Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area is known for its shoreline habitat, where water and land meet, making it a thriving home for amphibians. Frogs, toads, and salamanders can all be found in the park. Amphibians depend on water to lay their eggs, but may prefer water or land as an adult, depending on the species. Eggs ultimately hatch into larva, which eventually develop into adults. This process of developing limbs to walk and lungs to breathe outside of the water is known as metamorphosis. Frogs and ToadsPacific Tree FrogPseudacris regilla
Western ToadAnaxyrus boreas
BullfrogRana catesbeiana
Great Basin SpadefootSpea intermontana
SalamandersLong-toed SalamanderAmbystoma macrodactylum
Tiger SalamanderAmbystoma tigrinum
Last updated: January 30, 2023