NPS-Alexander Service AnimalsNPS policy defines a service animal as a dog that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. The tasks performed by the animal must be directly related to the person’s disability.Emotional support or comfort animals are not considered service animals. Service animals must follow these guidelines:
Entrance to the Visitor Center and the Clinton Birthplace HomeAll visits to the Clinton Birthplace Home start at the Visitor Center, and entrance to the Clinton Birthplace Home is by ranger-led tour only.The paved sidewalk to the Clinton Birthplace Home has a 4-degree down slope from the restrooms along the length of its run. The Clinton Birthplace Home has a ramp leading to the front door. Once inside the Birthplace Home, there are no thresholds or differences in elevations. Access to the second floor of the Clinton Birthplace Home is by a staircase. Visitors unable to climb the stairs will view pictures of the upstairs and receive a detailed description by the ranger. Closed CaptioningAll audio-visual programs in the park are closed captioned.RestroomsRestrooms are located outside the Visitor Center in a red brick building. The restroom doors are power opening assisted or can be opened by use of a push button.Borrow a WheelchairA wheelchair is available for use in the Visitor Center and the Clinton Birthplace Home.Braille AvailableA Braille copy of the park brochure is available at the Visitor Center desk. |
Last updated: September 7, 2024