NPS/Emily Brouwer
Thousands of employees, volunteers, and partners are committed to ensuring that the National Park System represents America at its best. The men and women who make up the National Park Service embody the spirit of America—dedicated, creative, and hard-working people who care passionately about preserving the lands and cultures that epitomize our shared American heritage.
We're proud of our employees and those who work with us and their dedication and amazing diversity of skills and talents. It is our privilege to recognize and celebrate their outstanding achievements through awards.
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View All 2023 National Service Award Recipients
Featured National Awards
Award for Excellence in NPS Archeology
These two awards recognize NPS archeologists’ professional achievements and archeological projects by individuals or groups.
Cooperating Association Partnership
The Excellence in Cooperating Association Partnership awards celebrate the contributions of partnerships and cooperating associations.
Excellence in Education Awards
This award recognizes innovation and adaptation within education program planning, development, and implementation.
Excellence in Interpretation Awards
The Excellence in Interpretation awards are presented to NPS employees for innovative contributions in interpretive programming.
Management & Administration Awards
These Director's Awards recognize outstanding work in management, administration, information technology, and information management.
Natural and Cultural Resources Awards
The Director's Awards for Natural and Cultural Resources recognizes outstanding stewardship in national parks.
Park Planning, Facilities & Lands Awards
These director's awards recognize excellent work related to engineering, accessibility, facilities management, and more.
National Ranger Excellence Award
The National Ranger Excellence Award honors individuals who exemplify the proud tradition of park rangering from a variety of career fields.
Safety and Health Achievement Awards
The Director's Safety and Health Achievement Awards recognize outstanding visitor safety and employee safety and health achievements.
Excellence in Volunteerism Awards
The Excellence in Volunteerism Awards recognize the invaluable service of NPS volunteers and volunteer programs across the country.
Wilderness Stewardship Awards
The Excellence in Wilderness Stewardship Awards celebrate outstanding contributions to NPS wilderness stewardship.
Last updated: August 15, 2024