
Omaha stockyards. Cattle pens, railroad tracks, and worker neighborhood.
Commerce: The Magic City

Omaha became a commercial hub as American migration into the Great Plains boomed in the decades following the Civil War.

Pokrok Zapadu. Front page of 1875 Czech newspaper
Diversity: City of Many Cultures

Pokrok Zapadu. Front page of 1875 Czech newspaper

Color postcard of courthouse. Six stories, pediments, columns, arched entrance, many windows.
Growth: From Frontier Town to Metropolis

Omaha rapidly grew from a frontier launching-point to a sophisticated city with many of the attractions and amenities of a large cities.

Two-story front gable houses, frame, front porches.
Neighborhoods: Dwellings of Omaha

Omaha's growth created new neighborhoods and annexing existing ones. Many reflect the architecture and transportation methods of their eras.

Art-deco train station. Large vertical windows lit up. Fronted by parking area.
Transportation: Gate City to the West

Omaha reflects the evolution of transportation from early overland trails, the expansion of railroads, to the creation Lincoln Highway.

Last updated: April 14, 2023