From left: Greg Hudson from IL Regiment of Virginia, Acting Director of the US Mint David Motl, and George Rogers Clark National Historical Park Superintendent Frank Doughman officially place the new George Rogers Clark Quarter into circulation
National Park Service
George Rogers Clark Quarter Launched on Nov. 14
Vincennes, Indiana- On Nov. 14, the 40th coin in the America the Beautiful Quarters® Program was released at the Riverfront Pavilion in downtown Vincennes, adjacent to the George Rogers Clark National Historical Park. The coin depicts three of George Rogers Clark's frontiersmen wading through chest-deep water marching toward Vincennes. The official quarter launch ceremony and accompanying interpretive special event drew a crowd of over 1,800 visitors, including more than 800 school children.
The George Rogers Clark National Historical Park quarter is the fifth from the America the Beautiful series to be released in 2017. It was designed by artist Frank Morris and sculpted by Michael Gaudiso. The quarter’s reverse design features Clark's frontiersmen. The George Rogers Clark Memorial sits on the former site of Fort Sackville, the fort captured by George Rogers Clark in the American Revolution.
The official launch ceremony was led by Master of Ceremonies Dan Ravellette, a Vincennes City Council Member. U.S. Mint Acting Director David Motl represented the Mint. He was joined by speakers including Tony Goben from Senator Joe Donnelly's office, Brenda Goff from Senator Todd Young's office, and Carol Jones from Congressman Larry Bucshon's office, and a reading from Deputy Director of the Midwest Region of the National Park Service, Patricia Trap; as well as George Rogers Clark National Historical Park Superintendent Frank Doughman.
Local fifers and drummers entertained the crowd with pre- and post-ceremony music. The National Anthem was presented by Hannah Swan. The Indiana Society Sons of the American Revolution presented colors and students from Riley Elementary School in Vincennes led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
The ceremony included a special recognition for artist Frank Morris, an artist in the Mint’s Artistic Infusion Program. The evening before, November 13, the United States Mint hosted a coin forum. Coin forum attendees were treated to a special discussion by David Motl who gave them a behind-the-scenes look at the process of designing the Ozark Riverways quarter.
During the quarter launch ceremony, Mr. Motl presented a shadow box with newly minted coins from both Denver and Philadelphia to Superintendent Doughman. Then, he invited Doughman and re-enactor Greg Hudson to join him for the ceremonial coin pour to launch the new quarter. The coin pour featured three tricorn hats, representative of the period. Following the coin pour, the group distributed newly minted coins to school children in attendance.
At the conclusion of the ceremony, attendees were the first to acquire the coins by exchanging currency for rolls of quarters. Old National Bank exchanged approximately $40,000 in quarters. All children 18 and under received a George Rogers Clark National Historical Park quarter in a special commemorative case, courtesy of the U.S. Mint.
As an addition to the official quarter launch, staff and volunteers from George Rogers Clark National Historical Park conducted a special open house highlighting different park features, including bus tours of the route of George Rogers Clark's men, tours of the Clark Memorial basement, and "tours" of Fort Sackville.