Guilford Courthouse National Military Park: A Revolutionary Classroom
Immerse your students in the American Revolution! The park is the perfect place for elementary school, middle school, and high school students to participate in education programs. All programs require a formal reservation at least two weeks in advance. Staff are available to lead programs from Wednesday through Friday. To schedule your visit, please email a park ranger.
There are no fees to reserve a ranger led field trip.
Programs for school groups allow students to express their creativity, connect with the park's stories in a variety of ways, and most importantly, have fun. Guilford Courthouse NMP offers the following programs:
How to Map a Battlefield
How has the landscape changed? What did the battlefield look like in 1781 and how did the terrain affect the battle? Students rediscover the lost art of map making and create their very own maps of the Battle of Guilford Courthouse.
Cartooning History
Political cartoons were the memes of the 18th century. How did Americans use political cartoons to express their political views before and during the Revolution? Students draw political cartoons around Revolutionary War events.
Colonial Medicine
In 18th century America, there was limited knowledge and treatments for the sick or injured. Medicine had to be shipped to the colonies. Those who lived in the backcountry of North Carolina were not the first to receive medical supplies. What techniques did they use when medicines were not available? Students will learn about colonial medical techniques and ingredients in backcountry North Carolina.
Musket Firing Demonstration
Interested educators must reserve musket firing demonstrations at least one month in advance.
Last updated: March 8, 2025
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Contact Info
Mailing Address:
2332 New Garden Road
336 288-1776
This phone number will direct your call to the Visitor Center where you can speak with a Park Ranger or Volunteer.