Park Science 32(2)—Winter 2015–2016

Park Science 32(2)—Winter 2015–2016

Cover Image: Soils of national parks offer an array of colors and textures that tell stories of their formation, provide hints to the past history of Earth, and help explain what we see today on the park landscape. From left to right: Soils of Redwood National Park (California), New River Gorge National River (West Virginia), Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve (Idaho), Sequoia–Kings Canyon National Parks (California), and Mojave National Preserve (California). Note: Depth scale (centimeters) applies only to the leftmost photo. All photos USDA–NRCS, left to right: Joe Seney, Rob Pate, Bob Kukachka, Susan Southard (2)

This issue published
Online: 15 June 2017; In print: 15 April 2016


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Information Crossfile

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    • Locations: Congaree National Park
    Octagonal model for the eight science and engineering practices (not labelled)

    This article is a review of a relatively recent publication, the "Framework for K–12 science education." "Information Crossfile" department articles synopsize selected publications relevant to natural resource management. Unless noted, articles are not reviewed by reference source author(s).

  • False crocus geometer moth, Congaree National Park

    This article is a review of recent bat and moth research at Congaree National Park. "Information Crossfile" department articles synopsize selected publications relevant to natural resource management. Unless noted, articles are not reviewed by reference source author(s).

Research Report

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Case Study

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Science Feature

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In Focus: Soils

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    • Locations: Bandelier National Monument, Bent's Old Fort National Historic Site, Cabrillo National Monument, Congaree National Park, Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area,
    Fossil soils at Cabrillo National Monument reveal marine deposits

    First in a series of three "In Focus" articles that share insights into the near-universal and far-reaching effects of soils on the ecology, management, and enjoyment of our national parks.

    • Locations: Glacier National Park
    Monthly water use by plants at Glacier National Park relative to soils with and without volcanic ash

    Second in a series of three "In Focus" articles that share insights into the near-universal and far-reaching effects of soils on the ecology, management, and enjoyment of our national parks.

  • Close-up of atomic nitrogen-14 isotope illustration

    A companion to the article on air pollution effects on soils at Joshua Tree National Park that describes the chemistry of isotopes and how they are used for a variety of environmental applications including discerning the origin of emissions.

    • Locations: Joshua Tree National Park
    Annual plant species fill the interspace of creosotebushes at Joshua Tree National Park

    Third in a series of three "In Focus" articles that share insights into the near-universal and far-reaching effects of soils on the ecology, management, and enjoyment of our national parks.

Rocky Mountain Science Centennial

Showing results 1-5 of 5

Last updated: January 20, 2025