Commercial Services

Find Local Guides, Rental Craft, Water Taxis, and More

The businesses listed below are authorized to provide services within Voyageurs National Park and are organized by lakes located within the park (Rainy Lake, Kabetogama Lake and Ash River, Crane Lake and Sand Point), as well as businesses that provide services parkwide. Additional businesses may also provide lodging services nearby.

List of Commercial Services:

  • Barging and Hauling Services
  • Camping Guide
  • Canoe and Kayak Guide
  • Canoe and Kayak Rentals
  • Fishing Guide - Summer
  • Fishing Guide - Winter
  • Hiking Guide
  • Houseboat Support Services
  • Ice Fishing Shelter Rentals
  • Marine Repair and Towing
  • Motorboat Rentals
  • Mukooda boat Rentals
  • Paddleboard Rentals
  • Snowmobile Rental and Towing
  • Private Tour Boat Services
  • Underwater Salvage
  • Water Taxi and Shuttle Services

Rainy Lake Commercial Services

Below you will find commercial services found on Rainy Lake. To narrow down your search, use the search bar within this table to filter for a specific service using the following list:

Barging/Hauling Services, Camping Guide, Canoe/Kayak Guide, Canoe and Kayak Rental, Fishing Guide - Summer, Fishing Guide - Winter, Hiking Guide, Houseboat Support Services, Ice Fishing Shelter Rentals, Marine Repair/Towing, Motorboat Rental, Mukooda Boat Rentals, Paddleboard Rentals, Snowmobile Rental/Towing, Private Tour Boat Services, Underwater Salvage, Water Taxi and Shuttle Services

Please note: Clicking on a link will direct you to an external website, which may have privacy policies that are different from the National Park Service.
This table is each business, their contact information, website, and commercial services provided.
Business Name Phone Number Website Services

Kabetogama Lake and Ash River Commercial Services

Below you will find commercial services found on Kabetogama Lake and Ash River. To narrow down your search, use the search bar within this table to filter for a specific service using the following list:

Barging/Hauling Services, Camping Guide, Canoe/Kayak Guide, Canoe/Kayak Rental, Fishing Guide (Summer), Fishing Guide (Winter), Hiking Guide, Houseboat Support Services, Ice Fishing Shelter Rentals, Marine Repair/Towing, Motorboat Rental, Mukooda Boat Rentals, Paddleboard Rentals, Snowmobile Rental/Towing, Private Tour Boat Services, Underwater Salvage, Water Taxi and Shuttle Services

Please note: Clicking on a link will direct you to an external website, which may have privacy policies that are different from the National Park Service.
This table is each business, their contact information, website, and commercial services provided.
Business Name Phone Number Website Services

Crane Lake/Sand Point Commercial Services

Below you will find commercial services found from Crane Lake and Sand Point. To narrow down your search, use the search bar within this table to filter for a specific service using the following list:

Barging/Hauling Services, Camping Guide, Canoe/Kayak Guide, Canoe and Kayak Rental, Fishing Guide - Summer, Fishing Guide - Winter, Hiking Guide, Houseboat Support Services, Ice Fishing Shelter Rentals, Marine Repair/Towing, Motorboat Rental, Mukooda Boat Rental, Paddleboard Rentals, Snowmobile Rental, Snowmobile Towing, Private Tour Boat Services, Underwater Salvage, Water Taxi and Shuttle Services

Please note: Clicking on a link will direct you to an external website, which may have privacy policies that are different from the National Park Service.
This table is each business, their contact information, website, and commercial services provided.
Business Name Phone Number Website Services

Parkwide Commercial Services

Below you will find parkwide commercial services. To narrow down your search, use the search bar within this table to filter for a specific service using the following list:

Barging/Hauling Services, Camping Guide, Canoe/Kayak Guide, Canoe and Kayak Rental, Fishing Guide - Summer, Fishing Guide - Winter, Hiking Guide, Houseboat Support Services, Ice Fishing Shelter Rentals, Marine Repair/Towing, Motorboat Rental, Mukooda Boat Rentals, Paddleboard Rentals, Snowmobile Rental/Towing, Private Tour Boat Services, Underwater Salvage, Water Taxi and Shuttle Services

Please note: Clicking on a link will direct you to an external website, which may have privacy policies that are different from the National Park Service.
parkwide commercial services
CUA Business Name Phone Number Website Address Services

Last updated: July 11, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

Voyageurs National Park Headquarters
360 Hwy 11 East

International Falls, MN 56649



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