
Raymond J. Redwing

Pipestone National Monument

Ray J. Redwing holding a train he made of pipestone
Raymond J. Redwing

NPS/Public Domain

Quick Facts
Quarrier and master carver. He has worked as a demonstrator at the monument, educating visitors from all over the world about the tradition of pipemaking.

Raymond J. Redwing
Santee Sioux

Ray was born and raised around the Flandreau, South Dakota area where he has lived most of his life, with the exception of a few years spent in Kansas. After finishing school, he enlisted in the Navy and served for four years. After duty, he returned to the Flandreau area where he worked at the Flandreau Indian School for three years. He became
interested in pipemaking in 1977. He can recall his grandfather, Amos Weston, making ashtrays from the stone and selling them to local stores in Flandreau.
Ray has worked the same quarry site, quarry number 23, since he began working the quarries. Jeff Derby assisted Ray when he first began, showing him the techniques of working the quarries and making the pipes. Ray has mastered the art of pipemaking. He has made many special orders, with some of his work being sent abroad and across the United States. One of the special pipes Ray enjoys making is the eagle claw pipe, which he
elaborately decorates. He has made and sold many of these pipes to the tourists from all over the world, and has shared his knowledge and skill as a cultural demonstrator at Pipestone National Monument. 

Last updated: March 12, 2019