The NPS actively invests in preserving and improving its transportation system, including the roads, bridges, transit systems, non-motorized trails, and ferries that provide critical access to and within parks. At a time of record-setting visitation and rapid technological change, many key pieces of NPS transportation infrastructure are reaching the end of their service life. Iconic NPS parkways and other major roads, bridges, and transit systems require modernization and generational reinvestment to continue to provide access to NPS visitors.
The Pew Charitable Trusts released a highlight common DM&R issues in parks. The eight minute piece covers housing, roads, and sewage systems. Additionally, a video on roads DM&R in the Great Smokey Mountains was also developed. Examples of Deferred Maintenance on NPS RoadsAsphalt fatigue and alligator crackingAsphalt fatigue and delaminationAsphalt fatigue and map crackingFailed base and ruttingFailed base, rutting, pavement creepFailed base, rutting, pot holingPavement edge rutting |
Last updated: August 9, 2024