A Concession Business Opportunity to Provide Passenger Ferry Service to the South Core Banks and Shackleford Banks and Land Transportation on the South Core Banks
The National Park Service (NPS) will issue a prospectus for the solicitation of offers for a 10-year concession contracts to provide Passenger Ferry Service to the South Core Banks and Shackleford Banks and Land Transportation on the South Core BanksAll offers must be received by the NPS by the date listed on the inside front cover of the prospectus which is , May 14, 2025 no later than 3:00 on p.m. in order to be evaluated and considered for an award of a concession contract. The prospectus describes the business opportunity and includes the terms and conditions under which the NPS will award the concession contract.Site visit is scheduled for February 13, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. Questions are due February 21, 2025 and Notification of Intent to Propose must be received by via email by the April 16, 2025 National Park Service no later than 2:00 P.M. ET on the due dates listed on the cover page which is to Cherrie Brice, Concessions Management Specialist, at cherrie_brice@nps.gov.
The website below includes a number of helpful links and information including tips for submitting a competitive proposal that addresses due diligence, proposal content, and the presentation of your proposal. This presentation can be found at: www.nps.gov/subjects/concessions/prospectuses.htm
Proposals to include the original signed transmittal letters must be received via the process explained in the Proposal Instructions no later than 2:00 pm ET on the due date which is May 14, 2025, to National Park Service, Concessions Office, 100 Alabama Street, S.W., Bldg 1924, 6th Floor, Mailroom, Atlanta, Georgia 30303. Please note that the original signed transmittal letters must be mailed. The remaining portion of the proposal will only be accepted electronically via the process explained in the Proposal Instructions.
SAM.gov Notice
Prospectus Inside Cover (PDF 69 KB)
Prospectus Business Opportunity (PDF 605 KB)
Proposal Package (PDF 436 KB) UPDATED 2/19/2025
Proposal Instructions (PDF 110 KB)
Site Visit (PDF 60 KB) ADDED 2/19/2025
Prospectus Inside Cover (PDF 69 KB)
Prospectus Business Opportunity (PDF 605 KB)
Proposal Package (PDF 436 KB) UPDATED 2/19/2025
Proposal Instructions (PDF 110 KB)
Site Visit (PDF 60 KB) ADDED 2/19/2025
Draft Contract (PDF)
Exhibit A Operating Plan (PDF 331 KB)
Exhibit B Nondiscrimination (PDF 44 KB)
Exhibit C Assigned Land (PDF 31 KB)
Exhibit D Assigned Government Personal Property (PDF 23 KB)
Exhibit E Maintenance Plan (PDF 278 KB)
Exhibit F Insurance (PDF 110 KB)
Exhibit G Transition (PDF 83 KB)
Exhibit H IP Licensed Marks (PDF 53 KB)
Exhibit A Operating Plan (PDF 331 KB)
Exhibit B Nondiscrimination (PDF 44 KB)
Exhibit C Assigned Land (PDF 31 KB)
Exhibit D Assigned Government Personal Property (PDF 23 KB)
Exhibit E Maintenance Plan (PDF 278 KB)
Exhibit F Insurance (PDF 110 KB)
Exhibit G Transition (PDF 83 KB)
Exhibit H IP Licensed Marks (PDF 53 KB)
Appendix A Proposal Package [Word] (DOCX 174 KB) UPDATED 2/19/2025
Appendix B Proposal Package Template [Excel] (XLSX 65 KB) UPDATED 2/19/2025
Appendix B Proposal Package Template [Excel] (XLSX 65 KB) UPDATED 2/19/2025
Amendment No. 1 (PDF 91 KB)
Last updated: March 26, 2025