Materials to Loan

Fort Donelson National Battlefield can provide you with a variety of materials to help you with your pre-visit activities.

  • "Fort Donelson: A Place for Heroes" is an award-winning film specially designed for students, and shares personal stories of those associated with the February 1862, battle, including Confederate and Union soldiers, Union Navy sailors, civilians, and African Americans who sought refuge at the three former Confederate forts after the surrender.
  • An Educators Guide is also available, which explores several themes associated with the 1862 battle. These lesson plans were devised specifically with and for teachers.
  • To request your copies, please contact 931-232-5706 x 116. Allow two weeks for delivery.

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Last updated: April 8, 2021

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174 National Cemetery Drive
PO Box 434

Dover, TN 37058


931-232-5706 x0

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