Part 1: Closures and Public Use LimitsPart 2: PermitsPart 3: General Regulations
2/16/2022: K and K Road #22-001 3/06/2023: Closure Order - Portion of Park Area #23-001
3/28/2023: Closure Order - Portion of a Park Area #23-002
3/28/2023: Closure Order - Portion of a Park Area #23-003
In accordance with regulations and the delegated authority provided in Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations (“36 CFR”), Chapter 1, Parts 1-7, authorized by Title 54 Section 100751(a),the following provisions apply to all persons entering, using, visiting, or otherwise within: (1) The boundaries of federally owned lands and waters administered by Redwood National Park; (2) The boundaries of lands and waters administered by Redwood National Park for public-use purposespursuant to the terms of a written instrument; (3) Waters subject to the jurisdiction of the United States located within the boundaries of Redwood National Park, including navigable waters and areas within their ordinary reach (up to the mean high water line in places subject to the ebb and flow of the tide andup to the ordinary high water mark in other places) and without regard to the ownership of submergedlands, tidelands, or lowlands. Unless otherwise stated, these regulatory provisions apply in addition tothe requirements contained in 36 CFR, Chapter 1, Parts 1-7. PART 1: CLOSURES AND PUBLIC USE LIMITS36 CFR §1.5 – VISITING HOURS, PUBLIC USE LIMITS, CLOSURES, AND AREA DESIGNATIONS FOR SPECIFIC USE OR ACTIVITIES(a)(1) The following visiting hours and public use limits are established for all or for the listed portions of the park, and the following closures are established for all or a portion of the park to all public use or to a certain use or activity:
Determination: Coastal Drive just south of the mouth of the Klamath River is a remnant of old Highway 101 that pre-dates the park. Recent road maintenance revealed that this section of road has degraded and narrowed to the extent that it can no longer support two way traffic. Vehicles that meet head on cause one or the other to leave the road surface. Without complex and costly engineered solutions there is no way to widen the roadway or install pull-outs because the old shoulder of the road has been consumed by coastal cliff erosion. In addition, the slope adjacent to the roadway falls off steeply several hundred feet to the ocean below, which presents a significant risk and hazard to the public. Creating a one-way vehicle traffic pattern will provide for reasonably safe traffic conditions. This restriction will remain in effect until such time as the situation no longer presents a risk to public health and safety.
Determination: Redwood National Park experiences a chronic problem of automobile burglaries and illegal drug use at the Nickel Creek parking area at the end of Enderts Beach Road. During the summer of 2010 over 25% of all park automobile burglaries occurred at this location, with the majority of those during nighttime hours. Law enforcement staffing levels cannot provide 24 hour coverage and security of this area. This closure is needed to provide law enforcement staff the ability to focus their enforcement efforts to apprehend and discourage illegal activities. This action is called for in the 1999 Redwood National and State Parks General Management Plan/General Plan Final Environmental Impact Statement/Report (GMP/GP FEIS/R), as approved through the 2000 Record of Decision. The closure, and hence restriction of all activities, is needed to ensure visitor safety and security.
Determination: This area of Freshwater Lagoon Spit was open to overnight camping prior to park expansion in 1978 and continuing through January 2004, when the area was closed to overnight camping as called for in the 1999 Redwood National and State Parks General Management Plan/General Plan Final Environmental Impact Statement/Report (GMP/GP FEIS/R), as approved through the 2000 Record of Decision. The closure, and hence restriction of all activities, not just camping, from 10pm-6am is needed to more effectively enforce the prohibition on camping. This nighttime closure of all use is intended as a temporary measure only until visitor use patterns change sufficiently to allow enforcement of camping restrictions alone.
Determination: This closure is needed to provide law enforcement staff the ability to focus their enforcement efforts to apprehend and discourage illegal activities. Currently the north side of the mouth of Redwood Creek (Hidden Beach) experiences a high volume of wood poaching occurring between the hours of 10pm -6am. This action is called for in the 1999 Redwood National and State Parks General Management Plan/General Plan Final Environmental Impact Statement/Report (GMP/GP FEIS/R), as approved through the 2000 Record of Decision. The closure, and hence restriction of all activities, is needed to ensure protection of natural resources.
Determination: The Tall Trees Access Road is a six-mile long dirt road that leads to the Tall Trees Grove Parking Area. Because of high visitor demand for this area and limited parking, restricting the number of vehicles is necessary to prevent public safety hazards and resource damage associated with unauthorized overflow parking along the roadway and the environs near the Tall Trees Grove Parking Area. In addition, the limit allows visitors to proceed down the long winding road with the knowledge that parking will be available when they arrive. Otherwise, visitors could potentially reach the parking area, find no available spaces, and be forced to return to the Bald Hills Road six miles away.
Determination: This limitation is necessary to avoid disturbing nesting federally listed threatened bird and mammal species. Current research has shown that Marbled Murrelets, Humboldt Marten, and Northern Spotted Owls, both species of which nest/den almost exclusively in old-growth forests, are sensitive to noise disturbance during the nesting/denning season. Disturbance has been found to cause nest/den abandonment and/or failure in these species.
Determination: This limitation is necessary to increase available parking spaces for visitors seeking a brief orientation at the Hiouchi Visitor Center and to discourage long-term parking.
Definition: The term “Unmanned aircraft” means a device that is used or intended to be used for flight in the air without the possibility of direct human intervention from within or on the device, and the associated operational elements and components that are required for the pilot or system operator in command to operate or control the device (such as cameras, sensors, communication links). This term includes all types of devices that meet this definition (e.g., model airplanes, quad-copters, drones) that are used for any purpose, including for recreation or commerce.
Determination: This closure to protect spawning fish was implemented as described in the Biological Assessment prepared by the NPS and Biological Opinion issued by National Marine Fisheries Service for the 2009 Trail and Backcountry Management Plan. Research has shown that DocuSign Envelope ID: 0420E88A-D679-48AC-93C7-36E9AE4DE12B trampling diminishes the survival of eggs and emergent fish (Roberts, B.C. and R.G. White. 1992). Field surveys of both Mill Creek Horse Trail fords have shown the presence of salmon "redds" (nests) and emergent fry, including federally protected Southern Oregon/Northern California Coast Coho salmon. Most Coho salmon spawning and incubation occurs in this watershed from October 15 through March 31 with all incubation completed by May 31 (SRAC 2002). If continued monitoring of Coho spawning and incubation in these particular locations indicates earlier or later starting or ending dates, the closure period will be adjusted accordingly. This determination is consistent with similar conservation measures enacted for recreational use on the Deschutes River in Oregon (USDC, 2002). Long-term solutions besides closure could include re-routing the trail through less sensitive areas or constructing permanent bridges capable of accommodating horse and pedestrian traffic. Both of these options are cost prohibitive at this time. References available upon request.
Determination: The Redwood Creek Watershed has been identified in the park’s General Management Plan as an area to be managed for a high degree of solitude “…isolated from the sights and sounds of traffic and developments….” In addition, a significant portion of Redwood Creek flows through or within one-quarter mile of old growth forest. Current research has shown that federally listed threatened Marbled Murrelets and Humboldt Martens nest/den almost exclusively in old-growth forests are sensitive to noise disturbance during the nesting/denning season. Disturbance can cause nest/den abandonment and/or failure in these species. Motorized vessel use in Redwood Creek is therefore inconsistent with General Management Plan, direction for the management of this area, and with the protection of federally threatened bird and mammal species during their nesting/denning seasons.
Determination: This limitation is necessary to avoid disturbing federally listed threatened bird species. Current research has shown that marbled murrelets and northern spotted owls, both species of which nest almost exclusively in old-growth forests are sensitive to human disturbance during the breeding season. Disturbance associated with tree climbing could cause nest abandonment and/or failure in these species. Section 10 of the Endangered Species Act authorizes the USFWS to issue permits for scientific purposes or to enhance the recovery of listed species. An applicant for this permit must therefore demonstrate that the need for climbing an old-growth tree during the breeding season is advantageous to the conservation and recovery of the threatened or endangered species for the activity to occur. Outside of the breeding season, nest substrates, particularly moss/lichen complexes used by marbled murrelets, are susceptible to damage by tree climbing activities.
Determination: Overnight parking of unattended vehicles is allowed in designated areas of the park that provide access to backcountry campsites while the occupants of the vehicle are using those backcountry campsites. Prohibiting all other overnight parking is necessary to prevent unauthorized camping in and around the parking lots themselves or in nearby areas not designated for camping. Unauthorized overnight use of these areas results in sanitation problems, resource damage, illegal campfires, and user conflicts. Developed vehicle campgrounds are available throughout the parks and local communities.
Determination: The Park contains hundreds of miles of former logging roads and skid trails that were used prior to park acquisition. The park’s General Management Plan calls for the removal and rehabilitation of all roads except those designated as park roads and/or trails. Only those roads within the park that are open to unrestricted public use, designated in the park’s GMP as a transportation corridor, or designated in the park’s 2003 Road Strategy as a Long Term Access Road and do not lie within a Non-mechanized Backcountry or Primitive Zone, are considered to be a Park Road. All other roads and skid trails are closed to public motor vehicle use.
Determination: These areas serve the administrative needs of the park and contain no cultural or natural resources critical to visitor use and enjoyment of the park. The closure helps prevent unlawful activity at those locations and better protects park resources. The closure will also allow for natural revegetation at certain sites. The Prairie Creek Fish Hatchery were vacated due to structural problems. The buildings are unsafe and unfit for occupancy.
Determination: These areas serve the administrative needs of the park for the California condor reintroduction program. The closure helps prevent unlawful activity at those locations and better protects the condors during this reintroduction initiative.
Determination: These areas contain delicate park resources that are not on established trails. The area has sustained many new social trails and significant park resource degradation as a result of attempting to access specific trees off trail. The closure helps prevent unlawful activity at those locations and better protects the resources from further damage.
Determination: This closure is necessary to ensure the safety of employees. This area has had continuous problems with people experiencing homelessness and issues with paraphernalia in the area related to drug use after the headquarters building has closed.
Determination: This closure is necessary to ensure a safe orderly environment for children and instructors participating in approved educational activities at these locations. Recent vandalism and property theft have made the necessary closure when educational groups are not using the grounds and facilities. (a)(2) The following areas have been designated for a specific use or activity, under the conditions and/or restrictions as noted:Camping:
Notes: The following is a list of approved administrative roads for E-Bike use:
Determination: E-Bike use within Redwood National Park is subject to the authority of 36 CFR 4.30(i). The park determined that certain safety concerns and user conflict concerns provide cause to limit E Bike use within Redwood National Park to administrative roads and not trails where traditional bikes are allowed. The trails where traditional bikes are allowed would present serious challenges to the increased speed of E-Bikes. These trails are single tracks, windy, and do not allow for decreased reaction times expected with E-Bikes. With Hikers and equestrian users also on these same trails the problem is exacerbated. The park’s administrative roads are wide enough and are open with clear forward views upon which decreased reaction times and user conflict would not be of concern. Other Power Driven Mobility Devices (OPDMD) use by Mobility Impaired Persons Other Power Driven Mobility Devices (OPDMD) such as the Segway ® PT, and similar devices are authorized for use by persons with mobility disabilities as defined in § 35.104 of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Use is only allowed under the following conditions: Types of OPDMD Any OPDMD operated in Redwood National Park under this rule shall meet the following standards:
Areas of Authorized Use OPDMD which meet the above criteria are allowed in the following locations within Redwood National Park:
Determination: The use of OPDMD’s at indoor facilities would present a hazard to other pedestrian traffic due to limited space and maneuverability. Uses of OPDMD’s in other areas of the park are more in line with revisions to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) published September 15, 2010. Although these new regulations do not directly apply to federal lands, facilities, or programs, the DOI, Office of the Solicitor, and the Director have concluded that allowing the use of OPDMD’s is compelled by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the DOI regulations at 43 CFR Part 17, Subpart E. The above language reflects similar language in the State of California Department of Parks and Recreation Departmental Notice No. 2011-02 for Permissible uses of other power driven mobility devices.
PART 2: PERMITS36 CFR §1.6 – ACTIVITIES THAT REQUIRE A PERMIT (OR RESERVATION)(f) The following is a compilation of those activities for which a permit or reservation from the superintendent is required. Tall Trees Access Road and Backcountry Camping reservations may be obtained online. All other permits must be obtained at Park Headquarters in Crescent City during business hours or via mail addressed to Permit Coordinator, Redwood National and State Parks, 1111 Second Street, Crescent City, CA 95531.
PART 3: GENERAL REGULATIONS36 CFR §2.1 – PRESERVATION OF NATURAL, CULTURAL AND ARCHEOLOGICAL RESOURCES(a)(4) Dead wood on the ground may be collected for use as fuel for campfires within the park in the following locations:
Up to 50 pounds (the amount an average adult can carry in one armload) of dead and down wood per day per campsite or picnic site, including driftwood, may be collected by hand, without the use of mechanical means, for use exclusively as firewood within park campgrounds, backcountry campsites, picnic areas, and on beach wave slopes. (a)(5) The following cultural and archaeological sites are open for entry by the public:
(c)(1), (c)(2) The following fruits, nuts, berries or unoccupied seashells may be gathered by hand for personal use or consumption, in accordance with the noted size, quantity, collection sites and/or use or consumption restrictions:
Determination: Because of the abundance of the listed berries, fruits, nuts and unoccupied seashells in and around the park and the limited pressure from persons collecting these items, there is currently little risk that limited personal collection will adversely affect the long-term integrity of these resources. If significant changes in visitor use patterns or measurable adverse effects to park resources are detected, these limits may be revised or the authorization to gather a particular item eliminated entirely. 36 CFR §2.2 - WILDLIFE PROTECTION(d) The transporting of lawfully taken wildlife through the park is permitted under the following conditions and procedures:
(e) The following areas are closed to the viewing of wildlife with the use of an artificial light:
36 CFR §2.4 – WEAPONS, TRAPS, AND NETS(a)(2)(i) Weapons, traps, or nets may be carried, possessed or used only at the following designated times and locations:
36 CFR §2.10 – CAMPING and FOOD STORAGE(a) The sites and areas listed below have been designated for camping activities as noted. A permit system has been established for all backcountry camps and camping activities, and conditions for camping and camping activities are in effect as follows:
The following are the designated camping areas with the number of available sites where applicable:
Note: Permits will separated into 15 permits with overnight parking at Tall Trees Trailhead and 15 permits with overnight parking outside of Tall Trees Trailhead in another approved parking area. (b)(3) Camping within 25 feet of a fire hydrant or main road, or within 100 feet of a flowing stream, river, or body of water is authorized only in the following areas under the conditions noted:Redwood Creek gravel bars (upstream of MacArthur Creek) on Redwood Creek to the eastern park boundary. Camping is prohibited within a ¼ mile radius of the Tall Trees Grove. A camping permit is required for camping in the Redwood Creek drainage. Permits are available online. (d) Conditions for the storage of food are in effect, as noted, for the following areas:
36 CFR 2.13 – FIRES(a)(1) The lighting or maintaining of fires is generally prohibited, except as authorized in the following designated areas and/or receptacles, and under the conditions noted:
Determination: Within the jurisdictional boundaries, Redwood National and State Parks have adjacent Federal, County, and State land beaches without signed boundaries. To avoid confusion and to provide as much consistency as possible where NPS, County, and State Park Beaches are adjacent, fires are prohibited or allowed on the beaches as described above. 36 CFR §2.15 – PETS(a)(1) The following structures and/or areas are closed to the possession of pets. (Note: This subparagraph shall not apply to a service dog or service miniature horse [subject to certain limitations] that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. Other species of animals, whether wild or domestic, trained or untrained, are not service animals for the purposes of this definition.)
(a)(3) There are no designated areas or conditions for leaving a pet “service dog or service miniature horse” unattended. Pets may not be left unattended and tied to an object. (note: this does not apply to pet secured in enclosed motor vehicles)(a)(5) Pet excrement must be picked up and properly disposed of in a trash receptacle.(e) Pets may be kept by park residents under the following conditions:
(f) This section does not apply to dogs used by authorized Federal, State and local law enforcement officers in the performance of their official duties.36 CFR §2.16 – HORSES and PACK ANIMALS(a) The following animals are designated as pack animals for purposes of transporting equipment:
(b) The use of horses or pack animals is allowed on the following trails, routes or areas:
(g) Other conditions concerning the use of horses or pack animals:
36 CFR §2.21 – SMOKING(a) The following portions of the park, or all or portions of buildings, structures or facilities are closed to smoking as noted:
Determination: Smoking is prohibited in all government buildings and vehicles to comply with government-wide health and safety policies, and local school district field trip regulations. Smoking is prohibited where posted and along trails during high fire danger in order to protect park resources and reduce the risk of fire. 36 CFR §2.22 – PROPERTY(a)(2) Property may be left unattended for periods longer than 24 hours in the following areas and under the following conditions:
Except for authorized residents of park housing, the dismantling, non-emergency repair, or routine servicing of a motor vehicle in the park is prohibited. Temporary, emergency repairs must be completed within twenty-four (24) hours. A park ranger must be notified, and permission granted, before a vehicle may remain longer than 24 hours. 36 CFR §2.35 – ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES and CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES(a)(3)(i)(A) The consumption of an alcoholic beverage or the possession of an open container of an alcoholic beverage is prohibited in the following locations:
Determination: The consumption of alcoholic beverages at the Brush Dance site, also known as Wehl-kwew, is inappropriate and offensive to Yurok Tribal members who conduct sacred ceremonies here. The use of alcoholic beverages conflicts with and interferes with the spiritual purpose of the ceremony, which is to heal a sick child or adult, and which may occur at any time during the calendar year. Use of alcohol at the site may directly interfere with the ceremony as well as with maintenance of the site throughout the year; therefore open containers of alcoholic beverages are prohibited at this site at any time.
Determination: The consumption of alcoholic beverages at the Crescent City Headquarters building and surrounding area has been a chronic problem. The use of alcohol conflicts with and interfers with the purpose of the facility. 36 CFR §2.38 – EXPLOSIVES(b) Fireworks and firecrackers may be possessed and/or used in the following areas, under the conditions noted:
36 CFR §2.51 – DEMONSTRATIONS(b)(1) Demonstrations involving 25 persons or fewer may be held without a permit in the following designated park areas within the provisions of §2.51:
(c)(1) Designated available park areas for demonstrations under this section, and for the sale or distribution of printed matter subject to a permit under §2.51:
(c)(2) The superintendent must designate on a map, which must be available in the office of the superintendent and by public notice under §1.7 of this chapter, the locations designated as available for demonstrations and the sale or distribution of printed matter:
36 CFR §2.52 – SALE OR DISTRIBUTION OF PRINTED MATTER and OTHER MESSAGE-BEARING ITEMS.(b)(1) Sale or distribution activity involving 25 persons or fewer may be conducted without a permit (provided it is done free of charge and without asking for payment or a donation) in the following designated park areas within the provisions of §2.52:
36 CFR §2.62 – MEMORIALIZATION(b) A permit is required for the scattering of ashes from cremated human remains, or in the following designated areas without a permit, in accordance with the following terms and conditions:
36 CFR §3.12 – BOATING and WATER USE ACTIVITIES(a) The towing of a person by a vessel is allowed only in designated waters, and in accordance with conditions established by the superintendent under §§1.5 and 1.7 of this chapter.
36 CFR §4.11 – VEHICLE LOAD, WEIGHT and SIZE LIMITS(a) The following load, weight and size limits, which are more restrictive than State law, apply to the roads indicated under the terms and conditions, and/or under permit as noted:
36 CFR §4.30 – BICYCLES(b) The superintendent has authorized bicycle use on the following administrative roads and trails:
Determination: Under new regulation that became effective August 6, 2012, and amended this section of 36 CFR, the superintendent has determined that bicycle use of these roads is consistent with the protection of the park’s natural, scenic and aesthetic values, safety considerations and management objectives, and will not disturb wildlife or park resources. (f) The superintendent has imposed the following restrictions, conditions, limits, closures, for bicycle use on administrative roads.
Determination: 36 CFR §4.30(f) states that a superintendent may limit or restrict or impose conditions on bicycle use or may close any park road, parking area, administrative road, trail, or portion thereof to bicycle use. (h)(4) The superintendent has authorized the following areas where a bicycle may be operated abreast of another bicycle:
Redwood National Park CCTV Policy Statement In accordance with the National Park Service Law Enforcement Reference Manual 9 (RM9), notice is hereby given that Redwood National Park uses Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) security camera monitoring. This policy does not restrict the official use of CCTV in government administrative areas, including administrative buildings, jail hold facilities (RM9 26.3.7), revenue collection sites, etc. where the government may record/monitor its facilities. For example, the government may perform unrestricted video/audio recording at revenue collection points (entrance stations, visitor center counters, etc.). This policy does not restrict the use of Audio/Visual recording Device (AVRD) in patrol vehicles or officer worn recording devices used by commissioned rangers. (RM9, 26.1) Operation of CCTV cameras, maintenance of recorded images and use of recorded images will be in accordance with NPS and Department policy and applicable laws and regulations. (RM9, 26.1-26.4). No person will be targeted or monitored merely because of race, religion, sex, disability, national origin, pr political affiliation or views. (RM9 26.4.2) Nothing in this policy statement is intended to create any rights, privileges, or benefits not otherwise recognized by law. |
Last updated: February 24, 2025