Park Planning, Facilities and Lands Directorate Awards

The National Park Service's (NPS) Park Planning, Facilities and Lands (PPFL) Directorate coordinates several awards programs to recognize excellence in performance and dedication to our mission and values. PPFL awards include:

  • Accessibility Achievement and Leadership Awards

  • Environmental Achievement Awards

  • Excellence in Facility Management Awards

  • NPS Federal Engineer of the Year Award

  • NPS and Federal Highway Administration Transportation (FHWA) Awards Program

Accessibility Achievement Award

Awards will be considered for completed projects (e.g., facilities construction or rehabilitation, exhibit fabrication and installation) or an ongoing initiative (e.g., an outreach program to the disability community, a training to improve the experiences of visitors with disabilities). While consideration for nominations is broad, nominated projects/initiatives include any or all the following:

  • Improve access to employees or visitors with disabilities at National Park Service sites
  • Have an innovative approach or outcome
  • Go above and beyond typical operations or requirements
  • Set an example for others to follow
  • Be easily documentable (e.g., photos, copies of documents, videos)
  • Involve the disability community or accessibility subject matter experts in completing the project or initiative or in evaluating the impact of the achievement.

Accessibility Leadership Award

Recipients have at least five years of accessibility leadership that produced tangible results showcasing contributions to accessibility in the National Park Service.

Environmental Achievement Awards

The National Park Service participates in the Department of the Interior (DOI) Environmental Achievement Awards (EAA). These EAAs recognize employees, teams, and partners (contractors and external partners) who have attained exceptional environmental achievements and represent efforts that go above and beyond the person or team’s regular and expected duties.

Excellence in Facility Management Awards

The annual Excellence in Facility Management Awards program honors individuals who reflect outstanding achievements in park operations and maintenance, asset management, compliance, and project planning and management. Recognition highlights facilities employees who improve property and life-cycle management, further emergency preparedness and readiness, drive creative planning and procedures, advance and apply technology and innovation, provide outstanding customer service, develop phenomenal teams, promote healthy work environments, build morale and strengthen coalitions and communications.

Award categories include:

  • Frontline Hero of the Year Award: This award is offered to an outstanding facility management team member from the field who has promoted the mission of the National Park Service by going above and beyond the call of duty.

  • Facility Team of the Year Award: This award recognizes an outstanding facility maintenance team based on their accomplishments and a commitment to overcome challenges that could have only been met through the execution of amazing teamwork.

  • Facility Manager of the Year Award: This award recognizes an outstanding park facility manager who exemplifies the full range of our published National Park Service professional facilities management competencies: supervision and leadership; business management; project management; asset management; operations and maintenance; and resource stewardship.

NPS Federal Engineer of the Year Award

Honoring the commitment of federal engineers to innovation and service is the hallmark of the Federal Engineer of the Year Award.

NPS and Federal Highway Administration Transportation (FHWA) Awards Program

The National Park Service, in partnership with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), jointly administers the Federal Lands Transportation Program (FLTP) Awards Program highlighting outstanding accomplishments by both individuals and teams.
This is an interagency program with the NPS and FHWA and includes 3 award categories:

  • Individual: Transportation Outstanding Performer (TOP) – Leadership category

  • Team: Partners in Excellence (PIE) – Construction project category

  • Team: Innovation and Development Excellence Award (IDEA) – Other than construction projects category

Meet the Award Recipients

Showing results 1-1 of 1
  • Park Planning, Facilities and Lands Directorate

    2023 Director’s Awards for Park Planning, Facilities, and Lands

    Group of National Park Service employees

    The Park Planning, Facilities and Lands (PPFL) Directorate coordinates several awards programs to recognize excellence in performance and dedication to our mission and values. Meet the 2023 recipients and learn more about the amazing work they did to be recognized.

Last updated: January 22, 2025