News Release

Lake Roosevelt NRA and Ice Age Floods NGT Create an Audio Described Version of the Parks’ Brochure

Lake Roosevelt NRA and Ice Age Floods NGT Create an Audio Described Version of the Parks’ Brochure

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Date: March 14, 2024
Contact: Brekyn Worbes, 509-754-7866

The National Park Service at Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area (LRNRA) and Ice Age Floods National Geologic Trail (IAFNGT) is excited to announce that both official park brochures are available in audio described versions. Audio description of park brochures provides verbal description of key visual elements including photos, illustrations, and maps allowing visitors with visual impairments to have a more inclusive experience. This process works to provide everyone equal access to the same content. These versions of our brochures can be found on their respective website:

These brochures and hundreds of other National Park Service audio described brochures are also available on the Unidiscription Project mobile app found in iOS and Android app stores. The UniDescription Project is a collaboration between the University of Hawaii (UH) School of Communication and Information, UH Center on Disability Studies, and the National Park Service led by Dr. Brett Oppegaard. Their goal is simple and straightforward: Audio Describe the World!

Last updated: March 14, 2024

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Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area
1008 Crest Drive

Coulee Dam, WA 99116


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