Locations:George Washington Carver National Monument
Offices:Regions 3, 4, and 5
Date Released:2024-07-23
The National Park Service has selected Kevin Young as the superintendent of George Washington Carver National Monument located in Diamond, Missouri. He will assume his new role at the monument later this summer.
Locations:Fort Scott National Historic Site, George Washington Carver National Monument
Date Released:2022-10-04
The public is invited to the Exploring the African American Experience Project videography discussion on Friday, October 7, at the Ellis Fine Arts Center theater on the Fort Scott Community College campus at 9 a.m. There will be discussions about video and movie making, how to find inspiration, and some insight of technical aspects. Featured panelists include David Parks, photographer, filmmaker, author, and son of Gordon Parks; Robin Hickman-Winfield, Executive Producer of SoulTouch Productions and great-niece of Gordon Parks; and Eli Reed, award-winning photographer, photojournalist, and author.