
Showing results 1-10 of 215

  • Natural Resource Stewardship and Science Directorate

    Teaming Up for Science

    • Type: Article
    • Offices: Natural Resource Stewardship and Science Directorate
    two women sit on sandy area and catalog dragonfly larvae into plastic bags and containers

    A new partnership began in October 2021 and supports science and stewardship activities that benefit both parks and their local communities. Over the next five years parks and their communities will collaborate to identify and address their scientific priorities. Projects in the first year will focus on water quality, marine biodiversity, and preservation of night skies.

    • Type: Article
    • Offices: Natural Sounds and Night Skies Division, Office of International Affairs
    Astro-tourism advertisement seen through a restaurant window

    New Zealand, an aspiring “dark sky nation,” held a seminal conference on protecting night skies and natural sounds. One of us was a keynote speaker

    • Type: Article
    • Offices: Natural Sounds and Night Skies Division, Office of International Affairs
    International Space Station photo of Earth at night

    The National Park Service is a global leader in the fight to preserve dark night skies and quiet soundscapes. The benefits aren’t just esthetic.

    • Type: Article
    • Locations: Acadia National Park, Arches National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park, Canyonlands National Park, Capitol Reef National Park,
    A group of people with red lights and telescopes under a starry night sky with the Milky Way visible

    In a world where excess light is wiping out our views of the stars at a startling pace, parks can protect natural darkness. But do nighttime visitors support the changes parks must make to bring back dark night skies? We didn’t know until we asked them.

    • Type: Article
    a shooting star lights up the night sky

    Seeing a shooting star is a magical experience, but what is a shooting star? In this I Didn't Know That! we share the science behind the magic.

    • Type: Article
    a shooting star lights up the night sky

    Seeing a shooting star is a magical experience, but what is a shooting star? In this I Didn't Know That! we share the science behind the magic.

    • Type: Article
    dark sky friendly lighting along a path next to a road

    Light pollution affects our ability to see the stars and it's harmful to nocturnal animals and migratory birds. Find out how you can dim your lights to help protect dark night skies and the wildlife that depends on them.

    • Type: Article
    image of stargazers looking up at the night sky

    Did you know white lights from cell phones and flashlights can harm your night vision? A red light is much better for stargazing because it won't impact your (and others) night vision as much. Get the most out of your next stargazing adventure with these night sky friendly tips!

    • Type: Article
    • Locations: Grand Portage National Monument
    Silhouette of a man and small tree in front of a night sky showing the milky way.

    The People of Northern Nights, Starry Skies is an exhibit featuring the work of Carl Gawboy and Travis Novitsky inspired by a WDSE documentary. Paintings and photos on display at Grand Portage National Monument's Heritage Center, December 10, 2022 - January 31, 2023

    • Type: News
    • Locations: Lyndon B Johnson National Historical Park
    • Date Released: 2021-11-15
    The Milky Way becomes visible over the LBJ Ranch as the sky darkens.

    The National Park Service and the International Dark Sky Association announce the certification of the LBJ Ranch Unit of Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park as an International Dark Sky Park. This certification recognizes the exceptional quality of the park’s night skies and provides added opportunities to enhance visitor experiences through astronomy-based interpretive programming.

Last updated: October 2, 2018