Direct Federal Grant)
Funding Requests:
Pre-Planning, Planning and Compliance
Design and Engineering
Installation of Nature Based Solutions
Monitoring and Education
Project: “Charlestown Harborwalk Resilience Improvements – Addressing Sea Level Rise and Enhancing Equitable Access Along Boston Harbor”
Project Description: implement Harborwalk improvements in Charlestown to provide equitable access to the waterfront and public parklands from historically disadvantaged neighborhoods and protect historically significant public assets (USS Constitution and Charlestown Navy Yard National Park Unit) from the impacts of sea level rise. The project supports the recommendations from the Commonwealth’s Climate Adaption Plan and City’s Climate Ready Boston that recognize the urgency of addressing sea level rise while improving and expanding open space and recreation along Boston Harbor. The national historic landmark, Charlestown Navy Yard, will be universally accessible by land and water trails through multi-modal means.
Funding Requests: Local and Regional Project Assistance Grants (“RAISE” - grants to State and local entities on a competitive basis for project that will have a significant local/regional impact)
Harborwalk 2.0 – Pier 1 Resiliency Pilot Project @ Charlestown Navy Yard
Tobin Bridge Underpass – “Community Connector”
Climate Ready Phase II Improvements
Partnership Collective Impact Opportunities
Michael said opportunities like this could be strengthened because of the collective impact the Partnership brings.
(Q) Joe Bagley: Asked how is infrastructure defined? Are the resources like natural and cultural resources considered separate from the infrastructure that supports the resources?
(A) Michael: He said they define it pretty broadly. The BIL is broken up into three broad categories: transportation; energy, environment, and climate; and then broadband. There is a component in energy, environment, and climate that I think gets to your questions with regards to natural and cultural resources – things like environmental restoration that gets tied in.
(Q) Richard McGuinness: He noted a word of caution on the matching funds where those would come from and their availability. He also noted that they like to distribute these funds equally and equitably across the country. He then said that picking battles and prioritizing is important as there could be instances in which we could be competing against each other. Optics are important on these grant applications so they are consistent with local and regional plans.
(A) Michael: He thanked Rich for his insights. NPS met with the Metropolitan Planning Organization and the Governor’s office on some of their transportation priorities. He said one of the reasons why he wanted to bring up this topic at this meeting was so we do not compete against each other, but to also add an opportunity for the Partnership to look at collective impact and how they hitch their wagons up to each other.
(Q) Elizabeth Solomon: She suggested that the Partnership needs to look at what the infrastructure priorities are for the city and the state. She said not to sound controversial, she loves the Harbor Islands, but she does not think that it is a critical infrastructure area in terms of connecting the people. She would feel more comfortable if there was a priority around equitable access to the Harbor Islands, but absent that there are more critical infrastructure issues within the Greater Boston area. She would not want to support funding for the Harbor Islands if it meant it would take away funding for some other critical infrastructure project. She said as a community, not just as a Partnership, they should really look at their priorities and to look beyond the Harbor Islands.
(A) Michael: He thanked Elizabeth for her comments and noted that when they looked through the whole BIL they tried to be very strategic in terms of funding opportunities. He said that there are certain funding programs which only the National Park Service can apply, so they would only be competing with other National Park Service sites. He also said that opportunities like the BIL could allow the Partnership to look at the Gateway elements of the Boston Harbor Islands – places like Long Wharf, Charlestown, or other shoreline areas. He said they are not just chasing dollars for dollars sake, but instead have been strategic and focused. They are working with Climate-Ready Boston and others on how they can meet multiple goals and multiple objectives. He said look at the collective impact of what the Partnership might be able to do with regards to what the city, the state, the national park, and other federal agencies might be able to do to address climate change, equity and accessibility issues, green energy, and transit systems. He noted he did not have a lot of time to fully explain this topic, but he wanted to give some background. He said they have had about three meetings with some Partners to start looking at the opportunities, has attended a White House Advisory Council group briefing with other Boston area federal agencies, attended several NPS briefings on the BIL, and they have hired someone to look at strategic opportunities for the Partnership.
(Q) Cathie Stone: She noted the importance of collective action as it could bring some focus on some needs they have expressed for a long time, but never had the money to address. She also suggested it might be a good time to pull together a small working group to see how the Partnership could capitalize on this opportunity and she where the Partnership might focus. She said the Partnership has a unique authority as a collective for goals that the collective really believes in that can be important and not used by anyone else.
(A) Michael: He said he was trying to make people aware of some of the opportunities that he thought the Harbor Islands have, including the Gateways and to look strategically. He wanted to hear from folks in the Partnership today and as a follow-up maybe sending out more detailed information related to the Partnership and how they can begin to look at collective action to see where the synergies might exist.
(Q) Joe Bagley: He said he understands that the NPS can apply for certain NPS infrastructure projects and for the Harbor Islands, the Long Island Bridge comes to mind. He asked if anyone from the city has contacted the NPS about the Long Island Bridge?
(A) Michael: He said no one from the city has contact the NPS about the Long Island Bridge project. He did add that while there is a lot of money, but a project like Long Island Bridge would have to compete with other NPS projects, which there is already a lot of tough competition.
(Q) Jack Murray: He noted that a lot of the money coming out of the federal government has spending guidelines. He then asked if Michael had a sense of the timing in which the federal government will be ready to accept applications or when they would be putting out a call for applications? He wanted to know how quickly the Partnership needed to move on this.
(A) Michael: He said the federal government is already moving on this as parts of the Fiscal Year 2022 package is already populated. He said they have been trying to get a jump start on some of this to initiate conversations with the city, state, BHN, Stone Living Lab, and others just to see and feel out what opportunities should they apply for with the potential projects he presented today. He went on to say that the NPS has already asked parks to submit projects, especially for pilot projects/programs. He said he does not have an understanding from the NPS transportation funding what the schedules or announcements will be. He went on to say that even from the White house briefing he attended that other federal agencies are still trying to figure out the BIL and how to distribute all this money.
Anniversary Year Steering Committee Updates, Michael Creasey, National Park Service & Priscilla Geigis, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation.
Before Fred introduced Priscilla, he shared images of a banner with the Anniversary logo that will fly on one of the MWRA buildings on Deer Island.
Priscilla provided an overview of the Free Ferry Day season kick-off event at Christopher Columbus Waterfront Park with speakers from many of the Partners. She also thanked NPS and BHN for helping with programming around Free Ferry Day.
Priscilla then turned it over to Liza Stearns and Conor LeBlanc
Strategic Team Share-out, Liza Stearns, National Park Service & Conor LeBlanc, MassPort
Liza Stearns shared out some updates from the Programming Team
Worked with Communications team to develop BHI Anniversary Programming Brochure
Small group from programming team met with Derek Lumpkins to think about ways to improve infrastructure, communications, programming, and operations to be better suited for some groups who want to come out and activate the islands in new ways.
Liza introduced Brittany Knotts from Boston Harbor Now to go over Free Ferry Day and Reel Fun Fishing Day
Brittany introduced Conor LeBlanc from MassPort who leads the Communications Team that shared a PowerPoint of the communication efforts happening this anniversary year.
Before the Red Sox game on Friday, May 20th, 11 members of the Partnership will be on the field for a photo op, while on the BHIP anniversary Logo is displayed on the jumbotron and have a PA announcement regarding the anniversary years of the BHIP.
Also on Friday, May 20th, a number of city landmarks (i.e., South Station, Zakim Bridge, City Hall, etc) will be lit up blue and orange (BHIP colors) to commemorate the anniversary.
For Free Ferry Day, there will be social media outreach, new banners along Long Wharf with BHIP branding.
Billboards advertising the BHIP anniversary will be popping up in targeted communities around the city as part of the Find Your Better Nature campaign that was developed with Proverb.
Digital billboards at different MBTA stations and buses will also feature BHIP advertisements.
They are running a couple of radio ads on select local stations.
The Welcome Center along the Greenway will have some branding and messaging about the anniversary.
At Logan Airport, they are working with JCDecaux who does the digital advertising to put up similar signage and run the anniversary video on TVs throughout the airport.
Digital signage will also be displayed at the South Boston Transportation Center run by MassPort.
Most of the advertisements will be running during the summer months, but some will stay up through the Fall.
Communications Team will be sharing anniversary material to Partnership members to be distributed to each of their organization’s communication/marketing teams. This material will include suggested social media content and link to anniversary video.
Futures Report, Cathie Barner & Alicia Leuba, Red Bridge Group
Fred introduced Cathie Barner who gave an overview of the Table of Contents of the Futures Report they are developing.
Acknowledge Anniversary Steering Committee and Strategic Team Leaders
Overview of process and work completed during the past year by the Partnership, Steering Committee, Strategic Team and Red Bridge Group to test a new way of collaborating
Visual – Anniversary Org chart
Recognition of Boston Harbor Islands’ history (1 page)
Graphic Timeline, land acknowledgement
Acknowledge past accomplishments with photos and graphics
Highlights of State and National Park development – GMP and other documents summarized
Visuals: Timeline graphic, photos, map
The Power of Partnership and Collective Impact (1-2 pages)
Background on the Partnership, State Park and the National Park
Investments in the Harbor Islands
Highlight key collaborations/accomplishment in the clean-up, preservation, restoration, public access, community engagement and awareness. Short section on each with graphics.
The anniversary year and into the future
The Partnership collective impact model and its potential
Visuals: TBD
The Future – Partnership Vision and Opportunity (2-3 pages)
Aspirational introduction
Envisioning the future of the Harbor and islands – what that looks like
Interview BHI leaders about the future – share quotes
Imaging a new way for the Partnership and Partnership staff to interact, set goals, share work, collaborate, fund activities and exponentially increase awareness and stewardship.
Positioning the Partnership for success with dedicated staff and other effective support tools
Enhancing collective impact through community engagement
Visuals: TBD
Next steps
Roundtable Report-out
BHI Advisory Council, Elizabeth Solomon
No updates.
The Trustees of Reservations, Nick Black
Excited about Free Ferry Day and will have their outreach team there.
June 25th will be hosting a Summer Solstice event at Worlds End.
Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center
No representative available.
Boston Harbor Now, Jack Murray
Thanked Boston Harbor City Cruises for donating ferries for Free Ferry Day this year.
Introduced Celeste Venolia who will be coordinating volunteer opportunities across the Park.
Excited about the new digital screen at the Welcome Center and thanked those who helped in the process.
Brato Brewhouse & Kitchen out of Brighton, MA will be operating a small taqueria and beer garden on Spectacle Island. They will be open Friday – Sunday this year and are in the final stages of acquiring their permits. They will also be offering Thursday night clambakes.
Finesse will also be back this summer, selling ice cream and sandwiches/wraps on both Georges and Spectacle Island.
Island Pass Program still open if an organization wants free access to Harbor Islands.
EBT/WIC program will return this year which will offer discounted fares to the Harbor Islands.
MassPort Authority, Conor LeBlanc
ICA – Watershed in East Boston will open soon. There will be water shuttle tickers available between the main ICA in the Seaport to the East Boston location.
Department of Conservation and Recreation, Priscilla Geigis
Hired about 50 seasonal staff to help supplement the 6 year-round staff they have on the Islands.
Targeted opening day for camping on Peddocks Island is June 16th. Reservations can be made on ReserveAmerica starting June 6th. Camping will be Thursday – Sunday, with 11 yurts with electricity and 6 tent sites. Hoping that the shower project will be finished in time to be open when camping opens.
United States Coast Guard, CAPT Kailie Benson
Technical issue did not allow her to share-out.
They are excited for Saturday’s Free Ferry Day.
National Park Service, Marc Albert
NPS and BHN welcome Celeste Venolia and Sophia Grande! Celeste will be working with NPB and BHN to coordinate volunteer opportunities across the BHI. Sophia will be working this summer on designing and developing additional self-guided materials for families.
Also - the coordinated NPS-DCR-BHN visitor services seasonal field team is on board and raring to go! After several weeks of joint training on everything from island operations and programming to de-escalation, value setting and team building, the team is gearing up for opening day this Saturday.
Most of the NPS Science and Stewardship seasonal team has also started their seasons – this is our biggest seasonal crew yet – they will be out doing habitat restoration, connecting the community to the park through hands-on projects, and mapping landscape and ecosystem features.
NPS welcomes Amy Carrillo through our Scientist in Parks Internship program. Amy will be working with researchers at Boston University to share the results of their study predicting island erosion into the future, and what facilities and natural and historic elements might be impacted. The focus is on 9 islands – notably including Georges, Gallops, Peddocks, Long, Little Brewster and Thompson. Note that this project was presented to the Partnership about 3 years ago by Julie Wormser when it was starting. Marc Albert and Amy will be reaching out to island owner contacts to make sure the maps and graphics are helpful and easily available, and we hope to have Amy back to a BHIP meeting later this Summer or Fall to report out.
Education, Youth, and Volunteer Engagement (EYVE) team also has welcomed new seasonal staff. That team has been leading a year-long exploration of the National Parks of Boston with four Boston Public Schools - which will conclude with a culminating experience on a visit to Spectacle Island this Spring, coordinated with DCR.
City of Boston, Joe Bagley
No updates today
Boston Planning and Development Authority
No representative available at the time of Roundtable
Massachusetts Water Resource Authority, Fred Laskey
Looking forward to the fishing day out on Deer Island. It is a great opportunity for people to learn about that Deer Island is a part of a larger national park.
Public Comment
Suzanne Gall Marsh, Friends of the Boston Harbor Islands
Very excited about everything that is happening. She is excited about the information that Michael shared regarding the BIL, but hopes there is an opportunity for the public to share their input on their hopes and dreams for the Harbor Islands. She is also concerned about access/equity given that it costs $25 roundtrip for an adult to head to the Islands. She was thrilled that the WIC/EBT program is back this year, but the cost of boat transportation needs to be much more affordable.
Fred Laskey requested a motion to adjourn the meeting. Jack Murray made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Marc Albert. Motion passed unanimously and meeting adjourned at 4:24 pm.
March 15, 2022
Meeting Minutes
Time: 3:00-4:30 pm
Jack Murray, Boston Harbor Now
Cathy Stone, Boston Harbor Now
Arthur Pearson, Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center
Cliff Krauss, Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center
Michael Creasey, National Park Service
Marc Albert, National Park Service
Susan Kane, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Priscilla Geigis, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Carolyn Fiore, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Fred Laskey, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Nick Black, The Trustees of Reservations
Richard McGuinness, Boston Planning and Development Agency
Andrew Hargens, Massachusetts Port Authority
CDR Myles Greenway, United States Coast Guard
Rob Moir, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
Elizabeth Solomon, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
Maureen Cavanaugh, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
*Representing individual opinions only during period of advisory council suspension.
Call to Order and Introductions
Chairman Fred Laskey called meeting to order at 3:02 pm.
Fred acknowledged that the Boston Harbor Islands are the ancestral territory of the Massachusett Tribe, who have lived on and cared for this land and water for thousands of years and who continue to live here and care for this place today.
Fred then introduced Brittany Knotts from Boston Harbor Now to go over Zoom meeting logistics.
Approval of minutes from January 18th, Cathy Stone moved it and Michael Creasey seconded. Partnership voted unanimously. Meetings minutes were approved as written and distributed.
Fred noted that he would need to leave early and asked Michael Creasey to finish facilitating the meeting once he left.
Anniversary Year Steering Committee, Michael Creasey, National Park Service & Priscilla Geigis, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation.
Michael Creasey said during a briefing earlier this week he was impressed at the work the committees are doing and inspired how the collective impact is working. He also said it was the kind of work we wished the Partnership was doing to cross pollinate the wisdom and resources.
Michael went on to provide an update on the work the Red Bridge Group has done over the last year. At the last three meetings time was dedicated to taking a look at the future. The initial goals were: to increase awareness and advocacy for the Boston Harbor Islands; to celebrate successes in order to look back as well as move forward; to enhance engagement opportunities; and update the strategic vision for the Partnership as well as the Park itself. The Partnership dedicated the last three Partnership meetings to hear from the Partnership and public on looking back, identifying accomplishments, and how the Partnership can leverage its resources to make a collective impact. At the last meeting the Partnership looked at opportunities for the future and identified several priorities: equitable access to the Islands/waterfront; focus on climate change impacts; elevating the collective impact of the Partnership (identified almost $260 million dollars of funds leveraged over the past 25 years); committing to diversity, equity, and inclusion; and ensuring the Partnership has the capacity to be a sustainable model.
Michael said that over the next several weeks they hope to develop an outline from what they have learned from the last several sessions, continue to look at outreach modeling, and begin to look at the futures report for the Partnership so they can share with the broader public to get feedback. Michael then introduced Priscilla Geigis from MA DCR.
Priscilla Geigis thanked the work the committees are doing. She noted she saw members of the Partnership IRL (in real life) doing a site visit for the upcoming May 21st Kick-off event and it was great to feel the excitement of that event. The work the committees are doing has been tremendous and this is on top of all the other jobs people do. She hoped that work like this can be the framework for the Partnership in the next 25 years and it has been a great way to re-engage everyone and to have a specific focus. She then introduced the Committee leads who have also dedicated a lot of effort into the anniversary years.
Programming Team, Liza Stearns, NPS
Reiterated that the Programming Team is not working in silo, but engaged closely with the Steering Committee, the Communications and Engagement Teams. They have also been working with other partners and people in the community to co-author programming set up for the anniversary year and set a framework on how they should move forward.
The team developed a robust menu of anniversary programs/events for this year. The team is now broken up into dynamic action teams to move programming from concept to activation/execution.
The group meets together every two weeks, but it is the subgroups working in between that put the work in place. Through this work they have really gotten to know others across the Partnership well and are working in new ways together. There is joy in the collective impact of working with new people in new ways that leverage talents, skills, networks, and interests.
The team heard Suzanne Gall Marsh’s request at the last Partnership meeting about doing something for National Park Week. The team came together and planned a week long community engaged stewardship series during National Park Week, April 16th – April 23rd. On April 16th the NPS and the Trustees are coordinating efforts to host a community stewardship day down at Worlds End. Closing the week out is Park Serve Day on April 23rd with a joint stewardship effort that is intergenerational focused at Moakley Park, a city park and Carson Beach. It is a really dynamic opportunity with NPS, City of Boston, BHN, and DCR all working together. Liza mentioned she will reach out the Friends of Boston Harbor Islands to see if they might want to get involved too.
May 21st is Free Ferry Day and it will also be a press/photo event to celebrate the Partnership. Working with our ferry concessioner, there will be 3 trips out to Spectacle and 3 trips out to Georges that day. There will be tickets for 3,000 people that day to kickoff the anniversary season.
There will also be a Fishing Festival on Saturday, June 4th at Deer Island. This is a new area for the Partnership as there is desire to bring attention to some big infrastructure investments to the new fishing pier at Deer Island. It seemed logical to have an event out there as people love to fish and it’s a community gathering/social event. Working with MWRA, Mass Fisheries, BHN, NPS, and Save the Harbor/Save the Bay to create a day of fishing at the right time for the tides so people catch fish. They are planning to run a ferry from Long Wharf to Deer Island to enable easier access for community in Boston. If all goes well, they hope to close out the season with another fishing day this time down on Nut Island to help support programing for the South Shore.
For the mini-grant program, they worked with Derek Lumpkin, Engagement and Communications Teams to make the rubric and application process more friendly, particularly for non-English speakers or inactive park users not familiar with the Islands. To date, they had 24 applications with an amazing suite of ideas on ways to activate our gateways and Islands in new ways. The deadline for applications is March 30th and they will share news of recipients.
Communications Team, Conor LeBlanc, MassPort
Conor said one of the great things about this experience has been the opportunity to with members from organizations across the Partnership and in a new way with tremendous collaboration and teamwork.
They hired Proverb, a local branding agency to help develop campaign theme for outreach around the anniversary celebration – Find Your Better Nature. It has a dual meaning around stewardship and celebrating the resources/natural beauty and taking advantage of opportunities to grow oneself by going to experience the Islands in person. They hope to have final materials from Proverb by the end of the month, which they will share across the Partnership so others can incorporate that into outreach/communications efforts.
They are working with the other Anniversary teams to find ways to deploy the rest of the Communication budget. Looking at things like new banners on streetlights to pushing out social media ads. They are looking at finding creative ways to leverage budget to build awareness and reaching a wide audience in the Boston area to get them excited/aware of all the parks and what the Islands have to offer.
For the May 21st kickoff event, they are looking at a few tactical things they can do to support the event and build awareness leading up to and following the event. Things like a press release to fun things like lighting up City Hall in Partnership colors the night before.
They will be circulating a memo to members of the Partnership around the use of the logo and a link to a webpage on the Boston Harbor Islands website that provides information about the Anniversary. He asked that the members share this memo and toolkit with their communications and marketing teams.
Engagement Team, Carolyn Fiore, MWRA
Developed a working spreadsheet of key and support personnel across the Partnership.
Developed a working spreadsheet of leaders and organizations for outreach to new and inexperienced communities.
They do not have individual meetings, but instead include engagement as part of the agenda of the other two teams. They are planning to attend the Communications Team meeting on March 24 to jointly discuss outreach materials and methods.
She thought this was a sustainable model to pull the resources within an organization together and have everyone be aware of what is available.
Proposal for the Reinstatement of the Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council, Maureen Cavanaugh, Elizabeth Solomon, & Rob Moir.
Michael Creasey introduced Elizabeth Solomon, Maureen Cavanaugh, and Rob Moir.
Rob Moir went through the background slides:
Omnibus Parks and Public Lands Management Bill of 1996:
Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council:
Establishment -- The Secretary, acting through the Director of the National Park Service, shall establish an advisory committee to be known as the Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council. The purpose of the Advisory Council shall be to represent various groups with interests in the recreation area and make recommendations to the Boston Harbor Islands Partnership on issues related to the development and implementation of the integrated resource management plan…
The Advisory Council is encouraged to establish committees relating to specific recreation area management issues, including (but not limited to) education, tourism, transportation, natural resources, cultural and historic resources, and revenue raising activities. Participation on any such committee shall not be limited to members of the Advisory Council.
Membership – The Advisory Council shall consist of not fewer than 18 individuals, to be appointed by the Secretary, acting through the Director of the National Park Service. The Secretary shall appoint no fewer than three individuals to represent each of the following categories of entities:
Educational and cultural institutions;
Environmental organizations;
Business and commercial entities, including those related to transportation, tourism and the maritime industry;
Boston Harbor-related advocacy organizations;
Organizations representing Native American interests.
Rob Moir then introduced Elizabeth Solomon who then presented the rest.
Brief Timeline of the Advisory Council
Established as part of the founding legislation of the park with no sunset date.
Public meetings 4 times a year since March 1, 1998.
Last meeting: May 1, 2017.
All FACA Advisory Councils are put on hold by Trump Administration in 2017.
Members have worked for the past few years to try to ascertain how to get reinstated.
NPS provides guidelines for reinstatement in 2021.
Examples of Past Accomplishments
Reviewed and provided constructive analysis on the Partnership’s Strategic Plan for 2000-2005 which was incorporated in subsequent planning documents.
Provided review, input and, revisions on the development of an official dog policy for the islands.
Revised Advisory council Bylaws 2015.
Developed an internal survey of priority areas for the work of the Advisory Council.
Developed and executed multiple Native American programmatic events:
Native youth educational institute on Thompson Island;
Native American Celebration on Georges Island;
Engaged local indigenous youth in building a traditional fish weir on Thompson Island.
NPS Guidelines for Reinstatement
Why does the Council need to meet again? What has changed?
The Advisory Council stopped meeting solely as the result of a federal executive order and after years of inquiries we now have clear guidance on reinstatement.
Advisory Council meetings assure that multiple constituencies have an opportunity to interact, discuss issues, and identify common priorities.
Observations, concerns, insights and suggestions gained at Advisory Council meetings inform the ongoing work of the Boston Harbor Islands parks.
What are the specific advantages to the Partnership and the NPS in having the Council?
Brings a diverse group of voices to the table.
The park requires ongoing engagement and input from multiple entities and stakeholders beyond the park’s management in order to fulfill its mission.
The council provides access to and the input of multiple stakeholders and interest groups with whom the park’s management does not have ongoing relationships. Ongoing work with the advisory council and its constituent groups can reduce the need to hire outside entities to facilitate community engagement or input.
The observations, insights, concerns and suggestions, gained from the interactions of multiple constituencies at Advisory Council meetings provide information that cannot be gained by interactions with individuals or single constituent groups.
The Advisory Council meets after business hours which allows the participation of a wide range of people from the public. This helps provide legitimacy to and assure the public accountability of the parks managers.
Provides connections for park management with multiple constituencies. These connections often lead to ongoing partnerships both within and outside of the advisory council.
If re-established, what would be the short- and long-term objectives of the Council?
Short term goals: Develop council membership that is representative of the diverse populations of Greater Boston.
Long term goals:
Work with park management on strategies to increase visitation by members of underserved communities.
Assist the partnership with strategic planning, goal setting, and special projects (we could have been an invaluable resource during the planning for the anniversary).
Provide broad public input to the Partnership and park management.
Can the Partnership accomplish its goals of public input via public meetings or other methods as opposed to re-establishing the Council?
There are significant barriers to public input to the Partnership:
Partnership public comment periods are restricted to the last 5 minutes of bi-monthly Partnership meetings.
Meetings are held during work hours restricting public participation.
Partnership meetings are not well publicized and are not easily found on the NPS website.
Active partnership solicitation of public input requires a significant investment of resources, either in the form of significant partner staff time and/or the costly engagement of outside agencies/consultants.
What are the consequences if the Council is not re-established?
Undermining of public accountably & stated park goals:
The primary goal of the Advisory Council is to add to the “park’s ability to reach a broader public audience.”
A “mission goal” of the park is the coordination of park management “with Indian Tribes and historical, business, cultural, civic, environmental recreational and tourism organizations.”
The Advisory Council is “the primary mechanism of the Partnership to consult with the public on park planning and management, doing so through public meetings, workshops, and other general public forums.”
Reduction of ability of the Partnership and the park to engage with the public.
Continued lack of diversity in park management and activities.
Does the Partnership have the necessary resources to support the Council?
FACA rules require that some functions be performed by NPS staff members. This will involve some costs to NPS.
Meeting planning, organization, and communications can be handled internally by members of the council.
Although there are costs associated with the support of the council, ongoing work with the advisory council and its constituent groups can reduce the need to hire outside entities to facilitate community engagement or input.
Although not necessary, it would be helpful to have a small budget for meeting refreshments since council meetings take place after work hours.
Maureen Cavanaugh thanked Elizabeth who put in the bulk of the work and Angela Allison with the NPS for her help.
Rob Moir added that past superintendents had questions about the number of members who attended Advisory Council meetings. He said some people are reluctant to go through the process of being appointed, but instead join meetings regularly as a member of the public. He finished by saying the Advisory Council becomes a public face for the whole park.
Elizabeth asked Angela Allison to share with the Partnership members a document that members of the Advisory Council put together that identified specific organizations that could be asked to be a part of the Advisory Council which would bring needed diversity to the council.
Michael Creasey said that the NPS has offered to Elizabeth and the team help to find somebody to facilitate a process for identifying diverse Advisory Council membership and support the Advisory Council to move through the reinstatement process if requested.
Cathy Stone commented that she was around when the Partnership was formed and that the original Advisory Council worked without incident like they have presented today.
Richard McGuinness commented that he sees the Advisory Council as the grassroots connection to the community and he appreciated the consistent presence of Elizabeth, Maureen, and Rob.
Questions and Answers
(Q) Priscilla Geigis: Thanked the Advisory Council members who show up every meeting, despite not being formally appointed. She asked if the Advisory Council could include people outside the listed membership entities or if there were any sub-teams created within a focus area. She also asked in the future would you consider adding any focus areas since we have changed since first established?
(A) Elizabeth Solomon: She said they have done outreach outside of the Advisory Council for things like developing public engagement. The legislation allows for participation on committees to be open and not limited to Advisory Council members. As for adding more membership entities not listed on the legislation, she said she is not sure if they can, but they are open to it and adding it during the reinstatement process would probably be the right time. She did note that changing the legislation, like adding membership entities, might make reinstatement more complicated. She said that a future group that could be added are those from the disability community who may have specific concerns which affect access.
Rob Moir: He said that in the formation of the Advisory Council they met in Faneuil Hall and divided the room into different sections to determine which interest groups to involve in the General Management Plan. He went on to say that some groups were involved in the beginning to let their interest be known in developing the General Management Plan, but did not take part later in the Advisory Council meetings as their perspective was heard when the park was formed. He said the committees were formed when a solution was needed from diverse voices to be presented it to the Partnership.
Michael Creasey thanked the Advisory Council for their presentation and with Advisory Council’s agreement the NPS would offer a facilitator to formulate something to help them through the process of reinstatement process through the Department of the Interior.
Roundtable Report-out
The Trustees of Reservations, Nick Black
NPS and Trustees met together at Worlds End to look at Stewardship projects
Had a public meeting about Piers Park Phase 3 to go over schematic designs
The federal omnibus budget included $2 M for the construction of Piers Park. Happy at an upcoming Partnership meeting to provide an update on Piers Park
Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center, Normal Mael
Unescorted Public Access will be Saturdays and Sundays, May 7th through Columbus Day. They will have 40 tickets available each day.
Boat will leave from EDIC Pier, Berth 10.
Saturday schedule: 9am from EDIC, depart Thompson Island at 12:30pm.
Sunday schedule: 12pm from EDIC, depart Thompson Island at 3:30pm.
Ticket prices: $20 for adults, $10 for seniors/military/veterans/kids 12-17, Free for kids 11 and under.
Tickets on sale April 15th and will be available 5-6 weeks in advance of a trip.
Boston Harbor Now, Jack Murray
Ferries start May 21st through Indigenous Peoples Day. Shoulder season is May 21st through June 17th and Labor Day through Indigenous Peoples Day.
Hoping to get regular ferry service to Peddocks Island, but will depend on camping services on the island. Also in talks with Boston Harbor City Cruises about offering pilot program to Peddocks from Hingham.
Free Access programming goes live April 1st and will offer 12,000 people free access programming to the Harbor Islands. Also working to continue WIC/EBT card program. Last year almost 4,000 people gained access to the Harbor Islands through this initiative.
Mini-grant applications close March 30th.
Dockwa mooring system goes live April 1st. There are 168 moorings out there across four islands with 102 at Peddocks alone.
Welcome Center digital screen has been installed and will be up and running soon. This screen will be able to communicate special events, ferry schedules, etc. If you have any ideas or thoughts about what to add, please reach out to Liz or Christian.
Looking for candidates for Stone Living Lab Managing Director and Volunteer Coordinator.
Next week is the “Revolutionary Harbor – Women of the Waterfront” forum hosted by Kathy Abbott.
Boston Planning and Development Authority, Richard McGuinness
Looking to hire a contractor/consulting firm to do sea-level rise vulnerability assessment at Long Wharf. This will include infrastructure like docks, piers, and wharves to see if they could also survive coastal storms and sea-level rise.
BHI Advisory Council, Elizabeth Solomon
No updates beyond the reinstatement work.
MassPort Authority, Andrew Hargens
ICA will have new exhibits at the Watershed in East Boston. Looking to move water taxi spot from Piers Park to a more convenient spot at the Shipyard.
Received 3 wayside panels along the Harborwalk in East Boston, which will be installed shortly.
Hoping to install a pop-up pavilion by Fish Pier for seafood vendors or other organizations in June. It will include information regarding the seafood industry in Boston.
United States Coast Guard, CDR Myles Greenway
No representative available during roundtable report-out.
National Park Service, Marc Albert
As a reminder, the Boston Harbor Islands Partnership is required to compile an annual financial report that shows spending to support the park area by all partner organizations. NPS is responsible for compiling & maintaining the data. Every organization within the Partnership is required to participate. This report keeps us all in compliance with our federal spending mandate and helps to demonstrate the leveraging potential of our public/ private partnerships. The report is due April 15 via the form in an email you all received from Angela.
We recently welcomed Amelia Benstead to the Boston Harbor Islands Team. While Amelia is not new to National Parks of Boston, she has now joined us as the lead park ranger, and will be working supporting programming on islands, at the Welcome Center and in communities throughout the city.
A couple of upcoming public programs of note – even before the anniversary kickoff and Free Ferry Day on May 21st:
Tonight! In partnership with the Boston Public Library there will be an online presentation titled “Quarantine on Boston Harbor: the Islands and Public Life”, tonight from 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM -- link from Boston Public Library website.
Next week – Another great virtual event “Revolutionary Harbor – Women of the Waterfront” Wednesday, March 23, 2022, 7-8:15 PM signup through Eventbrite.
A few Youth and education updates:
The 2022 Historic Preservation Corps started last month – this is the effort through SCA, AmeriCorps, and the Massachusetts Service Alliance, partnering with DCR MA and NPS in our park to offer a unique opportunity for young adults looking to gain leadership and hands-on experience in the field of Historic Preservation
We are recruiting to fill Youth Conservation Corps positions for two summer employment programs: Hill to Harbor Corps and Storytellers in Parks. Young people aged 15 – 18 are encouraged to apply.
The park continues to work closely with Boston Public Schools and hopes to facilitate an experience on Spectacle Island in May or June with students from schools in East Boston & Charlestown.
And finally a couple of science items:
On March 9th NPS and USGS co-hosted a workshop attended by 34 scientists, regulators, and coastal land managers in order to get feedback and guidance on an ongoing project that is working out how we will monitor Intertidal Biodiversity to Support future Coastal Adaptation Projects on the Boston Harbor Islands. There was great engagement and networking, and general support for the approach.
The NPS Science and Stewardship Partnerships team, Mass Audubon’s Coastal Waterbird Program, and the Town of Winthrop successfully completed phase one of work to improve nesting habitat for American Oystercatcher and Common Tern on Snake Island in Winthrop.
Massachusetts Water Resource Authority, Carolyn Fiore
Finishing final touches on parking lot at the Fish Pier to add 11 spots. Working with MBTA on accessibility at the bus stop at Deer Island.
Department of Conservation and Recreation, Priscilla Geigis
Update on Gallops Island requested by Suzanne Gall Marsh at the last Partnership meeting. DCR has in its capital budget $300,000 for the remainder of the design and permitting for Gallops, which will be a six-month process – altogether about $850,000 will be spent on design and permitting. Next DCR would move into remediation and as they presented at a previous Partnership meeting, they need to identify funding for that. DCR did submit Gallops for consideration for the remediation as well as restoration/design improvements. That would be about $7 million. DCR also previously put in a request with the National Park Service for the remediation part for about $6.2 million. They are hoping in a couple of forums they could identify funding for that.
Susan Kane mentioned right now they are working on seasonal hiring.
For the last couple of years DCR has been testing the water out on Peddocks in advance of the expanding mooring field.
Building 45 in Hingham is almost complete.
Public Comment
Bill Reardon, Town of Hingham
He said he was a long time representative to the Advisory Council for the Town of Hingham is still interested in supporting the Partnership and the use of the Advisory Council as a vehicle to help the Partnership.
Suzanne Gall Marsh, Friends of the Boston Harbor Islands
She said back in 1996, the creation of this Park was considered the model for new national parks. She voiced her support for reinstating the Advisory Council during this anniversary year. She also supported Michael Creasey bringing on someone to help facilitate bringing the Advisory Council together.
Michael Creasey requested a motion to adjourn the meeting. Priscilla Geigis made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Marc Albert. Motion passed unanimously and meeting adjourned at 4:33 pm.
January 18, 2022
Meeting Minutes
Time: 3:00-4:30 pm
Kathy Abbott, Boston Harbor Now
Cathy Stone, Boston Harbor Now
Arthur Pearson, Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center
Cliff Krauss, Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center
Michael Creasey, National Park Service
Marc Albert, National Park Service
Susan Kane, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Priscilla Geigis, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Stephanie Cooper, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Susan Hamilton, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Carolyn Fiore, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Fred Laskey, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Rev. Mariama White-Hammond, City of Boston
Nick Black, The Trustees of Reservations
Anne Smith-White, The Trustees of Reservations
Richard McGuinness, Boston Planning and Development Agency
Stewart Dalzell, Massachusetts Port Authority
Andrew Hargens, Massachusetts Port Authority
CAPT Kailie Benson, United States Coast Guard
Rob Moir, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
Elizabeth Solomon, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
Maureen Cavanaugh, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
*Representing individual opinions only during period of advisory council suspension.
Call to Order and Introductions
Chairman Laskey called meeting to order at 3:04 pm.
Fred acknowledged that the Boston Harbor Islands are the ancestral territory of the Massachusett Tribe, who have lived on and cared for this land and water for thousands of years and who continue to live here and care for this place today.
Fred introduced Cliff Krauss who was nominated as the voting alternate for Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center. Fred asked Arthur Pearson to introduce Cliff.
Arthur Pearson noted that Cliff Krauss is the Treasurer for the Thompson Island Board and Chair of their Investment Committee. Prior to joining Thompson Island’s Board, he served over a decade on the Board of Directors for the Appalachian Mountain Club.
Approval of minutes from November 16th, Kathy Abbott moved it and Cathy Stone seconded. Partnership voted unanimously. Meetings minutes were approved as written and distributed.
Anniversary Discussion Part 3: Vision Setting, Cathie Barner & Alicia Leuba, Red Bridge Group
Fred introduced Cathie Barner and Alicia Leuba from Red Bridge Group.
Cathie laid out agenda for this section. First starting with updates from strategic team leads, then review what was covered in the first two discussions, and then moving into breakout rooms to discuss long-term vision, and lastly sharing out from those break-out rooms. Cathie also shared BHI Anniversary Planning Organizational Chart which laid out the strategic teams’ goals, deliverable, and leads.
Anniversary Updates from Strategic Team Leads:
Communications Team, Conor LeBlanc, MassPort
Over the last year the team has developed a few different communications assets for the anniversary to help support outreach and build awareness. These include: the anniversary logo, the video which premiered at the Spectacle on Spectacle, hired local branding agency, Proverb, to help put together outreach campaign.
They hope to have Proverb produced campaign material ready by mid-May in time for public ferry service to start again. The outreach material will be distributed to members of the Partnership to share through their own channels (i.e., websites, social media, etc).
The campaign will build awareness and excitement in the Boston area around visiting the Islands for both returning visitors and new visitors.
They are identifying overlapping areas in which they can work with other strategic teams.
Engagement Team, Carolyn Fiore, MWRA
Continue to work with Derek Lumpkins from ReFresh Strategies.
Will continue to work the other teams to develop reciprocal relationships to build upon each other’s work. For example, taking the work that the Communication team has been working on to advertise and reach out to communities.
Members of this Partnership alone represent close to five thousand individuals in Massachusetts. They suggested reaching out within their own organizations and then broaden that to other organizations to engage parties that may otherwise not been engaged.
Program Team, Liza Stearns, NPS
Inventoried and mapped programming and events already in plan for the anniversary year. Solicited input through cross-partnership survey, one-on-one conversations and team meetings.
Compared programming already in plan through the partnership with BHI Anniversary goals to identify gaps/voids.
Refined extant program plans and/or defined new programs to address gaps and with an eye toward creating a menu of offerings that would satisfy requested deliverables, honor Anniversary Goals, speak to the array of experience opportunities available through islands, gateways and mainland sites, address needs/interests of harbor communities as understood through various studies (including Derek’s work), and have greatest likelihood of converting inactive to active park users (i.e., based on market research).
They spoke at great length about target audience – identifying groups that specific partners were interested in building or strengthening relationships with, and talking about ways we might frame all considerations with a RDEI lens (Relevance, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion). Groups of particular interest: families (through church and family servicing organizations), Native Nations (specifically Massachusett &, Nipmuc), organizations with deep roots in Boston’s BIPOC community, veterans and activity duty military and family, the fishing community (through marinas), organizations working in adaptive sports therapy, individuals on the autism spectrum and their families.
They secured NPS funding ($30,000) for micro grants to support community-curated programming; developed a grant program, initiated a call, selected members for a review panel, developed a rubric, and are awaiting applicants with intent of making selections by end of February. With $30,000, goal is to offer 6-8 community groups up to $2500-$4000 each (pending funding) plus ferry transport (BHN providing $100k for access) so that they can coordinate/execute programming that meets the needs/interests of their constituents and gets constituents into their parks.
After reviewing the expansiveness of programming possibilities, identified engagement tracks to help organize programming and provide easy-to-access information on program options.
Next steps:
Develop both strategy and collateral for effectively promoting programming, events, and experiences. Looking to the Communications Team or alternate communications consultant to play a leadership role in this.
Get the word out on the Community-Curated Programming Grants. This desperately needs general amplification, including a press release to get the word out through targeted publications, partner blasts, Facebook boosts, outreach to specific groups that people in the committee network know.
BHI Anniversary Collateral. – What is it? How do we create/secure? ID methods/avenues for distribution.
Cathie summarized the past two Anniversary Discussions from the Partnership Meetings. She highlighted some of the Partnership accomplishments from the first discussion: Deer Island treatment plant which helped clean up the Harbor; creation of Harbor Walk; completion of the Central Artery project; waterfront development in South and East Boston; creation of the General Management Plan; stronger partnership with the creation of National Parks of Boston and Boston Harbor Now; merger to create DCR; citizen science & stewardship programs; and communication with tribes. She then highlighted the second discussion was focused on looking inwardly on where each organization is right now, which served as the jumping off point for the third discussion: where is the Partnership going in the future. Before going off to breakout rooms she asked that Partnership members think about the future of the Islands from both their organization’s perspective and Partnership’s future. She asked them to consider the following topics: community engagement; resource stewardship; science and research & climate change; programming & education; transportation & access.
After returning from breakout rooms, each group shared what they discussed. A summary of topics discussed was presented by Alicia Leuba.
Breakout Group Summary of 5 Key Areas for Opportunity in the next 25 years:
Provide Equitable Access
Rethink unsustainable economic model for ferries
Improve public transportation to islands (and mainland properties)
Develop new points of access
Improve ADA accessibility
Invest in “green” transportation options
Focus on Climate Change
Leverage the islands as a learning lab for climate change
BHI as an opportunity to engage more people in climate action
Plan for and manage inevitable changes, including documentation and resiliency modelling
Integrate climate awareness/action into everything the BHIP does
Elevate the Collective Impact of the Partnership
Align community outreach and resources in a systematic way
Develop shared programmatic goals around education
Increase connection to educators
Develop public school curriculum
Improve collaborations with schools and universities
Improve connections to business leaders and legislators
Commit to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Improve and increase relationship with Indigenous Peoples
Consider shared ownership model with Tribes
Integrate DEI lens into everything BHIP does
Build BHIP capacity
Ensure a sustainable model that thrives beyond individual commitments
Design a succession planning process
Cathie thanked those who participated in the breakout rooms. Red Bridge Group hopes to put together a draft vision based on all these conversations to share at the March Partnership meeting. The vision document would pair with the May 20th kick-off of the Harbor Islands season. They will work with the steering committee to help guide this effort. Cathie then asked Kathy Abbott, Priscilla Geigis, and Michael Creasey to add anything.
Kathy Abbot said it was great to see how many similarities there were between the different groups. The agenda moving forward is pretty clear, though how we design it and achieve remains to be seen. She thanked those who participated and concluded that it was exciting to know that people are thinking along the same lines and feel very motivated.
Priscilla Geigis said she appreciated everybody’s comments and this discussion added onto an earlier discussion the steering committee had with the working groups. She concluded that the engagement and sharing of ideas is a model for a foundation for the next 25 years.
Michael Creasey said he echoed Priscilla’s comment and the work the teams have done is impressive. He would like to see a blending of the conversations the Partnership is having as well as the engagement conversations forthcoming this year to help mold a vision and plan for future programming and priorities. He concluded that he looked forward to new ways of working and greater collaboration in the engagement process throughout this year as a model year and then moving forward.
Kathy Abbott added that these committees are working hard and that everybody’s going to need the support of their higher ups and the rest of their organizations to be able to deliver on a lot of what everyone is planning. It is going to be a demanding year given what the Partnership is attempting to do to build upon what the Partnership is already doing.
Fred Laskey thanked everyone who participated. He said it was clear that some top priorities are transportation, preserving and protecting Native American history and lands, and interacting with businesses. The Anniversary Year is a big year for the Partnership and it is important we make the most of it.
Public Comment
Rob Moir, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Committee
He mentioned it was great to see non-Partnership members here participating in this conversation.
Suzanne Gall Marsh, Friends of the Boston Harbor Islands
The Friends of the Boston Harbor Islands had to cancel their annual New Year’s Day boat trip out to Thompson Island. They are hoping to schedule.
She summarized a program she saw on PBS called, “A Reckoning in Boston”. She said that during the program it mentioned that two women said they felt the safest as children on Thompson Island. She encouraged others to watch.
She noted that National Park Week is April 17th-24th and it is also National Volunteer Week. She wanted to let people know incase they wanted to plan something for the Boston Harbor Islands.
She asked if the Partnership could help support the reopening of Gallops Islands. And she asked Commissioner Cooper for an update at the March Partnership meeting.
Fred Laskey requested a motion to adjourn the meeting. Arthur Pearson made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Cathy Stone. Motion passed unanimously and meeting adjourned at 4:30 pm.
2021 Meeting Notes
November 16, 2021
Meeting Minutes
Time: 3:00-4:30 pm
Jack Murray, Boston Harbor Now
Cathy Stone, Boston Harbor Now
Arthur Pearson, Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center
Michael Creasey, National Park Service
Marc Albert, National Park Service
Susan Kane, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Priscilla Geigis, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Carolyn Fiore, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Jim Montgomery, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Fred Laskey, MA Water Resources Authority
Nick Black, The Trustees of the Reservation
Chris Busch, Boston Planning and Development Agency
Richard McGuinness, Boston Planning and Development Agency
Conor LeBlanc, MassPort Authority
Andrew Hargens, MassPort
Rob Moir, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
Elizabeth Solomon, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
Maureen Cavanaugh, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
*Representing individual opinions only during period of advisory council suspension.
Call to Order and Introductions
Chairman Laskey called meeting to order at 3:03 pm.
Fred welcomed new acting DCR Commissioner, Stephanie Cooper.
Approval of minutes from September 21st, Priscilla Geigis moved it and Kathy Abbott seconded. Partnership voted unanimously. Meetings minutes were approved as written and distributed.
Fred acknowledged that November has been federally declared Indigenous People’s month, and we want to acknowledge the ancestral connection of the Massachusett Tribe to the Harbor Islands who continue to care for the lands and waters of the park today.
Reactivating the Advisory Council:Angela Allison (NPS), Elizabeth Solomon, & Rob Moir
Fred Laskey introduced Angela Allison.
Angela shared the enabling legislation for the creation of the Advisory Council.
(1) Establishment. The Secretary, acting through the Director of the National Park Service, shall establish an advisory committee to be known as the Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council. The purpose of the Advisory Council shall be to represent various groups with interests in the recreation area and make recommendations to the Boston Harbor Islands Partnership on issues related to the development and implementation of the integrated resource management plan developed under subsection (f). The Advisory Council is encouraged to establish committees relating to specific recreation area management issues, including (but not limited to) education, tourism, transportation, natural resources, cultural and historic resources, and revenue-raising activities. Participation on any such committee shall not be limited to members of the Advisory Council.
(2) Membership. The Advisory Council shall consist of not fewer than 18 individuals, to be appointed by the Secretary, acting through the Director of the National Park Service. The Secretary shall appoint no fewer than three individuals to represent each of the following categories of entities: municipalities; educational and cultural institutions; environmental organizations; business and commercial entities, including those related to transportation, tourism and the maritime industry; and Boston Harbor-related advocacy organizations; and organizations representing Native American interests.
(3) Procedures. Each meeting of the Advisory Council and its committees shall be open to the public.
(4) FACA. The provisions of section 14 of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App.), are hereby waived with respect to the Advisory Council.
Angela & Michael Creasey have reached out to NPS’ Washington policy office to get criteria for reinstatement of Advisory Council.
Advisory Councils must meet the following criteria:
Must benefit the National Park Service and the Department of the Interior.
The Department spends money on councils by committing staff time & resources. There needs to be a benefit to continue to use tax dollars.
Each meeting must have a list of objectives for discussion to that to actionable recommendations.
Councils now have a problem-solving nature.
All objectives need to be tied to the General Management Plan.
Actionable recommendations are critical. The Department sees the role of advisory councils as providing “actional recommendations”.
While the Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council was meeting regularly, there were never any formal “recommendations” made to the Department. Recommendations are announced in meeting summaries that get uploaded to the federal register.
Objectives (questions/ problems the advisory council has been asked to solve) should come from the Partnership.
The partnership should assign the council with specific problems to solve (by making recommendations).
Steps to Reinstatement:
Partnership answers series of questions & submits responses to the Department.
Once Partnership submits responses to the Department, there would be some delay while we wait to hear back from the Department as to which direction they wanted to go. The decision to reinstate the Advisory Council is made outside the NPS, but with the Department of the Interior.
New members are appointed.
Every person that the Partnership wanted to be on the Advisory Council would need a new appointment and would go through the Secretary of the Interior. This would also take a considerable amount of time. We are about a year lag on getting some of our nominations approved for the Partnership, thus suspect a significant time period to get new members of the Advisory Council appointed.
Charter is renewed.
Same deal as getting member appointed – it goes to the Department and considerable amount of time to approve charter.
Meeting notice is approved.
When the Advisory Council wants to meet, they prepare an agenda and meeting notice that gets run through the Department for approval.
Meeting summary is provided to Department with actionable recommendations.
After holding a meeting, the Advisory Council would need to provide a summary of the meeting with their actionable recommendations sent to the Department.
Questions that the Partnership must answer for reinstatement to be considered:
Why does the Council need to meet after almost five years of being inactive? What has changed?
What are the specific advantages to the Partnership and the NPS in having the Council?
If re-established, what would be the short- and long-term objectives of the Council?
Can the Partnership accomplish its goals of public input via public meetings or other methods as opposed to re-establishing the Council?
What are the consequences if the Council is not re-established?
Does the Partnership have the necessary resources to support the Council?
Angela introduced Elizabeth Solomon who formerly chaired the Advisory Council.
Elizabeth mentioned that she recently met with Michael Creasey and Angela Allison to go over the criteria for reinstatement. Former members of the Advisory Council met to discuss next steps and felt that it would be problematic to ask the Partnership to answer these questions, as there are members of the Partnership who have never experienced actual input from the former Advisory Council. Former members are in the process of working through these questions and plan to present at the January Partnership meeting. She also mentioned that the Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council would be different from others given the management structure of the Harbor Islands. If there are Partnership members who would like to work with them, please reach out.
Rob Moir added about the uniqueness of the Advisory Council. Cape Cod’s Advisory Council is made up of stakeholders, while the Harbor Island Advisory Council was established because there were too many island owners to put on the Partnership. These municipalities as well as Native American groups are more than stakeholders. On of the benefits of the Advisory Council is that two members sit on as Partnership members to provide unique perspectives. It is very difficult to determine what is the responsibility of the Advisory Council versus that of the Partnership. Another issue is the length of time it takes to nominate members to the Advisory Council, so they are serving until replaced and still doing the work. He appreciated that the NPS is reinvigorating and bringing life back to advisory councils.
Fred Laskey congratulated the former members of the Advisory Council for not giving up as it has been a long road.
Questions and Answers
(Q) Michael Creasey: Angela Allison and I are happy to participate with the Advisory Council work. He noted that this is not a directed to Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council, this change is nationwide. Also he noted that the Partnership could leverage former Advisory Council members to help address specific questions/tasks.
(A) Rob Moir: Noted that this would be a wonderful opportunity to make known the special type of Advisory Council we have had and through this process they could help other Advisory Councils become more participatory in engaging broader communities.
Anniversary Discussion Part 2: Looking Forward, Cathie Barner & Alicia Leuba, Red Bridge Group
Fred introduced Cathie Barner and Alicia Leuba from Red Bridge Group.
Cathie Barner went over the agenda for the rest of today’s discussion.
Community engagement approach
Partnership Collective impact example
Looking inward at the Partnership’s purpose & function
Roadmap for Engagement, Derek Lumpkins, ReFresh Strategies
Cathie introduced Derek Lumpkin with ReFresh Strategies to go over the engagement strategies
The Boston Harbor Islands are celebrating 25 years as a National Park and 50 years as a State Park. However, many communities in Greater Boston do not know what the islands have to offer or how to get there.
Purpose of the Strategy
Reach audiences that have less access to outdoor and maritime experiences.
Introduce new audiences to the Boston Harbor Islands as a resource.
Develop a long-term community engagement strategy in collaboration with anniversary teams working on programs, planning, and communication tools.
Goal - Overall Assessment
Identify opportunities for the Partnership to increase awareness of, activity at, and advocacy of the Boston Harbor Islands, particularly for new audiences.
Today’s Context:
Pandemic restrictions and realities.
Access to greenspace vs access bluespace (2019 study).
Boston parks within a 10-minute walk for all residents, regardless of income, age, or ethnicity.
Study does not account for our use of the area’s bluespace: rivers, ponds, beaches, harbor.
Elevate what makes the Boston Harbor Islands different and relevant compared to other outdoor experiences.
Fit the Boston Harbor Islands into the lives of residents instead of fitting residents into the Partnership’s programming.
1) Discontinue and modify
Language to clarify or to stop using now.
2) Expand/Uplift
Actions that the Partnership is already doing, and that could use (more) investment to reach new audiences.
3) Add/Pilot
Actions that the individual partners may be doing within their own organizations that could be incorporated into the larger Partnership and/or brought to Boston.
1) Discontinue and modify
1 Stop using “disadvantaged” → Modify to “inexperienced”
Disadvantaged: dated, classist, patronizing, not inclusive.
Disadvantaged: uses financial wealth as a narrow, subjective lens to assess an individual or Doesn’t take into account how individuals/communities are resources and assets
Inexperienced: More accurate means of assessing one’s relationship to the islands and the Partnership’s programming.
Remember (via the 2019 study): Bostonians can walk to outdoor space in 10 minutes. But, do they have experience with maritime activities?
2 Elevate the mainland parks as part of “the Islands”.
2) Expand/Uplift
1 Highlight year-round availability of all “the Islands,” especially to the mainland parks.
2 Increase transparency of school visits.
3 Provide specific FAM tours for various professions and special occasions.
4 Increase language translations (keep up with changing demographics).
Spanish, Haitian Creole, Mandarin, Portuguese.
Collaborate with community organizations, rather than purchasing translation services, in order to build trust, recognition, and buy-in from their residents and program participants.
Collaborate with local organizations to have translators attend with groups
3) Add/Pilot
1a Celebrate and honor the cultural richness of greater Boston.
1b Build mutual awareness and recognition between communities and the Partnership.
2 Be intentional with marketing initiatives and collaborations (local and community publications).
3 Encourage more disability access.
4 Increase and streamline accessibility and improve wayfinding.
Run Massport buses from Blue and Red line stations to mainland parks on special days.
Run Massport buses from neighborhood business districts to ferry terminals on free ferry days.
Create a ferry route map that resembles a transitmap.
5 Broaden narrative of park/harbor history and heritage.
6 Build more robust communications and feedback processes.
Next Steps/Action Items
To move forward with the next phase of the work, it is recommended that the Boston Harbor Islands Partnership agree to a common set of commitments, more closely align their combined staff, and agree to specific actions that will build capacity and increase responsiveness to new communities and audiences.
Commit to a systemic approach
Invest in communications
Establish common definitions
Use inclusive language
Use more than English
Build internal capacity
Identify key staff knowledge resources
Leverage physical resources differently
Build external capacity
Develop reciprocal community relationships
Elevate visibility of CE activities
Questions and Answers
(Q) Nick Black: Noted that the study referenced did not come from The Trustees, but instead a company called Geotab. The Trustees did conduct a community survey that found people wanted more open space built, but the statistic cited was not theirs.
(A) Derek Lumpkin: The Trustees gets credited in a lot of places, so thanked him for clarifying that.
(Q) Rob Moir: Asked if ethnic groups should be added to have a seat on the Advisory Council to be more inclusive?
(A) Derek Lumpkin: The identification of the groups came out of the US Census and languages came from what languages were most spoken at home. New audiences can be defined in so many ways – through experiences (have you or have not been to an island) or through language or through ability. I just wanted to represent it in a way that was digestible and understandable by as many people as possible.
(Q) Marc Albert: Shared he heard two key principles – enhance and celebrate what is unique about the park and the other was fitting the park into the lives of communities around Boston. One of the special things/experiences about the park is that it is close to an urbanized area, yet they are away from it. Meaning other than the mainland areas, you have to go over the water to these places. He asked what Derek’s thoughts were about how to build that experience, which is inherently away from the actual community and their lives. He asked does this mean more evening programs as opposed to day programs and what are some practical recommendations?
(A) Derek Lumpkin: Noted that in a longer version of this presentation would have more information. He shared that in Boston there are many different cultures from around the Atlantic and around the world that have activities related to the sea and ocean – whether spiritual or physical. He shared as an example dragon boat races as an example of how you can fit the islands into the community. There could be an opportunity to race between islands or around islands or launch from a mainland site. This is something the community may need enhanced access to and the park should ask how they could fit that cultural program into something the park supports. As opposed to hosting for example a fishing workshop one day. The park would have to find the people in Boston who fish, find the poles, find the bait, find out how to get them and transport them to the park. Instead, the park could be supporting a community that is already established and that is already doing something around a boat race that could be brought to the islands.
(Q) Celena Illuzzi (NPS): Asked could Derek please expand on the comment/concept of "Increase transparency of school visits?"
(A) Derek: He mentioned he heard about school visits and while searching on Partnership websites on how to book them he kept being linked to different partner websites. He eventually landed on a page that said a certain partner did school visits, but he could not figure out what schools, what topics, or how to actually request it. He suggested to improve transparency the park needs to layout: what does school visits mean, how often do they happen, how do you find them, how do you request them, what grades are offered, what subject matter is taught, etc.
(Q) Cathy Stone: She thanked him for his presentation and asked if he broke down recommendations based by age of the visitor. She also thought this document could be useful as the Partnership looks at the Advisory Council and how it should be reconstructed to embed the park into the community.
(A) Derek Lumpkin: He said he look at number of households with children and number of households with children under a certain age. Those data points were on the longer presentation. He said he did not convert those data into specific recommendations as he was looking at new audiences as whole. He was also looking at what kept individuals from going – fear of water, being on a ferry, not knowing how to get to the islands, etc. He noted that in terms of age some of those factors would be applicable for all age groups.
(Q) Cathy Stone: She asked about advertising and if he had suggestions on technology that the park could be using to reach various groups? She also asked about podcasts, assuming they have the right content.
(A) Derek Lumpkin: Yes, he recognized there is a capacity issue at the park and that there is a limited number of people who are available to do communications across multiple platforms – print, social media, etc. He would suggest investing more people or time dedicated to invest in communications. If the Partners are going to invest in going to where the people are, then part of that has to include using the different languages spoken, which has to be consistent and not a one-off thing. He also said this information has to be a regular thing, so they can expect it. He noted that with all the different cultures from around the world here in Boston the Partnership could simply recognize and post about different holidays. The Partnership has to be interactive versus being attractive. He said you cannot just expect people to show up, but instead you have to recognize that they are even there and that they have their own celebrations, cultures, interests, etc. If the Partnership is not even recognizing it, then he thought it would be hard to expect people to be interested in what you are doing. He did note that he did not do research into podcasts.
(Q) Rebecca Smerling (BHN): The community engagement group is working on a series of micro grants to the community to bring programming and opportunities to the Islands. We will work through the permitting process and what it feels like to do programming on the Harbor Islands. She was wondering if he had advice or thoughts on how this program could be successful.
(A) Derek Lumpkin: He loved the idea, but has not delved to deep into the specifics yet. He thought it was a great way to help some people who maybe having issues with cost to attend. Another way to leverage the grant is that folks that receive it have to promote it on social media.
Collective Impact Discussion, Cathie Barner & Alicia Leuba, Red Bridge Group
Cathie Barner introduces Conor LeBLanc, MassPort, who is the leader of the communications team.
Connor shared via PowerPoint the following
Anniversary Communications Team Overview
Goal: Increase awareness and advocacy for Boston Harbor Islands during anniversary year
Team makeup: Volunteers from various Partnership organizations including Massport, Boston Harbor Now, DCR, NPS, City of Boston, MWRA, and others
Collective impact approach
Leverage team members’ strengths, ideas, and experience
Work collaboratively to develop a communications plan and key deliverables
Identify and hire a branding and communications consultant
Prepare tools to enable Partnership members to raise awareness
Collective Impact – Key Milestones to Date
Created promotional video
Featured at Spectacle on Spectacle
Broader public release in Spring 2022
Developed anniversary logo
Hired Proverb to support outreach effort
Developing campaign theme
Additional deliverables in progress
Questions and Answers
(Q) Fred Laskey: Asked about how Partners can use the new logo?
(A) Conor: The style guide has information about how to use the logo. Any signature event would use the logo, but the communications team will talk about what other programs/events could use this logo.
Looking Inward – Partnership’s Purpose and Function, Cathie Barner & Alicia Leuba, Red Bridge Group
Cathie Barner walked the Partnership through a PowerPoint to refresh members of how the Anniversary Planning teams are organized and how a collective impact model will lead to a shared vision. Cathie also shared a word cloud from their Anniversary Discussion during the last Boston Harbor Islands Partnership meeting.
Collective Impact Model
Mutually reinforced activities
Continuous communications
Share measurement systems
Backbone support organization
What is working well with the Partnership? What parts of the Partnership collaboration could be improved?
Rich McGuinness, BPDA: Convening the Partnership Meeting, but hard to remain engaged in between meetings.
Michael Creasey, NPS: Collective understanding of the different agencies/organizations who attend Partnership meetings. There is a lot of relationship building because of those who are appointed to this Partnership, though there are ways in which our meetings could be more robust. The General Management Plan unifies all of us. The collective impact from some $253 million dollars which all of us contribute to the Boston Harbor Islands is impressive.
CAPT Kailie Benson, USCG: Mentioned she is too new to really give an opinion at this point.
Stephanie Cooper, DCR: While new to this position she got feedback from her staff and her perspective as a DCR employee. Collaboration on programming, events, and training have worked well. Joint funding on projects have been very effective. Expanding cooperative management agreements allow Partners to work on different properties. And the structure of these meetings have worked well as they are well thought out and planned.
Conor LeBlanc, MassPort: The Partnership meetings have a good vibe. The site visits which occurred in the past are also beneficial to see things in person. More clear and long term vision and strategy would be helpful. It is often easier to collaborate on specific and discreet things, but longer term things is harder, especially with the number of Partners we have here.
Kathy Abbott, BHN: The fact that the group all continues to come to the table. There is power in knowing we can call anyone on this screen and they will answer. She mentioned that the Partnership is starting to lag a little. She also mentioned that looking at the screen, they know there is a need to engage in a broader and more diverse audience.
Cathy Stone, BHN: The fact that so many governmental agencies work together without any cross purposes. The leadership of the NPS is crucial as it is always inclusive. The Partnership needs to work harder to have everyone in our community know about and come to the Harbor Islands.
Elizabeth Solomon, Advisory Council: Having regular meeting are key as they build relationships. She said there is a need to improve the diversity of this group and there is also need a long-term vision and strategy.
Maureen Cavanaugh, Advisory Council: The advisory council allows others to have a voice who are not landowners.
Rob Moir, Advisory Council: Having the Secretary of the Interior visit means the Partnership is doing things well. He also mentioned this group has built a strong relationship, though there is benefit in seeing each other in person. He also mentioned there is a need for more diversity and community engagement.
Fred Laskey, MWRA: The meetings work well and the leadership from NPS is working. Mentioned the Partnership needs to have shovel ready projects for the trillion-dollar funding coming out of the recent infrastructure bill. He also said the Partnership needs work in unison to go after money to support the Harbor Islands.
Nick Black, The Trustees: Anytime you can get federal/state/municipal governments, non-profits, and the general public working together means things are going well.
How do you see the Partnership functioning in the future? How can the Partnership’s shared interests roll up into greater collective impact?
Rich McGuinness, BPDA: There is difficulty for the community to get to downtown Boston and to Long Wharf – the gateway to the Harbor Islands.
Michael Creasey, NPS: Would love to see a greater balance at information sharing and identifying park priorities. Need to figure out how to tap into funding opportunities collectively.
Marc Albert, NPS: Would be valuable moving forward what is the core purpose of each of the agencies. NPS & BHN look at the whole park as a whole as they do not own or manage a piece of it. Other Partners have specific pieces and capital improvement projects that would be very beneficial to the system as a whole. A better understanding of the roles and responsibilities of each Partner would help.
CAPT Kailie Benson, USCG: She agreed that we need to be strategic on our individual roles.
Stephanie Cooper, DCR: She thought there is a need for a larger joint strategy for funding. Certain agencies and Partners have access to funding or it is easier for some to spend money in an expeditious manner. There is also a need to understand the roles and strengths of each Partner so everyone knows who to contact to help on certain issues. She mentioned the advisory council could help the Partnership accomplish things certain public agencies do not do well. Shared marketing and shared reporting are also important in collective impact.
Conor LeBlanc, MassPort: Expand awareness of Harbor Islands. Certain Partnership members could leverage some resources and assets. For example hotels near Logan Airport could be a place to increase awareness of Harbor Islands. Could there be water taxis from East Boston to Spectacle Island? Can there be more accessible smaller local access points to the Harbor Islands? The Partnership could also focus on environmental integrity and climate change on the Harbor Islands. He lastly mentioned continuing to foster a positive and collaborative culture among all the members of the Partnership.
Cathy Stone, BHN: More planning to inform the Partners to help inform their planning for the future of the integrity of the Harbor Islands.
Kathy Abbott, BHN: Despite all the work and improvements that has occurred over the past few years, visitation remains about the same as they were 20 years ago. Visitation could be spread across multiple islands as to not overwhelm one island. The goal has always been increase public awareness/use/benefits of this incredible resource, but the needle has not moved much. The consolidation into the National Parks of Boston and the creation of BHN from the Island Alliance and TBHA there is incredible potential on how to connect the Islands to the mainland. She also said there is benefit in collectively pursuing resources especially with new federal funding.
Elizabeth Solomon, Advisory Council: The Partnership should be looking at the first 2 goals of the partnership (i.e., Preserve and protect the resources; telling the individual stories around the Islands). The Partnership maybe needs to focus less on getting people to the Islands and look at the other two goals which have not been a focus over the past 25 years.
Rob Moir, Advisory Council: If the Partnership tells the stories better, the people will come. The Advisory Council can help lobby Congress for more money which can help increase awareness and access to the park.
In January there will be the third part of this discussion.
At the end of the meeting, Red Bridge Group shared a Word Cloud to show words most said during their session.
Public Comment
Suzanne Gall Marsh, Friends of the Boston Harbor Islands
The Friends of the Boston Harbor Islands will be hosting their annual New Year’s Day boat trip out to Thompson Island.
At the last Partnership Meeting, Jim Montgomery gave a presentation about Gallops Island. She mentioned that the project to reopen the island would cost over $16 million, yet DCR does not have the funds to do this in a timely fashion. She encouraged people to push for more funding for DCR.
She lastly mentioned that as a founding member of the Advisory Council she was disappointed with the number of hoops required to reactivate the group.
Rebecca Shoer, Stone Living Lab
How are we considering and working to lower the carbon footprint of island activities, including boat transportation, events, etc?
Marc Albert: There was a committee at the park which used to focus on clean energy, research, and implementation. Given the current era, it might be time to revitalize that.
Susan Kane: DCR has been working hard to bring Georges Island to net zero. The technology around landscaping equipment has also become quite advanced.
Kathy Abbott: There is money in one of the new federal pots for electric ferries.
Cathy Stone: There is a need for a coordinated committee to look at the money.
Fred Laskey requested a motion to adjourn the meeting. Kathy Abbott made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Marc Albert. Motion passed unanimously and meeting adjourned at 4:49 pm.
September 21, 2021
Meeting Minutes
Time: 3:00-4:30 pm
Jack Murray, Boston Harbor Now
Cathy Stone, Boston Harbor Now
Arthur Pearson, Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center
Michael Creasey, National Park Service
Marc Albert, National Park Service
Susan Kane, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Priscilla Geigis, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Carolyn Fiore, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Jim Montgomery, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Fred Laskey, MA Water Resources Authority
Nick Black, The Trustees of the Reservation
Chris Busch, Boston Planning and Development Agency
Richard McGuinness, Boston Planning and Development Agency
Conor LeBlanc, MassPort Authority
Andrew Hargens, MassPort
Rob Moir, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
Elizabeth Solomon, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
Maureen Cavanaugh, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
*Representing individual opinions only during period of advisory council suspension.
Call to Order and Introductions
Chairman Laskey called meeting to order at 3:01 pm.
Approval of minutes from July 20th, Michael Creasey moved it and Priscilla Geigis seconded. Partnership voted unanimously. Meetings minutes were approved as written and distributed.
Chairman Laskey discussed the Boston Harbor Now Spectacle on Spectacle and the presentation of the award for the Boston Harbor Islands Partnership. He thanked everyone’s hard work and that one won’t find a harder working, more intelligent, dedicated group of people than the people who make this Partnership work. He also mentioned the importance of reinstating the advisory council when he spoke with the Secretary of the Interior, Deb Haaland. He also noted it was nice to have Secretary Haaland and MA Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs, Kathleen Theoharides seated together.
Michael Creasey mentioned that Secretary Haaland spoke highly of the Partnership and the importance of protecting public lands. He also commended Boston Harbor Now for all their hard work putting together that event.
Cathie Barner introduced the three leads of the strategic teams.
Communications Team, Conor LeBlanc
Putting together a communications plan and planning public outreach aspects
Brought on Proverb, a Boston-based communications consultant who has worked on the City of Boston’s All Inclusive Boston campaign to help.
Developing campaign messaging
Will have robust public outreach campaign in the spring and summer to kick off the new ferry season.
Finalized an anniversary logo for the anniversary year.
Working group within this team recently produced a video which was premiered at the BHN Spectacle on Spectacle event.
Community Engagement Team, Carolyn Fiore
Working in collaboration with the Programming Team.
Red Bridge has brought on Derek Lumpkins from Re|Fresh Strategies to develop a framework for a strategy for engaging with communities that are not frequently represented on the Islands. Derek is from Boston and has expertise in similar outreach and engagement programs.
Derek noted that he is in the assessment phase of the work. He has been reviewing documents, spreadsheets, and reports provided by various committees. He has also been reviewing Partners’ websites and social media. He attended the Spectacle on Spectacle to see who attends and what the experience going to the Islands entail. He has met with the different subcommittees and ask a variety of questions. From the assessment he will put together the framework.
Programming Team, Liza Stearns
Developing a community curated programming initiative through a microgranting program. The call for proposals will go out in October, with a deadline of January. We will then micro-support up to 10 community groups to bring their networks to the Harbor Islands to engage in new ways we may not be doing with new audiences. These community curated programming opportunities will give us a chance to learn about communities out there what might be interested in animating and activating their public lands in new ways.
Looking at the long menu of robust programs to identify five or so Harbor-Wide series of programs. Wanted to stay away from one-off programs that would be a signature event, instead focus on a series of programs. For example, it might be a camping series, family friendly series of programs, or a fishing series across the harbor that activates and pushes up to that signature level program. It is a way for all Partners to step into the circle to shine and showcase the Harbor Islands as a robust network of public lands available to the public.
Gallops Island Update,Jim Montgomery, MA Dept. of Conservation & Recreation
(slides displayed)
Fred Laskey introduced DCR Commissioner, Jim Montgomery.
Historical Perspective:
Native American use (pre-colonization): Native Americans used the island as a base for fishing, summer activities, and interred ancestors on the island. They were the first stewards of the islands and their stewardship continues today.
Quarantine station, infirmary, and cemetery: Gallops Island was used during the colonial era through the early twentieth century as a quarantine station for arriving travelers before entering Boston. Travelers who arrived ill and died before entering the US were buried on the island in a cemetery.
Military use: Civil War, WWI and WWII: Starting in the 1920s Gallops Island was developed by the US Army for various uses including research laboratory, communications facility, among other purposes. Following World War II, Army buildings were burned and demolished on site.
Demolition of buildings (late 1940s)
In 2000 Gallops Island was closed due to asbestos containing materials (ACM) appearing in surface soils and beach areas resulting from former US Army activities and demolition debris remaining on site.
Gallops Island Quarantine Cemetery:
The Quarantine Cemetery is the final resting place of over 200 people who perished at hospitals on the island between the 1860s and early 20th century.
2012's Hurricane Sandy demonstrated the risk of erosion adjacent to cemetery, shearing away the protective coastal bank and risking exposure of human remains.
DCR's 2018-2019 Archaeological Burial Recovery and Site Stabilization Project disinterred, documented, and relocated the human remains and personal effects of 57 people. Work was funded through a $525,000 federal grant from Hurricane Sandy recovery.
DCR remains under the Order of Conditions issued by the Boston Conservation Commission on 9/6/2018 and extended to 2022 due to COVID. DCR intends to request an extension to allow for design and installation of native plantings on the coastal bank as required under the OOC.
Over 100 burials remain on the island.
Summary of Soil Conditions:
The Commissioner shared a map of soil conditions on Gallops Island.
Asbestos building materials that remained after building demolition were left on the island and became exposed over time. Asbestos materials were discovered on island trails and on the beaches which triggered closure of the island until clean-up of the asbestos material could be accomplished.
Yellow areas show asbestos buried in surface soil up to 6 inches.
Blue areas show asbestos buried up to 3 feet.
Summary of Remedial Approach:
The Commissioner shared a map of the remediation taking place on Gallops Island.
Hundreds of soil samples were taken across the island to locate contamination hot spots. Based on the sampling efforts, areas with asbestos or other contaminants like lead were delineated as shown on the map above. Soil from the areas delineated will be excavated and consolidated into two accumulation areas and capped with clean soil from the island. Capped areas will be replanted with native vegetation as well as other disturbed areas.
Consolidate contaminated soil on island, cap consolidation areas.
Restore pier and trails.
Restore native vegetation and monitor conditions.
Summary of Remedial Activities:
Estimated 18-24 month construction timeframe, two full construction seasons.
Two on-island soil consolidation areas: asbestos (upland) and lead-impacted soil (buffer zone)
Construction Sequence:
Remove Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) from shoreline areas and surface areas.
Consolidate ACM in central portion of the island.
Consolidate Lead-impacted soils in Solid Waste Reclamation Area.
Place geotextile fabric and 2-2.5’ of clean soil over consolidated materials as “cap”.
Restore surface conditions in shoreline areas.
Restore surface conditions in upland areas.
Install new plantings and path network.
Monitor growth and establishment of restoration plantings.
Monitor shoreline areas.
Evaluate conditions for re-opening of island to public for passive recreational use.
Project Cost Estimate
Design & permitting to date (DCR): $550,000
Additional funds needed to proceed:
Remediation/Restoration: $5,700,000
Pier deck repairs: $500,000
On island improvements: $10,000,000
On island improvements will enable accessibility to the dock and pier, trail accessibility, and include provisions for comfort station.
Funding sources for the remediation / restoration and on-island improvements are not identified.
Estimated Timeline:
Winter 2021 – Permitting approvals.
Winter 2022 – Procurement of construction contract.
2022-2024 – Remedial construction and restoration is expected to require two full “construction seasons”.
Island work will be limited to spring/summer/fall; no winter work due to harbor icing, dust control challenges, etc.
2024-2026 – Post remediation & restoration monitoring.
In 2021 DCR is pursuing the necessary permits to proceed with bidding and contracting for the work, but at present DCR has not identified funding to proceed with the estimated timeline shown and cannot bid the contract until project funding is secured.
Next Steps
Permitting (ACE, MADEP, Boston WPA)
Identify Funding
Remediation & Restoration, Monitoring
Historic Interpretation & Passive Recreation
Those who would like a copy of the presentation are welcome to reach out to DCR.
Question and Answers
(Q) Suzanne Gall Marsh asked would the contaminated soil be buried on island or removed from the island?
(A) Jim Montgomery said that it will be buried on the island. The plan is to consolidate soils into two areas and then cover with fabric and then two to two and half feet of clean soil over. And then monitor that site long-term.
(Q) Suzanne Gall Marsh then asked what $10 million dollars for Island improvement will go to given that the pier deck is a separate budget item?
(A) Jim noted the enhancements would go to trail network, historic signage, etc. He said the estimate was on the high end as these plans are 4+ years down the road, so prices will likely go up.
(A) Susan Kane added that money could also be used to address the beautiful gazebo at the end of the pier. And that there is probably more that could be done to welcome people to the island. There was talks about stabilizing some of the ruins that are still out there. Lastly money needs to address the comfort station.
(Q) Suzanne Gall Marsh mentioned how Kathy Abbott and her both worked out on Gallops Island back in 1979. She also hoped the budget would include water transportation. It is one thing to clean up the island, but how do people get there? She suggested putting a place holder in DCR budget for long range interisland water shuttle plans.
Anniversary Discussion Part 1: Looking Back, Cathie Barner & Alicia Leuba, Red Bridge Group
Anniversary Goals
Increase awareness and advocacy for Boston Harbor Islands National and State Park.
Celebrate success: looking back to move forward.
Enhance community engagement in all the park has to offer.
Update strategic vision for next 25 years.
Intent of Partnership
Coordinate the activities of Federal, State and local authorities and the private sector in development and implementation of the GMP.
Agency managers and property owners work through the Partnership to maintain consistency parkwide and create programs.
Partnership committees have served as coordinators of parkwide functions and information forums.
Partnership Work
The Partnership’s success has been realized through collaboration and the power of place.
Cleaning up one of America’s most polluted harbors.
Building a water transportation system that serves park visitors and commuters.
Launching a 21st century park-making campaign.
Providing hundreds of thousands of visitors with awesome experiences on land and sea.
Partnership Success
The Boston Harbor Islands Partnership is the keeper of a shared vision, where “collective action” is making the difference in how the islands and urban gateways are thoughtfully developed, how experiences at these special places are offered, and how the natural and cultural resources are being preserved for future generations.
Levels of Investment
Cathie Barner shared a map that represented the major accomplishments by the Partnership in the first 20 years, with over $200 million dollars of programs and improvements throughout the park.
Estimated total: $235 million ($42 million Federal (NPS/USCG); $97 million Local Government Agencies (DCR, MassPort, MWRA, City of Boston); $96 million Private (BHN, TIBEC, TTOR)).
Capital Improvements
Boston Light restoration
Georges Island Welcome Center
Boston Harbor Islands Welcome Center
Spectacle Island transformation
Harbor clean-up
Youth and Visitor Engagement
Engage youth in their public lands
Partner with the Boys and Girls Clubs, YMCA, and New England Aquarium
Provide 25,000 free trips each year
Offer full calendar of free public programs
Resource Stewardship and Science
Conduct stewardship volunteer programs
Monitor coastal breeding birds, salt marsh vegetation, and other natural resources
Restore salt marshes
Conduct scientific research on coastal ecosystems
What are some of the big accomplishments your organization has made over the first 25 years of the Partnership?
MWRA, Fred Laskey: The initial start-up of the partnership and a shared general vision to protect the islands and support public access.
BPDA, Richard McGuinness: Stabilization of Long Wharf as a gateway to the Harbor Islands. Building new docks, connection with the Harbor Walk, amenities along the pier, and providing space for water transportation. Connection with Central Artery project which brought us Spectacle Island and Rose Kennedy Greenway, which connects to Long Wharf.
USGC: No representative available
MassPort, Andrew Hargens: Waterfront development in East Boston and South Boston and access to the waterfront for residents. Steady increases in direct international flights to the airport and expanding cruise program (in a non-COVID year, was close to half a million passengers a year). Bringing in visitors and raising awareness/opportunities on the water.
BHN, Cathy Stone: Combining into Boston Harbor Now created even stronger community force and uniting businesses and tourism to the harbor and islands. Last year alone, BHN brought 40,000 people from Boston, mostly kids, to the islands – making it a part of the life of the children of the city. Even though it is not a regular National Park, working in collaboration with every Partner when the park was created allowed partners to be tied together from the get-go.
Thompson Island, Arthur Pearson: The conservation restriction preserved Thompson Island from a proposed casino. The Island has a role as an education campus and essentially an extension of Boston Public Schools. Converting the land fill on Spectacle Island, opening the world class visitor center on Georges Island, and MWRA cleaning up the harbor made the Harbor Islands on the rise.
Trustees of Reservations, Nick Black: World’s End was created as a Trustee property in 1967. He shared a letter from 1999 from then executive director Frederick Winthrop about a new organizational vision called Conserving our Commonwealth, Vision for the Massachusetts Landscape. Improving visitor experience at World’s End, increasing their presence along Boston Harbor through their Boston Waterfront Initiative, and creating green resilient publicly accessible open space along Boston’s waterfront.
DCR, Jim Montgomery: The merging of MDC and DCR really helped. Opening Spectacle Island. Opening Visitors Centers on Spectacle, Georges, and Peddocks Islands. Restoration of the Chapel on Peddocks. Developing mooring program. Solar panels on Georges Island maintenance garage and bring in funding to bring Georges to net zero. Building up interpretive and visitor experience programming for a seamless experience for visitors. Building up this partnership and collaborating with the Partners over the years is a highlight.
NPS, Marc Albert: It is wrapped up in partnering. The biggest accomplishment was standing up the Partnership and Advisory Council. Developed a General Management Plan in collaboration with Partners. Establishing long standing youth development/employment programs. Developed natural resource stewardship and citizen science program. Michael Creasey added: helping with park planning and infrastructure pieces. Plus facilitating the Partnership and Advisory Council.
Advisory Council, Elizabeth Solomon: Bring multiple different perspectives to the park from those who are not landowners/managers. Rob Moir mentioned the benefit of bottom-up management.
In the last 25 years, what role has your organization played in the Partnership? How do you see your organization's role changing (or not changing) in the next 25 years?
DCR, Jim Montgomery: Have been the backbone of support for the last 25 years with behind the scenes infrastructure and maintenance investments. They want to be more visionary in the next 25 years, not just behind the scenes.
MassPort, Andrew Hargens: Has been more tangential supporting role to the park, but hope to be more involved in marketing/promoting the Harbor Islands.
MWRA, Fred Laskey: Will continue to support wastewater treatment and hopes the infrastructure on their islands will withstand the effects of climate change
BHN, Cathy Stone: In the next 25 years hope to support climate change initiatives and support biodiversity.
Thompson Island, Arthur Pearson: Help to close opportunity gaps for the children of Boston, it has not changed in some 180 years. In the future they hope to do the same and be an example for others around the country.
Trustees of Reservation, Nick Black: Create more resilient green open space around the Harbor in partnership with those on the call. Protecting more places wherever they can.
Advisory Council, Maureen Cavanaugh: Has been a voice of the public and represent those whose voices might not be heard. Rob Moir mentioned increasing public access and echoed the importance of addressing climate change and increasing biodiversity.
NPS, Marc Albert: NPS role will not fundamentally change. Will continue to push for public access, equity, and place-based youth opportunities. Will seek to provide information to partners to help make decisions about whether and where to adapt, resist, or direct climate impacts.
At the next Partnership meeting, we will look to the future of the Partnership.
Roundtable Report-outs
BHI Advisory Council, Rob Moir
Thanks to BHN for Spectacle on Spectacle. Rob, Maureen, and Elizabeth had a chance to meet the Secretary of the Interior and mentioned they were on the Advisory Council.
Maureen Cavanaugh – meeting 9/22 with some NPS staff to talk about path forward.
Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center, Arthur Pearson
Vast number of the students they serve are unvaccinated at this time.
Had a successful summer season, but had some positive cases over the summer.
Doing a delicate dance of bringing young people to the Island and bringing people to the Island to generate revenue.
BPS has authorized field trips for the fall, so we look forward to seeing them.
Boston Harbor Now, Alice Brown
Cathy Stone shared the Stone Living Lab conference coming up on October 26th.
Thanked everyone who attended the Spectacle on Spectacle, especially all the hard work from DCR
Free Ferry Day at the end of the season.
org received double the traffic over the past year for trip planning.
Electronic newsletter continues to grow.
Did six community cruises in 2021 and were completely sold out.
Provided 7,500 free trips to Spectacle and Georges Islands this year – some through DCR’s Summer Nights Program.
First year they offered EBT/WIC participants discounted tickets to the Islands.
Did three Summer Nights Programs on Spectacle Island, with about 1,200 visiting.
Self-guided programs on Islands.
Fireworks on September 3rd.
Hoping to do the New Year’s program.
Boston Planning and Development Authority
No representatives available during share-out.
MassPort Authority, Andrew Hargens
Omni Hotel opened in the Seaport recently. First building from their DEI program.
Finalizing and being construction on Piers Park 2, in collaboration with the Trustees at Piers Park 3.
Helping to support a new life science career training center in South Boston.
Trustees of Reservations, Nick Black
Piers Park 3 community led design project continues.
Working with MassPort on how Piers Park 3 will work with Piers Park 2.
Waterfront Ambassador program continued this summer, a group of 15–18-year-old Boston students who put together their own design survey.
Department of Conservation and Recreation, Jim Montgomery
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The park will be working closely with Boston Public Schools this year, specifically schools in East Boston & Charlestown. Park and partner staff will facilitate experiences with students outdoors, at schools this fall, virtually through the winter months, and then hopefully in the park this spring.
NPS and DCR resource staff met with the Botanists from the Natural Heritage & Endangered Species program to survey Peddocks and Grape Island for the state-listed sea-beach dock. We confirmed just one small, and declining, patch on Peddocks’ Prince Head – a real ‘canary in the coalmine’ of coastal change across the park. The agencies are planning to work together on a restoration plan for this species in the coming year.
After an 18 – month hiatus, Stewardship Saturday volunteer programs returned to Grape Island and will soon be back on Thompson Island. These programs engage community stewards in helping take care of park resources and landscapes. The first program was another groundbreaking partnership effort, with transportation provided by BOTH the Hingham AND Weymouth Harbormasters – seeing their two police boats lined up at the Grape Island pier was an inspiration!
The park continued to strengthen its partnership with Boston YMCAs through the Discovery Camps Program reaching 375 Boston young people ages 8-12.
DCR, NPS and TIOBEC are pleased to share that we have agreed on a plan for public visitation to the Conservation Area of Thompson Island for all five weekends of this October. This follows the suspension of unescorted public visitor access (UPA) that began in Spring 2020 when COVID-19 shut down Thompson Island’s normal operations.
The following summary is for a five-week public visitor access opportunity during the remainder of TIOBEC’s 2021 operating season, following the requirements of the Thompson Island Conservation Restriction, which is co-held by DCR and NPS. This public access program reflects a three-way cooperative process alongside Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center.
We plan to use the experience of this new pilot effort to discuss how we can ensure a full season of public visitor access starting in 2022
The program will run five weekends on both Saturdays and Sundays beginning on October 2, 2021 for a total of 10 days.
TIOBEC will run a dedicated ferry from the EDIC dock at 10:00am and depart the island at 3:00pm on each weekend day.
Each UPA ferry will have up to 20 UPA spots available for registration through Eventbrite.
Registration for these trips will be posted on the park visitor website ( and information about the program will also be listed on NPS’ park website and TIOBEC’s website.
Tickets will be available on the Eventbrite website. Pricing will be the same as the Harbor Ferries: Adult - $24.95; Senior - $22.95; Child (3-11) - $17.95.
Tickets will be listed until 10:00am on Thursday for the Saturday ferry and 10:00am Friday for the Sunday ferry. If no one has registered for UPA by the cut off time, the respective ferry will be cancelled.
If tickets have been purchased and therefore the ferry is running, registration will be extended up to the time of the ferry departure.
Prior to boarding the ferry guests will have to complete a “Clear to Go” COVID-19 symptoms/exposure survey on their phone at the dock, and Guests 12+ will be asked to show their vaccine card or a photo of their vaccine card.
Guests 18+ will be asked to provide a form of identification to confirm their COVID-19 vaccination and “Clear to Go” survey status.
Guests under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
Masks will be required at all times on the ferry, while on the Thompson Island pier, during the orientation by a Thompson Island staff member when first arriving on island, and when using the restrooms on Thompson Island.
A designated staff member will meet the boat at the EDIC dock and travel on the ferry. Upon docking on Thompson, guests will be directed to the bus stop sign. They will receive a short, welcoming talk by a Thompson Island staff member regarding the island’s conservation areas where they can walk, and the off-limits main campus area. They will also be directed to the bathrooms that will be available to use.
Directional and informational signage was developed by the three partners earlier this year to guide public visitors – these signs will be temporarily erected for the public access days in October to help.
The guests will be given a telephone number to call in case of an emergency (likely to be the manager on duty’s phone number).
In addition, each Saturday in October the NPS will schedule one biological technician ranger to join the trip to and from Thompson to offer an optional naturalist walk of the Conservation Area for UPA visitors.
Massachusetts Water Resource Authority, Fred Laskey
EPA deputy administrator came to visit recently
Public Comment
Rachel Vincent
(Q) Are there any updates about the future of the clivus or other similar units on the islands moving forward?
(A) Jim Montgomery – will look into this and report back.
Chris Mancini & Kristen Barry, Save the Harbor, Save the Bay
(Comment) Chris shared his response to Cathie Barner’s questions. Biggest achievement was cleaning up of Spectacle Island and that Save the Harbor was an early supporter of the National Park even when others were not. As for the future, he would like more opportunities for people to get into the park for free.
(Comment) Kristen shared her response to Cathie Barner’s questions. Save the Harbor has been providing free ferry programs and creating free access is important. They also have their Catch of the Day fishing trips during the summer. Their jobs program offers 40-high school kids in Boston and opportunity to get to know the park. The jobs program is not a one-off trip, it allows these youth to become stewards of the Boston Harbor Islands.
Paul Kirshen, UMass Boston
(Comment) Shared his response to Cathie Barner’s questions. UMass Boston School for the Environment has been doing research on the Harbor Islands for decades. Mentioned their Living with the Urban Ocean program and the recent establishment of the Stone Living Lab partnership (SLL). The SLL is using nature-based approaches to manage flooding and restoring ecosystems in the Harbor. Having their first annual conference on October 26th -- go to to learn more.
Suzanne Gall Marsh, Friends of the Boston Harbor Islands
(Comment) Requested that comments from informal park partners be included in the formal portion of meetings, as opposed to public input.
(Comment) Big accomplishments from Friends of Boston Harbor Islands (FHBI): Check booklet on 40th anniversary, details the park history (pre-NPS), and all the work that has been done in volunteerism & advocacy. FBHI board has been planning for the future over the last year. They are focused on “planning for change.” Commended on all the change over the last few years, and all park managers need to be focused on how the public can be involved. Need to use the 2016 5-year plan that was done in all new planning efforts.
Fred Laskey requested a motion to adjourn the meeting. Cathy Stone made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Priscilla Geigis. Motion passed unanimously and meeting adjourned at 4:40 pm.
July 20, 2021
Meeting Minutes
3:00-4:30 pm
Kathy Abbott, Boston Harbor Now
Cathy Stone, Boston Harbor Now
Arthur Pearson, Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center
Michael Creasey, National Park Service
Susan Kane, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Carolyn Fiore, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Jim Montgomery, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Fred Laskey, MA Water Resources Authority
Anne Smith White, The Trustees of the Reservation
CAPT Eric Doucette, US Coast Guard
Chris Busch, Boston Planning and Development Agency
Conor LeBlanc, MassPort Authority
Andrew Hargens, MassPort
Rob Moir, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
Elizabeth Solomon, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
*Representing individual opinions only during period of advisory council suspension.
Call to Order and Introductions
Chairman Laskey called meeting to order at 3:05 pm.
Approval of minutes from May 18th, Kathy Abbott moved it and Arthur Pearson seconded. Partnership voted unanimously. Meetings minutes were approved as written and distributed.
Legislation Committee Updates,Michael Creasey, National Park Service
Fred Laskey introduced presentation on the Legislation Committee and then turned it over Michael from the NPS.
NPS is working on building a government relations program; hosted a day in the park for congressional office staff earlier this month with support from DCR, BHN, and other park partners. The visit was a success & we are looking to host members of congress in August for a park field trip.
Committee has drafted technical corrections; some were already submitted through formal NPS channels in 2019. NPS keeps a running list of changes needed to parks' enabling legislation & pushes them through bills when they can. This is typically a slow process.
The Partnership can run a parallel process of asking Members of Congress to support changes, which may be more successful and faster than waiting for NPS channels.
Here is the total list of changes we are proposing:
Update and correct names of legislated organizations:
Massachusetts District Commission and Department of Environmental Management to Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation.
Boston Redevelopment Authority to Boston Planning and Development Agency.
Boston Harbor Island Alliance to Boston Harbor Now.
Under the description of Island Alliance, strike the word “sole” from the clause “…a nonprofit organization whose sole purpose is to provide financial support for the Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area.”
Update clause to appoint executive positions at each of the partner organizations and not individuals.
Remove term limits from partnership representative appointments. Members will serve for the duration of their time in designated executive position.
The Committee is requesting a formal vote of the Partnership on all changes proposed.
Fred Laskey asked for a motion to approve committee report. Elisabeth Solomon moved it and Kathy Abbott seconded it. Partnership voted unanimously.
Question and Answers
(Q) Elizabeth asked that written changes be submitted to Partnership before voting.
(A) Michael noted that in 2019 this was voted on before. It has been laying fallow in the NPS Legislative Affairs, but wanted to approve committee’s report before sending requests to legislative members to support it.
(Q) Rob Moir made a comment that there been additional things that could be added to this bill.
(A) Fred mentioned they are not closing the door on other changes, but wanted to get technical corrections approved first. We can have further discussions down the road.
(A) Michael noted that these are technical corrections and that substantive corrections would have be vetted. Through the anniversaries year, we hope to engage with the community and discuss more substantive changes.
Anniversary Gala Updates,Kathy Abbott, Boston Harbor Now
Gala will be in person this year as long as public health allows on September 14th, 4:30-8:30 on Spectacle Island
Event will kick off the anniversary of the national and state park. This year’s honorees are the Partnership. We hope to have all of you and community groups attend. If you have questions, please reach out to Kathy or Jack Garvey.
Kerri Cleghorn Lai, new VP of philanthropy started last week.
Anniversary Year Steering Committee,Cathie Barner, Red Bridge Group
The Steering Committee meets every other week.
Programs Team chaired by Liza Stearns with the National Park Service has prepared a large spreadsheet with month-by-month programs. This will be the public programming and will also enhance the Community Access programs.
Communications Team will use in-house talent to update logo for anniversary year and develop a 4-minute video. Red Bridge will develop a creative brief and style guide, so that every Partner organization uses the same materials and things have the same feel. Asking colleagues to develop a social media guide, similar to the style guide which can make things more robust.
Engagement Team, chaired by Carolyn Fiore, has been interviewing firms to help craft messages around reaching people.
In the next few meetings, there will be time blocked out to first complement the Partnership on work accomplished, but also identify the things that still need to be done, and then develop a vision for the future.
Climate Action Planning,Joe Bagley and Chief Mariama White-Hammond, City of Boston
Fred introduced Joe Bagley and Chief Mariama White-Hammond
Joe Bagley, City of Boston Archaeologist, presented Archaeological Climate Action Plan which is funded through the Community Preservation Act (CPA). He shared images of drastic erosion on Lovells Island and Rainsford Island.
The issue:
Erosion is a current, great, and worsening threat to historic resources.
There are hundreds of documented ancient Native and more-recent historic archaeological sites on the Boston Harbor Islands
There is no harbor-wide plan or program to mitigate erosion on known or potential archaeological sites
Archaeological action towards site erosion has been on emergency and case-by-case basis and almost exclusively focused on historic sites (example: Gallops Island burials)
There are no existing plans or funds to address the daily loss of archaeological sites on the Islands.
The Archaeological Climate Action Plan:
Gather existing Harbor-wide data:
Erosion data (Zoe Hughes/BU)
Archaeological site data
Archaeological survey areas
Use GIS to create a risk model that determines what known sites and what unsurveyed areas are most at-risk of erosion
Create a plan of action/mitigation that addresses what the appropriate response should be for each site or unsurveyed area
Share the results with the holders of each island
Create a community science monitoring program (i.e., similar to Maine’s Midden Minders and HMS Florida Project)
Fund the plan of action
Project status: Discussions, walk-over, plans for hiring contractors. Will take as long as it needs to
How we will do this:
Starting with a $100,000 CPA grant to create plan and first surveys
Forming an interdisciplinary team of government and Native partners
Currently: NPS, COB, Massachusett
Will expand, shortly
National Park Service Cultural Resources Diversity Internship Program (CRDIP) Melissa Hurtado- initial scope of work, initial walk-over surveys
Will be returning to CPA but will include budgets in plan for independent funding
How is this project different:
Collaborative project with the Massachusett Tribe at Ponkapoag from day-1
Majority of the at-risk archaeological sites are Massachusett
We will be starting over from near-scratch
Starting small
Mitigation Plans
Harbor-wide, regardless of who owns the island.
Early successes
National Park Service Cultural Resources Diversity Internship Program (CRDIP)
National Trust for Historic Preservation 11-most endangered sites listing
Chief Reverend Mariama White-Hammond able to secure funding for the digitization of the Barbara Luedtke archaeological materials at UMass Boston
Reverend Mariama White-Hammond, Boston Chief of Environment, Energy, and Open Spaces, noted the importance of equity in everything they do. She noted that we need to really lean into preserving and documenting the history and not letting it wash away before we engage folks in conversations about what we do and how we live with the fact that climate change is real. And that there is importance of telling these stories because we need to grapple with both the beautiful things that happened on the Islands, but also the atrocities. Colonialism is not just the past – it is a very live legacy and if we do not look at it we cannot move forward. And with climate change we are putting our ability to survive as a human species at risk right now and if we want to survive into the future we cannot run. It is an opportunity to talk about hard and beautiful truths. She mentioned that as a Partnership we can work together to document and save sites. If there is a need for a further specifics on the plan, she is happen to go into them with a subcommittee.
Question and Answers
(Q) Susan Kane noted that DCR islands are happy to support you and getting you access to the Islands
(Q) Kathy Abbott noted BHN is happy to fund raise to help support this
(Q) Michael thanked Joe Bagley, Marc Albert, and Elizabeth Solomon for all their hard work on this.
Long Island Bridge Planning,Para Jayasinghe and Benjamin Sun, City of Boston
Fred introduced Para Jayasinghe and Benjamin Sun from the City of Boston
Para laid out what the presentation will cover
City of Boston shared brief video of the history of Long Island as a Recovery Campus
Benjamin Sun noted the video showed the why we need the bridge to Long Island and the rest of the presentation will be about the superstructure replacement
Bridge Design Approach
Minimize impact to the environment
Proposes No Permanent Impact to Wetland Resources
Maintains Same Roadway Profile and Width
Maintains Same Navigational Clearances
Improves Stormwater Performance and Resiliency
Pier Strengthening & Superstructure Replacement
City of Boston shared brief video of how it plans to replace and strengthen the bridge
It will strengthen current bridge footings with vertical steel tension rods
Spans will be assembled offsite and then precast concrete deck sections placed on top
Middle truss erection will be assembled offsite
Elevation of delta frames higher than current truss system reducing saltwater exposure and projected sea level rise.
Improved coating systems on metal will combat deterioration from saltwater exposure.
Roadway surface will be above projected sea level rise.
Improvement to Stormwater Performance
Installing water quality structure and infiltration system on the roadway.
Section 106 Timeline
January 2018 - Boston Mayor Walsh Announces Plan to Rebuild Bridge
September 2018 - MHC Letter to USCG & USACE Requesting Archaeological Survey
October 2018 - State Archaeologist’s Permit Application Filed
April 2019 - State Archaeologist’s Permit 3917 Issued to PAL
May 2019 - PAL Intensive Survey Fieldwork
September 2019 - 100% Design Complete
November 2019 - PAL Intensive Survey Report Submitted to MHC
March 2021 - Amended State Archaeologist Permit Application Filed
July 2021 - Archeological Site Examination
Question and Answers
(Q) Elizabeth Solomon had question about the archeological surveys.
(A) Deborah Cox with Public Archaeological Lab noted they in a 2019 study along the roadway found some chipping debris. In consultation with Native American tribes participating in the field work, PAL filed an amendment in March 2021 to allow them to look under roadway adjacent to the area where they found chipping debris before the project would begin. Work on this area began this week and they are about 50% done. Representatives of the Narragansett tribe have been working with them and members of the Aquinnah and Wampanoag know about the work, but have not been able to join. Once the field work is complete there will be a comprehensive report about the site.
(Q) Elizabeth asked, though not federally recognized, could the Massachusett Tribe be kept informed by the City of Boston and PAL about what is going on, even if not legally obligated to do so. And can they have access to the report once it is done.
(A) Deborah Cox noted that the city is open to consultation with the Massachusett Tribe. And they can have access to the report once it is done.
(Q) Suzanne Gall Marsh asked have they prepared an alternative transportation plan like having year round ferries? The island hospital from the 1890s-1950s had ferry service exclusively before the bridge was built.
(A) Para Jayasinghe noted that passengers-based ferries have been deemed inadequate by Boston Public Health Commission for the services they are providing at the recovery campus. The ferry docking facilities on Long Island can only accommodate passenger ferries, not vehicle ferries. Having a bridge would support 24/7 access to Long Island for vehicles and emergency vehicles.
(Q) Kathy Abbott asked if they could address giving boaters additional clearance under the bridge.
(A) Para noted given the urgent need for the recovery campus to address the current public health crisis in the area they sought to accelerate the design process and to lessen environmental impact by keeping the same footprint as the former bridge.
(Q) Cathy Stone thanked them for the presentation and it would be good for the city to have a location for people who need to be restored. She asked what current level of sea-rise did they plan for?
(A) Para noted that the older designer had metal closer to the water, but the newer design will use galvanized steel higher up on trusses. In order to minimize environmental impact, they are keeping the roadway at the same height, but making the bridge height as narrow as possible to limit saltwater exposure.
(Q) Elizabeth Solomon asked about access issues to the bridge via low lying area in Quincy. She also noted there are roadways on the island which are low lying.
(A) Para noted that it will be up to Quincy to address their roadways. The road on the Island from the bridge to the campus is on the higher part of the island.
(Q) Suzanne Gall Marsh asked what are the projected costs for re-building the bridge and what is the time frame?
(A) Para said cost would be about $100 million fully funded by the City of Boston and costs are not getting cheaper. Once construction starts, it should take about two years and will move quickly as they are using pre-assembled pieces made offsite.
(Q) Michael Creasey asked, during the archeological monitoring, will there be an inadvertent discovery plan developed in consultation with the tribes that recognize ancestral ties to the land.
(A) Deborah Cox said they have a post-review discoveries plan developed. If something is inadvertently discovered, it will be immediately reported, and all construction will stop.
(Q) Suzanne Gall Marsh commented that there needs to be a broader discussion about public access and future parkland use. There have been many City and State park plans that include mixed use of the Long Island.
(A) Para noted that in the future if they are other uses of the Island it would be awkward because of current uses. Even to get to Long Island via vehicle they would also have to access Moon Island, which is also closed for public access given the current uses (fire training and firing range).
Roundtable Report-outs
BHI Advisory Council,Elizabeth Solomon
Elizabeth noted that there are members of the advisory council who are interested to get restarted.
Michael Creasey noted they had a meeting with NPS Director of Policy and DOI staff. They received some guidance and hope to set up a meeting with Advisory Council to plan the path forward.
Trustees of the Reservation, Anne Smith-White
Not available during report-out
Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center,Arthur Pearson
Not available during report-out
Boston Harbor Now,Kathy Abbott
Community engagement and access programs
7 Community cruises that will serve about five thousand people
EBT/WIC card holders can get roundtrip tickets for $4
Island Pass program served about 7,500 people this year
DCR Summer Nights brought out two thousand youth. At the kickoff of that event with the Commissioner, Governor, and Lt Governor there were 400 new folks coming out to the Islands
BHCC donated 5,500 tickets in kind
10,000 vouchers for community partners, please get the word out so people can come to the Islands
Boston Light tours sold out through July and August
Boston Planning and Development Authority,Chris Busch
No new updates
MassPort Authority,Andrew Hargens
Please take a look at the new cranes that just arrived at the Port
Working with the Trustees on Piers Park 3
Boston Fisheries Foundation will do week-long event starting September 10th to promote New England seafood industry
Check out the new exhibit at ICA Watershed in East Boston
Department of Conservation and Recreation,Susan Kane
No big updates
Nice to see the islands up and running again. Just need it to stop raining!
United States Coast Guard,CAPT Kailie Benson
CMDR Doucette left on July 2nd and CAPT Benson has replaced him
National Park Service,Michael Creasey
Georges Island Audio Tour available on our .org site, via QR code on islands, as well as the NPS App.
Visit the Calendar on our .org website to view more event and program opportunities.
Continue to sign up to receive the Boston Harbor Islands eNewsletter: Sign up here to get it in your inbox.
Night Shift Coffee has returned as the vendor at the downtown Welcome Center.
Vendors on both Georges and Spec—Finesse—providing light snacks and refreshments 7 days/week.
Boston Harbor Islands Youth Leaders Coalition is organizing an evening cruise for youth employees. The celebratory event will be held on August 11th.
The park is working with all 8 Boston YMCAs to facilitate summer-long National Parks of Boston Discovery Camps. Campers will have an opportunity to visit Georges Island with their families on August 14th. Ferry vouchers are being offered to interested family groups.
Massachusetts Water Resource Authority,Carolyn Fiore
Fish pier has reopened and has extra parking
Public Comment
Suzanne Gall Marsh, Friends of the Boston Harbor Islands
(Q) Suzanne was very concerned about Long Island and the lack of public access to parkland.
(A) Fred noted there are larger issues like public access and there will be a time and place for that discussion soon.
(A) Michael Creasey also brought up the question about the rest of the island with the City of Boston. The City of Boston made it clear that the bridge and the infrastructure project is just that and that there is potential for a master plan for the island itself is still out there.
Fred Laskey requested a motion to adjourn the meeting. Michael Creasey made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Kathy Abbott. Motion passed unanimously and meeting adjourned at 4:40 pm.
May 18, 2021
Meeting Minutes
3:00-4:30 pm
Kathy Abbott, Boston Harbor Now
Cathy Stone, Boston Harbor Now
Susan Kane, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Richard McGuinness, Boston Planning and Development Agency
Marc Albert, National Park Service
Carolyn Fiore, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Jim Montgomery, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Priscilla Geigis, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Fred Laskey, MA Water Resources Authority
Anne Smith White, The Trustees of the Reservation
CAPT Eric Doucette, US Coast Guard
CMDR Myles Greenway, US Coast Guard
Chris Busch, Boston Planning and Development Agency
Conor LeBlanc, MassPort Authority
Rob Moir, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
Elizabeth Solomon, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
Maureen Cavanaugh, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
*Representing individual opinions only during period of advisory council suspension.
Call to Order and Introductions
Chairman Laskey called meeting to order at 3:02 pm.
Approval of minutes from March 16th, Kathy Abbott moved it and Carolyn Fiore seconded. Partnership voted unanimously. Meetings minutes were approved as written and distributed.
Legislation Committee,Angela Allison and Marc Albert, National Park Service
Fred Laskey introduced presentation on the Legislation Committee and then turned it over to Marc and Angela from the NPS.
Cathy Stone noted that she did not think at first this needed to be done, but upon reviewing the old management plan she noted things have changed and that anniversaries are a good time to look at what needs to be changed.
Angela Allison noted that in the Legislation Committee meetings they started to look at the park’s General Management Plan (GMP) as a road map to see how things are coming along and determine what changes might we recommend. Many people in the Partnership may not be familiar with the GMP on the day-to-day basis, so they wanted to spend time at this meeting to give a broad overview.
Marc Albert talked about the background before the creation of the Boston Harbor Islands Partnership. In the 1978 Urban Parks Report identified Boston Waterfront as a place where open space, recreation, and economic value of the waterfront are interrelated. This report provided context for the establishment of this park.
Preceding the National Park was the establishment of the Boston Harbor Islands State Park. The Boston Harbor Islands Comprehensive Plan completed 1970-1972 and the 1986 Boston Harbor Islands State Park Master Plan were key documents that informed the NPS special resource study of the Boston Harbor Islands. Before any unit of the NPS is created a special resource study is done to determine whether the resources of that park are nationally significant. With the establishment of the State Park a lot of the background work had been done.
In 1996, Public Law 104-333 established Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area, though we never really officially called it that. The advisory committee and Partners when creating the GMP, they found it offensive to call something a “recreation area” that was also essentially a concentration camp for Native Americans during King Phillip’s War in 1675. Collectively the group decided to go with national park area as the general term for the park and now national and state park. The park was set aside to:
(1) to preserve for public use and enjoyment the lands and waters that comprise the Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area;
(2) to manage, the recreation area in partnership with the private sector, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, municipalities, the Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center, and Trustees of Reservations, and with historical, business, cultural, civic, recreational and tourism organizations;
(3) to improve access to the Boston Harbor Islands through the use of public water transportation; and
(4) to provide education and visitor information programs to increase public understanding of and appreciation for the natural and cultural resources of the Boston Harbor Islands, including the history of Native American use and involvement.
National Park Area:
34 Islands and peninsulas (discrete islands extending to mean low water)
Public access to waterfront and gateways to the islands
Limited federal ownership/multiple jurisdictions
Requires 3 to 1 Private to Federal match
Allows for NPS to enter into Cooperative Management Agreements
Partnerships and collaborative strategies
Expansive network of partnerships
Portal to wilderness for diverse urban populations
A lot of effort was put into a public ferry system for gateway communities to increase access to the Harbor.
The law creating the Boston Harbor Islands Partnership said:
Developing an integrated General Management Plan;
Coordinating the activities of the managers of the park as a whole;
Authorized to contract and purchase property and services;
Legislation is clear that the Partnership is an operational organization and not an advisory committee; and
Legislation calls for the Secretary to establish the Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council.
NPS General Management Plan
Finished and environmental impact statements signed by the Secretary of the Interior in 2002. As the name states, it is a general plan. It identified important themes, identified generalized areas of various islands (i.e., historic preservation focus, recreational focus, natural resource preservation focus, or gateway areas). It does not get into specific implementation plans.
An Agreement between:
Island Managers
The Partnership
The Public
Collective Impact:
Finance and support public improvements
Enhance outdoor recreation
Conserve historic, natural, and scientific values
Develop education programs
Enhance public access
Protect Native American sites
Angela mentioned the Partnership has a federal mandate of 3-to-1 match of non-federal to federal dollars.
Partnership investments in the Park from 1996-2016, $235 million in total spending with $96 million in federal spending (i.e., NPS, USCG), $97 million in local and Commonwealth government spending (DCR, Massport, MWRA, City of Boston), and $42 million in private spending. This shows that we met and often exceed that 3-to-1 match.
Partnership investments in the Park from 2020 (preliminary numbers as we are still waiting on data from some Partners), $14.93 million in total spending with $9.38 million in federal spending (i.e., NPS, USCG), $2.96 million in local and Commonwealth government spending (DCR, Massport, MWRA, City of Boston), and $2.59 million in private spending. This shows that we are exceeding that 3-to-1 match mandate.
Federal Advisory Council
Purpose: Represent stakeholder interest
Educational and cultural institutions
Business and commercial entities
Advocacy organizations
Native American interests
Make recommendations to Partnership
Advisory Council has been under a period of suspension under the previous administration, but with the new administration things could change.
Partnership Focus on the Future
Twenty-first century park making
Improving water transportation
Investing in the next generation
Transforming the harbor
Connecting people to nature
Adapting to environmental impacts
Legislative committee
Short term goals
Technical corrections (i.e., changing names of organizations)
Long term goals
Engagement Opportunities
Larger, more substantive changes
Committee hopes to share recommendations at upcoming Partnership meetings
Question and Answers
(Q) Rob Moir mentioned an Atlantic article which said we should give back National Parks to Native people. The FACA was established to give voice for those who did not get seat on Partnership
(Q) Cathy Stone mentioned that Rob Moir wrote his dissertation about the creation of this park. The park and Partnership was established because at the same time Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich was pushing a park closing commission. Creating the Partnership park model shifted the burden of budget to the Partnership. And the reason why it was called a National Recreation Area, because some native people found the word park offensive. What we underestimated was how much money it would take to make the Islands accessible to the public and the transportation issues.
(Q) Kathy Abbott mentioned growing a constituency is something the Partnership should work on.
(Q) Cathy Stone and Rob Moir mentioned that Castle Island was originally part of the park boundary, but was removed because of local fear of NPS gates and outside visitors.
(Q) Kathy Abbott mentioned that we do not score well in internal NPS visitation statistics thus we cannot compete for major funding because we do not serve enough people. If we did include Castle Island into the mix that might help.
(Q) Marc Albert mentioned that a lot of parks count visitors who travel through the park (i.e., Blue Ridge Parkway) and they could just be commuting to work. We have how many thousands of people commuting or taking private boats benefit from the scenery of protecting the park. They are currently not counted as visitors, but that is something we are talking about and how we can get them into the NPS statistical system.
(Q) Cathy Stone mentioned the importance of protecting the park as barrier islands to the shoreline. Climate change and the role parks play in protecting their communities might become a criterion for other things including money.
(Q) Kathy Abbott mentioned that one of the ways the majority of people experience the Islands is from the air. That is over 30 million people a year. A number of years ago we tried to figure out how we could get those folks to help underwrite the cost of the park. We should not give up on that idea.
Anniversary Year Steering Committee,Cathie Barner, Red Bridge Group
Cathie Barner introduced the steering committee members: Michael Creasey, Priscilla Geigis, Kathy Abbott, and Angela Allison supports the group.
Objective: Connect people through parks by providing inspirational experiences for all, creating community through stewardship, and strengthening the Boston Harbor Islands Partnership
Project Goals:
Increase awareness
Awareness and advocacy are important parts of the anniversary. Plan is to promote a series of events, create a video, and have a call to action
Celebrate past and futures successes
Made extra visible by co-branding anniversary programs in public outreach. Two signature events could be developed during the year starting with the Boston Harbor Now gala event. We have tasked the program committee to develop commemorative items and welcome everyone’s ideas
Enhance community engagement
Considering stakeholder mapping and other techniques to engage and have deeper connection to the community
Update Strategic Vision
Will use the entire year to think about the future of the Islands and what a vision for the next 25 to 50 years might look like.
Communications team, Conor LeBlanc, MassPort
Building awareness and celebrating anniversary effort
Mapping out different assets that each member of the Partnership has from staffing, to signage, social media accounts, etc
Thinking about the video and how to use it as a communications tool
Thinking of bringing on third-party consultant to develop a branding toolkit
Community outreach and engagement team, Carolyn Fiore, MWRA
Looking to identify who each member of the Partnership is engaging with and determine where the gaps are. Use the anniversary year to engage with constituencies that we have not engaged with in the past and bring them into the fold.
Looking at hiring local firms to help increase engagement
May reach out to additional Partners to get more members
How do you measure successes? Increase visitation, increase donations, increase in underserved communities?
Need to develop a schedule for outreach activities
Programming Committee, Liza Stearns, National Park Service
Starting to do asset mapping to see skill sets, resources with our organizations, network participation, constituent groups connections to being to think about how we can activate those elements to being energy to programming.
Programming from September 2021-September 2022
Doing a quarterly assessment of current program/project and determine how they can re-brand it to be a signature or anniversary branded program/project.
By doing that asset mapping of what's currently already in play and identify where there are voids and maybe bring some signature programming elements into the calendar at opportune times to animate and galvanize more interest in the Harbor Islands.
Goal is less one-off programming, but hope to develop deeper connection with community to be a part of their world.
Plan is to get a roadmap in place that we can bounce ideas off other working groups.
We need to include constituents up front to help develop programming together
Question and Answers
(Q) Priscila as member of the steering committee want to thank Conor, Carolyn, and Liza. We need to work on connecting people to parks. We have learned during this past year the importance outdoor spaces have. We want to provide inspirational experiences for all. We also need to think about creating community through stewardship for the next 25 and 50 years into the future. Our Partners needs to think about these objectives and where they can fit in and bring to the table.
Roundtable Report-outs
BHI Advisory Council,Elizabeth Solomon
Elizabeth has been communicating with members of the advisory council to gauge interest moving forward, which has been enthusiastic. Might need to get in touch with legislators or Secretary of Interior to move things forward
Trustees of the Reservation, Anne Smith-White
Working hard getting programming up at Worlds End
Hoping to develop an education facility out at Worlds End with composting toilets and working with the town of Hingham to get that approved
Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center,Dot Joyce
Dot mentioned that Arthur was unable to join, but he sends his regards.
Boston Harbor Now,Kathy Abbott
Public Ferries start on Friday to Spectacle Island
Installing new interactive video screens at the Welcome Center
EBT/WIC program with Boston Harbor City Cruises allows for a $4 fare for card holders
80 libraries signed on for Library Pass program
6 Community Cruises planned
Working with DCR to distribute Island Pass programs, especially camp programs
Working on building a new shade structure on Georges Island with DCR
Boston Planning and Development Authority,Chris Busch
No new updates
MassPort Authority,Conor LeBlanc
Rock removal will be starting in the Harbor dredging project
New berth 10 cranes should be arriving at the beginning of the summer
ENF being put together for a new runway safety area deck at Logan Airport
Department of Conservation and Recreation,Susan Kane
Operations are going forward with lots of hiring, cutting grass, opening trails, getting boats back in the water
Broken ground on bathroom renovation on Peddocks to have showers for campers. Should be done at the end of June
Building 45 renovation being completed at Hingham Shipyard. The Partnership logo will be inlaid into the building
Awarding contract for 49 additional moorings off Peddocks Island
SCA program is working on replacing the historic doors on the stable on Peddocks Island. Then moving onto Bumpkin Island to do masonry work.
Working on Georges Island pavilion project with Boston Harbor Now
National Park Service,Marc Albert
Ferry Schedule are out for 2021 to Spectacle and Georges Islands. Visit the Partnership website to learn more.
We are reopening the Welcome Center along the Greenway on June 5. The schedule will mirror the ferry schedule.
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The NPS and contracted consultants are continuing to make progress on the park-wide assessment ‘multi - property documentation forms’ for above – ground cultural resources on the islands. As a reminder, this project will document the relative significance of the “historic” features of the islands and recommend which are eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. This is only for the above-ground features, most of the park’s islands are already listed as a National Register Archeological District to protect Native American sites.
Thank you to ALL land owners for submitting comments on the draft forms.
The next steps are the NPS and contractors submitting the drafts to the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) and tribal representatives (THPOs).
The NPS Natural Resource Partnerships team is working with Rebecca Shoer from the Stone Living Lab, Save the Harbor Save the Bay, and others to roll out shoreline community science projects with youth and volunteers – collecting data across Boston Harbor and island shorelines on marine invaders via CZM’s MIMIC project, and on native oysters, clams, and mussels through our online “Bivalve Quest.”
BHN/NPS received a grant from National Park Foundation to support a summer/fall recreational fishing program. DCR, NPS, and BHN collaborating on programming, including “how to fish” engagement with summer camps, development of a Great Fishing Spots map, production of fishing instruction videos and fall “cooking with your catch” videos to showcase local chefs providing health meals with locally caught fish.
United States Coast Guard,CMDR Myles Greenway
Long Island Bridge replacement. Working on a navigation impact report by the City of Boston. Comment period open until June 18
There will be brief channel closures and speed restrictions to accommodate blasting operations of the harbor dredging project
Sector Boston is piloting new email notification to mariners to reduce radio clutter for frequent broadcasts
Boston Light site visit tomorrow with NPS, USCG, GSA, BHN, Historic Boston Inc, and the Trustees.
Massachusetts Water Resource Authority,Carolyn Fiore
Received National Association of Clean Water Act Agency’s platinum peak performance award for the 14th year.
The new fishing pier has been quite popular. Changed some parking to accommodate more cars.
Public Comment
Suzanne Gall Marsh, Friends of the Boston Harbor Islands
(Q) Thrilled that there will be boat service to Georges and Spectacle Island. She is worried about the increase in private boaters to the island. She is also concerned about the lack of restrooms on the Islands that private boaters use. Need to post information about bathrooms on websites and docks.
(Q) Eager to provide visitor services volunteers on the Islands, even if Visitors Centers are closed
(Q) Gallops Island was closed because of asbestos in 2000. She wanted to know what is going on with the restoration and remediation plan from 2017?
(A) Fred recommended at the next meeting maybe DCR can provide an overview of the issue.
(A) Susan Kane noted that Visitors Centers are opening this year. There will be bathrooms on Peddocks Island. They are evaluating restroom facilities on Islands in general. They are trying to figure out a solution where we have replacement bathrooms out there, but it is a process
(Q) Had question regarding the Advisory Council and when it would be started back up again. Cape Cod’s Advisory Council had a sunset clause, Acadia National Park Advisory Councils are having regularly scheduled meetings.
(A) Fred said the staff are trying to figure out the Advisory Council going forward.
Mike Delaney from Quincy, MA
(Q) Wanted to speak publicly about public access. They have mentioned the CR says that Thompson Island must be open every day. He met with Arthur Pearson and the CR has been posted online for review. He went on to say, the Partnership has not reviewed the CR and he requested that it be brought forth for review.
(A) Fred mentioned that since Arthur is not present today, he asked the Dot Joyce bring this to him to get a response
Fred Laskey requested a motion to adjourn the meeting. Carolyn made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Jim. Motion passed unanimously and meeting adjourned at 4:22 pm
March 16, 2021
Meeting Minutes
3:00-4:30 pm
Kathy Abbott, Boston Harbor Now
Cathy Stone, Boston Harbor Now
Susan Kane, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Richard McGuinness, Boston Planning and Development Agency
Marc Albert, National Park Service
Carolyn Fiore, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Michael Creasey, National Park Service
Jim Montgomery, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Priscilla Geigis, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Fred Laskey, MA Water Resources Authority
Anne Smith White, The Trustees of the Reservation
Chris Cook, City of Boston
CAPT Eric Doucette, US Coast Guard
CMDR Myles Greenway, US Coast Guard
Conor LeBlanc, MassPort Authority
Arthur Pearson, Thompson Island Outward Bound
Rob Moir, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
Elizabeth Solomon, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
*Representing individual opinions only during period of advisory council suspension.
Call to Order and Introductions
Chairman Laskey called meeting to order at 3:01 pm. Approval of minutes from January 19th, Michael Creasey moved it and Elizabeth Solomon seconded. Partnership voted unanimously. Meetings minutes were approved as written and distributed.
Partnership Business
Fred Laskey welcomed Anne Smith White from the Trustees of the Reservations who was chosen by the Trustees to replace the seat vacated by Alicia Leuba.
Fred also announced that he will have to leave the meeting early for another commitment, but Michael Creasey from the National Park Service will serve as chair pro tempore after he leaves. He noted that the Partnership is currently without a Vice-chair and those interested in serving on a nominating committee please let him know. The Partnership should have a Vice-chair to preside over meetings in case of situations like today.
Legislation Committee,Michael Creasey and Angela Allison, National Park Service
Fred Laskey introduced presentation on the Legislation Committee and then turned it over to Michael and Angela from the NPS.
Michael Creasey said we recognize that in 2017, the Chair appointed members to the Governance Committee to review the Partnership’s By-Laws and Federal Legislation. The Partnership members included Fred Laskey, Michael Creasey, Kathy Abbott, and Austin Blackmon. At the last Partnership meeting, Fred asked if any other members wanted to join the Committee. To date, nobody has asked to join.
Michael introduced Angela Allison, Program Director for Community and Intergovernmental Partnerships with the National Parks of Boston to provide a report on the Boston Harbor Islands legislation for a discussion to be had as part of the anniversary year.
Angela said going into anniversary year, we want to look at ways to make partnership more effective through its governance structure.
The governance committee will review the existing park legislation and recommend potential changes to the Partnership at a future meeting.
There are some things that we know need to be changed & are technical, like updating the names of BHN, DCR, and BPDA.
There may also be more substantive issues & recommended changes, like the nominating process for Partnership Representatives.
Legislation changes can be made internally through the NPS or changes can be introduced by a member of congress; the committee will look into the best way to accomplish this.
The governance committee will report to the full Partnership at the next meeting on their recommendations & progress.
Question and Answers
(Q) Elizabeth Solomon had a question about the process and depending on the time commitment she might be interested in joining it. Is this just an open-ended look or narrow scope looking at language?
(A) Michael Creasey said there were some narrow things that we should address like names of organizations. But if there are some larger changes, we can look and make shifts and changes, especially tied to the Anniversaries.
(Q) Rob mentioned that the big issue was that Congress named the Partners. This might be a time to add new members.
Elizabeth Solomon, Cathy Stone, Kathy Abbott, Fred Laskey, Rob Moir, and Michael Creasey all signed up to assist this committee.
Anniversary Year Opportunities: Island Access, Representatives from National Parks of Boston, Save the Harbor/Save the Bay, and Boston Harbor Now
Kathy Abbott introduced this new series around Anniversary Year Opportunities. She was excited to introduce the topic around access as it has been an issue since the founding of the State Park. Kathy introduced the small group of folks who worked on the beginning of this conversation on how to enable access to everyone, which included Chris Mancini and Kristen Barry from Save the Harbor/Save the Bay (STHSTB), Rebecca Smerling from Boston Harbor Now (BHN), and Elisabeth Colby from the National Park Service (NPS).
Chris Mancini introduced the presentation on the work we have done to address social, racial equity, and inclusion on the Harbor Islands. This presentation will share some of the great work being doing through this Partnership including DCR, NPS, STHSTB, and BHN. They understood they were not being inclusive as there is great work being done at many places including Thompson Island and Camp Harborview to name a few. Chris took time at the top to address the role that public places like the Harbor Islands play in causes of racial justice and the barriers that continue to exist in these spaces. The success of public open space really depends on both physical and programmatic connections to make it open, accessible, and inclusive.
Rebecca Smerling presented a look at three key areas where organizations are contributing to increased access to the Boston Harbor Islands either through free or steeply discounted programs for individuals and families, group and community access, and youth employment. These numbers look at a snapshot of the menu of Partnership programs of NPS, DCR, BHN and STHSTB providing access to hub islands and free cruises to the Harbor. Those organizations collective serve many programs, but these numbers focus on programs where individuals get on a boat with the goal of enjoying the park resources. This data is from pre-COVID in 2019.
Individuals & Families
Group Access
Youth Employment
Individuals & Families
Library Pass programs
Buy one, get one, annually 100 libraries
Free-Ferry Days
Up to three free days offered
Share the Harbor
12 evening & weekend cruises
Community Cruise
12 Boston neighborhood cruises (Harborside neighborhoods (i.e., Chelsea, Charlestown, East Boston, Mattapan, Dorchester, Quincy, Roxbury) and community by association (i.e., Seniors, Latinx, DCF Foster families through Wonderfund, Chinatown)
Volunteer Programs
Open enrollment
Barriers that limit or prevent access, that these programs address:
Uncertainty / Feeling unsafe
Access to Long Wharf / gateways
Kristen Berry presented on Group Access
Island Pass
Free trips for up to 250 non-profits serving 15,000 annually
All Access Boston Harbor
24 free summer trips to Spectacle, Georges
Harbor Discovery Camps
Ranger-led programs with YMCA’s, BCYF’s & Boys & Girls Clubs
School Programs
Boston Public and Charter Schools to Spectacle & Thompson Islands
Barriers that limit or prevent access, that these programs address:
Staff representation
Uncertainty / Feeling unsafe
Elisabeth Colby presented on Youth Employment Programs (ages 15-25)
8 Hill to Harbor Corps
12 Historic Preservation Corps
12 PLACE Fellowship
6 NPS Resource Assistants
8 BHN Internships
Barriers that limit or prevent access, that these programs address:
Staff representation
Uncertainty / Feeling unsafe
Question and Answers
(Q) Michael Creasey asked what are some if the barriers you have looked at?
(A) Elisabeth Colby talked about language, staff representation, uncertainty/feeling unsafe, access/awareness, logistics, mobility constraints, time commitment.
(A) Rebecca Smerling added cost, fear of getting on a boat.
(A) Sophia Bass Werner from the NPS read comments from the chat: current skepticism and fear towards the uniform and government.
(Q) Chris Cook added that he has gratitude towards all the work that goes into bring people out to the Harbor Islands.
(A) Rebecca Smerling added that during COVID-19 this had been harder. They did not do any large group gatherings or free ferry days, but offered vouchers to groups to come back with their families. They went to essential worker organizations to also hand out vouchers to come to the Islands. They also offered half-price Fridays in the Fall.
(Q) Michael asked does any of the other Partners wanted to add anything as this is a holistic approach?
(A) Arthur Pearson from TIOBEC affirmed that having this many groups working on Public Access has benefit as a combined impact. TIOBEC has worked on access issues with Green Ambassadors and Camp Harborview. All these groups are working on it at different angles and the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
(A) Susan Kane from DCR said it was a great presentation. It was great to see the numbers all bundled up that way. It was also nice to hire many of these youth participants as employees down the road and see them come full circle. We can still do better though.
(Q) Cathy Stone from BHN was wondering where we should put more effort? What should be our future goals?
(A) Chris Mancini from STHSTB said that there is always more room on the boat! None of these programs would be around with all the hard work from NPS and DCR rangers. We need to look at representation. If you look at the members on the screen today, we do not reflect the community of Boston. We need to make these places welcoming to the owners of this public land. It would be nice to do this in break out rooms to dive deeper into these issues.
(A) Kristen Berry from STHSTB said there is always more room on the boat, but getting people to the boat is a challenge in itself. We want to solve these problems, but we need to ask our groups what are their issues in access.
(A) Elisabeth Colby from NPS added that there is a full suite of initiatives, it is supporting academic engagement, play-based engagement, employee/development opportunity, family outreach, neighborhood presence, increasing visibility of the Islands as spaces where people can go, and increasing to make investments into the community. It is an expensive suite of programs to run. Chartering boats and buses are a lot of money. It is not about the one day on the Island, but building a catalogue of experiences. It is not just an issue with the Islands, but a systemic issue at public lands nationally. What are the best models out there that we can be borrowing to put into practice here on the Harbor Islands?
(A) Cathy Stone added that the staff do a great job and maybe the Partnership members will come up with some ideas.
(A) Rebecca added that these programs are strategically layered on top of each other. The Harbor Discovery camps offered in a certain neighborhood, they try to offer a Community Cruise opportunity in that neighborhood so they can come back with their parents. They try to inform them about Free Ferry Days or about the Library Pass program. They hope their visit is not just a one off. They would prefer they come out multiple times even in the same summer. And hope the kids become their own ambassadors.
(Q) Elizabeth Solomon noted that about 50,000 people received access to the islands, but how many people visited the Island in 2019?
(A) Rebecca Smerling said, that about 100,000 people visited the islands in 2019, but we should note that 20,000 did not touch the Islands as they were on a Cruise.
(Q) Elizabeth Solomon asked what are the not for profit organizations taking part in the Island Pass program?
(A) Rebecca Smerling said that DCR and BHN work together to get together to permit these requests. We have about 15,000 non-profit groups on their email list. The previous application did not target certain audiences, but the current application they now ask questions like mission, language spoken at home, school lunch subsidy.
(Q) Cathy Stone from BHN asked have we done a survey and evaluations of these programs?
(A) Elisabeth Colby noted that in 2016-2017 they did a large survey of participants in access program.
(Q) Anne Smith White from the Trustees asked are there any organizations that help provided transportation to get to and from their communities?
(A) Chris Cook from the City of Boston mentioned Mass Cultural Council’s Big Yellow School Bus program. He also noted that the average bus can cost up to $500 to charter. Noted that philanthropic giving could really move the needle by getting kids to the boat.
(A) Sophia also noted that getting the bus for youth groups is great, but often times the bus may not line up to the ferry schedule.
(A) Arthur Pearson from Thompson Island said it is a constant battle and a big expense and the diminishing capacity of buses and ferries does not help. He noted that the cost for experience for each child is only going up and if we want to have scale it will cost more money.
(Q) From the chat, are there enough park staff to work on these programs?
(A) Elisabeth Colby said many of the programs out there are to just get youth to the Islands for a self-directed experience. Not all of them receive a facilitated NPS/DCR/BHN program. There will never be enough staff to facilitate a program for every youth group so that is why they are creating a variety of asynchronous and self-guided materials. Coming out of this pandemic, there will be an increase need for more staff, but also a desire for more independent experiences.
(A) Kathy Abbott noted that Boston Harbor Now is always committed to finding funds to help support public subsidy.
Thompson Island Conservation Restriction Update,Marc Albert, National Parks of Boston and Felicia Bakaj, MA Dept of Conservation and Recreation
Michael introduced Felicia who provided the update.
They wanted to provide an update to the Partnership on the progress of the DCR & NPS efforts as part of our role as co-holders of the Thompson Island Conservation Restriction (CR).
As a reminder, DCR & NPS co-hold a CR on Thompson Island, which was negotiated and signed shortly after the establishment of the Boston Harbor Islands National & State Park and the BHI Partnership.
The CR ensures conservation of natural and historic features of the island, and sets conditions for public access to the island.
Updates since the last meeting
Last week they conducted a full CR monitoring visit on the island.
Over the past several months, DCR, NPS & Thompson Island Outward Bound have begun a full review of public access and associated communications.
DCR & NPS have met several times to draft language and recommendations for public communications
This includes common information across all park and partner websites -- the visitor site, as well as NPS, DCR, and TIOBEC sites.
The full text of the CR is now available on the NPS website, and they are working to get a visually accessible version of our recent presentation to the BHIP up there as well.
The info will include rules and procedures for how public can visit the island.
Similar information would also be posted on signage, which could be placed at several locations: on the island at the pier and the spit, as well as public access points between the beach and the upland, and at public ferry departure locations.
They have also begun developing alternatives for public ferry access to Thompson Island.
The next step in the process is a meeting with all three partners, as required by the CR.
Roundtable Report-outs
Massachusetts Water Resource Authority, Carolyn Fiore
Fishing Pier is done. Physically accessible parking lot is complete, and this summer they will be expanding the public access parking lot.
City of Boston, Chris Cook
Climate Ready Charlestown and Climate Ready East Boston are in the works.
Have capital funds to look at Christopher Columbus Park and look forward to collaborating with BPDA, BHN, NPS, and other partners/stakeholders.
Boston Planning and Redevelopment Authority, Rich McGuinness
Kicked off our public engagement process for the design and use guidelines for the Downtown Waterfront.
Can sign up for workshops following links on their website.
MassPort Authority, Conor LeBlanc
MassPort Marine Terminal in South Boston project received approval from BPDA board, with construction hoping to start later this year.
Commonwealth Pier construction is going forward. The companies that operate vessels along the apron will continue to operate throughout construction.
Piers Park 3 project has public meeting coming up at the end of the month.
Army Corps of Engineers has awarded a contract for the rock removal component in the Harbor dredging project.
United States Coast Guard, CMDR Myles Greenway
Starting the transition in the Change in Command with CAPT Kailie Benson on July 2nd. She did serve at the Port as a Marine Inspector Bag Carrier, so she is familiar with the Port.
Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center, Arthur Pearson
A lot of press to get urban children of color outside this summer.
Have an agreement in concept with BPDA regarding berth 10 in the Seaport to replace floats by EDIC Pier. Have a grant to support this from the local Hilton.
Summer learning program – provide free 21-day residential program for BPS students in late June through July. This will be a part of the BPS’s fifth quarter of learning with 50 hours of academics from a certified BPS teacher. This solves the transportation by bus issue as they stay on the island.
Green Ambassadors program will continue this Summer in-person and will follow COVID-19 protocols.
Working on two programs with the BPS both online and in-person that would bring hundreds of sixth and ninth graders. They are still working out some of the details and logistics.
They are a part of the Higher Ground Surround Care program in Roxbury to bring kids out to the Island.
In regards to the CR, we are working with NPS and DCR.
BHI Advisory Council, Elizabeth Solomon
With the change in administration the Advisory Council might be revived soon.
Trustees of the Reservation, Anne Smith-White
She is the portfolio director for the South Shore, which includes Worlds End.
Piers Park updates, continuing community-lead design for Phase 3. Launched a feedback survey and received over 200 different responses. These community design meetings will be in both English and Spanish.
Department of Conservation and Recreation, Susan Kane
Team out on island getting it ready.
Fully underway for hiring. Going to be fully staffed this summer.
In plans with NPS and BHN on what this summer looks like.
50 additional moorings will be installed off Peddocks Island, and hopefully installed before main boating season.
In the process to get boats inspected.
Planning process on Georges Island and making Georges Island more energy efficient with the ultimate goal to be net-zero.
National Park Service, Marc Albert
A new Department of the Interior Secretary has been confirmed, Deborah Haaland. She is the first ever Native American Cabinet member. Hope to have her out her for our Anniversary Year.
The Revolutionary Harbor Series is continuing with public programming:
March 31, second lecture in series (virtual), called Signs of Spring from 7 – 8:15 pm, register on Eventbrite..
April 21, third and final event in the lecture series (virtual) on The Stone Living Lab: 7 – 8:15 pm, register on Eventbrite
The BHI eNewsletter’s April edition is forthcoming. The newsletter has info on all upcoming programming & events, to sign up, sign up here to get it in your inbox.
The NPS has received a ton of helpful feedback from all of the landowners stretching from the Graves to Worlds End as part of the project to document the condition and significance of historic features throughout the park, part of a project to consider additional National Register listings of properties and to help prioritize historic preservation and landscape management. The NPS History Program is now consolidating the feedback in order for the contractors at Public Archeology Lab to develop a final draft. Thank you to all of you & your staff who participated.
The Partnership Operations Committee, currently chaired by Marc Albert of NPS, will begin sharing monthly meeting notes with Angela Allison for distribution, re-establishing a practice from earlier years that follows from the BHIP meeting bylaws. Meeting notes will go out to Partnership members bi-monthly with notes from prior meetings.
They are continuing to work with Red Bridge Group on 25th anniversary planning. They understand that most of you have met with Cathy & Alicia to provide info on how your organization can support these planning efforts. They look forward to hearing more from Red Bridge at future meetings.
Boston Harbor Now, Kathy Abbott
Had 400 people join our online lecture series with the National Park Service.
Getting ferry schedule together for the season.
Boston Harbor Cruises is excited to get back out on the water.
Received City of Boston Community Preservation grant of $125,000 to build permanent shade structure out on Georges Island at the North picnic area. Still waiting on City Council vote to approve.
Received grant from anonymous donor to upgrade screen at the BHI Welcome Center on the Greenway. Hope to have it complete by end of June or early July.
Public Comment
Suzanne Gall Marsh, Friends of the Boston Harbor Islands
(Q) Yesterday was the first meeting of the DCR Special Commission. Please given an update on the public process?
(A) Priscilla mentioned she was not at the meeting, but the Commissioner was. She did not know how many additional meetings there will be. The report is due at the end of June
Joan Delaney from Quincy, MA
(Q) The CR says that Thompson Island must be open every day. Asked if Arthur would meet with her?
(A) Arthur said he would consider it with guidance from his Board.
(Q) She wanted to know when he would respond.
(A) He said he will talk to his trustees this week. He will email her with a response.
Rachel Vincent
(Q) Have advisory boards been officially un-suspended? Or are members just in prep for when that moment comes?
(A) Michael Creasey mentioned he had not heard anything specifically, yet. Angela Allison is looking into this.
(A) Elizabeth mentioned there has been increased interest to get it reinstated.
Michael Creasey requested a motion to adjourn the meeting. Marc made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Priscilla. Motion passed unanimously and meeting adjourned at 4:33 pm.
January 19, 2021
Meeting Minutes
3:00-4:30 pm
Kathy Abbott, Boston Harbor Now
Susan Kane, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Richard McGuinness, Boston Planning and Development Agency
Marc Albert, National Park Service
Carolyn Fiore, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Michael Creasey, National Park Service
Priscilla Giegis, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Fred Laskey, MA Water Resources Authority
Nick Black, The Trustees of the Reservation
Chris Cook, City of Boston
Vidya Tikku, The Trustees of the Reservation
CAPT Eric Doucette, US Coast Guard
CMDR Myles Greenway, US Coast Guard
Arthur Pearson, Thompson Island Outward Bound
Rob Moir, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
Maureen Cavanaugh, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
Elizabeth Solomon, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
*Representing individual opinions only during period of advisory council suspension.
Call to Order and Introductions
Chairman Laskey called meeting to order at 3:01 pm. Approval of minutes from November 17th, Michael Creasey moved it and Carolyn Fiore seconded. Partnership voted unanimously. Meetings minutes were approved as written and distributed.
Partnership Business
New policy regarding Special Government Employees, Michael Creasey, National Park Service
National Park Service Updates on Partnership Nominations and Policies
As of October 26, 2020, the following changes should be noted regarding nominations and policy changes related to the Boston Harbor Islands Partnership:
The Department of the Interior has determined that the Partnership can proceed in obtaining nominations to fill any vacancies or expired terms for Boston Harbor Islands Partnership.
Policy Change:
Partnership members are no longer considered Special Government Employees (SGE’s). Appointees have been re-designated as “representatives” to the Partnership. Any new Partnership members will be appointed as representatives as well.
Partnership members will no longer be subject to the SGE requirements of completing ethics training and submitting financial disclosure forms (OGE-Form 450) on an annual basis.
Members are still subject to the standard ethics language: "No Partnership or subcommittee member will participate in any Partnership or subcommittee deliberations or votes relating to a specific party matter before the Department or its bureaus and offices including a lease, license, permit, contract, grant, claim, agreement, or litigation in which the member has a direct financial interest." An ethics guidebook will provide clarity on obligation.
Bylaws updates – to reflect policy change regarding SGE to representatives, Article 3, section 8
Updating teleconferencing language
Change Chairman to Chair throughout document
Question and Answers
(Q) Elizabeth Solomon had question regarding bylaws. She noted that this was the second time it has been changed in two meetings. She also wanted to know who is on the bylaw committee and how are changes being made? She also noted that if we are making changes we should look at all the bylaws and update them, for example standing committees.
(A) Fred Laskey said Elizabeth was right and that Austin Blackmon, Fred Laskey, and Kathy Abbott are some of the people on the bylaws committee. And said they are holding off on appointing committees given the Advisory Council status.
(Q) Rob Moir said the Partnership is a unique government form. He also said there was lots of information on the bylaws regarding voting and that official members should be included in language of standing committees in Article III, Section 4. And he said that each of these members are appointed by their organization not the Partnership and decisions regarding use of land is based on landowner.
(A) Fred said anyone interested in joining the bylaws committee reach out to Fred by next meeting.
(Q) Elizabeth asked if these edits have to be approved by an outside body?
(A) Michael said no as the bylaws language came from enabling legislation and that the Partnership members have to be approved be Secretary of the Interior. He said that there are many members who are here are not approved voting members and that there are also issues regarding term limits. He said the nominating and bylaws committee have investigated guidance and why these are there.
(A) Fred said things may change under a new administration.
(A) Michael also noted that of the six standing committees, the park operations committee is very active under Marc Albert and was lead by Susan Kane for many years. And he said that to Rob Moir’s point there are several outside Partnership members on the park operations committee, like Save the Harbor Save the Bay which are active on this standing committee.
Fred asked for the edits to bylaws move forward. Rob Moir moved the edits and Kathy Abbott seconded it. Partnership voted unanimously to approve bylaws as distributed. Bylaws were approved.
Anniversaries Committee,Cathie Barner and Alicia Leuba, Red Bridge Group
Powerpoint Presentation
Priscilla Geigis introduced Red Bridge Group
Cathie shared her presentation: Boston Harbor Islands Anniversary Framework
BHI Anniversary Project Objective: Position the Park and Partnership for significant success in access, visitation, inclusive interpretation and excellence in shared stewardship over the next 25 years
Project Goals
Increase awareness and advocacy for Boston Harbor Islands National and State Park
Celebrate success: looking back to move forward
Enhance community engagement in all the park has to offer
Update strategic vision for next 25 years
Project Goal #1: Increase Awareness and Advocacy
Promoting a series of Anniversary events
Creating a celebration/success video
Establish a Call to Action
Project Goal #2: Celebrate 25/50 Years of Success
Co-brand and offer 25+ anniversary programs for public engagement and enjoyment
Develop 2 Anniversary signature events
Create commemorative items
Project Goal #3: Enhance Community Engagement
Undertaking stakeholder mapping to expand and diversify audiences
Broadening and deepening community and stakeholder partnerships
Project Goal #4: Update Strategic Vision
Reviewing GMP (General Management Plan) and updating vision for the future
Project Organization
Create a collaborative team structure that leverages the strengths and resources of all Partners and stakeholders
Team Structure
Anniversary Steering Committee: Michael Creasey and Priscilla Geigis – Co-Chairs
Program Team: Lead TBD
Communications Team: Christian Merfield, BHN – Lead
Community Engagement Team Lead TBD
Implementation Plan
Partner groups plan and implement anniversary-branded programming and events (new or existing/ virtual or in-person) with guidance and coordination from the Programs Team
BHN, DCR and NPS plan two Anniversary-branded signature events –one to kick off season in the Spring and a gala in late Fall (virtual or in-person TBD) in coordination with the Programs Team
A video of BHI accomplishments and success is produced by Communications Team and used throughout the year
Stakeholder mapping and expanded community engagement undertaken by Community Engagement Team
A commemorative item is produced by the Programs Team and utilized throughout the Anniversary year
A “call to action” is developed by the Steering Committee to be leveraged throughout the year and through the updated strategic vision
Request of Partners
Staff to serve on Planning Teams
Plan and brand anniversary activities
Promote anniversary activities to your networks
Participate in key events
Angela Allison from NPB will be liaison between different committees to the Anniversary Committee
Alicia Leuba shared out that she wants this to be a collaborative approach. And she hopes that everyone can participate in this Gold and Silver anniversary. Cathie and her will follow-up with Partnership members individually.
Question and Answers
(Q) Priscilla Geigis asked how can the Partnership “rebrand” items already in development?
(A) Cathie Barner said there will be sending out a packet with comprehensive communication and they should serve your core mission.
(A) Alicia Leuba said there will be ways in which we can work together as partners and to think creatively.
(A) Fred Laskey said it should not compete, but complement.
(Q) Vidya Tikku asked about target date to launch the Anniversaries?
(A) Fred Laskey said not yet given the current pandemic.
(A) Cathie said late February and early March, but there will be a digital component.
(Q) Rob Moir commented we should change from discovery to engagement with the islands. Move into Harbor Islands 2.0.
(Q) Marc Albert asked about reconsidering the General Management Plan. Most events seem public facing, which is fantastic, but internally are we doing anything?
(A) Cathie said we should be keen observers and look at our success that could be checked off the list. She mentioned the work on Peddocks as an example.
(A) Alicia mentioned that an internal subcommittee will look at feedback from stakeholders.
(Q) Maureen Cavanaugh mentioned we should look at the previous goals developed.
(A) Alicia said that was a good idea.
(Q) Kathy mentioned the Partnership programmatic working group should be included. And we should be including many stakeholders.
Fred thanked the presenters and mentioned the Anniversaries planning would bring incredible life into the Partnership. And that anyone with ideas or questions please email Alicia and Cathie as well as Michael and Priscilla as co-chairs of Anniversaries Committee. He then turned it over to the public for comments and questions.
Liza Stearns, National Parks of Boston:
(Q) Given pandemic, a hallmark might be creative tools and delivery systems that continue to make the islands and harbor accessible for public health and wellness. Demonstrate nimble, creative, and responsive thinking. Thoughts?
Suzanne Gall Marsh, Friends of the Boston Harbor Islands:
(Q) A springboard could be National Park week April 18-25 and National Volunteer week 4/18-4/24.
(Q) Will there be a logo competition or will it be designed in-house? New Bedford Whaling NP has been posting their 25th anniversary logo and updates on Facebook for several weeks.”
(A) Michael said great question regarding logo, but we are not there yet. We will take a look at New Bedford to see what they have done for branding.
Roundtable Report-outs
BHI Advisory Council,Elizabeth Solomon
No updates
Trustees of the Reservation,Nick Black
Committee kick-off for Piers Park Phase 3 in both English and Spanish. Will include a community feedback survey to see what the community would like to see.
Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center,Arthur Pearson
Stepped out of meeting, no updates provided.
Boston Harbor Now,Kathy Abbott
MBTA service to Charlestown and Hingham will stop this week. Hopefully new administration will change this.
Working with BHC on reservation system for this summer.
BHI Pavilion nominated for award by BSA. BHN received anonymous grant to update digital displays.
Thanks for Partnership who have continued to support virtual programming.
Park Newsletter is now online. Contributions are welcome – please reach out to Christian Merfield to submit those.
City of Boston, Chris Cook
Working on heat resilience study.
Finalizing on consultant for Urban Forestry Masterplan.
Starting public engagement on Climate Ready East Boston and Charlestown Phase 2.
Boston Planning and Redevelopment Authority,Rich McGuinness
Working on design and use guidelines on the Downtown waterfront.
To sign up for calendar alerts regarding Downtown waterfront, you can do so from their website
Department of Conservation and Recreation,Susan Kane
Doing a lot of planning for next year with a lot of unknowns including hiring and camping process.
Working on boats.
Expanding mooring program for Peddocks Phase 2 (adding an additional 50 moorings).
Starting up SCA Historic Preservation Crew in partnership with NPS for Peddocks Island.
Probably opening up the season with the same restrictions in place.
MassPort Authority,Conor LeBlanc
Excited about Piers Park 3 project.
Commonwealth Pier construction in South Boston is continuing which will include public plaza and expanded Harborwalk.
United States Coast Guard,CAPT Doucette
Ramping up for spring inspection.
Last year here for CAPT Doucette and CAPT Kailie Benson will be taking over as CAPT of port.
Change of Command will be in May or June.
National Park Service,Michael Creasey
Centennial Funds (a match between NPS and DCR) will be used for restoration of Fort Warren. Hope to have schematic design by next month
Little Brewster Boathouse rehabilitation project is a partnership between NPS and USCG. NPS will do the design and USCG will do the construction.
Public Archelogy Lab will be doing an inventory of above-ground potentially significant historic resources in the park, as part of a park-wide assessment of National Register eligibility for historic properties.
Visitor engagement has been continuing to occur virtually. Winter Wonder is January 30th and 31st.
Feb 17, first program of the 2021 Revolutionary Harbor Series: Revolutionary Harbor: The Transatlantic World of Peter Faneuil, Wed 2/17 at 7pm. Tickets through EventBrite (linked here)
BHI Newsletter. News and features from around the harbor. Sign up to get it in your inbox (linked here).
Recruiting for two internships for our Youth Programs. If you know of anyone, please reach out to Marc Albert or himself.
Massachusetts Water Resource Authority,Carolyn Fiore
Nut Island Headworks project continuing for the next few years, but public access not affected.
Public Comment
Suzanne Gall Marsh, Friends of the Boston Harbor Islands
(Q) What is going on with the Boston Light stewardship transfer process?
(A) CAPT Doucette said they are continuing to work on that and GSA is managing it. They are looking for a federal partner to transfer to before the process is opened up to private sector. It usually takes two to five years. We are just shy of a year into this process.
Joan Delaney from Quincy, MA
(Q) Mrs. Delaney had comments regarding the conservation restriction (CR) at Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center (TIOBEC)and Colonial Ordinance as it relates to birding. She mentioned that on the Quincy side of the Spit there is signage up explaining the Colonial Ordinances and public’s ability to access the Spit and beaches. She noted that this information should be displayed on the NPS website.She mentioned her request for information through the Freedom of Information Act, stating that she received redacted emails, which were released by the Secretary of State that included responses from DOI Solicitor. She also mentioned her interaction with TIOBEC staff. She specifically alleged that a TIOBEC employee assaulted her on the Quincy side of the spit. Additionally, Mrs. Delaney alleged that she was bitten by a TIOBEC employee’s dog while on the island. She also alleged that an NPS volunteer was harassed and held by 3 TIOBEC employees in a garage, while 3 NPS employees were also in the garage. She also mentioned the limited number of Boston Public School children who attend TIOBEC programming. She also noted as a non-profit TIOBEC has a lot of money to pay Arthur Pearson’s salary, but are not doing more to support public access. Lastly, she offered her opinion regarding on how the Partnership should intervene and that Fred Laskey, Jim Montgomery, and Michael Creasey should be responding.
(A) Fred mentioned this is not the forum to address public access on Thompson Island for this as the Partnership does not have decision-making authority over any private landowners. The Partnership members have been responsive to any requests made by Mrs. Delaney and any other members of the public. Fred continued that the Partnership is trying its best to increase public access to all islands. Fred encouraged Mrs. Delaney to report any allegations of assault or harassment to law enforcement and follow up with all appropriate authorities. Fred expressed condolences for what Mrs. Delaney was reporting and wished her well. Fred addressed the question at hand of Colonial Ordinances regarding hunting, fishing, and fowling, stating that he is not in a position to render legal rulings on this or other matters. Fred reminded everyone that the Partnership members are committed to public access and an enhanced visitor experience. Fred reminded Mrs. Delaney that she and anyone else can always speak at future partnership meetings in any public comment period, stating that she and all members of the public will always be met with respect.
(Q) Joan mentioned that DCR and NPS are the grantors of the Conservation Restriction and they can hold TIOBEC accountable for public access concerns and that this is more of an issue of human and civil rights.
(A) Fred said that NPS, DCR, TIOBEC, and he went out to Thompson Island to understand the issue of the conservation restriction, the spit, and public access. He mentioned that she has an important argument as public access is important to everyone on the Partnership, but he wished she would limit the personal attacks. The Partnership is not in a place to make an edict. As for the alleged assaults, Fred again recommended that Mrs. Delaney take those up with the appropriate legal authorities. He also wanted the Partnership to note that all of his written responses to Mrs. Delaney were reviewed by lawyers and met the requirements by the Freedom of Information Act.
(A) Michael Creasey mentioned that the CR is a legal construct between TIOBEC, DCR, and NPS. He noted that they are working through those issues which relate to the CR and that the other issues she brought up are not relevant to the CR, which only addresses access on island, not on the spit. He said Fred as Chair of the Partnership does not have authority over the CR nor public access on any island. And said the Partnership meetings allow for a public platform around any issue the public might bring forward though he recommended that issues of the CR should be brought to NPS and DCR in a different format
(Q) Joan said that Fred is the executive director of the MWRA and that he may not have authority over this issue, but that he has an incredible amount of power. She went on to say that he needs to respond when people get assaulted, attacked by dogs, or when NPS locks an NPS volunteer in a garage and corners him there.
(A) Fred said he recommended she pursue these allegations with appropriate legal authorities and that she has raised the issue here and many influential people have heard her concern. He said that she is always welcome back, but the Partnership would be better served if she limited the personal attacks and stuck to the merit of the issues.
(Q) Joan lastly asked if Fred could have Dave Santucci forward her emails to the members of the Partnership as he has not been doing that.
(A) Fred said he will do that.
Chris Mancini, Save the Harbor Save the Bay
(Q) New administration at the federal level, looking forward to taking steps to reinstate the advisory council. Offering assistance in any way that he can (formal letter to new Secretary of Interior, etc.). Any insight into reinstating the FACA?
(A) Michael & Fred responded that they would let Chris know of any opportunities that arise.
Fred Lasky requested a motion to adjourn the meeting. Priscilla made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Michael. Motion passed unanimously and meeting adjourned at 4:32 pm.
2020 Meeting Notes
November 17, 2020
Meeting Minutes
3:00 - 4:30 pm
Kathy Abbott, Boston Harbor Now
Susan Kane, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Richard McGuiness, Boston Planning and Development Agency
Marc Albert, National Park Service
Carolyn Fiore, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Stewart Dalzell, MassPort Authority
Michael Creasey, National Park Service
Priscilla Giegis, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Fred Laskey, MA Water Resources Authority
Nick Black, The Trustees of the Reservation
Cathy Stone, Boston Harbor Now
CAPT Eric Doucette, US Coast Guard
Arthur Pearson, Thompson Island Outward Bound
Rob Moir, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
Maureen Cavanaugh, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
Elizabeth Solomon, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
*Representing individual opinions only during period of advisory council suspension.
Call to Order and Introductions
Chairman Laskey called meeting to order at 3:07 pm.
Approval of minutes from September 15th, Kathy Abbot moved it and Richard McGuiness seconded.
Partnership Business
New policy regarding Special Government Employees, Fred Laskey, Chair, Massachusetts Water Resource Authority
National Park Service Updates on Partnership Nominations and Policies
As of October 26, 2020, the following changes should be noted regarding nominations and policy changes related to the Boston Harbor Islands Partnership:
The Department of the Interior has determined that the Partnership can proceed in obtaining nominations to fill any vacancies or expired terms for Boston Harbor Islands Partnership.
Policy Change:
Partnership members are no longer considered Special Government Employees (SGE’s). Appointees have been re-designated as “representatives” to the Partnership. Any new Partnership members will be appointed as representatives as well.
Partnership members will no longer be subject to the SGE requirements of completing ethics training and submitting financial disclosure forms (OGE-Form 450) on an annual basis.
Members are still subject to the standard ethics language: "No Partnership or subcommittee member will participate in any Partnership or subcommittee deliberations or votes relating to a specific party matter before the Department or its bureaus and offices including a lease, license, permit, contract, grant, claim, agreement, or litigation in which the member has a direct financial interest." An ethics guidebook will provide clarity on obligation.
Coastal Resilience - Long Wharf Planning, Richard McGuiness, Boston Planning and Development Agency
PowerPoint Presentation
Introduction by Fred Laskey
City of Boston has completed four major neighborhood resilience plans
East Boston & Charlestown Phase 1 – October 2017
East Boston Greenway:
Last summer, the City installed a deployable flood wall across the Greenway in East Boston that would provide immediate protection to more than 4,200 residents, at least 70 businesses, transportation tunnels and critical service providers.
The flood wall across the Greenway under Sumner Street blocks the current 1% annual chance flood, with one foot of freeboard.
Cost: The total cost of the project was $125,000.
South Boston – October 2018
Fort Point Channel:
Although the surrounding areas of the Fort Point Channel have been spared significant damage to date, action is needed now to prevent direct physical damage and loss of use due to future flooding.
The City recently applied for a $10 million pre-disaster FEMA flood mitigation grant and was selected as the state’s proposal to represent the Commonwealth in the grant process.
Cost: $108 - $197 million for implementation, $1.6 - $3.0 million for annual maintenance
North End & Downtown – October 2020
North End:
At Langone Park and Puopolo Playground, a 4.5 acre open space area located along Boston Harbor in the North End, the City of Boston is implementing innovative open space climate resilience design.
This is the first project within the Boston Parks and Recreation system to integrate the standards set forth by the City’s Climate Resilient Design Standards and Guidelines.
This project is a significant first in the implementation of open space as climate resilience design.
Dorchester – October 2020
Moakley Park:
The City recently developed a Vision Plan for the future of the park to protect it from future flood events, retain and enhance key active recreational amenities, and create an equitable access to the waterfront.
This is an huge opportunity to build a destination park in Boston and can be compared to the scale of Brooklyn Bridge Park in New York City.
Cost: Phase one is approximately $60 million, total cost is estimated at $350 million
Solutions include:
Elevated mechanical systems, solar panels & district microgrids, elevated first floor, resilient building design, green infrastructure bioswale, small business preparedness program, adaption as a tool for economic development, climate-ready zoning, education/engagement initiative, temporary flood barrier, expanded maintained urban tree canopy, protective & floodable waterfront park, district scale flood protection, potential harbor barrier
Long Wharf
Private owners play a critical role
The City’s recent report found that properties located around Long Wharf are among the most vulnerable in the neighborhood to the impacts of climate change.
Given the complexity of property ownership around the waterfront, the City is encouraging the development of a stakeholder group for Long Wharf.
In addition to work the City is already doing to protect areas along the waterfront, the group will be tasked to work together to make decisions about potential near-term actions that property owners can take to help build a resilient Boston waterfront together.
It’s risky today
Areas like Long Wharf represent a major flood entry point in Boston. It could experience a major flooding event today, under certain conditions, like King Tides.
We are committed to working with all stakeholders to urgently explore all feasible options to reduce risk in Downtown Boston.
It’s complicated
We need new levels of public-private coordination, alongside collaboration among private owners, in order to achieve a world-class, resilient waterfront.
With effective engagement from and with private stakeholders, the waterfront will remain a destination for residents and visitors generations to come.
17th Century structure that is low lying
How to integrate flood barriers along piers and wharves and private property owners
It’s urgent
Public-private coordination can take time - and Boston knows that infrastructure projects do, too. Climate change is not waiting.
We must work together to obtain a continuous line of protection in the district in a timely and cost-effective manner, given the expectation of new and growing flood risks within the next decade.
North End and Downtown Key Takeaways
Understanding flood risk
All hands on deck approach
Water transportation & activation
Strategic open space paired with layered approach
North End
Reconstructing T-wharf
Integrating open space
Water transportation and activation
Planning Process
Technical Analysis
Boston Harbor flood risk model
Community Engagement
North End and Downtown residents
Downtown employees
Design Scenario Planning
Evaluation Criteria:
Design life and adaptability
Environment & public health benefits
Social equity & quality of life
Value creation
Major flood entry point for Downtown
Downtown areas have several high-risk flood entry points, with flood risk today expanding significantly by 2030
Current flooding level floods Long Wharf, which the report identifies a near-term catalytic project as part of a broader strategy for the district
9” sea level rise (2030) would go past Faneuil Hall and significant areas around the wharves would experience elevated risks of flooding
40” sea level rise (2070) would expand further into the Financial District and the areas around North Station and Bulfinch Triangle
The City is considering several approaches
A mix of spines, open spaces, Harborwalk enhancements, and offshore elements make up the city’s preferred option
There are significant trade-offs between options
High levels of coordination between City and private owners - and among private owners themselves - are required
Strategies at the water’s edge uses both City-owned and privately owned land as flood protection
Strategies on public land uses the City-owned right-of-way along Commercial Street and Atlantic Avenues as flood protection
The City’s preferred option is not guaranteed as it presents many challenges, including cost, complexity of collaboration, and engineering & design
Target Elevations of Flood barriers
4-9.5 feet above grade in order to deter flooding in Callahan Tunnel and New Charles River Dam
In some cases, a layered approach may provide the most safety
Alignment inland, lower edge with access
Adapted bulkheads and Harborwalk
Outboard action
Elevated roadway
Downtown & Wharf District Design Options
Creating new green and blue spaces
Creating soft shorelines and wetlands
Reconfiguration of marinas to reduce the bottlenecking around Long Wharf and T-Wharf
Elevated Harborwalk
Cost estimates
Up to $125 million for Downtown
About $100 million would be needed for preferred option, while about $50 million would be needed for the fallback option
10% city capital will not cover the cost of this
FEMA has a $50 million-dollar matching grant
We need to have protection in place before 2030. And given the urgency, we need to work more closely together to achieve this timeline for protecting the district
Near-Term Actions: Langone Park & Puopolo Playground (2019-2022); North End Waterfront (Commercial Wharf/Lewis Wharf/Sargents Wharf/Union Wharf) (2022-2030); West End – North End (Lovejoy waterfront, Beverly St & Causeway St, DCR park on the South embankment of the dam) (2030-2040)
Mid-Term Actions: West End – North End (waterfront from North Washington Bridge to Langone Park and Puopolo Playground) (2040-2050)
Long-Term Actions: Downtown & Wharf District (waterfront from Rowes Wharf to Northern Avenue Bridge) (2050-2070); North End Waterfront (Burroughs Wharf/Battery Wharf) (2050-2070); USCG Properties (2050-2070); Adapted Langone and Puopolo Park Phase II (2050-2070)
What’s Next?
Citywide Heat Resilience Strategies: Strategies to address the impacts of exposure to extreme heat
East Boston Resilient Design Options: Design solutions to address two near-term critical flood entry points
East Boston & Charlestown Phase II: Identifying coastal resilience solutions for remaining segments of both neighborhoods
Coastal Flood Resilience Overlay District: Integrating resiliency into City zoning to implement resilient design guidelines
Point of Contact: Sanjay Seth, City of Boston Climate Resilience Program Manager,
Question and Answers
(Q) What about the Blue Line?
(A) Forming a stakeholders group, which includes MBTA. They are planning to spend $1.7 million to protect their assets.
(Q) What is the timeline?
(A) Looked at impact of greenhouse gas emissions. We are predicting 40” sea level rise by 2070
(Q) You are only predicting until 2070. What happens after that?
(A) Hoping to have more regulations and consensus by then. Also have flexibility to have an additional 1 or 2 feet.
Anniversaries Committee, Michael Creasey, National Park Service, Priscilla Geigis, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation, and Cathie Barner, Red Bridge GroupPowerpoint Presentation
Overview from Partnership Meeting Virtual Brainstorm Workshop:
What would you like to see that would make for a meaningful anniversary celebration and/or commemoration?
What outcomes do you imagine would come from the anniversary year?
General Theme
Awareness and Advocacy of/for BHI National & State Park
Examples: Videos and podcasts
Engagement/Visitor Reach (Boston Area and Beyond)
Commemorative Items
Examples: Coin or t-shirts which could help raise funds
Special Events
Example: Re-commitment ceremony
Looking Back to Move Forward
Examples: Sharing stories via StoryCorps format, engaging past employees, sharing indigenous and military history
Moving forward:
It is something that we need to do to commemorate all our hard work.
Wanted to seek support on how to do commemorate these anniversaries. So we are bringing on Cathie Barner who helped BHI in the beginning to help. She now lives in SF and has worked with Golden Gate Partnership
Cathie Barner and Red Bridge Group
Alicia Leuba has joined Red Bridge Group as Executive Vice President
Cathie has history of working on NPS projects and was able to build support for the creation of BHI Partnership park
Building on what you have accomplished and moving forward
She helped with 75th Anniversary of Golden Gate Bridge
She recommended things like a city pride partnership where the Red Sox could have a Harbor Islands night
She said there is a need to develop mechanism on how to support this event and a need to bring different communities in.
Committee will be meeting to discuss things soon to keep thing moving forward
Thompson Islands Conservation Restriction, Marc Albert, NPS, Felicia Bakaj and Thomas LaRose MA DCR
Introduction by Fred Laskey
As a follow-up to the issues that were brought regarding the Conservation Restriction (CR) at the July 21 and Sept. 15th Partnership meetings, I requested that DCR and NPS meet on island with TIOBEC to discuss the issues that were brought forward to the Partnership.
Want to make it clear that the "Partnership" acts as a convener and facilitator among the agencies and island owners - not a regulator. Both DCR and NPS hold the responsibility for upholding the CR – not the Partnership.
Thanked the agency head and their staff for taking the time to travel to Thompson Island and specifically looked at the issues raised by the public including: signage, public access - both escorted and unescorted, access to the island from the spit and communications.
What we discussed and agreed to:
Partners recognized that this year was unique and challenging for public programming and public access due to Covid-19. It limited all access to Thompson as it did for all the public islands in the park.
The partners agreed to look at signage and develop appropriate language that allows the public to better understand the CR intent and rules for public access. The “No Trespassing” signs were installed due to vandalism that had occurred this year to the gardens, a stolen bicycle and tools and people were found trespassing within buildings within the defined building envelope and education areas. TIOBEC has limited staff during the pandemic and they had concerns for their staff’s safety and resources.
Discussed how we can ensure that TIOBEC staff are aware of the CR and proper messaging to visitors.
Discussed how the partners communicate the CR and its opportunities it provides for youth and educational programming as well as public access to designated areas. Agreed to post the CR on the NPS website and share with DCR and TIOBEC. Discussed the opportunity to provide greater communication through the Park Newspaper and other park programming communications (website, brochures, etc.)
The partners visited the spit and clarified that the CR specifically states that "No Unescorted Public Access shall be allowed over the so-called spit from Squantum at any time."
The partners agreed to meet at a future date to further review the CR and provide input on the issues presented.
The Boston Harbor Islands were designated as a unit of the National Park Service in 1996
Included all the islands in BHI State Park, and numerous other islands and peninsulas, including Thompson Island.
Created the Boston Harbor Islands Partnership
Thompson Island was the last "unprotected" Boston Harbor Island
Continuous educational campus for >160 years
Serves thousands of youth annually
Part of the BHI National Register Archeological District
Diversity of habitats, species, and glacial features
History of Thompson Island CR
CR was purchased for $4 million in June 2002 by the National Park Service and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
$2 million from the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund
$2 million from the 1996 Massachusetts Open Space Bond Bill
Federal, state and non-profit partners
The Trust for Public Land helped negotiate transaction and ensure that it is in the public interest
"The permanent conservation of Thompson Island is the crowning achievement in the decades-long effort to clean up the harbor and return it to the people of Boston.” Whitney Hatch, the Trust for Public Land
“This project completes the permanent protection of all of the Boston Harbor Islands… This marks the final puzzle piece needed to ensure the overall conservation of these historic and natural resources” Massachusetts Secretary of Environmental Affairs Robert Durand
What are Conservation Restrictions?
Legal agreement between a landowner (Grantor - TIOBEC) and a qualified holding organization (Grantee – DCR + NPS)
Permanent interest in a property, recorded at the Registry of Deeds, that protects the important natural resources and conservation values of a property through all subsequent changes in property ownership
Allows the landowner to continue to own, use and manage their land but restricts actions that would harm the conservation value of the land
Because every property is distinct and individual landowners have different goals for the conservation of their property, each Restriction contains unique terms
CR stewardship includes: monitoring properties to look for any natural or human-made changesand enforcing the terms of the CR when necessary
Conservation Restriction purposes:
To further the purposes of the Omnibus Park and Public Land Management Act of 1996 establishing the Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area;
To maintain the significant scenic landscape;
To provide important opportunities for public access and recreation;
To further the development of educational programs;
To protect archaeological resources;
To protect important habitats on the Island;
To retain the Conservation Area predominantly in its natural, scenic & open condition.
Reserved Rights/Permitted Uses
Reserved rights are the activities and uses that the landowner (TIOBEC) is permitted to carry out under the terms of the CR
These rights are reserved for the landowner and whoever they wish to grant them to
Permitted uses come with different levels of oversight by the Grantees (DCR & NPS):
Allowed with no further requirements
Allowed with prior notice
Allowed with prior approval
The Building Envelope and Conservation Area have different permitted uses with different levels of oversight
Wetland and Archaeological Protection
Thompson Island CR does not add any new wetland compliance requirements: all city, state and federal protections remain.
Archaeological resources are further protected by the Thompson Island CR:
Prior to undertaking any construction that involves excavation or other ground disturbance, TIOBEC must consult with the State Archeologist at the Massachusetts Historical Commission
Permitted Uses: Building Envelope
Maintain and replace existing structures and facilities
Repair, rehabilitate and restore the exterior of the Hughes (now Salah) and Lewis Gardner buildings in conformance with Secretary of the Interior’s Standards of Rehabilitations
Maintain, construct & install wells, septic systems, and utilities
With Notice:
Construct new buildings and structures
Permitted Uses: Entire CR
Permitted Uses:
Maintenance, modification and repair of underground utility lines
Maintenance, modification, repair and replacement of educational structures
Construction of one major additional educational structure, such as a climbing tower or ropes course
Construction & maintenance of trails, signs/kiosks consistent with Park Area standards, and other minor education and recreation structures
Historical agricultural and horticultural uses
Selective pruning, cutting or replanting of vegetation for safety or maintenance
Temporary composting of stumps, tree & brush limbs
Management of Conservation Area for benefit of wildlife
With Notice:
Construction of up to 4 additional tent platforms, lean-to’s or other similar temporary education structures
With Approval
Relocation or installation of new underground utility lines
Reconstruction of the root cellar, and the weather station
Installation of a wind turbine for alternative energy purposes
Conducting archaeological investigations
Installation of erosion control measures on the steep shoreline bluff in northern portion of Island
Three types Public Access defined by the CR
“Unescorted Public Access” (UPA)- Members of the public can have access to the Conservation Area, shoreline and beaches for low-impact, non-motorized, non-commercial outdoor recreational use as defined in the Access Plan under the following conditions:
they have UPA Reservations (reservation on a specific day on which UPA is authorized)
they enter the Premises from a scheduled UPA Ferry (boat authorized by Thompson to drop off and pick up UPA visitors)
they receive orientation from Thompson staff upon arrival and acknowledge agreement to follow applicable rules and practices
“Beach Access”- Access by members of the public from individually owned private boats to, and only to, the beaches at the perimeter to the Premises (no access to uplands).
“Escorted Public Access”- organized groups of members of the public that are actively supervised during their stay on the Island as approved by TIOBEC
Public Access and Access Plan
The terms of public access to the island are further defined in a Public Access Plan (CR Exhibit B).
The Access Plan can be modified by mutual agreement
The island remains private property; owners have a right to protect their property and staff
The owners have the right to close the island to the public in the case of health and safety concerns
Public Access from the “Spit”
The CR states that there is no allowable Unescorted Public Access to the island from the spit that connects the island to Squantum at low tides;
Beach Access includes the spit (i.e. access by private boat, to the beach only)
Public Trust Rights/Colonial Ordinances are separate from the CR and not administered by the Grantees (DCR & NPS)
CR Stewardship
DCR & NPS formally monitored the property in 2005, 2012, 2016 and 2019
An ad hoc site visit was made in September 2020 among DCR, NPS, the BHIP chairperson, and TIOBEC due to recent concerns about public access
We collectively resolved to:
Make the signage on the island perimeter more welcoming and informative, with information about the CR, how the public can access the island, visitor amenities and the rules for public visitors
Make sure the CR and public access information is more readily available
(Q) Arthur Pearson wanted to thank Marc and Felicia for their work. TIOBEC respects the CR and wants to help support public access. The primary role within the CR is TIOBEC’s role is education and public access fits as part of that. Seeks to protect the safety of those students who come to Thompson Island
(Q) Why is there unrestricted access to boat owners only? And not those walking across the spit?
(A) None of the folks who wrote the CR are here today. The concern is that during high-tide those without a boat could get stuck on island. The Spit is basically available for about an hour or two.
Public Comment
Joan Delaney from Quincy, MA
(Q) I don’t have questions. There were about 19,000 visitors to island in 2002, now there are far fewer. Quincy residents will be out there taking photos and birding. Public access is an environmental justice issue.
(A) Thanks for getting our attention and bringing this to our attention. All members of the CR will be working together on this.
Suzanne Gall Marsh, Friends of the Boston Harbor Islands
(Q) Can TIOBEC post the CR on their Website?
(A) We can work with Arthur at TIOBEC to see if that is possible. Additionally, the CR is now posted on the Boston Harbor Islands’ NPS site.
(Q) Did I hear that Alicia Leuba is no longer at TTOR?
(A) Nick Black from TTOR noted that he will fill in for Alicia until someone is nominated. Anne Smith White also filling in.
Roundtable Report-outs
Boston Harbor Now, Kathy Abbott
Stone Living Lab
Peddocks Island plan
Long Wharf projects
Board meeting this week.
MassPort Authority, Stewart Dalzell
Piers Park 3 work
Boston Harbor Dredging still going on
Renovation of Commonwealth Pier, which will include a new public plaza
National Park Service, Michael Creasey
Congrats to Rebecca Shoer on her new job as the Stone Living Lab education coordinator
Thompson Islands Outward Bound Education Center, Arthur Pearson
Shared video link to McKay School who came out in October 2019.
Fred Lasky requested a motion to adjourn the meeting. Michael Creasey made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Kathy Abbott. Motion passed unanimously and meeting adjourned at 4:43 pm.
September 15, 2020
Meeting Minutes
3:00-4:30 pm
Kathy Abbott, Boston Harbor Now
Susan Kane, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Marc Albert, National Park Service
Carolyn Fiore, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Stewart Dalzell, MassPort Authority
Michael Creasey, National Park Service
Priscilla Giegis, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Fred Laskey, MA Water Resources Authority
Jim Montgomery, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Alicia Leuba, The Trustees of the Reservation
Cathy Stone, Boston Harbor Now
Chris Cook, City of Boston
Elizabeth Solomon, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
*Representing individual opinions only during period of advisory council suspension.
Call to Order and Introductions
Chairman Laskey called meeting to order at 3:02 pm.
Approval of minutes from July 21, Michael Creasey moved it and Marc Albert seconded.
Partnership Business
Review of Bylaws,Michael Creasey, National Parks of Boston
Electronic Meetings:
Because of COVID-19, wanted to add into bylaws an amendment that the Partnership could hold electronic meetings.
Proposal: The Chairman may authorize Partnership meetings be held in an electronic format whereby any or all Partnership members may participate in a meeting of the Partnership, or a committee of the Partnership, by means of a telephone or video conference or by any means of communication by which all persons participating in the meeting are able to communicate with one another, and such participation shall constitute presence at the meeting.
Ethics Compliance:
All Partnership members are special gvernment employees, as such must sign certificate of receipt of ethics training.
Already a requirement, but wanted t add into bylaws as an amendment.
Proposal: As part of the member’s appointment by the Secretary of the Interior, all Partnership members are required to meet all regulatory standards of a Special Government Employee. It is the responsibility of all Partnership members to maintain familiarity with the Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch, 5 C.F.R. Part 2635. Partnership members are required to file a “certificate of receipt of ethics training” and submit to the Chairman.
Both amendments moved, seconded, and approved
Questions and Answers
(Q) Elizabeth Solomon: What is written into the bylaws now? Are these in addition or editing of bylaws?
(A) Fred stated these are in addition to the current bylaws. There was nothing in the bylaws about electronic meetings or ethics compliance. Fred then read the bylaws aloud.
(Q) Cathy Stone asked, if we need to have another vote to approve the two electronic meetings we had before the changes to the bylaw?
(A) Fred stated the bylaws do not state we cannot have them electronically, but we want to now put it in the bylaws to make sure.
(A) Michael noted it is a clarification to meet our current necessity about how we conduct meetings right now.
(Q) Elizabeth would like to propose the electronic meeting amendment should note that meetings if possible be held in person and that under certain circumstances that they be help electronically.
(A) Motion put forward by Elizabeth Solomon and seconded by Michael Creasey. Motion passed unanimously.
Peddocks Island Master Plan,Alice Brown, Boston Harbor Now (BHN), Cheri Ruane, Weston Samson
PowerPoint Presentation
Introduction by Kathy Abbott
Vision Plan
Honor history and prepare for a changing future
Revitalize and activate historic buildings
Increase access with improvements to the overall island experience
Build a framework for increasing financial sustainability
Develop projects, programs, and park infrastructure that capture the essence of Peddocks
Transformative Project Types
Discovery and Research Island Ecology
Research Partnerships
Partner with Academic Institutions
Support Agriculture and Aquaculture Pilots
Educational Programs and Field Classes
Educator Opportunities
Stone Living Lab Exhibit
Summer Science Learning
Support Facilities for Science Learning
Innovation Campus
Field Science Stations
Small Classroom / Lab Space
Passive Buildings
Explore the Island’s Cultural Landscape
Improved Arrival Sequence
Vegetation Management
Highlight the Island’s Cultural History
Highlight Indigenous History
Interpret Colonial History
Protect and Showcase Military Remains
Share the Cottage Story Over Time
Create Curated Views
Unique Programs to Experience
Expanded Indoor and Outdoor Venues
Arts Engagement
Temporary Exhibitions and Interactive Collections
Full Arts Masterplan
Expanded Recreation Options
Boating and Water Sport Opportunities
Better Fishing Amenities
On-Land Adventure Opportunities
Lots of Great Ways to Spend the Night
Expand Modular Accommodations
Additional Yurt Amenities
Add modular Accommodations
Sleep in a Renovated Historic Fort Building
Bunk House or Hostel
Retreat Center or Inn
Expand Camping Amenities
Expand Individual and Group Tent Sites
Shower Facilities / Dish Station
Lockable Kiosk
Infrastructure Investments
Enhance Transportation and Access to the Islands
Additional Moorings & Launch System
Seasonal Docks & Piers
Dedicated Island Ramping Facilities
Improve On-Island Operations and Logistics Systems
Maintenance Facilities
Maintenance and Storage Hub
Maintenance Storage Container Outposts
Office and Utility Working Space
Apartment-Style Accommodations
Commercial Kitchen
Reservation Systems
The Physical Report
It will be printed and bound. It will have an accompanying folder with fold-outs with project info and map for each of the four Transformative Projects.
Phasing Plan
Phase 1: This first round of projects focuses on partnerships and programs that are already in place or those that would require minimal infrastructural investments, making them relatively quick and simple to accomplish.
Expand individual and group tents
Vegetation management
Better fishing amenities
Highlight indigenous history
Additional moorings
Maintenance storage container outposts
Support agriculture and aquaculture pilots
Field science stations
Phase 2: This second phase of projects is another round of relatively finite projects, though these efforts will require additional investments of design thinking to ensure completion. These efforts either build upon existing partnerships, such as those with DCR staff or SCA project teams, require direct purchase orders, or new partnerships to be put in place.
Expand existing yurt amenities
Improved arrival sequence
Shower facilities/Dish station
Create curated views
Expanded outdoor venues
Temporary exhibitions
Lockable kiosk
Interpret colonial history
On-island visitor transportation
Reservation systems
Stone Living Lab exhibit
Boating and watersport hub and rentals
Seasonal docks
Phase 3: The third phase of projects focuses more on built structures, from stabilizing existing infrastructure, to creating new partnerships, to constructing new buildings outright. Many of these projects lay the groundwork to increase island capacity for future growth and visitorship in novel arenas.
Add modular accommodations
Commercial kitchen
Maintenance and storage hub
Partner with academic institutions
Summer science learning
Phase 4: The fourth phase of projects are similar to those in phase three of scale but focus on more long-range planning efforts. Several of these projects require strategic partnering with non-profit organizations or partial to full renovations of existing buildings.
Dedicated island ramping facilities
Expanded indoor venues
Interactive collections
Launch service
Full arts master plan
Share cottage history
Educator opportunities
Small classroom/lab space
Apartment-style accommodations
Phase 5: Phase five turns towards whole-scale infrastructure stabilization, significant build structures, and retrofitting historic buildings to stand more in line with current pedagogy and initiatives at Peddocks.
Bunk house or hostel
On-land adventure opportunities
Protect and showcase military remains
Passive buildings
Phase 6: This final phase is the most visionary in nature, looking towards eventual possibilities for a fully transformed Peddocks Island with widespread visitor opportunities. These projects would require substantial investments but would yield game changing results. Though more far-sighted in nature, stakeholders can still begin planning for these projects earlier on in the phasing plan. Third party operators, designs, spatial allocations, and more can all be worked out in advance of actual fundraising efforts. These projects are aspirational and require forethought to become a reality. By keeping an eye towards the future, these projects become more tangible and help Peddocks continually work towards a future founded on financial sustainability, guest experiences, and innovative practices.
Office and utility working space
Innovation campus
Retreat center or inn
Short Term Priorities
Island Wide: Stabilize all windows and roofs of Fort Andrew buildings
Discover and Learn the Island Environment Priority Areas:
Individual learning experiences can occur through DCR Ranger-led programs
By using Peddocks as an outdoor classroom, students in grades K through 12 can participate in hands-on learning.
College, university, and institutional instruction can be expanded beyond a campus and include on-site research and long-term monitoring for accurate data generation.
Cultural Landscape Priority Areas:
Improve wayfinding signage and mapping across the island.
Build strategic overlooks with shade shelters and seating amenities.
Remove invasive species across the island and replace with a more biodiverse plant palette.
Plant more native shade trees.
Facilitate the production of a cultural landscape report to guide future development on the island.
Unique Programming Priority Areas:
Create the framework to support a series of temporary art and history exhibitions on the island.
Pilot the kayak, canoe, and paddle board rental and training pavilion with a third-party partner during a summer season.
Outfit the existing pier with fishing amenities to offer expanded recreational opportunities for park-goers.
Overnight Accommodation Priority Areas:
Expand single and group tent sites.
Build additional yurts on East and Middle Heads.
Construct shower facilities in the Welcome Center.
Pilot a lockable kiosk with supplies for day trippers and campers.
Question and Answers
(Q) Concerned about priorities as the use of islands for recreation from the indigenous community instead of using it as a natural and passive area.
(A) Will be done in a respectful way as possible. Since it is one of the largest island in the system, it has always been identified for recreational use. The indigenous community voice is important
(Q) Can you talk about the state curatorship happening on Islands?
(A) In exchange for a long-term lease (30-40 years), a curator is then responsible for the capital repair of the structure. There are opportunities for public benefit. Accept bids and look for the best proposal for public benefit. When state does not have capital to improve facilities, this program allows a public private partnership to improve facilities.
(Q) How long ago was stabilization done on islands?
(A) It was done in 2011-2012. It should be good for ten years.
(Q) How about water and wastewater?
(A) It is tied to the Town of Hull. Utilities are capped off around the dock area. Would love to extend to at least East Head.
Celebrating Park Anniversary,Michael Creasey, National Park Service
Breakout Sessions Highlights:
Recommitment to the partnership. Should we add an additional property or additional partner?
It is not always a celebration for everyone. Need to have ceremonial acknowledgement of the indigenous community.
Need to tell complicated history and address racial and social inequity
Increase awareness of the impact of the Partnership. Talk about how far we have come.
Thank MWRA users for supporting the park
Capture oral histories and create commemorative
Need to include youth in the celebration
Invite all Partners and strengthen Partnership
Put a stake in the ground for the educational role the Islands play
Increased engagement and increase visitation
Have the harbor be seen as the center of our city
Transportation needs to be affordable by creating public subsidy
Think of outcomes of Stone Living Lab
Benefit of reach of being digital during these times
Intentionally working with indigenous communities and the land
Sponsor a historian fellow
History tour of a specific year
Free access or 25 days at 1996 prices
Collecting stories of those who worked at the park
Contest to create commemorative items such as T-shirts
Revisit General Management Plan. What has been done, what is planned for the future?
Need to plan for a digital presence
Nominations for a Commemorations Committee
Those interested should contact David Santucci
Public Comment
Has been past comments about public access on Thompson Island in relation to the Conservation Restriction. Those at the Partnership have been working with Arthur Pearson at TIOBEC to address the comments. He wants to stay in compliance. DCR, NPS, Fred, and Arthur Pearson met recently on this. Roughly every two years there is an official inspection regarding the Conservation Restriction. Mr. Pearson mentioned some serious issues regarding crime and vandalism on island for those walking to the island. We will continue to work on this assessment and will share at the next Partnership meeting.
(Q) Joan Delany from Quincy, MA: October 10th leading beach cleanup at Squaw Rock. Thompson Island should be open to the public, not just private rich boat owners. We should have access to the island and public ferry service.
(A) We would like to finish assessment to determine what parts of the Conservation Restriction they are following. We will get to the bottom of it. At the next meeting or a separate meeting, we will discuss this more at length.
Fred Laskey requested a motion to adjourn the meeting. Michael Creasey made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Kathy Abbott. Motion passed unanimously and meeting adjourned at 4:45 pm.
July 21, 2020
Meeting Minutes
3:00-4:30 pm
Kathy Abbott, Boston Harbor Now
Susan Kane, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Marc Albert, National Park Service
Richard McGuinness, Boston Planning and Development Agency
CAPT Eric Doucette, United States Coast Guard
Carolyn Fiore, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Chris Busch, Boston Planning and Development Agency
Stewart Dalzell, MassPort Authority
Michael Creasey, National Park Service
Priscilla Giegis, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Fred Laskey, MA Water Resources Authority
Jim Montgomery, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Andy Gallagher, The Trustees of the Reservation
Cathy Stone, Boston Harbor Now
Rob Moir, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
*Representing individual opinions only during period of advisory council suspension.
Call to Order and Introductions
Chairman Laskey called meeting to order at 3:02 pm.Approval of minutes from May 20 and January, Kathy moved it and Jim Montgomery seconded
Tracking COVID-19 Through Wastewater-MIT Partnership, Fred Laskey and Steve Rhode, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA)
PowerPoint Presentation
Analyzing Wastewater to detect COVID-19
Biobot Analytics, a company that spun-off of MIT
The company started a pro bono wastewater-testing program in March to help cities assess the local prevalence of the coronavirus.
Biobot assesses viral RNA levels, not infectious virus, in wastewater.
To date, MWRA and a limited number of other MA utilities (10) have signed up with Biobot. Nationwide, 400 facilities in 42 states have participated.
Timeline of Biobot Deer Island Study
Started in January with 2 samples as negative controls with no COVID present
Follow up included samples from Deer Island twice weekly through February, and daily samples for early March, and one to two weekly samples through April
Working now with Boston Water and Sewer Commission to analyze neighborhood results
Biobot has now requested daily samples since May 18th to correlate to the Governor’s Reopening Plan to see if there is any change in the trend line
Paper posted online, and submitted to Journal of Science
Groups around the world are racing to use wastewater as a predictor of COVID
International Utilities/Research Groups
Miami, Detroit, Portland OR
Paris, Netherlands, Australia
MWRA has provided samples to:
Biobot Analytics
Stanford/UMichigan/Tufts national study
MWRA has also provided technical guidance to Biobot and has been asked to co-author a second study
Yale Study: COVID signal shows up 7 days before confirmed cases
City of New Haven sludge parallels hospital admissions and precedes confirmed cases by about 7 days
Paris, France Example
Results show similar results of signal from wastewater precedes hospital admissions
Virus concentrations in wastewater must be correlated with a health response
Collaboration is needed between water utilities and local, state, and national health professionals
Timeline of MWRA/Biobot data to date
Wastewater signal not detected until early March and fits with the daily new cases in the area
Rapid increase paralleled with rapid case growth
Signal flattened fairly quickly with increased distancing
Calibrating the viral signal is difficult
Fecal shedding by patients can range from 100 copies/g to 100,000,000 copies/g
This complicates the conversion from how much viral RNA is present to how many people that signal represents, along with other variables at treatment plants (like rainfall)
Uses of data
Trends/Changes in Occurrence
Signal needs to be dominated by newly affected cases
Can’t tell how many people are affected
Tracking the impact of medical and social interventions
Assessment of Community Infection
Tracking disease prevalence in the community
Identification of areas of concern
Risk Assessment
Risk to utility workers and those exposed to raw sewage, though safety practices already in place
Viral Evolution
Source tracking of the virus
Latest Data from Deer Island
Data points are averages of daily sample
Smooth out data by 3-day and 7-day averages
Drop off of signal in May
Some up and done since June
Includes samples of re-opening and large demonstrations in Boston
Did not see any spikes during that time
Sole Source Contract
Proposed pilot program:
Samples 3 times per week from Deer Island
Through December 2020
Up to 40 upstream samples if necessary
Only pay for the samples we submit
Six month contract not to exceed $200,000
Provides continuity during the ongoing emergency
Competitive procurement in fall to allow overlap/comparison of data
Value is people don’t see symptoms for 14 days
Shedding can signal when virus is present
Q&A – No responses
Harbor Islands Ferry Contract,Jack Murray, Boston Harbor Now (BHN)
PowerPoint Presentation
Thanks to Susan Kane and Michael Creasey for their representation on the Partnership through this contract process.
This Agreement was entered into by the authority of the Partnership via the 1996 federal legislation that created the park. BHN’s predecessor, Island Alliance, was designated as agent of the Partnership to manage ferry service to the Islands.
The contract we have been operating under has been in place has been in place for almost 15 years
The original contract signed, March 22nd, 2005 and issued to Harbor Islands LLC which may have been Harbor Express, Boston Best Cruises managed the contract for several years and it was eventually assigned to Boston Harbor Cruises (BHC) in 2014.
One year after BHC took the contract, more than 125,000 visitors to the Islands, but visitation leveled off to 100,000 in recent years.
In the summer of 2018, worked with transportation consulting firm SDG to issue RFI to gauge interest by other vendors to inform RFP Process.
Received interest form two firms
Entertainment Cruises, Chicago
Hornblower, Bay Area
Within 12 months, Hornblower acquired Entertainment and Entertainment acquired BHC. That contract was re-assigned last year.
In 2019, the issued RFP only had interest from one operator, BHC.
Entered discussions with BHC in January and signed a 3-year with BHC on June 30, 2020 with two successive options to renew for 1 year. For a total of 5 years.
Changes includes Schedules, Fares, Data collection
Eliminated access to Bumpkin and Grape from South Shore.
It was not cost effective to run that route.
Fares collected system wide were subsidizing those trips to those islands by almost $60 a ticket for the thousand or so people who ride that route.
In the Fall, will work with partners to look for viable option such as on-call service from Hingham to those Islands.
Schedules to Georges, Spectacle, and Inter-island remain un-changed.
BHC has been losing money on this service and new owners were reluctant to take on a service product line that was running in the red.
New rates: Adults $24.95, Children $17.95, Military and Seniors $22.95, Children under 3 Free
5 ride pass $100
10 ride pass $180
Season pass $300
BHC continued commitment to free and reduced access
5,500 free tickets
10,000 2-for-1 Library Pass Vouchers
BHN with their sponsors purchases more that 10,000 tickets to underserved communities and camp groups.
3 Free Ferry Days annually is about another 10,000 free tickets to Islands.
Data Collection
BHC will continue to market the Islands with their other product lines
It has been hard to determine where visitors are from using surveys.
BHC will update their POS systems which will allow us to know where people are coming from.
This data will be helpful in data analysis and future marketing strategies.
BHC is offering opt-in donation at POS, which will go directly back into the Islands to offset the cost of programming, operations, and other costs associated with management of the resource.
Commend Susan, Michael, Allison Nolan with their help in this process
Questions and Answers
Fred thanked the folks who pulled this off even during COVID
(Q) When will MBTA Trips to Georges Islands return?
(A) MBTA access will return after COVID-19. Service from Hingham to Spectacle is not easy for the Catboats
(Q) Suzanne Gall Marsh, Friends of Boston Harbor Islands: You mentioned BHN will be funding 10,000 tickets. Is that the same as the Island Pass Process?
(A) Three are 5,500 free tickets a year through DCR via Island Pass Program. BHN purchases 10,000 a year to distribute to underserved communities. And the 2-for-1 ticket option needs to be expanded.
(Q) Libraries are closed, how to access free tickets without seeing the posters in library from the Friends?
(A) We all need to share out via websites, blogs, social media, and though the Friends
(Q) How do we say the islands are affordable?
(A) Kathy Abbott stated they have to find a source of public subsidy. The Partnership did 45,000 free visits last year. BHN raised $160,000 to subsidize free trips.
(Q) Will the Interisland Ferry schedules include Fall drop offs to Peddocks Island?
(A) Jack stated he believe so, but he did not have the ferry schedule directly in front of him.
Stone Living Lab,Marc Albert, National Park Service (NPS), Sonja Plesset, James M. & Cathleen D. Stone Foundation, and Jack Murray, Boston Harbor Now (BHN)
PowerPoint Presentation
A Living Lab bring research out of the lab into the real world by creating a user-centered, open, innovative ecosystem that engages scientists and the community in collaborative design and exploration.
Vision of Stone Living Lab
Create a future where people work with nature to make coastal regions resilient and adaptive to climate change while enhancing natural and built environments.
The Approach of Stone Living Lab
Major new research and educational initiative within the Boston Harbor Islands National and State Park to provide opportunities to test and evaluate a range of experiments aimed at improving methods of addressing climate change
Innovation hub that will combine elements of scientific research and experimentation with public engagement, education, resource management and policy development.
A creative model for advancing the necessary changes to regulations, design, and the development of adaptive solutions to climate change.
Memorandum of Understanding with UMass Boston School for the Environment, BNH, NPS, and City of Boston signed this Spring
$6 million from Stone Foundation, $375,000 from Cabot Corporation for education
Draft Governance and Committee Structure
Meeting now: Steering Committee (25 people), Lab Director (Paul Kirshen), and Coordination and Support Team (Under direction of BHN currently)
Being formed
Advisory Board (invited representatives from 40 different organizations)
Scientific Advisory Committee (meets a few times a year)
Coastal Engineering –Bret Webb, University of South Alabama
Marine Ecology –Louise Firth, University of Plymouth, UK
Geomorphology and Coastal Oceanography –TBD
Coastal and Wetland Ecology and Engineering –Bregjevan Wesenbeeck, Deltares
File ENF & NOI early with initial design to obtain scope for EIR/EIS
Prepare EIR/EIS (Draft as Final)
Coordinate streamlined review per new DOI Order 3355
Conservation Commission Order of Conditions
DEP WQ and Chapter 91 License/Permit
CZM Consistency Determination
US Army Corps of Engineers Individual Permit
Mass Historical Commission and Section 106 Reviews
Public Education and Engagement
Cabot grant boosts Stone funding to create:
A hub for citizen-science and place-based science education programs
Increased environmental and ocean literacy
Ladders of opportunity and job training for Boston area youth
Network of researchers, educators and park managers
Next Steps:
Aligning partners to craft goals
Hiring a project manager
Celebrating Park Anniversary,Michael Creasey, National Park Service
State Park 50th Anniversary is this year, and 25th of National Park is the following year
How do we want to celebrate this?
Too important not to recognize
Kathy Abbott noted they need a party planning committee
Jim Montgomery nominated Susan Kane and Priscilla Geigis
Michael Creasey is on board
Kathy Abbott noted BHN is on board to help
How to engage federal delegation and state delegation?
Should law makers make some sort of proclamation?
Fred Laskey noted that Kathy Abbott mentioned finding other sources of revenue
Press strategy
Political events
Put together a subcommittee to advance this
Keep Partnership of DCR, NPS, BHN together on this
Michael Creasey will lead this and report out in future meetings
Roundtable Report-Outs
Department of Conservation and Recreation,presented by Susan Kane
Island operations is very modified
Going really well
Opened Spectacle, Wednesday-Sunday
4 trips daily
Visitor Center closed; bathrooms open
Unguarded waterfront
Water testing and buoy lines maintained
Trying to reopen water showers
Nice opportunity to socially distance compared to other beaches
Mooring Program
Really hitting its stride
Could use more staff
Sold out every mooring on all islands before the weekend for the first time ever
Shocked by popularity of Peddocks Island with recreational boaters
Islands not receiving Ferry Service are open, but only by recreational boaters
Saw 30-40 boats on the backside of Lovells
Staff have been focused on island maintenance and trail maintenance
Overnight staff on Peddocks, Georges, and Spectacle to preserve assets out there
Getting a lot of good support from harbor masters and state police
United States Coast Guard Command Sector Boston,presented by CAPT Eric Doucette
In the midst of personnel transfer season
CDR Lam last day was last Friday, CDR Garrity coming on board soon
Admiral Allan has replaced Admiral Tiongson
Hard to have folks move across the country during COVID
1/3 of staff rotates every year
Lots of people out in the harbor
Very busy with the increase in recreational boaters
(Q) Who will replace Commander Petta?
(A) LCDR Beth Nakagawa
(Q) Will we need to do an environmental assessment of Little Brewster?
(A) A full environmental assessment can take months. Transfer of government property is a process. Though a lot of documentation is already in place as USCG has good records as opposed to other lighthouses because of their presence out there. Civil Engineering in Providence working with GSA on this process.
Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council,presented by Rob Moir
Not been able to go out to sea as boat engine being replaced
Thanks for putting fishing dock at Deer Island
National Park Service,presented by Marc Albert
DCR and NPS working together to re-open islands safely
Ferries to Spectacle Island launched July 1; four trips/day running Wednesday – Sunday. Island activation is supported by a new "Know Before You Go" feature on the Boston Harbor Islands website. In the next few weeks will be integrating videos to build visitor confidence, help visitors prepare for their trip, and share ranger tips for things to do on island.
BHN, DCR, and NPS collaborating to develop a series of downloadable materials and on-island signage to support self-directed experiences on Spectacle Island: family-friendly scavenger hunt, Junior Ranger exploration, fitness challenge. Will alert people to these options and what to expect on their island visit via online video.
The NPS Natural Resource team has finished installing a second round of native plants and controlling invasive plants on habitat management sites at both Thompson and Grape Islands in coordination with TIOBEC and DCR. The delayed planting and hot, dry weather means lots of manual watering but so far, so good!
Harbor Discovery Camps start today. This year, park rangers and Hill to Harbor Youth Conservation Corps employees will be engaging remotely with campers from all 8 Boston YMCAs and the Leahy/Holloran BCYF. Camp programming was developed in collaboration with BHN and DCR and will include both live, group activities and self-guided, independent options.
The VIP Program will be launching remote engagement sessions for volunteers:
Virtual Information Session - We will be hosting a virtual information session Friday, July 24th at 12PM. This session will be hosted online and will last about an hour. We will discuss current park operations, give a quick overview of some of the COVID-19 precautions and share information about helping to create virtual programming we are developing.
History of the Boston Harbor Clean Up - We have also scheduled a session on the Boston Harbor Clean Up, which will be presented by Stewardship Volunteer and former MWRA employee, Mike Delaney. This will take place on Friday, July 31st at 1:30PM. We hope this will be the first in a series of presentations about the park sites for volunteers.
TIOBEC received $25,000 grant from the National Park Trust to pilot a Green Ambassador youth development school year program.
Introducing Dave Santucci, the new Management Support Specialist for the Office of the Superintendent.
Thanks to BHN for hosting zoom.
Boston Harbor Now, presented by Kathy Abbott
BHN $275K was on track to spend on access program
Communications team update
Ad campaign running ads on the MBTA
Really hits those front-line employees as they are the one’s riding the T
BHC-Hornblower ad is also on TV
MassPort Authority,presented by Stewart Dalzell
The port is struggling with the new normal
Harbor dredging moving along well
10 million cubic yards done
Boston Planning and Development Agency,presented by Rich McGuinness
Seawall stabilization project of Long Wharf under way
Rent deferment and license fee abatement has been extended
Probably 100% credit for this year
Climate Ready Downtown will be released soon
The Trustees of Reservations,presented by Andy Gallagher
Worlds End has been using timed entry
Enhanced parking and no back up on the access road
Restarting some programming
Kayaking, geology walks
Looking into front-line workers days, to get free access to Trustees sites
Start construction in the fall of new Visitor Center
Site designation for Piers Park in East Boston finalized
Massachusetts Water Resources Authority,presented by Carolyn Fiore
Public Access to Deer Island
Very Busy
Opened up large parking along the access road
Fishing Pier will open in about a month. Waiting on rough paving, which is about 3-4 weeks away
Issued design contract to repair seawall
Public Comment
(Q) Joan Delaney from Quincy, MA: Concerned with the limited public access to Thompson Island. Also concerned with how TIOBEC is addressing the conservation restriction in place on the island and the effect laying the water line has had on the island and at Squaw Rock park.
(A) Marc Albert and Michael Creasey: Regarding the conservation restriction, there is an annual assessment with DCR and NPS. There is a score card that goes to TIOBEC an historically TIOBEC has done a good job with conservation. Though this assessment does not address public access.
(A) Marc Albert: He takes this comment to heart and will investigate further.
(A) Fred Laskey: He wants to see the information and will follow up. He asked Ms. Delaney to share what she has with the Partnership.
(Q) Suzanne Gall Marsh, Friends of the Boston Harbor Islands: Regarding the park anniversary, she recommends reaching out to past members of the BHI Advisory Council.
Fred Laskey requested a motion to adjourn the meeting. Michael Creasey made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Kathy Abbott. Motion passed unanimously and meeting adjourned at 4:47 pm.
May 12, 2020
Meeting Minutes
15 State Street, Boston, MA
3:00-4:30 pm
Elizabeth Solomon, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
Kathy Abbott, Boston Harbor Now
Arthur Pearson, Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center
Susan Kane, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Marc Albert, National Park Service
Richard McGuinness, Boston Planning and Development Agency
CAPT Eric Doucette, United States Coast Guard
Carolyn Fiore, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Chris Busch, Boston Planning and Development Agency
Maureen Cavanaugh, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
Stewart Dalzell, MassPort Authority
Michael Creasey, National Park Service
Priscilla Giegis, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Fred Laskey, MA Water Resources Authority
Andrew Hargens, MassPort Authority
*Representing individual opinions only during period of advisory council suspension.
Call to Order and Introductions
Chairman Laskey called meeting to order at 3:02 pm.
Minutes from previous meeting have not yet been distributed. Approval of minutes will be tabled until next meeting.
Travel and Tourism,Martha Sheridan, Greater Boston Convention and Visitors Bureau (GBCVB)
Powerpoint Presentation
32 Partners make up GBCVB.
Operate Visitor Center on Greenway.
Impacts of COVID-19 on Tourism Industry:
GBCVB became conduit between government and partner businesses.
Helping partners prepare for reopening when appropriate.
GBCVB is direct communication link with Mayors and Governor.
Town Hall in April allowed time to ask questions.
Regular sector calls within tourism industry.
Developed several promotions to help businesses to get revenue.
Restaurant take-out program (virtual dining experience and Dine-in Boston).
Love from Boston campaign.
Hotels and large buildings to show love for essential workers by lighting up windows in shape of heart.
Presented to governors reopening task force:
STR report shows how hotels and industries are faring.
Over 15 thousand rooms of 20000 are closed right now.
Occupancy is 30% of capacity, all attractions are closed.
MassPort at 52% capacity, 27 cancelled conventions in Boston in 2020.
Essentially 95% of hotel rooms are empty. Only essential workers are allowed in hotels right now in Boston.
Boston and Cambridge hotel related tax revenue in 2019 was $286mil, projecting to be down to $124mil in 2020.
What does it look like for travelers to be ready to travel again?
Safety in hotels, safety visiting parks, etc. is essential.
People are feeling more confident in travelling and getting out growing by the week.
Barriers to opening:
No specific guidelines to follow.
Limited access to PPE.
No testing kits.
Motivation of front-line workers to return may be low.
Looking for outdoor activities to promote.
Need an ease in permitting use of outdoor spaces before this push.
Looking at increasing the closure of streets to create a safe outdoor atmosphere and increase social distancing spaces where tourism can rebound.
GBCVB is interested in assisting the development of protocols to ensure safety for tourists.
Some confidence that local/regional travel and tourism will rebound and make up some losses later this year.
No tourism-related businesses are generating revenue right now anywhere in city or region.
Freedom Trail and open space recreation will be the first part of this industry that lifts the tourism industry out of this hole.
Challenge specific to the BHIP however in just getting people to islands safely aboard boats.
Proposal to Independent System Operator – New England for undersea cable from Plymouth to Everett.
Will be key to renewable energy transmission in Massachusetts.
Think of Boston as a city that gets powered 100% by renewable wind energy.
This is the goal of the Mystic Reliability Wind Link.
Anbaric is an independent non-regulated utility.
Funded through private equity and Ontario Teachers Pension Plan.
Specializes in Submarine cable transmission of electricity.
Mystic PowerStation (currently fossil fuel powered) scheduled to close by June 2025.
Grid operator, Independent System Operator – New England pays Mystic Plant $200mil to keep it on for emergencies only (taxpayer dollars).
On-shore infrastructure upgrades are prohibitively expensive and slow.
Cable will be undersea and deep underground through outer harbor and prefer to go under Revere beach to Everett.
Questions & Answers:
(Q) Marc Albert asked what considerations are being made to protect sea floor habitats?
(A) Cable buried 6ft beneath seabed. Working with CZM and DMF to avoid sensitive habitats (Fish, whales, complex seas beds, etc).
(Q) Attendee asked about how this project will handle climate change and sea level rise?
(A) Substations in Plymouth and Everett are above projected sea level rise projections.
(Q) Attendee asked about public access and M.G.L. Chapter 91 related to this project?
(A) Ch.91 and impact to public access will be considered at all steps.
Little Brewster Update,CAPT Eric Doucette, United States Coast Guard
Press release forthcoming from USCG announcing a stewardship transfer of Little Brewster and Boston Light.
Pursuing transfer of real property to a new steward who can best preserve its history condition and public access.
USCG would maintain the light as navigational aid in perpetuity.
Reason: USCG cares for history of Boston Light but are not equipped to curate historic sites or public access and another steward can do a better job.
Using the NHLPA (National Historic Lighthouse Preservation Act), the USCG, Government Services Administration (GSA), and NPS (Washington office) will manage the process; finding a steward and transferring ownership.
This process will likely take 2 to 5 years.
Questions & Answers
(Q) Kathy Abbott asked about involvement of the USCG after transfer?
(A) The USCG may or may not remain active role but would like retain role in BHIP.
(Q) Fred Laskey asked what will happen if an appropriate steward cannot be found?
(A) GSA will ensure that the property is properly transferred. Of the 100 lighthouses that have gone through the process only one had to be repossessed by the government after going to an unsatisfactory steward after which the process started over and the lighthouse was transferred to a new steward. Protections will be built into the legal documents of the transfer to ensure historic preservation and public access of Boston Light
(Q) Kathy Abbott asked if USCG will be making repairs prior to transfer or will it be an “as-is” transfer?
(A) Repairs in 2016 made significant improvements. 2018 damage harmed access and funding is being sought through competitive process to finish repairs. Repowering the island is new project that will be pursued regardless of new steward and will move forward during the NHLPA process.
(Q) Fred Laskey ask what role will public, elected officials and this body (BHIP) play in the transfer process?
(A) The new steward will work closely with BHIP and public access will be retained. The transactional documents will have to create protections for public access regardless of the ownership entity.
(Q) Arthur Pearson stated that in his experience in Maine the public and non-profits played a big role in the process to advocate for the transfer of several lighthouses to desirable new stewards; all of which were done successfully.
(Q) Michael Creasey stated the partnership would appreciate GSA and NPS folks to give the BHIP a better vision or presentation as the process gets underway. He asked that if this process takes a long time and the BHIP wants to be involved in activation for visitors when its safe to re-enter the island.
(A) USCG will make sure that everyone in the BHIP is made aware and the process is transparent. USCG will need help and advocacy from leaders in the BHIP when this process is made public to dispel rumors and to advocate for transparency and for selection of an appropriate steward. The best interest of the light will be maintained. GSA Fact sheet will be shared to help all partners understand the transfer process.
Roundtable Report-Outs
National Park Service,presented by Michael Creasey
Shout out to BHN (Alankrita Narang and Christian Merfeld) getting the BHIP Meeting setup on Zoom and Angela Allison for facilitating.
Celebrating Kathy Abbot’s article in the Boston Globe “An opportunity to reimagine Boston’s open spaces.”
National Parks of Boston have been teleworking since March 13 except for a small maintenance staff and law enforcement.
NPS is grateful to and impressed with the scenario planning work being done closely with DCR and BHN. Thanks for your leadership!
NPS had to give up partnership with SCA Historic Preservation Public Lands Corp (10 mo fellowship) as a result of COVID-19, releasing all the SCA Fellows from their commitment.
Sadly, the NPS defunded a significant portion of the Green Ambassadors that is co-managed with TIOBEC, however alternative funding sources have been sought to make it a virtual online experience later this summer.
All Education programs with BPS have been cancelled.
Stewardship Saturdays have been on hold since mid-March.
New addition to staff!
Jill Staurowsky new lead ranger at Boston Harbor Islands (came to us from Grand Canyon). Please Welcome Jill!
Hoping to have seasonal staff on by June 7.
$250k to repair boathouse on Little Brewster is being pursued.
Working closely with DCR on preservation of Fort Warren (splitting funding 50-50).
Grant received to work with UMass to study coastal areas of park and understand potential impacts of sea level rise and climate change.
Impressed with innovations from Stone Living Lab to bring partners together and look at challenges of climate change and sea level rise. Credit to Cathy Stone and Sonya Plesset for all your hard work.
Boston Harbor Now, presented by Kathy Abbott
Working with DCR and NPS on contingency planning as we look to open the park later this summer.
Water transportation contract is almost completed.
Safety and capacity this season will be key and is being negotiated.
Food concessioners are still interested in contract and we will be ready to review proposals when we know the park will be open.
Stone Living Lab still looking at Rainsford for preliminary monitoring and research.
Programming shifted to online (HARBOR AT HOME) and Virtual Spectacle Island 5k.
Videos created by vendors and program staff and curated by BHN.
Harbor Use Forum, May 27 (online public policy forum).
Topic: Moakley Park.
Harbor for All Summit, June 4.
National and local leaders on panels, tours, and discussions.
MA Department of Conservation and Recreation,presented by Susan Kane
Focusing on parks that are open and heavily visited (more than ever).
Visitor centers and restrooms are closed.
There are a lot of first-time visitors to parks now and we assume same will be true on islands when open this summer.
At present, Islands are closed to public allowing staff to work on trail systems, facilities maintenance. The park is in great shape!
All DCR boats are in the water, inspected, and operational.
Working with BHN and NPS to imagine what islands might be open this year.
Focusing planning effort on for opening one island; what would that look like?
More scenarios considered in a safe phased approached.
Want to attract new visitors that we’re seeing at all the landside parks.
2020 Summer is going to be different than other years and we expect more private boaters than ever even if ferry trips are reduced.
Fred Laskey noted that Middlesex Fells is very busy daily.
Jim Montgomery noted every day in landside parks are receiving visitors as if it were July 4.
United States Coast Guard Command Sector Boston,presented by CAPT Eric Doucette
Boat inspections happening for vessels across the harbor.
Working with Boston Harbormaster to phase re-opening for recreational boat companies like whale watches and pleasure cruises.
Regent Cruise Lines asked to anchor ships offshore with USCG assistance.
Unsure if these vessels will be anchored because there is a no sail order in Boston Harbor now.
Other Cruise companies asking similar questions.
Port of Boston still has container ships, barges, etc. entering daily and hasn’t stop during pandemic and USCG is keeping the waterways open, moving, and safe.
Massachusetts Water Resources Authority,presented by Fred Laskey
Deer and Nut Island have been packed with people. Deer island is “closed” yet people are parking at a distance and walking in
Fish pier construction is on hold
Engineering contract is now open for bids to evaluate the sea walls around the water treatment plant
City of Boston,presented by Chris Cook
No updates.
Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center,presented by Arthur Pearson
Great reason for optimism if you look at a 2 to 5 year time frame.
Kids are social learners and social isolation is not conducive to their education.
Significant closures throughout this year across whole youth development and education sector.
Budget cut by 50% or more and will take years to recover.
Remaining TIOBEC staff are working with BPS to serve food to families in need.
On island staff continue to maintain facilities and oversea the installation of new water main.
Good news: Water main repair is so far on schedule and successful.
Patience is the key to our success right now.
Boston Planning and Development Agency,presented by Chris Busch
No updates.
Wind link project is important and we should support it to get carbon neutral by 2050.
Massachusetts Port Authority,presented by Conor LeBlanc
Echoing others; huge drop off in travelers.
Cruise industry is impacted significantly.
Keeping operations functioning at Cobbs Terminal.
Hotel tenants and restaurants rely on tourism and are heavily impacted just like everywhere else.
The Trustees of Reservations,presented by Alicia Leuba
Worlds End tried to stay open but became overwhelmed by visitors by April. Worlds End is planned to reopen on May 19 by time-ticketing only via the Trustees website.
In the absence of visitors, staff have regraded miles of roadways and drainage infrastructure.
Waterfront parks are still closed but optimistic about reopening.
Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council,presented by Elisabeth Solomon
No updates.
Public Comment
(Q) Suzanne Gall Marsh, Friends of Boston Harbor Islands: There will be an onslaught of boaters if there is no ferry service. What will DCR do to staff islands to keep them safe and protect resources?
(A) Susan Kane: Planning is underway with that in mind and seasonal staff will be on this summer to ensure safety and protection. Signage, staff, law enforcement, and harbormasters will all assist in this effort.
(A) Fred Laskey: There may be more boaters, but in his experience in getting his own boat back in the water given back-up of boats in dry dock may deter boaters.
(Q) Will the new steward of Boston Light become part of the partnership?
(A) Eric Doucette: USCG will still be part of the partnership, because it is in statute.
(A) Michael Creasey: Confirmed.
(Q) Will lighthouse keeper be on board an on island during the transfer?
(A) Eric Doucette: Dr. Sally Snowman wants to stay with USCG until the transfer is complete. Hope is to keep her involved after the transfer as well, to promote safety and history.
(Q) Can GSA come to a partnership meeting to provide info on the stewardship transfer process?
(A) Eric Doucette: Yes.
Fred Laskey requested a motion to adjourn the meeting. Michael Creasey made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Kathy Abbott. Motion passed unanimously and meeting adjourned at 5:10 pm.
January 21, 2020
Meeting Minutes
15 State Street, Boston, MA
3:00-4:30 pm
Rob Moir, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
Kathy Abbott, Boston Harbor Now
CDR Taylor Lam, United States Coast Guard
CAPT Eric Doucette, United States Coast Guard
Michael Creasey, National Park Service
Marc Albert, National Park Service
Carolyn Fiore, MA Water Resources Authority
Fred Laskey, MA Water Resources Authority
Andrew Hargens, MassPort Authority
Priscilla Giegis, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Susan Kane, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Alicia Leuba, The Trustees of Reservations
Chris Busch, Boston Planning and Development Agency
Chris Cook, City of Boston
*Representing individual opinions only during period of advisory council suspension.
Call to Order and Introductions
Chairman Laskey called meeting to order at 3:06 pm.
Minutes from previous meeting were distributed. Noted that the footnote asterisk in the Advisory Council was not paired with a note. Motion from Kathy Abbott to approve the minutes with recommended revision. Motion seconded by Michael Creasey. Motion to adopt minutes with recommended revision was approved unanimously.
Chairman Laskey noted that financial disclosures and ethics forms are required for all BHI Partnership members. All appointees are strongly requested to contact e-mail us to complete requirements.
Massport Marketing,presented by Conor LeBlanc
Focused on promoting the island system as a whole and highlight some of the values of specific islands.
MassPort’s team is drafting plans now & should have another update at the March meeting.
Planning to kick off marketing efforts in late Spring & continue through the summer.
(Q) Michael Creasey acknowledged appreciation for Massport’s efforts to put together island marketing.
(Q) Kathy Abbott added that Massport was critical in the launch of the park and great to have them back in the forefront.
Boston Harbor Now Marketing,presented by Christian Merfeld Powerpoint presentation
(Q) Rob Moir suggested that key chains be provided as take away items for the upcoming boat show.
Greater Boston Convention and Visitors Bureau, presented by Dave O’Donnell Powerpoint presentation
(Q) Kathy Abbott noted that we do not typically include things outdoors in Boston-based marketing efforts, but we compete with places that have terrific proximity to outdoor recreation.
(A) Dave O’Donnell agreed with Kathy’s assessment and noted that the convention and visitors bureau is working to highlight more outdoor spaces. Dave added that Boston has access to canoeing, kayaking, paddle boarding, cycle boating, and biking tours. Dave noted that he thinks of tourists sitting on Spectacle Island and looking at a tier 1 destination city.
(Q) Rob Moir asked that Dave let everyone know how they can help promote outdoor recreation and recommended showing pictures of South Boston with Thompson Island behind it; noting that all imagery of Boston should include the harbor and islands.
(A) Dave appreciated the comment and said he would love to show the partnership their image gallery, noting that the visitors bureau wants visitors to think of themselves as actors in their own story.
(Q) Michael Creasey inquired how the harbor and islands can be more connected into public tours, adding that the 2020 Boston neighborhood ambassadors initiative doesn’t draw in the islands. Michael asked if the islands could be a neighborhood in this campaign.
(A) Dave replied that the islands would be an important testimonial and could be part of a separate campaign.(Q) Michael Creasey asked if there is an appetite for new venues, noting that the harbor islands have some pretty spectacular venues that could host interesting events.
(A) Dave replied that the convention is looking for curated events that are different and unique and that the Harbor Islands could offer some opportunities.
(Q) Chris Cook asked if there is a strain on the traditional venues, highlighting that the City Hall Plaza and Esplanade are almost fully booked. Chris added that it is remarkable here to have presentations from three different organizations dedicated to highlighting the full vibrancy of our city.
Roundtable Report-Outs
United States Coast Guard Command Sector Boston,presented by CAPT Eric Doucette
New iron steps have been forged for Boston Light.
Dr. Sally Snowman is working with NPS and BHN to plan on-water tours around Boston Light in 2020.
Highlighted that there are 60 large cruise ships and many small ships coming into the Harbor and that we could think of ways for them to anchor with tender services to capture that market. Many smaller ships with their own kayaks and other vessels are using areas to our north and south.
The Trustees of Reservations,presented by Alicia Leuba
Visitor hut at Worlds End has been named the Wakemen O’Donnell Center. This marks the third phase of improving visitor experience. Recently had over 2,000 visitors on a January weekend, seeing the payoff of the improved amenities.
Appreciation for NPS partnership on the winter Stewardship Saturday volunteer program
Planning for listening sessions in the North End and other communities to consider another Trustees waterfront site.
Boston Planning and Development Agency,presented by Chris Busch
Bringing on a consultant for zoning flood overlay district to be paired with climate resilient design guidelines.
Planning FEMA pre-disaster mitigation grants for berm along Ft. Point Channel and elevating portions of Lewis Mall in East Boston. Also considering alignment of border streets in East Boston.
Boston Harbor Now,presented by Kathy Abbott and Cathy Stone
Introduced Aaron Toffler, new Director of Policy.
Three Requests for Proposals in process:
Activate Welcome Center along Rose Kennedy Greenway;
Concessions in the park; and
Water transportation for the park.
Stone Living Lab updates:
Continuing concept testing with stakeholders.
Met with funders to further ideas.
National Park Service,presented by Michael Creasey
Stone Living Lab is helping focus education, citizen science, and outreach efforts; and providing a way to talk about issues around sea level rise.
NPS and BHN are looking to update the annual BHI Partnership Financial Contributions report. The report’s 2006 numbers showed $203M in support for the islands. Angela will be reaching out to partners to pull numbers together.
Nesting bird population studies are starting with DCR and Mass Audubon.
Another year of Student Conservation Association Historic Preservation Corps is starting, in partnership with BHN and DCR. This program will bring a crew from around the country for a 10.5 month residential career-building opportunity to make improvements throughout the park and other DCR and NPS sites.
PLACE fellowships are kicking off shortly for 15-18-year-old students.
Outreach to Boston Public Schools and charter schools is ramping up with a goal to get 500 students and teachers to Spectacle Island this Spring.
A new Youth Volunteer Ambassador has joined our partnership team.
Massachusetts Water Resources Authority,presented by Fred Laskey
Fishing Pier at Deer Island is coming along with a ribbon cutting ceremony slated for April.
Had a wedding recently on Deer Island public access area.
MA Department of Conservation and Recreation,presented by Susan Kane
Historic Preservation in Public Lands Corps has been reengaging long term DCR staff. A new crew is starting in February. Much work is planned for Peddocks Island, which has made significant improvements to basic infrastructure as redevelopment planning has moved along.
Operations crew is focusing on the camping islands, storm clean up, opening trails, and improving campsites.
The Georges Island backup generator fuel tank was able to be refueled in late December. The solar system was struck by lightening last summer and is now operating at 30%. Will be working on this.
Working with NPS and BHN to update the event tent space on Georges Island before the 2020 season.
Seasonal staffing roster is set.
Got a plow for Spectacle, which will be a huge upgrade, and approval for a small packer truck on Spectacle.
Have been working on Peddocks Master Planning and ferry planning.
City of Bostin,presented by Chris Cook
Vision setting for the resilient Boston Harbor continues.
Climate Ready Dorchester is being activated.
Thank you to DCR for allowing both of those initiatives to continue.
NAACP conference is coming to Boston, this will be an opportunity to explore the complete history of our city and help write the future vision.
Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council,presented by Rob Moir
Suspended status continues.
Individual members continue to speak out to promote the harbor and islands outside of their official capacity.
Public Comment
Suzanne Gall Marsh, Friends of Boston Harbor Islands, shared that the Patriot Ledge did a nice story on the New Years Day trip to Thompson Island, which had 120 visitors.
Fred Laskey suggested holding all future meetings in NPS offices as a convenient location.
Fred Laskey requested a motion to adjourn the meeting. Michael Creasey made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Kathy Abbott. Motion passed unanimously and meeting adjourned at 4:30 pm.
2019 Meeting Notes
November 19, 2019
Meeting Minutes
Wilmer Hale Offices, State Street, Boston, MA
3:00-4:30 pm
Kathy Abbott, Boston Harbor Now
CDR Taylor Lam, United States Coast Guard
CAPT Eric Doucette, United States Coast Guard
Marc Albert, National Park Service
Carolyn Fiore, MA Water Resources Authority
Fred Laskey, MA Water Resources Authority
Andrew Hargens, MassPort Authority
Priscilla Geigis, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Susan Kane, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Alicia Leuba, The Trustees of Reservations
Richard McGuinness, Boston Planning and Development Agency
Arthur Pearson, Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center
Chris Cook, City of Boston
Maureen Cavanaugh, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
Rob Moir, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
Elizabeth Solomon, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
*Representing personal opinions only during time period of advisory council
Call to Order and Introductions
Chairman Laskey called meeting to order at 3:06 pm.
Minutes from previous meeting were distributed. Motion from Kathy Abbott to approve the minutes as distributed. Motion seconded by Marc Albert. Motion to adopt minutes as distributed was approved unanimously.
Chairman Laskey welcomed Jim Montgomery, the new Interim Director for MA Department of Conservation and Recreation.
Presentation & Public Input
Partnership members each presented their organization’s 2019 accomplishments that support the mission of the Boston Harbor Islands Partnership.
The meeting was open for public input after each partner’s presentation. Below is a record of all public input.
Massachusetts Port Authority,presented by Andrew Hargens
No Public Input
Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation,presented by Susan Kane
(Q) Elizabeth Solomon requested that information on archeology work for the electrification project be shared.
(Q) Elizabeth Solomon requested that data on gender and race of participants in the Historic Preservation Corps be shared.
(Q) Susanne Gall Marsh requested that Partnership be updated on Gallops Island.
Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, presented by Carolyn Fiore
(Q) Elizabeth Solomon expressed concerns that the new Irish memorial at Deer Island was placed on a site that is significant to Native American communities, in addition to Irish American immigrants. Further concern was expressed that the memorial was placed on top of a bench that had been funded and installed by the Nipmuc, which is the only memorial in place for Native Americans on the island.
(A) Fred Laskey responded to concerns and shared that the memorial was placed without knowledge of any existing memorialization. Shared that MWRA is currently working to develop funds for a Native American memorial at Deer Island and has requested assistance from NPS.
Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center,presented by Arthur Pearson
No Public Input
United States Coast Guard Command Sector Boston,presented by CAPT Eric Doucette
(Q) Arthur Pearson inquired if USCG is synchronized with Boston Police Department (BPD) for incidents like active shooters.
(A) CAPT Doucette confirmed close coordination between USCG and BPD and shared an example of a recent well-coordinated response.
(Q) Maureen Cavanaugh shared everyone’s appreciation of last meeting’s tour of the Command Sector Boston.
(Q) Suzanne Gall Marsh inquired about future public access to Little Brewster Island.
(A) CAPT Doucette responded that recent storms have delivered huge blows to the island and presented significant challenges to providing things like electricity, heat, oil, sewage removal, and water. Shared that the island is currently uninhabitable, but is checked by USCG staff bi-weekly. Furthered that a lot of preservation work has been complete while the island has been closed but that public access is still years away.
The Trustees of Reservations,presented by Andrew Gallagher
(Q) Elizabeth Solomon inquired if there are discussions of an archeological survey in the development plans for the entrance parking lot and education building.
(A)Alicia Leuba responded that archeological survey work is always included in planning processes and is already complete.
National Parks of Boston,presented by Marc Albert
No Public Input
Boston Harbor Now,presented by Kathy Abbott
No Public Input
Boston Planning and Development Agency,presented by Richard McGuinness
No Public Input
Suzanne Gall Marsh spoke on behalf of Friends of Boston Harbor Islands (FBHI). Shared that the recent annual meeting went well, with a tour of the Deer Island treatment plant. Invited all to attend the annual New Years Day trip to Thompson Island. Shared that in 2019, FBHI and Old South Meeting House co-presented a series on Boston Harbor Island Resilience and Change. Passed around booklets to celebrate the 40th anniversary of FBHI, asked everyone to reach out if copies are needed. Booklets are free of charge to all.
Fred Laskey implored everyone to celebrate the accomplishments of the Boston Harbor Islands Partnership over the past year; with progress made on every front, from education and youth programs to construction and preservation. Asked everyone to take pride in all that the Partnership has accomplished this year.
Motion to adjourn by Marc Albert. Seconded by Arthur Pearson. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned.
September 17, 2019
Meeting Minutes
USCG Command Sector Boston
3:00-3:30 pm
Chris Cook, City of Boston
Maureen Cavanaugh, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
Richard McGuinness, Boston Planning and Development Agency
Priscilla Geigis, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Marc Albert, National Park Service
Fred Laskey, MA Water Resource Authority
Carolyn Fiore, MA Water Resource Authority
Arthur Pearson, Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center
CAPT Eric Doucette, United States Coast Guard
CDR Taylor Lam, United States Coast Guard
Jocelyn Forbush, Trustees of Reservations
Jack Murray, Boston Harbor Now
Call to Order and Introductions
Chairman Laskey called meeting to order at 3:02 pm.
Welcome from CAPT Doucette with a reminder that Boston is the birthplace of the United States Coast Guard; Boston Light was the first commissioned lighthouse in the country, first cutter was built in Newburyport, first lifesaving stations were built along the MA coastline.
Minutes from previous meeting were distributed. Motion from Priscilla Geigis to approve the minutes. Motion seconded by Marc Albert. Motion to adopt minutes as distributed was approved unanimously.
City of Boston, presented by Chris Cook
Announced the kickoff to Climate Ready Dorchester planning on September 25. City will be asking all partners to come together and drive community input for the planning process.
Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council, presented by Maureen Cavanaugh*
Shared that Advisory Council continues to work to move out of suspended status.
Boston Planning and Development Agency (BPDA), presented by Richard McGuinness
Announced that new guidelines for building retrofits to account for sea level rise have been approved. Next step is to remove zoning challenges related to definition of building.
Shared that BPDA has applied for a FEMA pre-disaster planning grant.
MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), presented by Priscilla Geigis
Announced retirement of Commissioner Leo Roy and extended gratitude for all of his efforts to promote the Harbor Islands.
Shared that upcoming projects include meeting with folks in Hull for Master Development Planning and meeting with both City of Boston and DCR officials to work on a partnership strategy to embrace Climate Ready Boston.
National Park Service (NPS), presented by Marc Albert
Shared that NPS hosted three conservation corps this summer. Crews built picnic tables, removed invasive plants, built trails, and more. One youth reported, “[While camping on Georges Island] I liked learning about how this place used to be important to Boston, and now we can protect it and visit it.”
Announced that NPS has concluded its 10th year of the Coastal Breeding Bird monitoring program with the first documented case of a great blue heron nesting within the park. The full report will come out this winter. One trend that will be noted is the decline in wading birds. NPS will be funding a two-year study to investigate this decline.
Shared that stewardship projects will continue through October, before shifting to World’s End for the winter season.
Offered congratulations to Friends of Boston Harbor Islands on the completion of a new booklet to honor the 40th anniversary of the organization.
Shared that the Public Archeology Lab (PAL) will be assessing the eligibility of multiple above ground sites across the Harbor Islands for a national register nomination.
MA Water Resource Authority (MWRA), presented by Fred Laskey
Shared that MWRA has submitted a proposal to the NPS for assistance in funding to design, create, and install a memorial for Native Americans who were interned on Deer Island during King Philip’s War.
MWRA, presented by Carolyn Fiore
Shared that fishing pier construction is underway on Deer Island.
Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center (TIOBEC), presented by Arthur Pearson
Offered gratitude to NPS for stewardship work on habitat restoration this summer.
Announced that TIOBEC is the recipient of the 2019 Lands End Love Learning Summer Learning Award, awarded by the National Summer Learning Association to organizations that provide safe and healthy learning environments every summer. The National Summer Learning Association has also recognized the 10th anniversary of Boston’s citywide summer learning initiative.
Shared that TIOBEC is working with PAL to complete archeological surveys related to work along the water main. PAL will be converting a 1990s-era survey into a shareable form to be used in youth education in conjunction with oral history developed with assistance from Kristen Wymen. This work will help acknowledge the education that has been taking place on Thompson Island long before TIOBEC existed.
United Stated Coast Guard (USCG), presented by CAPT Eric Doucette
• Reminded all of the marine accident that took place at Long Island last month. Shared that USCG is a
resource for all Partners, from evacuations to any emergency needs.
• Announced that CDR Lam has been selected as Captain and has been admitted to Harvard University
for a National Security Fellowship.
Jocelyn Forbush, Trustees of Reservations (TTOR)
• Shared that TTOR will be raising funds for a new welcome center to accommodate a significant
increase in visitation at Worlds End.
• Announced that a new waterfront initiative will be focusing on waterfront parks, with potential
opportunities in east Boston and in the North End; more information to follow in next few months.
Jack Murray, Boston Harbor Now (BHN)
• Shared data with thoughts on analysis from this season’s visitation:
o Almost 400 public program on Islands;
o Visitation increase of 12.5% ;
o Visitation trended down in previous few years and is starting to come back up this year;
o Increase likely due to BHN’s investments in marketing.
• Provided an update that the Peddocks Island draft report will likely be complete in December.
• Shared that BHN, City of Boston, NPS, and University of Massachusetts Boston are working together
to form a Living Lab. MOA is currently in draft stages. Next step will be to put together a funding
proposal to develop methodologies to study sea level rise and storm surge data.
• Provided an update on BHN Requests for Proposal (RFP):
o Transportation RFP will be coming out mid-October;
o Greenway pavilion activation RFP has closed, BHN is reviewing proposals now.
• Announced the 35th anniversary of Harbor Walk this year. BHN will be helping to commemorate with a special speaker forum to include former elected officials and original members of the Boston Harborwalk Advisory Committee.
Massachusetts Port Authority (MassPort), presented by Connor LeBlanc
• Announced that the World Trade Center commonwealth pier revitalization project has been approved. Still working through the permitting process, but once complete, investments will be
made in water transportation infrastructure.
• Shared that the Institute for Contemporary Art in the East Boston shipyard has completed its second
successful season.
• Shared that MassPort will be meeting with BHN and NPS to explore ways to promote the parts of the
Harbor Islands that are within MassPort’s jurisdiction.
Public Comment
Paul Federico, Friends of Boston Harbor Islands Board of Directors, shared that 40th anniversary booklets are available today for all Partnership members.
Motion to adjourn meeting by Priscilla Geigis, seconded by Marc Albert. Motion to adjourn approved unanimously. Meeting was adjourned at 3:30 pm and all attendees enjoyed a tour led by USCG.
July 16, 2019
Meeting Minutes
Onboard the MVAbigail and on Peddocks Island
1:45-5:00 pm
Fred Laskey, MA Water Resource Authority
Michael Creasey, National Park Service
CAPT Eric Doucette, United States Coast Guard
CDR Taylor Lam, United States Coast Guard
Leo Roy, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Priscilla Geigis, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Richard McGuinness, Boston Planning and Development Agency
Kathy Abbott, Boston Harbor NOW
Maureen Cavanaugh, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
*Representing personal opinions only during time period of advisory council suspension.
Call to Order and Introductions
Chairman Laskey called meeting to order at 2:12 pm onboard the MV Abigail.
Minutes from previous meeting were distributed. Request from CDR Taylor Lam to modify meeting minutes from “eel cutter” to “eagle cutter.” Motion from Leo Roy to approve the minutes with CDR Lam’s modification. Motion seconded by Kathy Abbott. Minutes approved unanimously as amended.
Boston Planning and Development Agency,presented by Richard McGuiness
Announced a workshop at BSA tonight at 6:00 pm to discuss climate change on the North End.
Boston Harbor Now, presented by Kathy Abbott
Ads for the islands are up on public transit lines.
Spectacle on Spectacle had a record year for fundraising with almost 500 attendees.
BHN is releasing an RFI for Greenway activation on Thursday.
A draft RFP for the concessions contract on Spectacle and Georges Island and an RFI for a Peddocks pilot opportunity will follow.
The new trip planning website has reached 1.2 million views.
MA Department of Conservation and Recreation, presented by Leo Roy
Shared that moorings are in, totaling 75 new moorings with 35-40 planned to go in in the future.
Massachusetts Water Resource Authority, presented by Fred Laskey
Announced that construction on the fishing pier at Deer Island started today.
National Parks of Boston,presented by Michael Creasey
All Hands on Deck Day of Stewardship on Peddocks Island was a huge success. Thanks to DCR for hosting.
Forty-eight Youth Conservation Corps employees are active in the parks facilitating camp experiences, building story-telling skills, running pop-up programming, and caring for park resources.
Harbor Discovery Camps start this week. Campers from Yawkee Boys and Girls Club will be on Georges today, Peddocks tomorrow, and Spectacle on Thursday.
Place-Based Boston summer teacher institute is next week, 7/22-26.
Stewardship Thursday and Saturday programs continue to connect volunteers directly to public lands through hands-on work on multiple islands.
Interns from UMass Boston and Brandeis are providing tremendous support for science, managing key habitats, and running our community volunteer programs.
We continue to work with BHN, Stone Foundation, UMass Boston, and other partners on the proposed Stone Living Lab at Boston Harbor Islands. Trip to NYC to learn about Science and Resilience Institute at Jamaica Bay was helpful.
Volunteers and the SCA Historic Preservation Crew have successfully planted 3,800 native plants from 8 species around the freshwater marsh areas on Grape and Thompson Islands. Deer fencing has been erected on Grape and staff is now working on keeping plants watered and the sites weeded as they get established.
Two years of monthly seal inventories have been funded by Mass Environmental Trust and are being led by Stephanie Wood at UMass Boston in partnership with NPS.
Long term monitoring of key species and habitats is ongoing throughout the islands: Coastal breeding birds, rocky intertidal communities, and small mammals are highlights.
Update on the Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council:
On June 14, an executive order was signed to reduce the number of federal advisory councils by ⅓ by September 30.
NPS was asked to provide information regarding the efficacy and functionality of the Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council.
NPS submitted a justification and is awaiting response.
Peddocks Island Planning Update
Jack Murray and Alice Brown, Boston Harbor Now
Cassie Bethoney, Weston and Sampson Design Studio
Jack provided an overview of the Peddocks Vision Planning and public engagement process.
Alice shared concept boards that will now remain at Peddocks Island for visiting members of the public to see each planning scenario and provide input.
Alice shared that all (3) open houses are now complete.
Each open house had a drop-in style with substantial public involvement.
An addition venue for comment is available through an online survey, which remains open and can be found on the BHN website.
Cassie shared results from the open houses.
Top 4 categories, 1600 total votes:
Total Votes
Most Popular Ideas
Guided Walks/ Interpretive Signage (82 votes)
Renewable Energy (Solar/ Wind/ Hydro) (66 votes)
Accessible Waterfront Camping (60 votes)
Site Amenities
Elevated Boardwalks near Marsh (94 votes)
Questions & Answers
(Q) Rich McGuinness: Asked if open houses shared concepts that have been successful on other islands to provide examples to participants.
(Q) Suzanne Gall Marsh: Agreed that examples would be helpful and suggested adding a question to ask participants what they like about other islands they have visited.
(Q) Michael Creasey: Asked if there were any ideas on how to activate the buildings.
(A) Cassie Bethoney: Responded that participants have shared a wide range of ideas.
(A) Alice Brown: Responded that the pilot Request for Information (RFI) will also generate different ideas.
(Q) Suzanne Gall Marsh: Requested additional information on the pilot RFI.
(A) Alice Brown: Responded that the pilot RFI will capture wide interest on projects that could move forward. Shared that the RFI is delayed and ideas will likely need to focus on next summer.
(A) Cassie Bethoney: Shared that they are currently following up on many leads from public meetings.
(Q) Suzanne Gall Marsh: Asked if the RFI includes building use or is more focused on programming.
(A) Alice Brown: Explained that an RFI was chosen instead of a Request for Proposals (RFP) since this is still an idea generating phase. Elaborated that anything requiring building use would likely be more long term in nature.
(A) Jack Murray: Shared that buildings on island are currently under lease agreements and will generally need more time to develop ideas for their use and require a larger investment. Explained that the necessary legal mechanisms for building use are not yet in place.
(Q) Kathy Abbott: Inquired if ideas could drive the need for legal mechanisms to be implemented.
(A) Susan Kane: Explained that only two buildings are currently open so DCR would need to really look at the different ideas generated.
(Q) Michael Creasey: Asked if access will be included in the RFI.
(Q) Kathy Abbott: Added that access remains to be the greatest challenge for all islands.
(A) Jack Murray: Explained that BHI and partners have discussed many different options.
Partnership Meeting then broke to tour Peddocks Islands.
Following the tour, all attendees returned to the MV Abigail and the meeting was opened for further questions or public comment. There were no further questions or public comment.
Leo Roy made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Kathy Abbott seconded the motion. Motion to adjourn was approved unanimously. Meeting was adjourned a 4:54 pm.
May 21, 2019
Meeting Minutes
EPA Building, 5 Post Office Square, Boston, MA; Leighton Room
3:00- 4:30pm
Normal Mael, Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center Richard McGuinness, City of Boston
Priscilla Geigis, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Leo Roy, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Carolyn Fiore, MA Water Resource Authority
Fred Laskey, MA Water Resource Authority
Michael Creasey, National Park Service
CDR Taylor Lam, United States Coast Guard
Kathy Abbott, Boston Harbor Now
Stewart Dalzell, Mass Port Authority
Maureen Cavanaugh, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
Heather Deschenes, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council* *Representing personal opinions only during time period of advisory council suspension.
Call to Order and Introductions
Chairman Laskey called meeting to order at 3:08 pm.
Motion made by Michael Creasey to approve the minutes from the previous meeting, seconded by Carolyn Fiore. Minutes unanimously approved as distributed.
A Vision for Moakley Park
Allison Perlman, Boston Parks and Recreation Department (PowerPoint presentation)
Moakley Park has 60 acres of open space located off Dorchester Bay in South Boston.
Space is currently being permitted for field use, but has very few permit requests despite its proximity to many neighborhoods.
Local area population around Moakley Park is expected to double in next ten years.
Park’s proximity to public housing creates opportunity to offer open space to low income residents.
City of Boston is committed to increasing ecological and social values through cleaner air, flood sinks, active recreation, and other community amenities that go beyond organized sports.
Moakley is a missing link of the Emerald Necklace.
Moakley Park Vision’s guiding principles:
Resilient Neighborhoods- Combat existing storm water flooding by developing a low laying berm and connecting an outer berm to existing land features.
Diverse Programs- Increase playability through materials and lighting; consider how recreation can remain dynamic and adaptable to changing community needs.
Accessibility for All- Stay responsive to community needs; consider who can access the park safely; connect to surrounding neighborhoods; create spaces where youth feel they belong.
Next Steps:
Coordinate with other agencies;
Coordinate with climate-ready South Boston, including Dorchester resilience planning;
Preliminary design and technical analysis;
Pre-permitting feasibility study;
RFI for partnerships in maintenance and operations; and
Multi-faceted community engagement strategy.
Questions and Answers
(Q) Michael Creasey: Inquired if the city is considering any activities at Moakley that lead people out to the Boston Harbor and onto the Harbor Islands.
(A) Allison Perlman: Responded that yes, the city will be considering Island access.
(Q) Michael Creasey: Asked what type of entity the city is looking for in the partnership RFI.
(A) Allison Perlman: Responded that the partnership RFI is still in planning stages, but will likely focus on operations and maintenance, in addition to programming.
Water Transportation Plan
Alice Brown, Boston Harbor Now (PowerPoint presentation)
Business plans were released last month.
Overall goal is to increase the number of people visiting the Harbor Islands.
Recognition that the ferry is only one way that people get to the islands, with respect to private boaters in addition to ferry riders.
Island access strategy has been through stakeholder workshops, best practices research (studied 6 different ferry services around the country), and an RFI process.
Annual visitation to Harbor Islands has fluctuated year-to-year, but overall has remained steady. Economists have reported that current fluctuations are normal, with an average of around 105,000 visitors each year.
Next step is to issue an RFP based on recent findings.
Peddocks Island Planning Update Jack Murray, Boston Harbor Now
DCR, NPS, and BHN are working together to develop several potential planning scenarios for Peddocks Island. The planning team has heard requests to have the Partnership review scenarios and to have broader outreach and engagement with Native American communities. Today’s presentation will allow the Partnership opportunity to comment. Peddocks Planning is and will continue to be a very inclusive process.
Shared that today’s presentation will prototype the upcoming open houses. Easels have been placed around the room with post-its and markers so that Partnership members and the general public can interact and provide feedback on what they see.
Cheri Ruane, Weston and Sampson Design Studio (PowerPoint presentation)
Steps for Peddocks Planning:
Research, analysis, and site visits;
Workshops with partner agencies;
Infrastructure planning;
Public engagement- current step;
Pilot education program – slated for this and next summer to try out different models and learn what could work; and
Master plan development.
Plan for public engagement:
Open houses have been planned throughout the city.
June 12, 2019 at Hingham Public Library, 6 Leavitt St, Hingham from 4-8:00 pm.
June 22, 2019 at the Welcome Center, 191 W Atlantic Ave, Boston from 9-2:00 pm.
June 27, 2019 at the Pilot House, 32 Atlantic Ave, Boston from 4-8:00 pm.
At the top of each hour, there will be a short presentation followed by a “Gallery Walk,” in which participants look at various planning components and vote for scenarios and programming elements.
An online survey will allow participation outside of in-person sessions.
Questions and Answers
(Q) Maureen Cavanaugh: Inquired how surveys and open houses will be made accessible to diverse communities.
(A) Cheri Ruane: Responded that Planning Team is using DCR, NPS, and BHN email lists in addition to social media and personal outreach to different communities.
(Q) Michael Creasey: Asked Allison Perlman from City of Boston if they have learned any new strategies for diverse public engagement through the Moakley Park planning process.
(A) Allison Perlman: Responded that a certain group of people is typically reached through mailings, list serves, and all of our usual channels. The City has developed an idea of which neighborhoods are not being reached through usual channels and has identified leaders of each community. Next, City officials will go to community meetings to get information in front of community members.
Meeting broke and time was allotted to look at and engage with Peddocks planning scenarios located around the room.
City of Boston, presented by Richard McGuiness
Shared that for more info on flood plan maps related to the Moakley presentation, check the city’s website.
Reported that Boston has developed some unique strategies in zoning layers for flood hazards, including looking at all building types within the floodplain to see how they could be retrofitted. A public engagement process is underway to learn more and provide comment on the overlay district.
Mass Port Authority, presented by Stewart Dalzell
Reported that Mass Port is staying in close contact with the Army Corps through the dredging project, with over 4 million cubic yards excavated thus far.
Announced that Mass Port has recently launched a public realm initiative to look at public spaces in Boston, updates coming soon.
Announced that Commonwealth Pier is in the permitting process for redevelopment and a large part of the building will be removed to create open space. Project is currently under public review.
Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center, presented by Norman Mael
Announced that on June 6th Thompson Island will host an annual education conversation with a guest speaker from Bechtel. Let Norm know if you are interested in attending.
Shared appreciation for everyone who has helped with water line replacement. Application is pending.
Massachusetts Water Resource Authority, presented by Carolyn Fiore and Fred Laskey
Announced that on May 25 there will be an opening ceremony for the Great Hunger Memorial at Deer Island. This memorial will commemorate the hundreds of Irish immigrants who were quarantined and died on the Harbor Islands.
National Parks of Boston,presented by Michael Creasey
Announced that ethics guides have gone out to Partnership members to meet our annual training requirement. Please read the guidelines, sign the acknowledgement form, and return it to Angela.
Welcomed seasonal staff that will be working out on the Islands all summer and Bob Wilbur, new Deputy Superintendent for National Parks of Boston.
Reviewed upcoming Partnership meeting schedule to include July 16th trip to Peddocks Island.
Shared NPS programming highlights:
500+ Boston students are going to Spectacle for programming this spring, made possible with support from BHN, NPS, and the National Park Trust.
50 high school students have been selected for youth employment and development programs this summer.
Historias de Boston is kicking off again this year to reach Latinx youth.
Hill to Harbor is also returning to connect the Dorchester Heights community to the Harbor.
A new trip planning site is live, congratulations to Boston Harbor Now on the web design project.
Shared that the NPS has some work ahead for Little Brewster Island, will be connecting with USCG.
Offered congratulations to Friends of Boston Harbor Islands on a successful 40th anniversary cruise!
Shared appreciation for Sonja Plesset of Plymouth Rock Foundation for advancing the living laboratory project with an upcoming trip to the Jamaica Bay Institute in New York to talk about resiliency.
MA Department of Conservation and Recreation, presented by Leo Roy
Shared congratulations to Friends of Boston Harbor Islands for the wonderful anniversary cruise.
Boston Harbor Now, presented by Kathy Abbott
Welcomed new summer interns at BHN.
Shared congratulations and appreciation for Suzanne Gall- Marsh of Friends of Boston Harbor Islands for 40 years of support.
Announced that this year’s opening day had the highest turnout ever and that all rangers (DCR & NPS) on island did phenomenal work to make the day special for visitors.
Shared that BHN is investing in marketing the Islands this year with plans for radio ads and print ads on subway and in the newspaper.
Announced that the park website is now live, with appreciation for an inkind donation from Jack Rabbit and NPS contribution to upgrade the site.
Announced that Spectacle of Spectacle is coming up on June 20th, tickets are available.
US Coast Guard, presented by CDR Taylor Lam
Announced that on August 9-12 a USCG eagle cutter cadet training ship will be docked in Salem. Encouraged everyone to go see it.
Public Comment
Maureen Cavanaugh: Shared appreciation for the Peddocks Planning Team postponement of public meetings to allow for today’s comment opportunity. Appreciation for NPS and DCR stepping up to capture a diverse group of public interests in light of advisory council’s suspension.
Suzanne Gall Marsh, Founder of Friends of Boston Harbor Islands: Announced that the Gallops Island Monument will find a new home in the Hingham Shipyard, appreciation for those who made this possible.
Motion to adjourn by Michael Creasey, seconded by Priscilla Geigis. Motion approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 4:36 pm.
March 19, 2019
Meeting Minutes
Wilmer Hale, 60 State Street, 26th Floor, Boston, MA
Alicia Leuba, The Trustees of Reservations
Arthur Pearson, Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center
Richard McGuiness, City of Boston
Priscilla Geigis, MA Department of Recreation and Conservation
Carolyn Fiore, MA Water Resource Authority
Fred Laskey, MA Water Resource Authority
Michael Creasey, National Park Service
CDR Taylor Lam, United States Coast Guard
Kathy Abbott, Boston Harbor NOW
Cathy Stone, Boston Harbor NOW
Maureen Cavanaugh, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
Elizabeth Solomon, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
Rob Moir, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council*
*Representing personal opinions only during time period of advisory council suspension.
Call to Order and Introductions
Chairman Laskey called meeting to order at 3:05 pm.
Motion made by Michael Creasey to approve the minutes from the previous meeting, seconded by Kathy Abbott. Minutes unanimously approved as distributed.
Boston Harbor Islands Coastal Science & Adaptation
Marc Albert, National Park Service (PowerPoint Presentation)
Three different projects are happening around the park concurrently.
Woods Hole Group:
Developing a regional flood model.
Boston University:
Three year study of three sets of islands.
Developing a local flood geo-response map to predict resource and facility vulnerability.
Using hydrodynamic data collection to capture water level and speed.
Mapping site-specific coastal features, resources, and facilities.
Collecting bluff retreat rate at some sites.
University of Rhode Island:
Atmospheric study of nor'easter hazards at Cape Cod National Seashore, Acadia National Park, and Boston Harbor Islands.
Storm vulnerability info can be used to inform planning and decision making.
NPS is working to integrate each study and develop a common language for the way we study coastal changes and develop adaptations.
NPS is hiring a Science Communication Specialist to aid the parks in learning how to discuss climate change with the public.
Living Laboratory for Climate Innovation
Sonja Plesset, Stone Foundation (PowerPoint presentation)
Will answer two questions:
What role do the Boston Harbor Islands play in the overall resiliency of Boston Harbor?
How can we integrate the islands into the climate resiliency plan for Boston and the Massachusetts shoreline?
Progress to date:
Steering committee.
Technical study.
Design charrette.
Meetings with regulators and island owners.
Planning process for living lab.
Living laboratory would test solutions to protect coastline.
Focus on public engagement (education tools for K-12, kiosks, guided tours, and access to data and results).
Knowledge transfer would ensure that lessons learned are shared around the work, expanding a toolkit beyond MA.
Site selection process:
Six possible locations (Gallops/ Nixes Mate, Georges, Rainsford, Peddocks, Thompson, and Long Islands) are being assessed for logistics and broader impacts; like partnerships, education, and recreation.
Scientific considerations for site selection include studying high wave interaction and energy, living shoreline, water quality enhancement, diversity of ecosystems, usefulness of dredge materials, etc.
Each island is then rated for suitability.
Selection criteria:
Logistical suitability for a living lab (infrastructure, owner support, etc.).
Broader impacts (educational, partnership, and recreational opportunities).
Scientific considerations.
Next Steps:
Continue consulting land owners.
Complete matric and develop research model.
Create organizational structure.
Begin baseline conditions work.
Hold pre-application discussions with regulators.
Questions and Answers
Michael Creasey: Inquired about timeline of projects.
Marc Albert: Explained that each study has different timeline. Around 2020-2021, there will be some maps and products.
Michael Creasey: Inquired about the ability to apply living lab lessons on a broader scale.
Sonja Plesset: Used seawalls as an example of scale, explaining that Stone can test out different ways to work with seawalls, like how they can be built to provide ecological, recreational, and other benefits.
Then, each can be tested in a “low risk environment,” since islands don’t have critical infrastructure. Results from those tests can be shared with municipalities.
Elizabeth Solomon: Inquired what infrastructure would be necessary for a viable lab.
Sonja Plesset: Explained that partnering with UMass Boston has provided the lab space needed for the project. Infrastructure needs now just include making the island accessible for researchers with water, camping, bathrooms, ADA accessibility, etc.
Marc Albert: Added that the project also would have researchers bring students out, requiring a participatory/ meeting space.
Arthur Pearson: Asked for clarification on range of project going into Maine.
Marc Albert: Clarified that models are site specific, involving Acadia, but not the whole gulf of Maine. Fred Laskey: Asked if models could work on shorelines in addition to on islands and what permits and approvals might be involved.
Sonja Plesset: Provided that a shore-based solution is being evaluated as one option, but that islands offer better solutions due to the lack of critical infrastructure and the ecosystems found on island that don’t exist on-shore.
Marc Albert: Added that in order to attract ongoing research, location needs to be more scientifically-free to protect islands. The host island is not the extent of the research, the host provides the home-base, but the whole archipelago and harbor will be grounds for learning.
Sonja Plesset: Added that an island location gives the living lab more visibility and elevates the basis of study.
Michael Creasey: Inquired about the timeframe for use of dredge material.
Sonja Plesset: Explained that conversations are ongoing to see if rock material can be utilized. Gaining dredge material can be coordinated with Army Corps projects up and down the coast if current materials can’t be used.
Marc Albert: Addressed earlier question on permitting. Gaining approvals will be extensive and difficult, which is why landowner buy-in is so critical.
Rob Moir: Added that as an educator, going out to Deer Island with school groups has been great. Suzanne Gall Marsh: Asked how sites on Gallops and Lovells Islands that with archeological resources will be protected.
Marc Albert: Explained that those are very large areas and each dot just represents a sample site. The whole of some islands are archeological sites.
Cathy Stone: Added that in a meeting with regulators, alternative mechanisms can’t always be approved because they don’t have data, so a lot of this information leads to scaling.
Fred Laskey: Thanked the Stone Foundation for this research on behalf of BHI Partnership.
Resilient Boston Harbor Vision
Alison Brizius and Richard McGuiness, City of Boston (PowerPoint presentation)
Mayor Walsh has announced a new vision for a resilient Boston harbor.
Vision was created to unify three neighborhood-by-neighborhood analyses.
Goal is to create more green space, beaches, and waterfront parks- all to bring more people to the harbor; using the threat of sea level rise to create opportunity.
Shared maps with visions for Belle Isle Marsh, Constitution Beach, Downtown, South Boston, Seaport, and Dorchester Heights.
Questions and Answers
Arthur Pearson: Inquired about the use of berms with New Orleans as an example.
Alison Brizius: Explained that barriers can vary, but everything City is doing is still in model-phase right now.
Richard McGuiness: Further clarified that in some cases, physical modifications will include things like subtle elevation changes, parks, etc., not always physical walls and berms.
Alison Brizius: Elaborated that through the creation of green space, views may not need to be blocked. Strategic points can be targeted to block water in order to gain time before further interventions are needed. This will require all agencies working in unison to stitch parcels together and to obtain funding. Richard McGuiness: Explained that the City has applied for a federal pre-disaster mitigation grant for the former Gillette property. The grant is for design, engineering, and construction.
Kathy Abbott: Added that there will also be a need private sector investment.
Michael Creasey: Inquired if the island studies can inform some of this decision making.
Alison Brizius: Answered that City will be doing some immediate short-term interventions, but do need more studies on how to revitalize and protect ecosystems. Island studies will be helpful. The second part of the plan will focus on reducing emissions to mitigate the need for interventions.
Elizabeth Solomon: Asked what timeframe will be used to address the issue.
Alison Brizius: Explained that the planning is not based on a timeframe, but rather on a level of resilience- with planning for 40 inches of sea level rise and 1% annual chance storm, the target is around 2070s, however the overall focus is on climate-readiness.
Elizabeth Solomon: Added that planning for 50 years may not be broad enough.
Alison Brizius: Elaborated that Greater Boston Research Advisory Group continues to assess climate risk and give City new information and projects to inform the planning horizon.
Michael Creasey: Added that the Mayor’s plan to reduce emissions lends itself to a broader longer-range plan.
Alison Brizius: Furthered that implementation of the emissions reduction plan will inform the planning team if 7 feet of projected rise is enough mitigation or if planning is needed for greater rise.
Elizabeth Solomon: Asked what city is doing to encourage developers to plan for resilience, specifically in the Seaport district.
Richard Solomon: Responded that all recent development is done with resilience planning in place, gave examples of elevated floors, additional clearance, LEED certification, etc. Projects 50 SF or greater now have to demonstrate resilience in planning and design. Smart utilities planning requires projects 100,000 SF or greater need to plan for storm water onsite. All development plans for new growth are accounting for resilience. Existing and older buildings are vulnerable and will need protections individually with retrofitting. There are over 86,000 current buildings in the City that need retrofits.
Michael Creasey: Asked what planning is in place for infrastructure.
Alison Brizius: Explained that the city has planned for layered resilience with active participation with MassPort, MBTA, etc.
Richard McGuiness: Furthered that DPW has guidelines for improving sidewalks, roadways, etc. Arthur Pearson: Inquired about impacts on shipping.
Richard McGuiness: Responded that certain areas, like Marine Park, Conway Terminal, etc. need to remain open. Docking and other systems need to be integrated into planning.
Rob Moir: Commented that he is glad to see nature being used as a sponge. Added that there were challenges in the Mystic River last year with loss of fish population.
Peddocks Island Planning Update
Cheri Ruane, Weston & Sampson Design Studio
Have started compiling various scenarios for Peddocks.
Strategizing for programming and infrastructure needs to support programming.
Working to GPS current infrastructure on-island that is deteriorating.
Considering pilot projects on-island:
One potential is growing oysters in a protected environment that the public can see and learn from.
Developing governance and economic conditions analysis of the island.
A plan for public engagement has been developed:
All information will be presented through a series of open houses so that planning team can learn from the public.
Questions and Answers
Elizabeth Solomon: Inquired if potential scenarios will be presented to the Partnership prior to the open houses.
Cheri Ruane: Responded that the planning team will meet with each organization in advance of public houses, including DCR, NPS, and BHN.
Jack Murray: Elaborated that the next step will be to take draft scenarios to BHI operations committee. Explained that there are no current plans for this to go out to the Partnership as a whole before it becomes public.
Elizabeth Solomon: Clarified that not everyone typically present at Partnership meetings attend the operations committee meetings. Expressed desire for the opportunity for Partnership to review scenarios before open houses.
Rob Moir: Asked if BHN could host something after-hours for the Partnership to review scenarios. Jack Murray: Answered that a Partnership meeting could be scheduled after hours.
Elizabeth Solomon: Expressed concern that there has been no outreach to Native American communities throughout this project.
Cheri Ruane: Explained that no groups have been reached out to yet and that planning for public engagement is happening now.
Elizabeth Solomon: Noted that outreach to Native American communities should not be conflated with outreach to the general public.
Rob Moir: Commented that Native American communities are a part of the Partnership, which was the point of the advisory council.
Kristen Wyman: Added that the advisory council has always been an avenue for public input, reaching Native American communities and beyond. Commented that there does not seem to be a process in place at all for Native American engagement. Expressed that there should be a process for working with advisory council even though they are suspended, since they have historically handled public outreach. Suzanne Gall Marsh: Added that the advisory council is an ambassador to the public and that the suspension should not mean that public engagement cannot happen.
Kristen Wyman: Emphasized that Boston Harbor Islands is a public park that belongs to the American people and that there needs to be an avenue for public engagement beyond a meeting during the business week.
Fred Laskey: Requested clarification in what was being requested. Inquired if this request is for a meeting of the advisory council or for a process of Native American engagement.
Elizabeth Solomon: Responded that the request is for plans to be brought to the Partnership meeting. Added that there has been no consultation with Native American communities. Clarified that engagement is needed, as opposed to a briefing.
Fred Laskey: Asked if a meeting can be set up to consult with Native American communities and the advisory council members.
Jack Murray: Responded that this is possible, but that the project is still in its beginning phases. Emphasized that this is not a secret process and this is the third time the Partnership has been briefed. Michael Creasey: Requested clarification on if this would be a meeting of the advisory council.
Fred Laskey: Clarified that this would not be an advisory council meeting.
Jack Murray: Offered that this could be a consultation with Native American communities specifically or it could be included within the operations committee meeting which is scheduled monthly.
Michael Creasey: Suggested that operations committee meeting would be a more appropriate format. Fred Laskey: Clarified that members of the advisory council could be invited, but not in any official advisory capacity. Also suggested that Native American communities be invited.
Rob Moir: Offered that it is not desirable to include this in an operations committee meeting.
Michael Creasey: Agreed to take all suggestions under consideration. Requested concurrence with DCR staff.
Cathy Stone: Suggested that it would be inconsistent with the culture of the Partnership for Native American communities to not be included. Furthered that it was always the Partnership’s intention to include these communities and develop a greater understanding of the islands.
Marc Albert: Added that there was once a planning committee. If the operations committee is best, then that is fine, but there was once a better format for this type of meeting.
Suzanne Gall Marsh: Noted that islands are under-utilized because of the current boat schedule. Emphasized a need for weekend, fall access via inter-island shuttle service.
The Trustees of Reservations, presented by Alicia Leuba
Announced that TTOR is working on:
Boston Waterfront Initiative.
Agreement with MassPort for a feasibility study.
Summer youth employment program through the waterfront ambassadors program.
Climate Ready Boston.
Partnering with UMass on developing coastal strategies to identify areas of high value habitat and public access that are currently unprotected.
Developing a state of the coast report to look at TTOR properties and how they are changing over time.
Coastal education work at Crane Beach on impacts of sea level rise. Considering pulling together a state-wide conference for adaptation.
Announced that World’s End parking improvements are done, landscape will now be improved. Will now begin replacing heritage trees and reinvesting in landscape to address drainage throughout property.
Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center (TIOBEC), presented by Arthur Pearson
Shared that TIOBEC is currently:
Scaling up current partnerships with BPS. In 5 years, the goal is to reach 2,600 kids each year.
Working to restore reliable water to island.
Preparing for kids coming back next month.
Announced that TIOBEC:
Is a tentative designee for a ramp and float system with BPDA.
Received a CPA grant to restore Salah Hall.
City of Boston, presented by Richard McGuiness
Announced that the City of Boston:
Has kicked off planning for North End waterfront to look at various sea-level rise scenarios and how we can augment shorelines, including Long and Central Wharf. Scenarios will result in concept designs, and moving quickly on FEMA grant proposals for pre-disaster mitigation.
Working on overlay for sea-level zoning districts for high-risk areas with guidelines to retrofit buildings.
Reminded everyone to sign up for email alerts for your neighborhood.
MA Department of Conservation and Recreation, presented by Priscilla Geigis
Shared that MA DCR is currently:
Working through summer seasonal hiring.
Preparing for leadership academy to begin next month with a focus on working together in a changing climate.
Training a new Student Conservation Association crew.
Continuing with mooring project with 69 moorings slated for installation by April 27. Phase two will add for 49 additional moorings by fall at Peddocks.
MA Water Resource Authority, presented by Fred Laskey
Announced that MWRA is currently:
Using revenue from fish licenses to enhance access to fishing via a new pier at Deer Island.
Preparing a new cable to go under the harbor.
Putting together a workgroup to think about water transportation.
National Parks of Boston, presented by Michael Creasey
Announced that:
Opening Day for public ferries is May 18th.
Park and partners are hosting a City Nature Challenge event as part of an international bio blitz April 26-29.
Volunteer citizen scientists are looking at coastal breeding in early May.
NPS is working with TIOBEC to recruit green ambassador youth program.
Beth Jackendoff is preparing for parental leave.
Shared proposed schedule and themes for future BHI Partnership meetings:
May 21 to focus on island access, requested ideas/input (Moakely, Pierce, Long Wharf, Charlestown shared as ideas).
July 16 trip to Peddocks.
September 17, considering inviting U.S. congressional delegation for briefing on Harbor Islands Partnership.
US Coast Guard, presented by CDR Taylor Lam
Thanked BHN for looking at funding options for a floating dock at Brewster Island.
Announced that as cruises resume, USCG is looking to address safety concerns, particularly considering the safety of potable water on island.
Boston Harbor Now, presented by Kathy Abbott
Thanked everyone for all of today’s presentations.
Shared enthusiasm and gratitude for how the City, Commonwealth, islands, and parks are all so engaged and active, with a shared sense of urgency for the changing climate.
Shared that water transportation contract loses money every year. A lot of marketing money that was once infused in the park has stopped.
Announced that BHN:
Will be putting substantial funding into marketing ferry access this year.
Will be getting two new tents on Spectacle this year funded by CPA grants.
Currently recruiting a volunteer manager.
Has selected two artists-in-residence for this summer, a poet and quilter.
Has scheduled Spectacle on Spectacle for June 20.
Public Comment
Tani Marinovich, new President of Save the Harbor, Save the Bay
Announced a Destination Boston Harbor event next Thursday night to honor Patty Foley for her accomplishments over the past 20 years. Email Tani for more info.
Suzanne Gall Marsh, Founder, Friends of Boston Harbor Islands
Announced a public cruise on May 5th will celebrate the 40th anniversary of FBHI. Cruise is free and open to the public. Boston Harbor Cruises has donated the boat to be used.
Kristen Wyman, member of the Nipmuc Tribe
Encouraged all who are thinking about resilience to consider tribes that have survived mass removal and incarceration on islands. Emphasized that we are in colonized spaces and that Nipmuc is a recognized tribe. Reminded Partnership that there are many different nations that see this as their space. Emphasized the importance of teaching youth about the history of the islands and Native spaces. Expressed concern about Long Island and bridge project with Native American communities not being considered. Encouraged Partnership to remember that you cannot begin a system of resilience starting with the Mayflower’s arrival, but need to consider historic use of places. Requested a more robust Native American engagement process, with a reminder that some communities are not federally recognized and are being left out of engagement processes with the advisory committee’s current suspension. Emphasized that the suspension should not dictate the level of Native American engagement.
Motion to adjourn by Richard McGuiness, seconded Kathy Stone. Motion approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm.
2018 Meeting Notes
November 21, 2018
Meeting Minutes
Wilmer Hale, 60 State Street, 26th Floor, Boston, MA
3:00-4:30 pm
Elizabeth Solomon, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council
Carolyn Fiore, Massachusetts Water Resource Authority
Frederick Laskey, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
CDR Taylor Lam, United States Coast Guard
CAPT Eric Doucette, United States Coast Guard
Kathy Abbott, Boston Harbor Now
Cathy Stone, Boston Harbor Now
Michael Creasey, National Park Service
Arthur Pearson, Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center
Leo Roy, Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation
Priscilla Geigis, Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation
Susan Kane, Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation
Jocelyn Forbush, The Trustees of Reservations
Stewart Dalzell, Massachusetts Port Authority
Call to Order and Introductions
Chairman Fred Laskey called meeting to order at 3:03 PM.
A motion was made by Cathy Stone to approve minutes from previous meeting, seconded by Leo Roy. The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.
Peddocks Island Master Plan
Cheri Ruane, Weston & Sampson (PowerPoint)
Weston & Sampson reflected on what they heard at the last meeting, including:
There are sensitive resources of the island that need to be respected and any re-programming or new elements introduced will consider all cultural sensitivities.
Any changes to the island will be done in coordination with DCR, NPS, BHN, and
all stakeholders with the park’s legislation in mind.
Weston & Sampson had a two day workshop with their project team. They spent one full day at Peddocks and spent the second day visiting other islands. Other accomplishments include:
Working on a renewable energy audit to understand the island’s power to produce energy.
Reviewing archival documents from DCR to understanding both existing and previous thinking about the island.
Considering examples from other cities, ferry schedules, and other logistical components.
Have pushed forward a number of the projected scenarios (detailed at previous meeting).
Scenarios are being narrowed and focused.
Next steps: On December 18th, there will be a workshop with the steering committee project crew to flesh out each scenario as it relates to permitting, legislation, and financial feasibility. Following the meeting, technical memorandums will be issued and pilot programs will begin next summer.
Questions & Answers
(Q) Elizabeth Solomon- Inquired about public input process.
(A) Cheri Ruane- Public meetings will start in early spring.
(Q) Elizabeth Solomon- Concerned that public input will not be received early enough to be fully incorporated into each pilot.
(A) Cheri Ruane- Explained that the ideas for each pilot need to be fleshed out more so that public meetings will lead to a productive dialogue.
(Q) Michael Creasey- Inquired if each pilot will be more programmatic as opposed to focusing on things like infrastructure and developmental changes.
(A) Cheri Ruane- Confirmed programmatic nature of each pilot, adding that no pilot scenarios will be completely developed at the time of the public meetings. Pilots will align with permitting requirements, legislation, the mission of DCR, but won’t be fully developed until public meetings are held and comment is received.
(Q) Marc Albert- Inquired about moving master planning beyond programming to include plans for development within the context of a public engagement process.
(A) Cheri Ruane- Explained that each pilot will first be clarified (to fully understand the challenges each pilot presents) then full landscape strategies will begin to be folded in.
Thompson Island Water Line and Dock Construction Opportunities
Arthur Pearson, Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center (TIOBEC)
Two big opportunities exist for us to be better stewards of Thompson Island.
Opportunity #1: Create an inclusive gateway to the island for local area students.
Current island access begins at a dock at Berth 10 inside the seaport (built in early 1990s).
TIOBEC wants to upgrade this access point and share it widely.
Have submitted a proposal to BPDA to build a new dock system that is fully accessible.
Proposal would replace the dock in its current location but reduce the dock’s slope at all tidal levels to meet compliance standards.
If funded, TIOBEC would consider sharing dock space with any interested parties.
Opportunity #2: Provide running water on island for this and future generations.
Current water delivery system is through a pipeline (constructed in the 1950s) that connects Thompson Island with Squantum and Quincy through a narrow strip of land under water.
On September 23rd, water stopped flowing to Thompson Island due to a breach in the pipeline.
TIOBEC spent 2-3 weeks isolating the site of the leak with help from a dive team.
Eventually, the pipeline was patched and water came back on.
Without water, staff at TIOBEC successfully continued to provide programming with creative use of a barge, water trucks, and portable restrooms, which was not easy nor inexpensive.
A total replacement will need to be considered as the current pipeline is aged and susceptible to corrosion.
TIOBEC has received varying rough estimates ranging from $600,000 to 1.9 million; all from engineers with very different design ideas.
Questions & Answers
(Q) Elizabeth Solomon- Expressed concern for archeological sensitivity of pipeline area (existing and future) and voiced need to consider use of techniques that ensure that archeological sites are not disturbed.
(A) Arthur Pearson- Ensured all that TIOBEC has knowledge of archeological considerations and will utilize all necessary consultants throughout the planning process.
Harbor Dredging Update
Stewart Dalzell, Massachusetts Port Authority (Powerpoint)
MassPort, Army Corps, and other agencies have been working together to look at deepening the harbor for a long time.
Current Dredging Plans:
Deepen the entrance channel (-51’).
Deepen areas leading up the reserve (-47’). o Deepen outer channel (-51’).
Deepen inner harbor and anchorage off deer island (-47’).
Operate 2-3 dredging systems at same time in different locations, starting late summer.
All plans are currently ahead of anticipated schedule.
After dredging, MassPort will have an estimated 12 million yd3 of gravel, silt, and clay; in addition to 380,000 yd3 of rock that will need to be broken up.
Materials will be taken to a Mass Bay disposal site ~20 miles off shore, adjacent to an industrial waste site.
Army Corps is open to alternative plans for dredge waste.
Project timeline:
Partnering Agreement Execution- September 2017.
Mechanical Dredging Contract Award- February/ March 2018.
Mechanical Dredging Contract Completion- 2021.
Fast Rock Removal Contract Start- 2020.
Fast Rock Removal Contract Finish- 2021.
Mass Port is working on the following additional projects:
Conley Terminal Berth 10 Improvement Project.
Constructing new deep-water container ship berth at former Coastal Oil property.
Dredging both the new Berth 10 and existing Berth 11 (-50’).
Project Timeline:
Phase I- Bulkhead, dredging, and rock removal.
Construction mobilization- July 2018.
Demolition of existing structures and bulkhead installation- ongoing.
Questions & Answers
None; discussion from audience members about how seamless dredging project has been without interruption to ferry schedules, transportation, etc.
Partnership Investment Reporting
National Parks of Boston, presented by Michael Creasey
National Park Service staff would like to capture the amount of non-federal and federal dollars that are spent each year by all Partnership members on projects related to the mission of Boston Harbor Islands. Information was captured in previous years and presented to congressional leadership to display the power that partnerships can have to leverage private sector dollars in support of public lands. NPS requests updates from the group.
Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council, presented by Elizabeth Solomon
Council is still suspended and unable to meet, no updates.
Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, presented by Carolyn Fiore
No updates.
United States Coast Guard, presented by CAPT Eric Doucette and Taylor Lam
No updates.
Boston Harbor Now, presented by Kathy Abbott and Cathy Stone
Continuing to work on coastal resiliency project with Stone Foundation and other partners to look for potential sites that may or may not work for dredging materials.
Water transportation, food service on the islands, and more options will be looked into in the upcoming year.
Had a wrap-up for last year’s artists-in-residence program and unveiled a new CRD for the upcoming year’s artist-in-residence program.
Thinking about how programs are packaged and marketed, will be adding marketing funds to almost every project proposal to increase marketing efforts in future years.
National Parks of Boston,presented by Michael Creasey
Navy Yard Visitor Experience Plan is out and funding has been received from Charlestown (totaling 3 million) to activate the Navy Yard.
A new visitor experience center will be added at the DOI Store (slated for design this June).
Volunteer program had 3,434 volunteers this year; completing 50,230 hours, totaling $1.2 million in in-kind value.
A pilot project to create development opportunities as a pipeline for youth employment has completed its first few years. Hoosac staff would like to take this project to a different level with a focus on local youth. Project will teach trade skills in resource management, landscape preservation, etc. to highlight careers in public lands. There will be a workshop in December 2018 and the park may look to the Partnership to help recommend students to enroll or to participate in creating pathways to employment for program youth.
Would like to focus the next Partnership meeting on sustainability and sea level rise impacts. Could have Chris Cook talk about the Boston’s sustainability strategy; Cathy Stone discuss NPS) talk about the park’s work with Boston University.
Massachusetts Water Resources Authority,presented by Frederick Laskey
Working to replace electrical lines to Deer Island.
Moving forward with plans to install a salt water fishing pier off of Deer Island with accessible parking.
Working with local residents to address and mitigate concerns of increased access through a congested roadway.
Thompson Island Outward Bound,presented by Arthur Pearson
Extended programming at Thompson Island to 9 total schools that have committed to bring all students in grades 5-8 out to the island. This is a significant expansion from past year’s programming.
Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, presented by Leo Roy
Cemetery renovations on Gallops Island are complete (in this phase). Project found more material than anticipated, which is currently being studied by archeologists. This project provided an interesting study of climate changes impacts on cultural resources.
Have improved visitor circulation at World’s End.
Added ~100 new parking spaces.
Changed driving approach, turnaround, and access.
Focused on open space in the harbor and considering East Boston opportunity.
Wrapping up coastal strategy planning and may have more info to share at next meeting.
Removed 12 dangerous cottages on Peddocks Islands
Public Input
Dalzell Benjamin Glynn, United States Coast Guard: Developing an annex of all islands that will list out the stewards for each, resources available, and more to be on-hand in the event of a spill or other emergency incident.
Next Meeting
Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 15, 2019; location MassPort.
Motion to adjourn the meeting by Leo Roy, seconded by Chairman Tuxhorn. Meeting adjourned at 4:15 pm.
September 18, 2018
Meeting Minutes
Wilmer Hale, 60 State Street, 26th Floor, Boston, MA
3:00- 4:30pm
Frederick Laskey, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Michael Creasey, National Park Service
Captain Eric Doucette, United States Coast Guard
Leo Roy, Priscilla Geigis, and Susan Kane, Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation
Laura Gilmore (representing Andrew Hargens), Massachusetts Port Authority
Chris Busch, Boston Planning and Development Agency
Kathy Abbott and Cathy Stone, Boston Harbor Now
Alicia Leuba, The Trustees of Reservations
Elizabeth Solomon and Rob Moir, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council
Call to Order and Introductions
Chairman Fred Laskey called meeting to order at 3:08 PM.
A motion was made by Fred Lansky to approve minutes from previous meeting, seconded by Leo Roy.
The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.
Cultural Landscape Draft Study Jeff Killion, National Park Service, Olmsted Center for Landscape Preservation (PowerPoint)
A draft cultural landscape inventory (CLI) of Peddock’s Island has been completed. The CLI is a tool that park managers use to establish baseline information on historically layered landscapes. The CLI identifies and documents the size, location, physical development, characteristics, and defining features of assets within a cultural landscape.
DCR Updates and Introduction of the Master Plan for Peddocks Island Leo Roy, Commissioner, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
DCR Updates:
DCR plans for Gallops Island to excavate and identify the remains, left exposed by a succession of powerful winter storms, and re-inter unclaimed sets of remains on the mainland, which will include restoration of the site, will be delayed until the fall.
Mooring permits have been forwarded to local commissions, DCR intends to drop moorings in fall to be ready for spring launch, projected 80-90 moorings.
Peddocks Island:
Permitting delays for the demolition of 12 cottages in serious disrepair with safety hazards, are now scheduled for demo in October.
Peddocks Plan will look at the island holistically (accounting for both natural and cultural resources) to envision a future. Will embark on a robust public process to determine the vision of the community and meet the recreational needs of future generations. The RFP process is complete, had 11 submissions with 1 selected consultant – Weston & Sampson.
Peddocks Island Master Plan Jack Murray, Boston Harbor Now and Cheri Ruane, Project Manager, Weston & Sampson
Jack Murray: The premise of planning effort is to create a 21st century park that is sustainable. We would envision the project would have private investments dollars to build a public/private partnership. There are needs for infrastructure improvement, stabilization, and development. Peddocks has seen improvements in past years including new electrical service, sewer service, removal of hazardous structures, and stabilizing existing buildings for re-use, including the development and rehabilitation of a visitor center, chapel, and campgrounds. Weston & Sampson has been awarded the contract after a robust selection process. Will be starting with a nine month planning process.
Cheri Ruane from Weston & Sampson presented the goals outlined in the RFI include utilizing an engaged public process, fostering transformational partnerships, and creating a unique island experience. Weston & Sampson surveyed the island; including ferry service, proximity to other islands, transportation challenges, and the 1999 report that studied stabilization, removal of buildings, and getting utilities onsite. They then developed potential business cases for Peddocks as sample themed options, including: Organic Growth (ecological growth), Living Lab (scientists onsite to develop climate change solutions), Innovation Island (productive landscape), Corporate Partnership (private sector use), and a minimal intervention approach. Each case shows possibilities, but final plan will probably be a combination of many of the alternatives. The next step will be to develop potential scenarios and test pilots on-island to inform the final plan.
Questions & Answers
(Q): Elizabeth Solomon: Concerned with cultural resource preservation on-island and its balance with recreation.
(A): Cheri Ruane: Weston & Sampson will build a robust interdisciplinary team that will ensure a balance of preservation and visitor experience.
(A): Jack Murray: Will have a steering committee that meets quarterly to report on progress. Project is co-funded by DCR and NPS who will ensure preservation of resources.
(Q): Rob Moir: Concerned with current status of advisory council during this period of change.
(A): Michael Creasey: The RFP built public involvement into the process and will present opportunities to engage the public in the planning process.
(A): Leo Roy: The entire process will be open and transparent.
Future Resilience Scenarios for Boston Harbor Islands Cathy Stone and Sonja Plesset, James M. and Cathleen D. Stone Foundation (PowerPoint)
Cathy Stone: This project was designed to better understand the role that the harbor islands play in protecting the Boston area waterfront from extreme weather events. The harbor islands pose an opportunity to explore how islands could be adapted to reduce wave energy and to identify potential and prevent further erosion that is happening at a rapid pace. People are also exploring the opportunities for island enhancements – i.e. enlarging or altering islands for ecological, recreational, and resilience purposes.
Sonja Plesset: This project has just begun. Stone Foundation has developed a diverse steering committee, commissioned a technical study, and convened a design charrette. The study has found that the islands significantly reduce wave height and energy, protecting the harbor. Possible enhancement locations were identified, including Gallops Islands- Nixes Mate linkage, Rainsford Island, Georges Island Intertidal Enhancement, and the creation of a “New Island” near Pleasure Bay. These ideas were presented at a charrette at Harvard Graduate School of Design that included a broad array of representatives from private foundations, government agencies, and educational institutions. Each group was asked to consider a possible enhancement scenario based on their professional area of expertise. The Stone Foundation will next meet with regulators, owners, and stakeholders to create a decision matrix with public input and begin to rank each potential site.
Partnership Roundtable Updates
Chairman Fred Laskey requests updates from the group. Massachusetts Port Authority,presented by Laura Gilmore (representing Andrew Hargens)
MA Port has been working on development of the public realm, particularly in South Boston. RFQ will be issued for Roseland Building 5 and 6 development opening in October with new housing units. MA Port Marine Terminal is breaking ground in October.
BHI Advisory Council, presented by Rob Moir: No updates; Advisory Council has not been able to meet.
Boston Planning and Development Agency,presented by Chris Busch
State grants are starting up this fall, looking at funding mechanisms to enhance shoreline protection in East Boston and Charlestown neighborhood.
Another grant moving forward will look at flood resiliency overlay, planning for sea-level rise and zoning that can enhance preparedness with design guidelines to retrofit new buildings.
Planning is underway for master planning in Mattapan, the New Market District downtown, and a new community planning process for East Boston.
United States Coast Guard,presented by Captain Doucette
Difficult winter last year at Little Brewster Island. USCG has been looking at work there and have had several site visits to evaluate damages.
Have had some turnover and are orienting new staff (welcome Commander Lam) to the Harbor Islands.
USCG is in recovery mode from island damage last year and is starting to prepare for winter storms this year.
National Park Service,presented by Michael Creasey
Looking forward to helping restore Little Brewster Island with USCG and would be hopeful to have future public access.
The partnership among DCR, BHN, NPS and Boston Harbor Cruises went well.
There was a lot of programming this season; Michael asked NPS staff to provide updates:
Lighthouse cruises were a great success (prototyped 15 cruises for almost 800 people).
Engaged over 6,000 people at welcome center programs.
Brought first time campers to Peddock’s Island for night sky programs, totaling six ranger-led trips.
Trails to Freedom Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) crew engaged 144 youth campers, 3 YCC youth interns reached over 900 visitors.
Hosted Discovery Camps with DCR and NPS staff, including 4 YCC interns to reach 475 youth from YMCAs and Boys and Girls Clubs.
Thompson Island Outward Bound reached 48 YCC, employing 12 Student Conservation Association interns to facilitate programs on-island, with a focus on stewardship and land preservation.
Entering third year of a public lands fellowship that teaches youth about careers in public land, efforts this fall will focus on engaging partners in fellowship opportunities.
Boston Harbor Now,presented by Kathy Abbott
Raised funds for 485 free programs on island this summer, which brought 35,000 underserved youth on island. Save the Harbor, Save the Bay reached 10,000 people on-island this year.
Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation,presented by Leo Roy: Gave reports at beginning of meeting, see above.
The Trustees of Reservations,presented by Alicia Leuba
Currently developing coastal strategies, will likely have at next meeting.
At World’s End, have nearly finished visitor experience and circulation project that addresses transportation and backup issues. About to start landscape restoration project to establish World’s End landscape features.
Nick Black reported on the TTOR’s Waterfront Initiative that seeks to create a climate friendly, green, open space along the Harbor.
Working through feasibility of project on Pier Point 3 on East End. Working on Climate Ready South End project.
Public Input
Susan Gall-Marsh, Friends of Boston Harbor Islands: Friends are working with DCR and have applied for partnership matching funds to restore the oil house on Lovells Island over the next two years. Have begun fundraising (need $75,000) and have more info about the project on their website. Planning a New Year’s Day trip to Thompson Island.
Resident of Peddocks Island: Looking for information on vacated space on structure being removed. DCR provided additional information.
Save the Harbor, Save the Bay: Offered assistance advancing public concerns during time period in which Advisory Council cannot meet.
Next Meeting
Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 20, 2018.
Motion to adjourn the meeting by Chairman Laskey, seconded by Leo Roy. Meeting adjourned
May 15, 2018
Meeting Minutes
The Offices of WilmerHale, 60 State Street, Boston
3:00 – 4:30 PM
Fred Laskey, MWRA (Chair)
Austin Blackmon, City of Boston (Vice Chair)
Kathy Abbott, Boston Harbor Now
Michael Creasey, National Park Service (NPS)
Stewart Dalzell, Massachusetts Port Authority
Priscilla Geigis, Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR)
Claudia Gelzer, United States Coast Guard (USCG)
Susan Kane, Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR)
CDR Brad Kelly, United States Coast Guard (USCG)
Jocelyn Forbush, The Trustees of Reservations (TTOR)
Richard McGuiness, Boston Planning and Development Agency (BPDA)
Rob Moir, Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council
Jack Murray, Boston Harbor Now
Leo Roy, Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR)
Call to Order and Introductions
Chairman Fred Laskey calls meeting to order at 3:08 PM.
Approval of minutes: moved and seconded; approved. A motion was made by Fred Laskey, seconded by Austin Blackmon. The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.
Partnership Business
Recognition: The Partnership recognized the following individuals for contributions to advancing the goals of the Partnership relative to Harbor Islands development, stewardship, access and visitor experience:
Marianne Connolly (newly retired MWRA): Fred Laskey and Michael Creasey recognized Marianne Connolly’s many public service roles associated with Boston Harbor Islands and other public lands, including land acquisition associated with Pope John Paul Park; MWRA- Improvements to Deer Island MWRA facilities, MWRA Aqueduct Trails (bike and walking paths; 39 miles of trails). MC presented with early map of Boston Harbor, including Deer Island. Marianne recalled early drafts of the park legislation and the number of people who said there wouldn’t be a park to talk about until 2016. Today, Marianne encourages young people to remember that things happen in increments and not to get impatient – things take time, keep believing. Marianne also thanked the Partnership and its membership for support and effort to make the islands a bigger and better part of the Boston metropolitan area
Captain Claudia Gelzer, USCG Commanding Officer Sector Boston (retiring): Recognized by Fred Laskey and Michael Creasey. Recognition for oversight of coastal safety, security, and environmental protection from the New Hampshire-Massachusetts border south to Plymouth and for management, oversight and partnership work associated with Boston Light. Presented with framed 1848 harbor map. Claudia: This is a powerful group; spent my career focusing on protecting the water; protecting the islands has been a focus; public access to Little Brewster of prime importance. Thanks to all for continuing to protect the harbor
Brad Kelly, USCG Deputy Commanding Officer Sector Boston (heading to new assignment in Canada): Recognized by Fred Laskey and Michael Creasey for leadership service to Sector Boston, including commitment and contributions to public programming and care of Little Brewster and Boston Light. Presented with framed 1700s historic map of Boston harbor and islands. Brad: upon arriving at Boston (from the south) always had a strong appreciation for the islands.
Nomination of New Partnership List
Nominations to be presented to the Secretary. Five positions to fill: two USCG positions (created by Claudia and Brad’s departures); nomination for Cathy Stone has been received; NPS to fill behind Giles Parker; MWRA to fill Marianne Connolly.
Measuring and Modeling Change on the Boston Harbor Islands (see ppt), presented by Marc Albert (Natural Resource and Stewardship Program Manager, NPS), Amanda Babson (NER Climate Change Response Specialist), Zoe Hughes (Boston University, Earth & the Environment, Research Assistant Professor), Julie Wormser (Consultant, Climate Science and Communication)
Marc: overview of project scope and goals:
Work is year one of a three year study supported with federal funding (project title: Inspiring Coastal Change Adaptation through locally scaled vulnerability analysis)
Focus year #1: Georges, Lovells and Gallops Islands
Focus year #2 (2019): Thompson,
Focus Year #3 (2020): Calf, Little Brewster and Great Brewster
Amanda: Findings will help inform partnership practices. BHI partnership as case study for prototyping protocols and assessing possibilities for developing a replicable model. Zoe: Reviewed key research questions and methodology Julie Wormser: Science Communication Communication element as key to the study. Three communication methods/audiences developed and prototyped with goal of engaging broad/diverse audiences with varied interests and motivations
Communication with partners, stakeholders
Science in the Park: summer programming with youth in the parks (coastal change)
Crowd sourced citizen science with volunteers posting images and information - - in real time; looking to install picture posts on the islands so that people post their cameras and take shots from the same place for comparisons over time
Marianne Connolly: Asked why Deer Island not included in study; referenced 5-7 years of monitoring and studying at Deer Island which demonstrated accretion as opposed to erosion.
Team response: The suite of islands was selected, in part, to assess impacts on different environmental systems/conditions. Island selections reflect a representative sample. Deer Island was considered and the team was in communication with MWRA. Received notification of non-interest.
USCG comment on management of Little Brewster and Boston Light,presented by USCG CDR Brad Kelly & Captain Claudia Gelzer
Currently there is no MOA or MOU for caring for Little Brewster. USCG, BHN and NPS developed a charter for the relationship and are working on a MOA to define roles and responsibilities relative to management, care and public access/programming associated with Little Brewster. MOA will provide a framework for working together to develop a strategy for long-term management, maintenance and care of Little Brewster.
Recent storm damage was significant, which, in part, is resulting in a pause in visitation/public programming. Rather than island visits, working to develop a harbor tour that will include three lighthouses.
CG: Long-term, USCG may not be the best caretaker for Little Brewster. It’s not really part of their mission; issue has been raised before; potentially time to re-engage in this conversationUSCG recognized for taking steps to codify relationships with a focus on management, care and public access to/of Little Brewster.
Water Transportation Study (ppt),presented by Alice Brown, Director of Water Transportation, BHN
Findings from Water Transportation Strategy
Preparing for 2018 season
New ferry schedule and loop schedule; reduced ferries in the spring and fall; intra island is only Friday – Sunday
Studying visitation (NPS/NER Steven Thompson)
Developing an RFP for 2019 - five year contract; RFP to be released after Labor Day (in the process of doing a market analysis to understand value of service and use this to develop draft RFI which will be circulated for feedback)
MC: Transportation study, including data analysis provided by S Thompson, raises a lot of interesting questions: infrastructure, transportation assumptions, island amenities, ferry rates.
How might we activate the islands in new ways?
What is island carrying capacity?
How might we increase public interest in the islands?
Make the trip worth the while and lead to a return trip?
What keeps people on the islands or entices them to come back?
Waterfront Symposium Update,presented by Meera Deean, Director of Planning, BHN
Mayors’ panel discussion May 24
Discussion with Mayor Kim Driscoll of Salem, Mayor Thomas McGee of Lynn, and Mayor Martin J. Walsh of Boston on the harbor’s role in the regional economy, climate resilience, public access and open space, water transportation, and public health and well-being.
May 30: Boston Harbor for All: Advancing Collaborative Action
Keynote: Mitchell Silver, NYC Parks Commissioner. Day-long symposium on how to realize the opportunities for great public spaces and parks, more equitable and innovative development, a strong working port, and long-term climate resilience
Partnership Roundtable Updates
Chairman Fred Laskey requests updates from the group. Boston Harbor Now,presented by Jack Murray
Capital planning – received information from all partners except the city and BPDA. Currently have 43 projects totaling 48 million dollars
Peddocks Master Plan RFI just released – tour for interested parties June 1, questions by June 10, proposals due June 22; Councils of real estate also partnering on the Peddocks Project - - will assess plan once developed to assess real estate values
Army Corps of Engineers – pushing Corps for moorings program for the island; Spectacle marina will be up and running this season.
Massachuetts Port Authority,presented by Stewart Dalzell
Continued focus on resiliency per Sustainable Massport (sustainability vision) – looks at waterfront and other parcels; working with Army Corps on harbor dredging project to begin spring or early summer; excited about getting ready to support new berths as part of channel deepening project
Boston Harbor Now,presented by Kathy Abbott
Recommends Jim Aloisi’s Massport at 60: Shaping the future since 1956. Great account on the development and history of Boston harbor.
June 21 is Spectacle on Spectacle – gala; grant with DPD – daylighting public benefits of the mitigation licenses - - idea is to get more people down to the waterfront and on the harbor walk - - - private sector funding via chapter 91
Department of Conservation and Recreation, presented by Leo Roy
Peddocks cottages being removed this month – removing hazardous materials and then taking down the cottages
Gallops Island work – renovation to the cemetery, disinterment – goal is to accomplish this work in a low key and respectful way, island is closed and off limits to the public
Commissioner is hopeful that the mooring permit will come in – latest word is that DCR will have permits at the end of this week - - DCR has gear and tackle – just waiting for permits.
National Park Service,presented by Michael Creasey
Shout out to people who made presentations
Codifying USCG agreement, dealing with Little Brewster post storm
Jack, Susan and DCR working hard on moorings and upgrades which will make a big visitor first difference this summer
BHI newspapers hot off the press tomorrow
Season opening will be this Saturday (5/19)– Long Wharf North – Michael, Kathy and Leo (possibly Chris Cook) will be there for ribbon cutting
MA Water Resources Authority, presented by Fred Laskey
Signed MOU with fisheries for fishing pier on Deer Island
City of Boston,presented by Austin Blackmon
Mayor Walsh hosting international climate conference on June 7 - - 30 mayors with John Kerry keynoting - - mayoral commitment to climate resilience
Climate Ready Boston - - pushing forward with that – finishing up shovel ready projects for fort point channel, umass Boston is in the process of finishing harbor barriers study should be distributed later this summer - - feasibility study - - constructing something like a wall will take 30-40 years - - need to do more coastal things in the interim
Long Island – Mayor Walsh made it a priority to reconstruct bridge to provide support services for recovery communities - - pursuing permits
Boston Planning and Development Agency,presented by Richard McGuiness
Secured approval for downtown redevelopment plan Greenway pavilion to docks; dock reconfiguration; renewed gateways to the islands
United States Coast Guard, presented by CDR Brad Kelly
Coast Guard and Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection responded to a dielectric oil leak Friday in the Mystic River. Discovered pipe leaking under I-93 bridge in Somerville; it has been dealt with - - no more active leaking, though the ground is saturated; taking steps to remediate
Friday, May 18 the USS Constitution will be underway and USCG will be assisting – robust security package
Active shooter training on May 23 -taking plan from notification to accessing ferry to assessing and taking action on situation and assisting survivors.
Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council,presented by Rob Moir
Teamed up with Donald Blair physicist to measure temperature with depth using DIY techniques; device accurately recorded temperature to depth; currently prototyping different ways to measure temperature and salinity of Boston Harbor water masses (citizen science implications)
Next Meeting
Next meeting scheduled for July 17. Potential trip to the islands. Presentation on work supported by the Stone Foundation.
Chairman Fred Laskey adjourns meeting at 4:31 PM.
March 20, 2018
Meeting Minutes
The Offices of WilmerHale, 60 State Street, Boston
3:00 – 4:30 PM
Priscilla Geigis – Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR)
Susan Kane – Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation
Alicia Leuba – The Trustees of Reservations (TTOR)
Richard McGuiness – Boston Planning and Development Agency (BPDA)
Michael Creasey – National Park Service (NPS)
Chairman Fred Laskey– Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA)
Vice Chairman Austin Blackmon – City of Boston
Arthur Pearson – Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center (TIOBEC)
CDR Brad Kelly – United States Coast Guard (USCG)
Maureen Cavanaugh – Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council (BHI Advisory Council)
Rob Moir – Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council
Jack Murray – Boston Harbor Now
Austin Blackmon – City of Boston
Call to Order and Introductions:
Chairman Fred Laskey calls meeting to order at 3:06 PM. Approval of December 5, 2017
Meeting Minutes
A motion was made by Austin Blackmon, seconded by Fred Laskey. The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.
Partnership Business
Storm Impact Discussion This section supported by images shared via powerpoint. Retrieve ppt from Fred Laskey.
Flood barriers were deployed to protect electrical equipment and other important assets. In order to save time and effort, some may stay up semi-permanently.
Communication and logistics for barrier implementation was the biggest challenge, but all in all it was pretty successful.
DCR: Susan Kane
At Nantasket Beach, water flooded completely down Nantasket Ave for the first time in at least ten years. Water overtopped the storm barricades, filled in the labor yard and flooded many buildings. At one point, they had to pull vehicles out because the water was flooding into truck cabs. Large sections of sidewalk and roadway were dislodged.The islands also suffered a great deal of damage, thankfully most of it was not to the docks. On Spectacle, the yurt dome came off and skin was ripped, which needs repair. On Georges, sea wall damage continues to be a threat. In Hingham, the commuter boat walkway structure is damaged. The long wooden pier separating the DCR and MBTA buildings and the buildings flooded. MBTA and DCR will need to work together to address this so it doesn’t impact ferry service.
USCG: CDR Brad Kelly
The boardwalk has come loose and Run into the historic boathouse on Little Brewster. These two structures have been damaged several times in recent storms. Discussions are happening to determine if they can repair it by summer season, but USCG needs to prioritize “operationally significant” resources.
TIOBEC: Arthur Pearson
Thompson Island’s pavilion was almost completely surrounded by water in the flood. The structure is raised up so water can go under it, which it did, so they felt fortunate that they had taken precautions to protect it. Great damage was sustained to the wave wall, which will be tested in upcoming storms. Pipe burst in Lewis caused major damage and has redirected staff time and resources away from island clean-up and opening preparations.
The Trustees: Alicia Leuba
There was serious flooding out to and between the two drumlins, but with fairly little damage. Most of the damage was tree damage which will take a lot of work clean up, despite crews coming out from across the state.
MWRA: Fred Laskey
Deer Island’s sea walls were remarkably successful during the flood. The biggest challenge was road flooding, preventing access to the facility.
As a group, we should chronicle photos that show harbor impacts as we go through these historic changes. We have collected some here, but partners should feel free to add to these as we move forward.
Capital Plan Roll Up
Jack Murray (BHN):
The goal of this plan is to assess partner needs in a way that allows us to maximize our collective impact over the years to come. By having assessments ready, partners will be able to support each other when opportunities to fund projects arise. Some examples of how this has worked in the past include:
DCR and NPS did an assessment of piers on Peddocks, Spectacle, and Georges Islands, which made us eligible for $10,000 of NPS funding for those repairs
Preparedness of a $15 million capital plan on Georges Island
Funding preparation enabled us to be eligible for repairs to Little Brewster’s float system
Kathy Abbott’s successful plan to get water to Peddocks, which involved running utility lines from Hull
We have been eligible for this funding because we have been prepared with reports when opportunities come up. In order to be as prepared as possible, the partnership will gather an inventory of needs so that we can be eligible for as much funding as possible. We’re well on our way to compiling a partnership-wide inventory of needs and capital plans. Phil Griffiths (formerly of Boston Harbor Island Alliance) will be returning to help put this document together.
Alicia Leuba (TTOR):
TTOR provided 3 projects that are high on the “need list,” but the “wish list” is much longer. Is this supposed to be a “needs” list or a “wish” list, because those two things look very different.
Jack Murray (BHN): It can be helpful to put everything in case any partner can provide resources, but it may also be best to avoid getting the public’s hopes up. It is up to each partner to make that call. BHN may not be in the position to fundraise around these projects right now, but in the future may have the opportunity to fundraise for priority projects identified in this plan.
Maureen Cavanaugh (BHI Advisory Council): What will be the opportunities for the public to provide input for this document? The advisory council is on a hiatus, but how can we make room for public voice?
Jack Murray (BHN): At this point we are identifying projects that are already on the horizon for these groups. Kathy Abbott is looking at opportunities to leave room for input without letting this program grow exponentially.
Rob Moir (BHI Advisory Council): This is something that should be a comprehensive document. It’s a good opportunity to clue the public in early to what’s going on.
Fred Laskey (MWRA): If a wish list is created representing all the needs and wants, and we don’t accomplish everything, we need to find a way to focus on our accomplishments and focus on items we may not accomplish.
Rob Moir (BHI Advisory Council): It’s not a question of identifying which projects are most popular, it’s about having useful access to this information.
Michael Creasey (NPS): This is a great opportunity for us to get a sense of our collective impact. It can serve as a check-in point to see where we are and find new ways to collaborate, leverage resources and look at where we’re going.
Priscilla Geigis (DCR): This is a great way to get everything out on the table as a first step. If we follow this step by step process, we can identify and pursue more accurately targeted projects.
Engaging Youth: Harbor Islands Youth Employment and Development Programs Liza Stearns (NPS)
The Boston Harbor Islands Partnership can engage youth as a collective to forge strong connections between people, the islands and resource stewardship.
Liza Stearns (NPS) introduces Celena Illuzzi (formerly of Olmsted Center for Landscape Preservation) as the new National Parks of Boston Youth Employment and Development Specialist.
Hill to Harbor Corps:Celena Illuzzi (NPS)
Hill to Harbor Corps is a collaborative project between NPS, DCR and BHN. It employs 15-18 year old youth to facilitate recreational and educational experiences for even younger people (YMCAs, Boys and Girls Clubs, Boston Centers for Youth and Families camp groups).
Outcomes for youth employees include leadership, civic engagement, resource awareness and resource stewardship.
Each program starts in the club, campers visit Georges, Spectacle, and Peddocks Islands for day long experiences and finish with a culminating art reflection experience back at their club.
Thompson Island Green Ambassadors:Jay Esty (TIOBEC)
The Green Ambassadors program is a collaboration between NPS and TIOBEC which provides summer employment for (35-40) 15-18 year old Boston youth.
It provides opportunities for professional development, environmental sciences, character and socioemotional learning throughout the summer. Interns perform work on each of the islands that they are visiting, with an emphasis on developing STEM skills. Through a sequence of three, 7-week summers, interns develop environmental stewardship, team building and career readiness skills and are introduced to academic and professional pathways to pursue their interests.
All Access Boston Harbor: Chris Mancini (Save the Harbor/Save the Bay)
Save the Harbor/Save the Bay’s All Access Boson Harbor provides 15-18 year old youth employees with opportunities to introduce Greater Boston youth (ages 7-12) to the harbor islands through recreation and education, including hands-on STEM activities.
Interns learn how we can utilize the Boston harbor as a resource for recreation and education. There is a focus on increasing positive health outcomes and setting interns up for long term success in professional and academic realms.
All Access Boston Harbor partners with Boys and Girls Clubs, YMCAs, Boston Centers for Youth and Families, and smaller community groups throughout greater Boston area. They take 28 trips per year, engaging 10,000 youth and families from 43 communities.
The program employs 19 Boston teens as Junior Program Assistants.
New England Aquarium Live Blue Ambassadors:Marc Albert (NPS) – presenting for Lucy Indge (NEAQ)
The Live Blue Ambassadors program engages teens in hands on service projects in the coastal area. They are connected mostly through Stewardship Saturdays.
Eight teens provide support on NPS stewardship projects every Saturday for most of the year. They’re also taking the lead on MIMIC project to collect and share critical data as part of the marine invader monitoring and information collaborative.
Through their work wit Stewardship Saturday, they train volunteers in MIMIC protocols and associated citizen science activities.
The AmeriCorps Preservation Program focuses on developing skills to maintain and preserve historic structures on the Boston Harbor Islands. Last summer, they completed projects on Georges, Peddocks and Bumpkin Islands. On Georges, they assessed windows, repaired and reinstalled some and painted over other boards to give visitors a better sense of what Fort Warren used to look like. They also repaired and replaced some flooring. On Peddocks Island, they cleared and replaced the stairway that connects campground to the Visitor center. On Bumpkin Island, they rehabbed windows, masonry and flooring. This year, they have doubled in size and will continue to work on these and similar projects.
Liza Stearns (NPS): This group demonstrates incredible initiative and effort to get young people out to our islands. Some attributes of successful teen-centric youth employment are:
Authentic work and needs
Opportunities to work with professionals/experts
Youth voice
Strategic recruitment
Thoughtfully structured scope and sequence
Age-appropriate practice
Culturally responsive practice
Evaluation metrics and methods
Family and school-year connections
Systemic endorsement – everyone understands value of involving youth
Partnership Roundtable Updates
Chairman Fred Laskey requests updates from the group. Massachuetts Water Resources Authority,presented by Fred Laskey: Marianne Connolly retired.
Boston Harbor Now,presented by Jack Murray
The ferry schedule is being finalized. The hope is to allow the public as many opportunities as possible for people to get to our park.
Ferry schedule will go live on March 28. Camping opportunities will follow.
They are currently consulting plans to do island repairs.
They will continue planning with the concessioner to increase corporate events and support the public side of island activities.
National Park Service, presented by Marc Albert
Thanks Susan for taking lead on partnerships operations committee for so long. Marc will now serve as chair for operations piece of those meetings, and Jack Murray will chair the water transportation piece.
For stewardship updates, the storms caused significant damage to natural and cultural resources on the islands. The salt marsh on Peddocks was covered by rocks, and the waves exposed historic resources on other islands.
Arthur (TIOBEC): Will that impact the breeding birds? Marc Albert (NPS): It might be okay, but Audubon, DCR and NPS are working together on a full monitoring season.
BHI Advisory Council,presented by Maureen Cavanaugh
The Advisory Council is still suspended, is there any update?
Some Advisory Councils are being reinstated. Is there anything ours can be doing?
Michael Creasey (NPS): There are a handful of Advisory Councils that have been approved to reconvene, but he has heard nothing so far that would be relevant to the BHI Advisory Council. As soon as he does, he will inform the council members.
United States Coast Guard,presented by CDR Brad Kelly
The Coast Guard had a big ice breaking season in December, breaking out facilities to get fuel in etc.
The search and rescue season is coming up, and they are partnering with local teams to prepare for the 4th of July and the Boston Marathon.
Leadership changes are coming to USCG - A new Sector Commander will be coming in and CDR Brad Kelly will also be leaving.
Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center,presented by Arthur Pearson
TIOBEC’s biggest projects coming up are onboarding, training staff and focusing on storm damages. The first students show up in late April and programming is expanding to include a new school from East Boston.
City of Boston,presented by Austin Blackmon
The City of Boston has been rededicating itself to work on adapting to climate change.
The Boston Harbor Barrier Study will be set to wrap up this summer, which will have important applications for all BHI Partners.
Massachusetts Water Resources Authority,presented by Fred Laskey
The new fishing pier will require more parking spaces, so they are adding 40 additional parking spaces around fishing pier in the next year.
National Park Service,presented by Michael Creasey
National Parks of Boston is official as signed by the new Regional Director. It will continue to focus on youth engagement, planning for collective impact, and using the arts to tell our stories.
Boston Planning and Development Agency,presented by Richard McGuiness
The five year capital plan, including an assessment of Long Wharf, The Downtown Waterfront Municipal Harbor Plan, should be approved this spring.
The Trustees of Reservation,presented by Alicia Leuba
Worlds End broke ground on long awaited circulation and parking project to reconfigure traffic circulations to prevent backups. They are also adding 30 additional parking spaces to their lot. They are in the final planning stages of a landscape restoration plan to restore the park to Olmsted’s design.
Department of Conservation and Recreation,presented by Susan Kane
Much of Georges Island is covered with debris and cobble which will take a lot of work to recover. The sea wall is only about 30 feet away from the corner of the fort at this point. There wasn’t too much significant pier damage in the storm, but the water line is down again. Hopefully that can be fixed before the season. DCR is ready to put out a bid for pier improvements on Peddocks, Spectacle and Georges, which will improve the visitor experience. Expect that some new moorings will be in place for this season.
Department of Conservation and Recreation,presented by Priscilla Geigis
Storm damage is widespread and they are using a GPS app to pinpoint and track damages.
Park Serve Day is April 28th, there will be a project on Spectacle Island. She also have her thanks to Susan and Peter for their work starting the Americorps Historic Preservation Program.
Public Comment
John Curwen (NPS): In partnership with DCR, USCG, BHN and NPS Evacuation Day cruise with an 11:00 AM departure this Saturday, March 24th.
Boston Harbor Islands National and State Park
21 Second Ave
617 819-3587
This is the phone number for the Boston Harbor Islands Welcome Center on the Rose Kennedy Greenway. It is only checked while the Welcome Center is operational. During the off-season, please contact us via email.