Road will open at 9am. All vehicles must carry chains including 4WD. The uphill gate closes at 4pm; all vehicles must be below the entrance station by 5pm. Lifts closed and children’s sledding area open. No potable water, or food service are available.
Hoh Rain Forest area will reopen when county road is repaired - 3/13/25
Olympic National Park will begin restoring essential services to the Hoh Rain Forest once the Upper Hoh Road, which is maintained by Jefferson County, is safe for travel. Until then, the area is closed to all traffic, including pedestrians & bicycles. More
Multiple Campground Closures Due to Severe Weather
There are currently several campground closures in place. The only campgrounds open at this time are Mora, Kalaloch, Heart O' the Hills and Sol Duc campgrounds. More
Olympic National Park protects over 75 miles of Pacific Coast, 800 lakes, and 4,000 miles of rivers and streams that support some of the most extensive runs of wild salmon, trout, and char remaining in the Pacific Northwest. Through the management of fish and aquatic environments, the park works to preserve and restore native fishes and their habitats and provide recreational fishing opportunities for the enjoyment of park visitors. Fisheries biologists work with the State of Washington and eight treaty tribes each year to establish harvest and gear regulations.
Fish and Shellfish Regulations
Before you go fishing in Olympic National Park review the current fishing and shellfish regulations and check bulletin boards for locally posted regulation changes.
December 3, 2024 - Due to the low forecasted return of wild steelhead, the Queets River will temporarily close to sport fishing on December 16, 2024. Anglers can continue to catch hatchery steelhead in the Salmon River through February 28, 2025. The Queets River is expected to reopen to recreational angling on June 1, 2025.
General Fishing Information
The Olympic National Park Fish & Shellfish Regulations booklet is effective from May 1 through April 30 of the following year. (Updated April 2024)
All waters in Olympic National Park are closed to the removal of fish and shellfish (including freshwater crayfish and freshwater mussels) except as described in the Olympic National Park Fish & Shellfish Regulations booklet.
All waters listed in the Olympic National Park Fish & Shellfish Regulations booklet are open to fishing from one hour before official sunrise to one hour after official sunset.
Fishing for bull trout and Dolly Varden is prohibited in all park waters and these species must be released if incidentally captured.
All wild fish species must be released unless specifically allowed in the Freshwater Seasons and Limits of the Olympic National Park Fish & Shellfish Regulations booklet.
To download a PDF copy of the Olympic National Park Fish & Shellfish Regulations brochure, click here. Please note that the content of pages 8-13 has been removed from the PDF, and can instead be found in the map and charts below, to allow for timely updates.
Map of drainages. See chart below for the freshwater fish regulations of each drainage.
Drainages & Freshwater Fish Regulations
Drainages (Areas)
Daily Limit
All beaver ponds, streams, and rivers
not listed on this chart. Includes:
Dosewallips, Duckabush, Graywolf,
North Fork Sol Duc, Sol Duc, South
Fork Calawah, Quinault (East Fork,
North Fork, and mainstem above
upper bridge).
June 1–October 31, 2024
Artificial lure with barbless single
point hook
Catch-and-release except 2 adipose clipped hatchery steelhead may be retained
Elwha River
Skokomish River, North Fork
June 1–September 15, 2024
Artificial lure with barbless single
point hook
Catch-and-release for all species
Quinault River, upper bridge
downstream to park boundary
June 1, 2024–March 31, 2025
Artificial lure with barbless single
point hook
Catch-and-release for all species except 2 adipose clipped hatchery steelhead may be retained
Queets River, mainstem, below AND
above Hartzell boat launch.
Catch Record Card Code 394
June 1–August 31, 2024
Artificial lure with barbless single
point hook
Catch-and-release for all species except 2 adipose clipped hatchery steelhead may be retained
September 1–September 30, 2024
Artificial lure with barbless single
point hook
Catch-and-release except:
Can retain 2 adipose clipped hatchery coho salmon
Can retain 2 adipose clipped hatchery steelhead
October 1–November 30, 2024
Artificial lure with barbless single
point hook
Catch-and-release for all species except 2 adipose clipped hatchery steelhead may be retained November 15–November 30: Hatchery steelhead also include those with dorsal fin height less than 21/8 inches or ventral clipped
December 1, 2024–March 31, 2025
Artificial lure with barbless single
point hook
Catch-and-release for all species except 2 hatchery steelhead defined as dorsal fin height less than 21/8 inches, adipose clipped, or ventral clipped may be retained
Salmon River
Catch Record Card Code 396
June 1–August 31, 2024
Artificial lure with barbless single
point hook
Catch-and-release for all species except 2 adipose clipped hatchery steelhead may be retained
September 1–September 30, 2024
Artificial lure with barbless single
point hook
Catch-and-release except:
Can retain 2 adipose clipped hatchery coho salmon
Can retain 2 adipose clipped hatchery steelhead
October 1–November 30, 2024
Artificial lure with barbless single
point hook
Catch-and-release for all species except 2 adipose clipped hatchery steelhead may be retained November 15–November 30: Hatchery steelhead also include those with dorsal fin height less than 21/8 inches or ventral clipped
December 1, 2024–February 28, 2025
Artificial lure with barbless single
point hook
Catch-and-release for all species except 2 hatchery steelhead defined as dorsal fin height less than 21/8 inches, adipose clipped, or ventral clipped may be retained
Hoh River and South Fork Hoh River
June 1, 2024–March 31, 2025
Artificial lure with barbless single point hook.
Fly fishing ONLY ¼ mile below Hoh Campground to park boundary (located downstream of S. Fk. confluence)
Catch-and-release for all species except 2 adipose clipped hatchery steelhead may be retained
Bogachiel River
June 1, 2024–March 31, 2025
Artificial lure with barbless single
point hook
Catch-and-release for all species except 2 adipose clipped hatchery steelhead may be retained
Ozette River
August 1, 2024–February 28, 2025
Artificial lure with barbless single
point hook
Catch-and-release for all species except 2 adipose clipped hatchery steelhead may be retained
Dickey River Mouth
Identical to State regulations from the park boundary upstream to the confluence of the East and West Forks.
Identical to State regulations. See State gear regulations for this river from the park boundary upstream to the confluence of the East and West Forks
Release all wild steelhead, salmon, and trout regardless of size. See State regulations for daily limits of hatchery salmon and steelhead from the park boundary upstream to the confluence of the East and West Forks
Hoh River Mouth
Identical to State regulations from park boundary upstream to Dept. of Natural Resources Oxbow Campground boat launch
Identical to State regulations. See State gear regulations for this river from the park boundary upstream to Dept. of Natural Resources Oxbow Campground boat launch
Release all wild steelhead, salmon, and trout regardless of size. See State regulations for daily limits of hatchery salmon and steelhead from the park boundary upstream to Dept. of Natural Resources Oxbow Campground boat launch
Quillayute River
Identical to State regulations from the park boundary upstream to the confluences of the Sol Duc and Bogachiel Rivers.
Identical to State regulations. See State gear regulations for this river from the park boundary upstream to the confluences of the Sol Duc and Bogachiel Rivers
Release all wild steelhead, salmon, and trout regardless of size. See State regulations for daily limits of hatchery salmon and steelhead from the park boundary upstream to the confluences of the Sol Duc and Bogachiel Rivers
Cedar, Goodman, Kalaloch, and Mosquito creeks (Pacific Coastal Area)
June 1, 2024—February 28, 2025
Artificial lure with barbless single point hook
Catch-and-release except 2 adipose clipped hatchery steelhead may be retained
Lake Ozette
Last Saturday in April—October 31, 2024
Artificial lure with barbless single point hook
Catch-and-release EXCEPT no daily, size, or possession limits for yellow perch, largemouth bass, pikeminnow, and bullhead
See Fish Consumption Advisory, page 6, item 4
Lake Crescent
June 1—October 31, 2024
Artificial lure with barbless single point hook; 2 ounce weight restriction
High elevation lakes (above 1,300 ft)
Last Saturday in April—October 31, 2024
Bait, treble, and barbed hooks allowed
No daily, size, or possession limits for brook trout, rainbow trout, and cutthroat trout. See Fish Consumption Advisory, page 6, item 4
Irely Lake
Last Saturday in April—October 31, 2024
Artificial lure with barbless single point hook
Marine Fish & Shellfish Regulations
Fish Species
Minimum Size
Daily Limit
Herring/sardine/sandlance/ anchovy/surf smelt
10 pounds all species combined
2 but no more than 9 bottomfish total, regardless of species
2nd Saturday in March—3rd Saturday in October
7 BUT release all yelloweye & canary rockfish No more than 9 bottomfish total, regardless of species
2nd Saturday in March—3rd Saturday in October
9 BUT no more than 9 bottomfish total, regardless of species
2nd Saturday in March—3rd Saturday in October
1 BUT no more than 9 bottomfish total, regardless of species
2nd Saturday in March—3rd Saturday in October
All other intertidal fish (unclassified)
Shellfish Species
Minimum Size
Daily Limit
Goose neck barnacles
10 pounds whole or 5 pounds stalks
November 1—March 31
Horse clams
7 (must keep first 7)
November 1—March 31
Littleneck/butter/manila clams/cockles
10 pounds in shell or 40 TOTAL clams
November 1—March 31
10 pounds in shell
November 1—March 31
Razor clams
15 (must keep first 15)
To Be Announced
Dungeness crab
6 males only BUT NO soft-shell crabs
Pots: December 1— September 15
Other gear: year–round
Red rock crab
6 of either sex BUT NO soft-shell crabs
Pots: December 1— September 15
Other gear: year–round
A Washington State Recreational Fishing License isNOT REQUIRED to fish in Olympic National ParkEXCEPTwhen fishing in the Pacific Ocean from shore, although children under 15 years of age do not require a license. No license is required to harvest surf smelt.
A free Washington State catch record card is REQUIRED for adults and children if fishing for salmon or steelhead. A catch record card specific to waters in Olympic National Park is available from Washington State Department of Fish & Wildlife license dealers at no cost. Salmon or steelhead that are caught and released do not need to be recorded. The catch record card requires a location code for each retained fish.
A Washington State Shellfish/Seaweed license is REQUIRED for harvest of shellfish from the Pacific Coastal Area. Harvest of seaweed, kelp, and unclassified species is prohibited (see Marine Fish and Shellfish Seasons and Limits in the Olympic National Park Fish & Shellfish Regulations booklet).
Fish Consumption Advisories in National Park Waters
The Environmental Protection Agency, states, territories, and tribes provide advice on fish and shellfish caught in the waters in their jurisdiction to help people make informed decisions about eating fish. Advisories are recommendations to limit your consumption of, or avoid eating entirely, certain species of fish or shellfish from specific bodies of water due to chemical or biological contamination.
Fish is part of a healthy balanced diet, but eating wild fish and shellfish caught in park waters is not risk free. Parks are “islands”, but the much larger “ocean” that surrounds them affects the natural resources inside a park. Other aquatic toxins are the result of natural biological processes. Also, chemical contaminants that originate outside of park boundaries can come into parks.
Mercury is an example of a toxin originating outside a park that can find its way into a park. Mercury exists naturally in some rocks, including coal. When power plants burn coal, mercury can travel in the air long distances before falling to the ground, usually in low concentrations. Once on the ground, microorganisms can change this elemental mercury to methyl mercury. This type of mercury can build up in animal tissues, and it can increase in concentration to harmful levels. This high concentration can occur in large predatory fish - those often pursued and eaten by anglers. Studies have shown that fish in some National Park System waters have mercury levels that may be a concern to people who regularly eat a lot of fish.
Imagine your favorite fishing spot and the wonderful memories. Things may look fine but underneath the surface there is a serious threat. Everything you remembered is now cemented together in a sharp, smelly mess. Invaders have wiped out the fish species you used to catch.
Aquatic invasive species are not native to an ecosystem. Their introduction causes, or is likely to cause, harm to the economy, the environment, or to human health. Aquatic invasive species are a growing risk to parks and their values. In the United States alone, there are more than 250 non-native aquatic species.
For many centuries, humans have contributed to spreading non-native species around the globe. You can make a difference. To learn more about Aquatic Invasive Species in the National Park Service, visit the Fish & Fishing website.
How You Can Help: Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers
Before you enter Olympic National Park and any time you move to another body of water within the park:
Mud, plants, and animals on watercraft, trailers or vehicles can cause the spread of invasive species such as milfoil, zebra mussels, and Quagga mussels. Invasive mussels cause millions of dollars of damage to boat and water systems by clogging pipes and engines. They also impact the native ecosystem and sport fisheries.
Remove ALL visible mud, plants, and fish from your boat, trailers, waders, boots,and nets.
DO NOT dump any water from other sources into Olympic National Park waters.Drain your boat hull and live well in a safe location away from all park surfacewaters.
NEVER empty bait or release fish into a body of water unless they came out of it.
CLEAN AND DRY EVERYTHING that comes in contact with water before enteringa new body of water.
Due to significant and ongoing conservation concerns, the Queets and Salmon Rivers will remain closed to sport fishing to protect wild steelhead populations. Additionally, the Quinault River within Olympic National Park will be closed to fishing on December 1, 2022.
An emergency closure of recreational fishing in many rivers and streams at Olympic National Park will end at 12:01 am, November 1, 2022. The Queets and Salmon Rivers will remain closed to recreational fishing until further notice.
The Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, Olympic National Park, and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) today announced an extension to continue recreational and commercial fishing closures for the Elwha River and its tributaries through July 1, 2022.
On June 1, 2020, Olympic National Park will open the following park waters to recreational fishing: Lake Crescent, Sol Duc River, Gray Wolf River, Dosewallips River, Duckabush River, North Fork Skokomish River, and mountain lakes as per normal fishing seasons and regulations. The reopening is part of a phased approach by specific geographic area. Anglers are encouraged to practice responsible recreation and enjoy these outdoor activities if they can do so close to home, while also practicing physical distancing.