Do Business With Us


Are you interested in partnering with the National Park Service to offer necessary and appropriate commercial services to our park visitors? The National Park Service welcomes the private sector to assist us with this endeavor provided that those engaging in or soliciting any business in park areas are doing so in accordance with the provisions of a permit, contract, or other written agreement. The National Park Service authorizes commercial services through two distinct mechanisms: long-term Concession Contracts and short-term Commercial Use Authorizations (CUA).

A stream flowing over medium and large rocks. Green trees and shrubs line the water's edge.

Bob Carr Photo


Businesses with CUA contracts

  • A horse stable with several horses lined up underneath and a fence and trees around the structure.
    Smokemont Riding Stables

    Enjoy a horseback ride in the southern part of Great Smoky Mountains National Park near Cherokee, North Carolina.

  • A dark brown horse attached to a cream-colored carriage. Pine trees, grass & distant views in frame.
    Cades Cove Riding Stables

    Enjoy horseback riding, carriage rides, and hayrides with Cades Cove Riding Stables.

  • Multiple horses lined up, a tan one looking at the camera. Trees in the background.
    Sugarlands Riding Stables

    Enjoy a horseback ride in the northern part of Great Smoky Mountains National Park near Gatlinburg, Tennessee.

  • Two bikes in a paved parking lot. Green trees in the background.
    Cades Cove Trading Company

    Rent bikes to tour Cades Cove and enjoy a sweet treat afterwards, all at Cades Cove Trading Company.

  • Rustic log cabins surrounded by green trees, grass, and mountain views in the distance.
    LeConte Lodge

    Hike to the highest guest lodge in the eastern United States for a cozy, cabin stay with many amenities. Reservations required.

Last updated: November 29, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

107 Park Headquarters Road
Gatlinburg, TN 37738



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