Find out why the Mount Auburn district was often referred to as Cincinnati's "Fifth Avenue" in the 19th century.
The Taft house with children standing on the lawn and one sitting on the concrete pillar. c.1870.
NPS Photo
William Howard Taft National Historic Site preserves the birthplace and boyhood home of William Howard Taft, the nation's 27th President and 10th Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. The site was established in 1969 to give visitors an understanding of the environment that shaped Taft's character and philosophy. We encourage visitors to explore the stories and articles listed on this page to learn more about the "Gentle Giant" and the Cincinnati area in which he grew up.
Locations:The White House and President's Park, William Howard Taft National Historic Site
William Howard Taft was a career public servant, lawyer, 27th President of the United States and the 10th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Born on September 15th, 1857 in the Taft family home on Auburn Avenue in Cincinnati, he is the only person who has ever served as President of the U.S. and Chief Justice of the U.S.
Helen "Nellie" Herron Taft's dream of becoming First Lady propelled her husband William Howard Taft into running for the presidency. For her part, she was a lady of "firsts," and was among the first First Ladies to transform the role into the significant one it is today.
Locations:William Howard Taft National Historic Site
Situated in the Mount Auburn district of Cincinnati, this beautifully crafted Greek revival house is famously known for being the birthplace and childhood home of William Howard Taft and his family. It is also part of William Howard Taft National Historic Site since 1969.
Locations:Ford's Theatre, James A Garfield National Historic Site, Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial, Lincoln Home National Historic Site, Lincoln Memorial, Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural National Historic Site, William Howard Taft National Historic Sitemore »
Robert Todd Lincoln, son of President and First Lady Lincoln, had the misfortune to be at the site of three Presidents of the United States. Read about occassion and how Robert Todd Lincoln was connected.
Locations:Adams National Historical Park, General Grant National Memorial, Harry S Truman National Historic Site, Herbert Hoover National Historic Site, Home Of Franklin D Roosevelt National Historic Site, James A Garfield National Historic Site, President William Jefferson Clinton Birthplace Home National Historic Site, Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural National Historic Site, Ulysses S Grant National Historic Site, William Howard Taft National Historic Sitemore »
There are many connections between the Presidents. This article will explore some of those connections.
Locations:William Howard Taft National Historic Site
Learn about and explore the National Park Service sites in Ohio. The Buckeye State has eight NPS sites and additional sites that are bound to intrigue and amaze. But before you click on Ohio's NPS site links, be sure to decipher a special message that young William left for you.
Locations:William Howard Taft National Historic Site
William Howard Taft's public service career was filled with epic high and achievements. It took him thousands of miles away from Ohio and eventually concluded when he achieved his lifelong dream of being on the U.S. Supreme Court. Enjoy this quick and fun pathfinder activity that mimics his journey through his amazing career.
Locations:William Howard Taft National Historic Site
Read the story of how William Howard Taft National Historic Site was established and the controversy that surrounded its development and the development of the west end of Cincinnati, championed by the youngest son of William Howard Taft, Charles P. Taft II.
Locations:William Howard Taft National Historic Site
On a special weekend in 2013, a very unusual visitor made an appearance from his overseas home. One would say, he came home, but in this case, the wax statue of William Howard Taft made a special appearance from across the pond. All the way from its true home at Madame Tussauds Wax Museum in London, England.
Locations:William Howard Taft National Historic Site
In 1905, several notable Ohio political figures, including Secretary of War William Howard Taft, set off on a three-month journey to the far east. This little-known and even lesser-remembered journey was documented extensively by photographers Burr McIntosh and Harry Fowler Woods.
Locations:William Howard Taft National Historic Site
Traversing the hilly neighborhoods in modern cities in the 19th century was made easier with the advent of a new spin on railway technology. Elevated and inclined railways ushered in a modern convenience that was a hit in American cities like Pittsburgh, San Francisco and Cincinnati.
Locations:William Howard Taft National Historic Site
When it comes to his political career, William Howard Taft is a "chip off the old block." The younger Taft went on to achieve many of the same accomplishments of his father and then exceeded his father by garnering the top posts in the political and legal professions.