
Pathways Through American History: Every Place Has a History

Outdoor mural
Mural "50 years of Flowers & Memories," in Lompoc, California, 2013.

Photo by Carol Highsmith, courtesy Library of Congress.

Learning in Place

The places that we live, work, and gather can be special to us and our communities. Along this Pathway, “Every Place Has a History,” discover how people have expressed and shared the meaning of those places.

Find other Pathways.

Exterior of white building with green painted lettering
The Delano Filipino Community Hall, 2019.

NPS Photo

Marker 1 of 4: What does a historic place look like?

Some places have been intentionally preserved or designated as worthy of preservation by local, state, tribal, or national authorities. The National Park Service offers guidance, partnerships, community assistance, and grants to support historic preservation throughout the United States.

Now’s your chance to get involved in your community! Search for the historic places near you and learn how you can protect them.

Every story has historic places, even if they are not well-known. What do you need to uncover the history of the place where you live? What do historic places need from you to stay relevant?

Preserving History

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    Research It!

    You can find historic places in your community—or anywhere else in the US—by searching National Register documents at the National Archives.

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More to Explore

The resources below emphasize the importance of partnership in National Park Service preservation efforts, including what you can do to save America’s special places.

Wood structure in background with golden wheat in foreground
Prairie landscape, Nicodemus National Historic Site, 2015.

NPS Photo

Marker 2 of 4: How have historic places served as sites of inclusion or exclusion?

By offering opportunities for self-expression, some places created a sense of belonging and community. Places have also been a refuge from forced exclusion, removal, or erasure.

Some places are sites of trauma where violence, abuse, or suppression of identity occurred. It can be difficult to confront past harm and heal divides at these places.

Why are these histories so hard to think and talk about? Think about some of the things that you packed to set off on the Pathways (courage, curiosity). How can these things help you grapple with complicated parts of our past?

Marking Conflict and Change

More to Explore

Histories embodied at historic sites can be painful and difficult to face. But grappling with and preserving these stories can also lead to inspiration or reconciliation.

Circular area with decorative stone walls surrounding it
African Burial Ground, New York, New York, 2008.

Courtesy Library of Congress

Marker 3 of 4: How do people express their connection to places that are important to them?

How do you remember the places that are special to you? Some communities erect monuments and memorials to remember events or historic figures at a specific place. Artists, poets, and writers also create interpretive odes to meaningful communities and places.

When historic or natural places become endangered, some people work to preserve or conserve them for future generations. The places that we preserve can reveal a lot about what we value.

Consider a place that you think is worthy of preservation. What makes it memorable? What would you like someone to know about you based on the place you want to preserve?

Connecting to Place

More to Explore

These resources describe how people have expressed and shared the meaning of places that were important to them.

Gray building with purple fence and painted text
Edificio Comunidad de Orgullo Gay de Puerto Rico - San Juan Puerto Rico, 2017.

Photo by Ian Poellet

Marker 4 of 4: How can competing experiences or memories coexist at a particular place?

Historic sites are preserved to stand the test of time. Over time, sites may be adapted and used for different purposes. These places can speak to multi-layered histories even when one story becomes particularly well-known.

Because history is complex, the places that embody it are too. Sites can be sources of reckoning, inspiration, and change. They can speak to histories of resistance and resilience and pave the way for justice.

How can we make space to listen to other people's truths and lived experiences, especially if they are in conflict or competition with our own?

Acknowledging Complexity

  • Map of New York City with places marked in red
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More to Explore

The articles below illustrate how the meaning of a place may evolve over time and can speak to these stories in different ways.

Keep Up the Pace

As you think about the place where you live, consider the generations of the people who lived there before you. What can you do to acknowledge and honor them?

Learn more about Indian Lands

The content for this article was researched and written by Jade Ryerson, an intern with the Cultural Resources Office of Interpretation and Education.

Last updated: February 14, 2025