Park Planning

Public open house sign at Parson's Lodge for Tuolumne River Plan with Lembert Dome in background

Yosemite Foundation Document

Yosemite Foundation Document (December 2016)

This foundational document provides basic guidance for planning and management decisions—a foundation for planning and management. The core components of the foundation document include a brief description of the park as well as the park’s purpose, significance, fundamental resources and values, and interpretive themes. The foundation document also includes special mandates and administrative commitments, an assessment of planning and data needs that identifies planning issues, planning products to be developed, and the associated studies and data required for park planning. Along with the core components, the assessment provides a focus for park planning activities and establishes a baseline from which planning documents are developed.

Yosemite Foundation Document Overview (2017)

This document gives an overview of Yosemite National Park's purpose, significance, fundamental resources and values, and interpretive themes.

Current and Ongoing Plans

Plant Gathering for Traditional Purposes

The National Park Service (NPS) is initiating an opportunity for public comment on developing an Environmental Assessment (EA) for gathering plants and plant parts for traditional purposes by tribal members traditionally associated with Yosemite National Park. Comments will be accepted from January 13 through February 12, 2025; share your insights on what the NPS should include in their analysis. Consider the potential effects (both beneficial and negative) from traditionally associated tribal members gathering and tending plants for traditional purposes.

This environmental assessment will establish a framework through which members of tribes traditionally associated with Yosemite National Park may gather plants and plant parts for traditional purposes. The plan is needed to protect park resources, ensure cultural continuance in association with tribal gathering and Indigenous Knowledge (IK), and comply with 36 CFR § 2.6 - Gathering of Plants or Plant Parts by Federally Recognized Indian tribes.

The public scoping period for the plan for Plant Gathering for Traditional Purposes is open from January 13 through February 12, 2025. Submit your initial comments now.

Mist Trail Corridor Project

The National Park Service (NPS) is initiating a planning process for the Mist Trail Corridor. The park aims to address safety, wayfinding, stewardship, and education to improve amenities to support sustainable visitor use. The trails in the Mist Trail Corridor are the busiest in Yosemite National Park. This historic trail corridor features legendary trails and landmarks, such as Happy Isles, the John Muir Trail, the Mist Trail, the Half Dome Trail, Vernal Fall, Nevada Fall, and Half Dome itself. Each summer since 2010, an average of 85,000 visitors use the trailhead near Happy Isles. From late-May to mid-October, up to 300 permit-holding hikers travel to the Half Dome summit, utilizing the cables. High levels of visitation contribute to this trail corridor being the busiest area of the park for visitor accidents and fatalities. In turn, these trails have high rates of search and rescue operations, which puts rescuers and park staff at risk.

The initial public comment period closed on November 23, 2024.

Visitor Access Management Plan

The park has seen increasing impacts to natural and cultural resources, diminished quality of visitor experiences, increased visitor and staff safety concerns, and a heavy strain on the park’s facilities and ability to perform daily operations. The purpose of this plan is to evaluate how different management strategies, including reservation systems, could help meet long-term resource and visitor experience goals. This will be accomplished by engaging in a transparent civic and stakeholder engagement process to discuss and identify key issues and opportunities.  

The public comment period for the Visitor Access Management Plan and Environmental Assessment is closed.

Past Planning Efforts and Related Projects

1997 Flood Recovery - Final Report (June 2013)

This document provides a comprehensive record of the completed program that enabled the park to recover from a major natural disaster. Park visitation was significantly impacted in January 1997 by a flood of historic proportions. The flood severely damaged a whole range of facilities from miles of roads, bridges and trails, to utility systems, to several hundred units of guest lodging, campsites, and employee housing. Initial response to the Yosemite flood was managed under an Incident Command System. A team of engineers, architects, landscape architects, resource specialists, and technical experts completed detailed damage assessments and cost estimates. Based on those findings, the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act was passed by the House and Senate and signed by the President on June 12, 1997, to provide Yosemite National Park with $178 million to cover flood recovery projects. This amount was later supplemented by an additional $79 million from other funding sources. Today, because of this funding, the park continues to provide quality services to its visitors from across the globe.

Ackerson Meadow Restoration Plan (September 2021)

The Ackerson Meadow complex is the largest mid-elevation meadow in Yosemite National Park. It encompasses important habitat for the State endangered great grey owl and little willow flycatcher as well as a suite of additional at-risk wildlife species. Currently, a large erosion gully network, up to 14 feet deep and 100 feet wide, is actively draining 90 acres of former wetlands in the meadow complex and threatening an additional 100 acres of wet meadow habitat. The gully network is a result of over a century of landscape manipulation including domestic water diversion, farming, ranching, and timber harvest. Yosemite National Park and the Stanislaus National Forest jointly propose to implement actions to reduce erosion and restore wetland functionality at Ackerson and South Ackerson Meadows. The project team analyzed the public comments from the civic engagement period (which occurred summer 2020), refined alternatives, and performed an impact analysis for the Ackerson Meadow Restoration Environmental Assessment (EA). Yosemite National Park and the Stanislaus National Forest released the inter-agency Ackerson Meadow Restoration Project Environmental Assessment on June 1, 2021 for public review and comment through July 8, 2021. A Finding of No Significant Impacts (FONSI) and the Determination of Non-Impairment were signed on September 21, 2021.

Restoration implementation for this project is planned between August 15, 2023 and October 31, 2023, with additional work in 2024, and final revegetation in 2025.

Ahwahnee Comprehensive Rehabilitation Plan (January 2012)

The Ahwahnee, located in Yosemite Valley, includes a National Historic Landmark hotel, guest cottages, an employee dormitory, and associated grounds and landscaping. Built in 1927, The Ahwahnee hotel is an iconic landmark and is used year-round by both overnight and day visitors to Yosemite Valley.The purpose of this project was to develop a comprehensive plan for phased, long-term rehabilitation of The Ahwahnee, along with associated guest cottages, employee dormitory, and landscaped grounds.

Ansel Adams Gallery Rehabilitation Plan (July 2014)

Best's Studio was one of several artists' studios operating in Yosemite Valley at the turn of the twentieth century. Harry Best opened his studio in Yosemite Valley in 1902. In 1925 he relocated the business from Old Yosemite Village (near the Chapel) to its present location (between the Visitor Center and the Yosemite Post Office). Ansel Adams and his family lived in the Gallery through the 1970s. After more than 90 years in service, the buildings were in need of rehabilitation. This plan outlined the specifics of that rehabilitation.

Badger Pass Ski Lodge Rehabilitation Plan (June 2011)

The Badger Pass Ski Lodge, constructed in 1935, is historically significant as the first alpine ski resort in California and as an example of NPS Rustic architecture with Swiss chalet influences. Its location in a high-elevation alpine meadow has exposed the lodge to temperature extremes, heavy snow loads, snowmelt runoff, and saturated ground conditions. These environmental stresses, coupled with inadequate site drainage and snow-melt management systems contributed to structural deterioration of the lodge. Repair and rehabilitation of the ski lodge was necessary to protect its historic integrity, assure visitor safety, and maintain ski-area visitor services while preserving the natural and cultural resources at the ski area.

Bridalveil Fall Rehabilitation Project (June 2018)

Bridalveil Fall is the first grand waterfall that most visitors encounter upon entering the iconic Yosemite Valley. Bridalveil Fall typically flows throughout the year, impelling year-round visitation and high volumes of use during spring flows. Currently visitors to the Bridalveil Fall area encounter low-functioning vault toilets, congestion associated with the parking lot, crowded trails and viewing platform, a lack of accessible path of travel to the primary viewing platform, and unclear way-finding. The purpose of this plan is to improve conditions at the base of Bridalveil Fall and address these issues.

Comprehensive Interpretive Plan (CIP) (2012)

Yosemite worked on the development of a CIP and completed its major component - the Long Range Interpretive Plan (LRIP). This plan outlines a comprehensive approach to interpreting park natural and cultural resources.The CIP is necessary to ensure long-term protection of resources through visitor understanding and enjoyment. The Long Range Interpretive Plan will guide interpretation and education in Yosemite for the next 5 -10 years.

Concession Services Plan (1992)

This plan is an amendment to Yosemite's 1980 General Management Plan and guides the management of concession enterprises, such as lodging, food, retail, and other commercial services in Yosemite National Park. This plan serves as the basis for contracts between the National Park Service and the park's primary concessioner.

Curry Village Rockfall Hazard Zone Structures Environmental Assessment (February 2012)

Curry Village is located at the base of sheer granite walls below Glacier Point near the eastern end of Yosemite Valley. As a result, portions of Half Dome Village are within the defined rockfall hazard zone established by Yosemite National Park. The Curry Village area is historically significant and is included in the Camp Curry (Curry Village) and the Yosemite Valley Historic Districts. In response to past rockfall events, the National Park Service has realigned the boundary of the rockfall hazard zone in Curry Village. To reduce health and safety hazards, all of the structures within the updated rockfall hazard zone were closed. The National Park Service developed this environmental assessment to address these structures. The purpose of this project was to mitigate inherent safety risks associated with unauthorized visitor access to the closed rockfall hazard zone; minimize the potential for further loss of historically significant structures and/or features that contribute to the Curry Village Historic District; and identify appropriate mitigation to resolve the potential adverse effect on the Curry Village Historic District.

Fire Management Plan (2004 and 2017)

The Yosemite 2004 Fire Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement guides the implementation of a complex fire management program. The program includes wildland fire suppression, wildland fire used to achieve natural and cultural resource benefits, fire prevention, prescribed fire, fire ecology research, and the use of mechanical methods to reduce and thin vegetation in and around communities.

One goal of the program is to reduce the threat of wildland fire to public safety, to the park's wildland urban interface communities, and to its natural and cultural resources. Another management goal is to return the influence of natural fire to park ecosystems so they are restored to as natural a condition as possible.

In 2017 the park amended its fire management plan to allow fire managers to apply the flexibility provided in current federal guidance. The amendment would implement a Community Protection Strategy around the six wildland urban interface communities as well as other important infrastructure development in and adjacent to Yosemite.

General Management Plan (1980)

This plan defines the direction for resource preservation and visitor use in Yosemite National Park. It provides a foundation for decision-making and sets long-term goals for the park. It was developed with broad public involvement.

Glacier Point Road Rehabilitation (October 2007)

Glacier Point attracts many park visitors due to its extraordinary views of the Sierra Nevada Mountains and its breathtaking drop to Yosemite Valley 3,000 feet below. It is also the starting point for many backcountry adventures as well as an area loved by stargazers. This project included the rehabilitation of 5.1 miles of the Glacier Point Road between, and included improvements to, the Chinquapin intersection and the Badger Pass Ski Area parking lot. The original paved roadway was completed in 1936, replacing the original wagon road built in 1882. This area attracts high volumes of traffic year-round because it provides access to Bridalveil Creek Campground, Glacier Point, the Badger Pass Ski Area, and numerous trailheads.

Half Dome Trail Stewardship Plan (December 2012)

Half Dome, one of the most popular attractions in Yosemite National Park, lies in designated wilderness. In 2008, up to 1,200 people a day tackled the famous trek up the cables; the high level of use led to both safety and environmental concerns. To address impacts caused by increased visitor use of the Half Dome trail, the National Park Service developed a management plan. The purpose of the plan was to provide long-term stewardship of the Half Dome route in a manner that is consistent with the Wilderness Act and the National Park Service Organic Act.

Hetch Hetchy Communications System Upgrade Project (April 2008)

The existing equipment, utilizing existing phone lines, transmits voice and data communications essential to the operation and security of Hetch Hetchy Water and Power’s electric and water supply utilities, and is also used by Yosemite personnel for park communications. The existing radio and fiber optic equipment were obsolete and no longer supported by their manufacturers; this project updated this infrastructure by replacing or updating components of the communication system throughout Tuolumne County, including potentially adding one new site within Yosemite National Park.

Hodgdon Meadow Trailer Replacement Project (September 2007)

This project focused on the proposal to construct a duplex consisting of two 2-bedroom units in the Hodgdon Meadow housing area in order to replace a previously removed obsolete 3-bedroom trailer that did not meet National Park Service housing standards. This duplex would provide housing for two or more park employees. Hodgdon Meadow is one of three residential areas in the Mather Ranger District.

Invasive Plant Management Plan and Update (September 2008 and August 2011)

In 2008, Yosemite National Park created the Invasive Plant Management Plan (2008 IPMP) to provide a comprehensive, prioritized program of invasive plant prevention, early detection, control, systematic monitoring, and research. The 2008 plan uses an integrated pest management (IPM) approach to detect, control, and prevent priority invasive plants from spreading into uninfested areas. The best available scientific and practical information is considered in planning control efforts. Then, a full range of cultural, manual, mechanical and chemical control techniques are considered for use, including preventing the introduction of invasive species, to hand-pulling and mowing, and the judicious use of herbicides to treat established populations.

The Invasive Plant Management Plan Update gave Yosemite National Park resource managers greater flexibility in responding to present and future threats to park resources from non-native invasive species. While the 2008 IPMP provides a foundation for well-developed decision-making and prioritization strategies, the update outlines a protocol for adaptive management techniques that would provide greater flexibility to respond to present and future threats. As new herbicides are developed, tested, and approved for use in the western states, adaptive management would allow the park to select more effective herbicides that have fewer undesirable effects.

Merced Wild and Scenic River Management Plan (March 2014)

The Merced Wild and Scenic River Final Comprehensive Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement, released in February 2014, addresses the renowned Merced Wild and Scenic River's 81 miles within Yosemite National Park and the El Portal Administrative Site and functions as the guiding document to protect and enhance river values and manage use within the river corridor for the next 20 years.

The Final Merced River Plan/EIS protects the Merced River's free-flowing condition, water quality, and the unique values that has made the celebrated river worthy of special protection under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (WSRA). The final plan represents a rich collaboration amongst the public, research scientists, park partners, traditionally-associated American Indians, and park staff to explore visions for the future of Yosemite Valley and the Merced Wild and Scenic River. The final plan brings forward the best in science, stewardship, and public engagement to ensure continual protection and enhancement of the rare, unique, and exemplary qualities of the Merced River.

The Final Merced River Plan/EIS:

  1. Establishes the Wild and Scenic River's boundaries and segment classifications and provide for protection of the river's free-flowing condition in keeping with the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act's Section 7.

  2. Presents descriptions of the river's outstandingly remarkable values (ORVs), which are the unique, rare, or exemplary river-related characteristics that make the river worthy of WSRA designation.

  3. Documents the conditions of ORVs, water quality, and free-flowing condition.

  4. Identifies management objectives for the river, and specific actions that will be implemented to achieve these objectives.

  5. Commits to a program of ongoing studies and monitoring to ensure management objectives are met.

  6. Establishes a visitor-use and user-capacity management program that addresses the kinds and amounts of public use that the river corridor can sustain while protecting and enhancing river values.

  7. Fulfills the 1987 legislation designating the Merced River as a component of the National Wild and Scenic River System. Make appropriate revisions to Yosemite's 1980 General Management Plan.

Parkwide Communication Data Network (May 2010)

Effective communications are critical to Yosemite National Park’s success in protecting park resources and delivering a range of services to park visitors. Prior to this project, Yosemite relied on an outdated and unreliable communication system that performed poorly or failed in bad weather and did not share a single “backbone” to transmit telephone, radio, computer, or other information.The purpose of this project was to upgrade Yosemite’s internal communications system with more reliable, efficient technology and create a communications backbone that can support all the park’s communication needs. The new communication network would employ modern technology to provide a platform for computer LAN data, radio communications, security and safety video systems, telephony, burglar/intrusion and fire alarm systems, traffic collection data, and telemetry. This communication would be handled on one shared system rather than multiple independent systems.

Parkwide Programmatic Agreement (PA) (August 2020)

We developed a parkwide programmatic agreement (PA) to guide consultation under Section 106 National Historic Preservation Act. This agreement replaces the existing parkwide PA that expired in May 2017 as amended. The park will follow the terms of the new parkwide PA rather than those of the 2008 NPS Nationwide PA to streamline Section 106 compliance for these routine activities specific to Yosemite. The new parkwide PA will specify Yosemite's consultation requirements and procedures with the California State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), the Advisory Council for Historic Preservation (ACHP), Yosemite's traditionally associated American Indian tribes and groups, the public, and other interested parties.

  • Parkwide Programmatic Agreement

Reconstruction of Critically Eroded Sections of the El Portal Road (August 2007)
The El Portal Road begins at the western boundary of Yosemite National Park. This road climbs 7.5 miles through the Merced River canyon, gaining almost 2,000 vertical feet before it intersects the Yosemite Valley Loop Road at Pohono Bridge. Along the way, this road parallels the Merced Wild and Scenic River and passes Arch Rock Entrance Station. Significant damage occurred during the 1997 flood, necessitating an almost complete reconstruction of the El Portal Road. Since then, the National Park Service has rebuilt the westernmost 6.5 miles of the road—referred to as Segments A, B, and C— but prior to completion, reconstruction of the final one-mile segment of the project, referred to as Segment D, was halted as a result of a successful legal challenge. Reconstructing Critically Eroded Sections of the El Portal Road EA focuses on the area that starts at the Big Oak Flat Road intersection and extended east 1,350 feet; it focused specifically on those areas in need of emergency repair. The work on this section of road was completed in 2008.

Restoration of the Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias (December 2013)

The Mariposa Grove Restoration project aimed to restore dynamic ecological processes and increase the resiliency of this treasured grove to withstand emerging stressors today and in the future, such as climate change and altered fire regimes. The NPS developed the Mariposa Grove/FEIS in response to conditions in the Mariposa Grove area (including the South Entrance to Yosemite National Park) that adversely affect the ecological health of the Grove and diminish the quality of the visitor experience.

Scenic Vista Management Plan (July 2011)

The Scenic Vista Management Plan was needed to reestablish and maintain Yosemite National Park's iconic views, vistas, and discrete lines of sight that are obscured by vegetation growth. When the park was originally set aside, vegetation patterns were much more open, with unblocked views and open meadows. Open oak woodlands allowed for easy viewing of granite walls and waterfalls in Yosemite Valley. The mix of meadows with low and high density forests throughout the park was maintained by natural (unplanned ignition) wildfires that burned in mosaic patterns.

Tenaya Lake Area Plan (May 2011)

Tenaya Lake is a magnificent High Sierra lake surrounded by granite domes, lodgepole forests, and Yosemite’s vast wilderness. It is the largest natural lake in Yosemite. Because of its remarkable scenic qualities, its inviting blue water, and its proximity to Tioga Road, Tenaya Lake is one of the most popular destinations for summer visitors in Yosemite. Problems associated with visitor use, visitor safety, and resource impacts have been occurring for decades. The Tenaya Lake Area Plan provided a plan to guide management actions by the National Park Service in order to restore and protect resources while providing opportunities for appropriate high country visitor experiences at Tenaya Lake. The three main goals for the plan were to protect natural and cultural resources, improve visitor enjoyment, and increase visitor safety.

Tioga Road Rehabilitation Plan (November 2012)

This plan focused on the rehabilitation of approximately 40 miles of the Tioga Road. The primary goal of this project was to make safety improvements, while preserving the natural and cultural resources along the road corridor. This road provides access to Tuolumne Meadows, Tioga Pass, U.S. Route 395 and numerous popular trailheads including: John Muir, Pacific Crest, Yosemite Creek, Lukens Lake, and others beginning in Tuolumne Meadows.

Tunnel View Overlook Rehabilitation Plan (December 2007)

The Tunnel View scenic overlook is a historic site located adjacent to Wawona Road. This overlook affords expansive views of Yosemite Valley, El Capitan, Bridalveil Fall, and Half Dome that have captured the awe of visitors for nearly 75 years. The purpose of the Tunnel View Overlook Rehabilitation Project was to remedy long-standing vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-pedestrian safety issues, to correct drainage deficiencies and problems, to provide clear circulation patterns for pedestrians and vehicles, to enhance and maintain viewing opportunities for visitors, to provide accessibility to viewing areas, to correct safety problems associated with the Inspiration Point trailhead, and to address sanitation issues, while maintaining the naturalistic, rustic character and integrity of this historic site. Public scoping for this project was initiated in late spring 2007 with an environmental assessment produced in fall 2007. A Finding of No Significant Impact was signed in December 2007. Work to implement this project took place in 2008.

Tuolumne Wild and Scenic River Management Plan (June 2014)

The Tuolumne Wild and Scenic River, designated in 1984, includes 83 miles of the river on the western side of the Sierra Nevada in California. The National Park Service (NPS) manages 54 miles of the Tuolumne Wild and Scenic River in Yosemite National Park beginning at its headwaters on the Dana and Lyell forks at the crest of the Sierra Nevada. The forks then converge and the river meanders lazily westward through Tuolumne Meadows before cascading down the Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne and then entering the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir (which is not part of the national wild and scenic rivers system). Below O'Shaughnessy Dam, the river continues through Poopenaut Valley to the park boundary. The U.S. Forest Service manages the 29 miles of the Wild and Scenic Tuolumne River downstream of Yosemite National Park before it reaches Don Pedro Reservoir and flows through the Central Valley of California ultimately converging with the San Joaquin River.

The Wild and Scenic River Act (WSRA) requires comprehensive planning for a designated river to provide for the protection of free-flowing condition, water quality, and the outstandingly remarkable values that make the river eligible for inclusion. In addition, a comprehensive management plan (and its recommendations on land use and development) must fulfill the specific direction of the 1984 legislation designating the Tuolumne River as a component of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System. The Tuolumne Wild and Scenic River Final Comprehensive Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement (Final Tuolumne River Plan/EIS) is the National Park Service's response to these requirements.

The Final Tuolumne River Plan/EIS:

  • Establishes the boundaries and segment classifications (as wild, scenic, or recreational) of the Tuolumne Wild and Scenic River.
  • Provides a clear process for protection of the river's free-flowing condition in keeping with WSRA Section 7.
  • Refines descriptions of the river's outstandingly remarkable values (ORVs), which are the unique, rare, or exemplary river-related characteristics that make the river eligible for inclusion in the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System. In addition to free-flowing condition and water quality, the plan identifies 10 ORVs for the Tuolumne River. · Documents the conditions of river values, including water quality, free-flowing condition, and outstandingly remarkable values (ORVs) and establishes actions to protect and enhance these values.
  • Determines the type and location of lands and facilities (both current and future) that provide for public use and enjoyment of the river resource while protecting and enhancing river values.
  • Establishes a visitor use capacity program that addresses the kinds and amounts of public use that the river corridor can sustain while protecting and enhancing the river's ORVs.
  • Evaluates a range of alternatives, assesses the effects of each action alternative on natural and socio-cultural resources, and identifies an "environmentally preferred" alternative.
  • Describes consultation and coordination efforts.

  • Tuolumne Wild and Scenic River Comprehensive Management Plan Record of Decision (ROD) [1.6 MB PDF]

  • Tuolumne River Plan Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

  • Current status: Projects throughout the Tuolumne Meadows area are being implemented (2015—?)

Wawona Wastewater Treatment System Rehabilitation Plan (February 2019)

The National Park Service plans to improve visitor facilities, address deferred maintenance, and increase efficiency and capacity in the Wawona Wastewater Treatment System. The project will implement actions prescribed in the Merced Wild and Scenic River Comprehensive Management Plan Environmental Impact Statement (2014).

Wawona Water Conservation Plan (June 1987)

As part of the proposed reconstructed water system for Wawona, water for domestic use and irrigation will continue to be diverted from the South Fork of the Merced River.

White Wolf Lodge & Duplex Cabins Rehabilitation Plan (July 2014)

The White Wolf Lodge and associated duplex cabins, located off of the Tioga Road, are aging structures that are in need of rehabilitation. Originally the site of early homesteaders, the conversion to a Lodge was completed in 1926 and privately run by the Meyer Family. Two duplexes were also completed during this conversion. In the 1930s the family added additional hard-sided cabins and tent platforms. White Wolf Lodge was bought by the National Park Service in the early 1950s and is currently operated by the park's primary concessioner.

After many years of service, there are a number of issues affected the Lodge and cabins today. Site drainage problems are creating foundation settlement and moisture migration. Many of the electrical, plumbing, and mechanical systems serving the White Wolf facilities are also in need of replacement and updating. Additionally, facilities at White Wolf are not fully compliant with building and accessibility codes. This plan addressed these concerns.

Yosemite Environmental Education Campus Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) (January 2010)

NatureBridge, a Yosemite National Park non-profit partner, aims to promote visitor understanding, stewardship, and appreciation of diverse park environments. NatureBridge operates an environmental education campus at Crane Flat under a cooperative agreement with the park. This campus serves both the park and NatureBridge by fulfilling their shared mission.

The campus at Crane Flat has served as an educational facility since 1971. The facilities are comprised of older buildings and structures that have been assembled over time and were not originally designed for educational purposes. To address this issue, the park and NatureBridge began planning for a new campus in 2002, including the preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Public scoping was completed in November 2002. The final plan was completed in 2010 for a new campus to be built near Henness Ridge south of Yosemite Valley.

Yosemite Valley Loop Road Rehabilitation Project (February 2006)

The Yosemite Valley Loop Road is a historic feature in Yosemite National Park, first built as a stagecoach road in 1872. The initial pavement was laid in 1909, and culverts were first installed a year later beneath stretches of Southside Drive. Spot repairs have been made along the roadway as required over time. However, much-needed, comprehensive maintenance and repair of the roadway and associated drainage structures has not been performed for many decades.

The Rehabilitation of the Yosemite Valley Loop Road Environmental Assessment (EA) guides the resurfacing and improvement of the Yosemite Valley Loop Road and associated drainage facilities.

This project was originally intended to address various rehabilitation needs, road surface improvements, and fulfill additional drainage needs. However, the previous Merced Wild and Scenic River-related court decision directed the National Park Service to prepare a new, valid comprehensive management plan for the river.

In the absence of a user capacity management framework and the river values that such a plan would identify, the full construction planned for this project will be postponed. However, the judge did grant the park to move forward with the culvert and drainage work addressed in this project. Therefore, the construction related to culvert work will continue in stages.

Categorical Exclusion (CE)

By definition, a categorical exclusion refers to a group of actions, typically within a single project, that does not individually or cumulatively have a significant impact on the human environment. These exclusions also, by law have been found to have no effect in the federal guidelines that the National Park Service follows. Because of this, neither an environmental assessment nor an environmental impact statement is required.

You can find categorical exclusions since October 2005 on PEPC (Planning, Environment, and Public Comment).

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Documents Open for Public Review

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    An archive of completed projects as well as projects without documents open for comment may be found on the PEPC website.

    Last updated: January 13, 2025

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