Boundary Adjustment Study

Study Cover

PROVIDED FOR INFORMATION ONLY is a copy of the 2003 U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service (NPS) conducted Boundary Adjustment Study and Environmental Assessment (BAS & EA) on whether to recommend that Congress authorize expanding the boundaries of Fort Donelson National Battlefield (FODO), in Stewart County, Tennessee, in order to protect related historic sites. The BAS & EA also analyses the environmental impacts of such an action. The sites include: 1) ten eligible properties within the battlefield core area of Fort Donelson itself; 2) Fort Henry, also in Stewart County, Tennessee, and 3) Fort Heiman, located in neighboring Calloway County, Kentucky.

Executive Summary
Table of Contents
Introduction to Study and Assessment
Figure 1-21. Properties eligible for addition
Alternatives Including the No Action
Affected Environment
Environmental Consequences
Consultation and Coordination
Compliance With Federal and State Regulation
References Cited
List of Preparers

Appendices A - C
Appendices D - F

Last updated: April 14, 2015

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