Frequently Asked Questions

The following are some of the most commonly asked questions park rangers hear at Pu'ukohola Heiau National Historic Site.

If you have some questions of your own, please feel free to contact the Park at (808) 882-7218 Ext. 1011 or by Email.

1. Are the historic temples in the park reconstructions?
Answer: No. Both Pu`ukohola Heiau and Mailekini Heiau are original. However, some repairs have been made as a result of the earthquakes of 2006.

2. How long did it take Kamehameha and his men to build Pu'ukohola Heiau?
Answer: About 1 year.

3. Did Kamehameha really lift up the 5,000lb Naha Stone?
Answer: We weren't there, but Kamehameha did in fact become the king of Hawai'i Island after he lifted the stone, which is what lifting the stone was supposed to guarantee!

4. How many men would have been in the human chain from Pololu Valley to Pu'ukohola?
Answer: Somewhere between 10,000-20,000.

5. How tall was Kamehameha?
Answer: Based upon his royal feathered cape, he would have been about 7 feet tall.

6. How old is the Visitor Center?
Answer: The current Visitor Center was opened in the spring of 2007.

7. How long is the Loop Trail?
Answer: The Park trail is 1/2 mile long and takes 20-30 minutes to walk.

8. When is the best time to see sharks?
Answer: Early morning, just after sunrise is usually a good time to see them, although they can show up at anytime during the day.

9. Is there a better time of year to visit?
Answer: Anytime is a great time to visit the park, though the winter months are more mild (highs in the mid 70s) and the humpback whales are present during that time of year.

10. Why does the Hawaii Flag have the "Union Jack" in it?
Answer: During the late 1700's, Kamehameha developed a good relationship with the various British sea captains and explorers that came to Hawaii during that time. When Kamehameha commissioned a flag for the Kingdom of Hawaii in 1816, the designer incorporated the "Union Jack".

Last updated: March 31, 2012

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Mailing Address:

Pu'ukohola Heiau National Historic Site
62-3601 Kawaihae Road

Kawaihae, HI 96743


808 882-7218

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