Kingsley Plantation Timeline • 1765-1771 Island owned by Richard Hazard who operated an indigo plantation with the use of slave labor. • 1765 Zephaniah Kingsley born in Bristol, England. • 1791-1804 John McQueen owns Ft. George Island and establishes it as a Sea Island cotton plantation. • 1793 Anta Majigeen (Anna) born in Senegal, West Africa. • 1798 Plantation house is built by McQueen’s skilled slave craftsmen. • 1803 Kingsley immigrates to Spanish Florida. • 1806 Kingsley purchases and marries Anna at an auction in Havana, Cuba. • 1804-1814 John Houston McIntosh owns Ft. George Island. He operates the Sea Island cotton plantation and becomes the leader of the Patriots’ Rebellion. • 1814 The Kingsleys move to Ft. George Island. • 1814-1839 Ft. George Island is the primary residence for Kingsley. The plantation produced Sea Island cotton, sugarcane and other provisions. • 1821 Florida is a United States territory. • 1824 Youngest son of Anna and Zephaniah, John Maxwell, born free at the plantation. • 1837 Anna Kingsley moves to Haiti and lives at the family’s agricultural community called Myorasgo de Koka • 1839-1853 Zephaniah Kingsley’s nephew Kingsley Beattv Gibbs owns Ft. George Island. • 1843 Zephaniah dies in New York at age 78. • 1845 Florida becomes the 27th state in the union. • 1846 Anna returns to Jacksonville from Haiti. • 1854-1855 Charles Thompson owns Ft. George Island. • 1869-1923 John Rollins and family owns Ft. George Island. End of plantation period. • 1870 Anna Kingsley dies in Jacksonville at age 77. Return to History of Kingsley Plantation. |
Last updated: April 14, 2015
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