Cynthia Brady shared her carving skills and knowledge at the monument with a global audience for decades. She has also taught her knowledge and skills to her children, ensuring that the carving tradition lives on.
Quarrier and master carver. Known not only for his expert skill, but for ensuring the continuation of the pipemaking tradition by sharing his knowledge with the youth of the Pipestone Community.
Quarrier, master carver, and Vietnam veteran. Raymond Redwing has also worked as a cultural demonstrator at the monument, educating visitors from around the world about the tradition of pipemaking.
Quarrier. Ranger. Pipemaker. Alice Derby-Erickson has fulfilled many roles at Pipestone National Monument. A member of the Sisseton-Wahpeton Dakota Nation, Alice wants people to understand the importance of this place, and to appreciate the traditions that have persisted for thousands of years.
Short biography of Francis Eastman. He's a dedicated quarrier and carver at this site who regularly helps others and passes on the tradition of quarrying to Native American youth.
Quarrier, Pipemaker, WWII Purple Heart recipient, and Pipestone National Monument worker. One of four carvers who kept pipestone quarrying alive during the 1940s.
Joe Taylor quarried at the pipestone quarries long before it ever became a national monument. He camped at the site during the summers in the early 1900s and engaged with visitors coming to Pipestone by train.
Moses and Estelle established the Pipestone Dakota Tribal Community, and together they worked hard to ensure that future generations of Dakota people knew and respected the traditions of their ancestors.
Pipestone carver who worked as a demonstrator at the monument for 18 years. She ensured the survival of the carving tradition by passing it on to her children.
Pam Tellinghuisen is a 4th generation quarrier and carver. She works at the monument as a demonstrator, educating visitors from all over the world about Pipestone's quarrying/carving tradition, and also works with the Pipestone Indian Shrine Association.