News Release

10th Anniversary of President William Jefferson Clinton Birthplace Home NHS

10th anniversary logo for President William Jefferson Clinton Birthplace Home NHS

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News Release Date: April 13, 2021

Contact: Diane Eilenstein, 870-777-4455

Monthly Events  


  • April 6th-16th – Ten Days of Fascinating Facts  

  • A Park Ranger presents a park-specific fact each day, filmed inside the Birthplace Home. Find these on our Facebook page and YouTube channel.  


  • April 16th - 10th Anniversary Celebration 

  • April 16th marks the park’s official 10th anniversary as a national historic site. Join us as we celebrate our official birthday with our community partners and others. Park rangers will present front porch talks at the Birthplace Home. Learn about the preservation of the site and plans for the future. Cupcakes are available for the first 150 guests. 


  • April 16th - Everchanging Hope Art and Essay Contest 

  • Everchanging Hope Art and Essay Contest kicks off with 4th and 5th graders in local area schools. Students are invited to create original artwork and essays about their ideas of what hope means to them, by connecting their own experiences during this challenging school year to President William Jefferson Clinton’s views of having and keeping hope. This virtual contest is judged by park staff and community members.  



  • May 7th - Everchanging Hope Art and Essay Contest 

  • Winners of the Everchanging Hope Art and Essay Contest. announced and selected artwork and essays showcased on the park’s website throughout the months of May, June, and July.    



  • June 25th - BARK Ranger Day  

  • President William Jefferson Clinton Birthplace Home National Historic Site is hosting a dog-lovers day dedicated to embracing the BARK Ranger principles and celebrating our furry companions! BARK Ranger swearing-in ceremonies take place throughout the day.  



  • July 23rd - Junior Ranger Day   

  • President William Jefferson Clinton Birthplace Home National Historic Site  welcomes children and their families to a day dedicated to Junior Rangers. Stop by and pick up a Junior Ranger booklet or become a virtual ranger by downloading the Junior Ranger book from the park website. Park rangers will make virtual presentations on our Facebook page throughout the day. Decennial (10-year) Junior Ranger booklet is on the park’s website and Park Rangers will be presenting virtually throughout the day.   




  • August 19th - A Very Jazzy Decade/Happy Birthday President Clinton 

  • Park Ranger Alexandra Remick performs a saxophone jazz piece with the accompaniment of Park Rangers from New Orleans Jazz (virtually) within the Birthplace Home. Find this special program posted on the park’s webpage and social media pages.     



*Event disclaimer: Events are subject to change, due to COVID-related requirements. President William Jefferson Clinton Birthplace Home National Historic Site encourages everyone to visit the park’s website ( and official calendar of events for the most up-to-date information. 


For further information, please call the park at 870-777-4455. 


President William Jefferson Clinton Birthplace Home National Historic Site 

117 S. Hervey Street 

Hope AR 71801 


Last updated: April 13, 2021

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P.O. Box 550
Hope, AR 71802


(870) 777-4455

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